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Maddy McCann

Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
I've been following this story since it happened. Little Maddy McCann was taken from an apt suite at a resort in Portugal while her parents went out to dinner. Now the fingers are being pointed at them, even though there are eye witnesses who say they saw a man carrying the little girl in a blanket. Do you feel this investigation is being handled correctly?
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
I personally feel the parents are being railroaded and not enough effort is going into finding the real abductor.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
atlantic said:
I personally feel the parents are being railroaded and not enough effort is going into finding the real abductor.
In the UK this is still big news. We constantly read about the case and see the parents being interviewed on TV. This is something which perhaps you dont get to see. A lot of people here are suspicious of the parents They are just not acting as parents should under the circumstances.

To leave toddlers alone while parents go out for the night is child abandonment. From the offset, they became unpopular. Then when coming under increasing suspicion, the mother challenged the police to produce the body !!!! Murder has never been proven in Portugal without presence of a body.

Initially I thought the parents continued composure was due to them being medical doctors. This group of professionals see awful things on a daily basis, and often become accustomed to it, and sometimes even indulge in gallows humour. But surely anyone would become a wreck at the thought of their child possibly being repeatedly raped by a gang of paedophiles.

Like many others here, I am suspicious. Something is wrong here.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
sheik-yerbouti said:
In the UK this is still big news. We constantly read about the case and see the parents being interviewed on TV. This is something which perhaps you dont get to see. A lot of people here are suspicious of the parents They are just not acting as parents should under the circumstances.To leave toddlers alone while parents go out for the night is child abandonment. From the offset, they became unpopular. Then when coming under increasing suspicion, the mother challenged the police to produce the body !!!! Murder has never been proven in Portugal without presence of a body.

Initially I thought the parents continued composure was due to them being medical doctors. This group of professionals see awful things on a daily basis, and often become accustomed to it, and sometimes even indulge in gallows humour. But surely anyone would become a wreck at the thought of their child possibly being repeatedly raped by a gang of paedophiles.

Like many others here, I am suspicious. Something is wrong here.
You bring up a very good point. I've gone back and forth with this as well. I truly will never understand why any parent would leave 3 little children alone in a resort hotel room while they went out to dinner, the ?'s I had were these: Was there not room service, why couldn't they dine together. Also they were doctors so money must not have been an issue (no nanny I guess). I thought it odd the father returned to work already, I would be a mess myself, but they do have 2 other children to take care of. I guess I would just like to see all avenues investigated.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I can?t fathom parents leaving young children in a hotel room alone in the first place. That?s negligent right there. Why didn?t they hire someone to watch the kids? I think it?s true that they drugged the child and she died. Then ditched the body to cover it up.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
snafu said:
I can?t fathom parents leaving young children in a hotel room alone in the first place. That?s negligent right there. Why didn?t they hire someone to watch the kids? I think it?s true that they drugged the child and she died. Then ditched the body to cover it up.
You know that is possible. How truly sick if so. Does anybody know if there have been any lie detector tests administered?
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
atlantic said:
You know that is possible. How truly sick if so. Does anybody know if there have been any lie detector tests administered?
They have now volunteered to take a lie detector test - a polygraph. It's a little late don't you think ? Why now, why not way back then? A less charitable person might say it was because they had now read up about it.

It's not difficult to foil a polygraph. Relax to a difficult question and stress out on an easy one. Hyperventilate and scrunch up your toes. This sends out stress signals which will be detected. The psycho's will be utterly confused. The McCanns already probably know this.

It may be that they have medicated their children, such that they will be unconscious while the parents go out. This was never necessary, they could easily afford the hotel nanny. They are very well paid people. Which makes me doubt this.

She has been said to say that she could not cope with Maddie- an active , challenging child.

Portugal is not a third world country, but they do not have the facilities available in the UK. Also, without a body, it is all but impossible to prove murder in that country. A less charitable person may suggest that this is why the McCanns chose to holiday in Portugal.

Portugal is exactly were I would want to holiday, with someone I wanted to kill.

I do hope I'm wrong. What the parents are going through would be awful for innocent people. But I'm not looking at wretched desperate people whose lives have been torn apart. I would probably have hung myself by now for ever leaving them alone in the first place.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
atlantic said:
You know that is possible. How truly sick if so. Does anybody know if there have been any lie detector tests administered?
A lie detector is junk science. It has been proven that they are highly fallible.

Parents leave their kids unattended more often then is generally thought. They were just across the hall. This doesn't excuse them of doing so. I would never do this. I am far to paranoid concerning my daughter.

The media needs "Soap Opera" appeal to sell their rags and air time. FOX news has been overtly insinuating some dubious nature about the parents. They do this on purpose. Because it isn't interesting at all, I suppose, to report on yet another case of a child being abducted. To report on a sinister scheme between two parents to murder their child is "sexy".

Personally I'm getting a little tired of all this corpse hounding and branding people as guilty by the media.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
jhony5 said:
A lie detector is junk science. It has been proven that they are highly fallible.Parents leave their kids unattended more often then is generally thought. They were just across the hall. This doesn't excuse them of doing so. I would never do this. I am far to paranoid concerning my daughter.

The media needs "Soap Opera" appeal to sell their rags and air time. FOX news has been overtly insinuating some dubious nature about the parents. They do this on purpose. Because it isn't interesting at all, I suppose, to report on yet another case of a child being abducted. To report on a sinister scheme between two parents to murder their child is "sexy".

Personally I'm getting a little tired of all this corpse hounding and branding people as guilty by the media.
I never watch the news anymore, and (luckily) i haven't heard of this before here. One reason I don't watch it much is because of garbage like this.

I'm tired of the media trying people, before a jury can.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Hiding a soon to be decomposing body so well in a completely unfamiliar foreign resort town would be impossible given the time-line that has been established. The police wished for the world to believe that it was the parents, to prevent people from believing that a child abductor/killer was lose in their resort town. We saw the same thing in Aruba with the Natalee Holloway case. The police went scrambling to blame the closest non-resident suspects in order to stave off a loss from their #1 chief source of income, tourism.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
jhony5 said:
Hiding a soon to be decomposing body so well in a completely unfamiliar foreign resort town would be impossible given the time-line that has been established. The police wished for the world to believe that it was the parents, to prevent people from believing that a child abductor/killer was lose in their resort town. We saw the same thing in Aruba with the Natalee Holloway case. The police went scrambling to blame the closest non-resident suspects in order to stave off a loss from their #1 chief source of income, tourism.
That's right the time-line was impossible as they were dining with people, unless those people lied (which I doubt). I remember now seeing a show where they had said that there was no way they could have done it because of the timeline. I agree with the tourism thing too, dollars before justice seems to be the thing in these countries.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
My opinion on the parents reaction to this, is that they look sick with worry. Shock plays a big role too, not to mention they most likely do feel guilty about leaving her alone. I'm sure they are on some kind of medication for this stress as well therefore dulling their reactions. I've been praying for little Mattie ever since, hope others will too.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
You always read the cases of stranger murder/abduction. The fact is children are most often assaulted by someone they know. The parents are always suspect, until proven otherwise.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
hugo said:
You always read the cases of stranger murder/abduction. The fact is children are most often assaulted by someone they6 know. The parents are always suspect, until proven otherwise.
The key word here being MOST OFTEN not always.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
jhony5 said:
Hiding a soon to be decomposing body so well in a completely unfamiliar foreign resort town would be impossible given the time-line that has been established. .
This case is bigger news over here. So just in case you don't know. UK police have found traces of blood and chunks of hair in the boot/trunk of a car/auto the McCanns hired 25 days after the child was allegedly abducted. The tissues are a good match- 90%, of the dead child. Not absolute, but pretty damn close.

So, the evidence as it stands indicates that the parents moved the body somewhere while awaiting the heat to die down. Then they transported the body somewhere. Probably to a site which they believe can never be recovered from. Maybe weighed down in the sea, so the fish will pick the corpse clean and hence leave no evidence. They seem pretty sure that no body will be recovered

Point two: British sniffer dogs have reported that a corpse was in the boot/trunk of the hire car. The dogs also report that a corpse was in the holiday apartment.

You cannot run something like this past a trained dog. They have a sense of smell surpassing most other animals. They can identify the smell of a corpse, gun residue, drugs, blood etc. In order for us to understand what they have discovered they are trained to give a recognition signal for the thing they are trained to respond to.

I think one of the parents will break before long, and the story will be out. My money is on the McCanns being involved at some level.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I believe the parents had something to do with it as well.

Parents do not leave their small children alone in a hotel room, they just don't do that.

They should be charged with Wreckless endangerment at the minimum.

As doctors, you can bet they know how to preserve a dead body, and yes, interesting they decided to vacation in a Country well known for not looking too harshly at rich vacationeers for criminal acts.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
You cannot run something like this past a trained dog. They have a sense of smell surpassing most other animals. They can identify the smell of a corpse' date=' gun residue, drugs, blood etc. In order for us to understand what they have discovered they are trained to give a recognition signal for the thing they are trained to respond to.[/quote']BULL****!. These are animals that eat vomit and garbage and lick their own balls and assholes. I once had a drug dog run on my vehicle and show no hit. Despite the fact that all of the three occupants had in excess of a quarter ounce of marijuana on them, each, and we had not 3 minutes prior extinguished a joint that we had smoked to the nub. I would be willing to swear this on my child. Its true as true can be true.

I have witnessed their inadequacy first hand.

This case is bigger news over here. So just in case you don't know. UK police have found traces of blood and chunks of hair in the boot/trunk of a car/auto the McCanns hired 25 days after the child was allegedly abducted. The tissues are a good match- 90%, of the dead child. Not absolute, but pretty damn close.
None of this evidence has been publicly presented. It is not to be trusted. There are a number of reasonable explanations for this.
So, the evidence as it stands indicates that the parents moved the body somewhere while awaiting the heat to die down. Then they transported the body somewhere. Probably to a site which they believe can never be recovered from. Maybe weighed down in the sea, so the fish will pick the corpse clean and hence leave no evidence. They seem pretty sure that no body will be recovered
It would take approximately 200 pounds of attached weight to hold down a 50 pound corpse in water. The bacterial breakdown creates an excessive release of gas approximately 2-3 days after being dumped in ocean water. The gas will lift the body unless it has 3 times the bodies weight attached to it.Remember this if your wife ever crosses that line and needs a killin. A couple of cement blocks will do the trick not.

Tidal movements and currents would have to be accounted for, unless they got real f*cking lucky and just happened to choose a spot in a completely unfamiliar foreign land that was suitable to dump a body in the water and not have it come ashore, despite the weight attached to it.

Hugo said:
The fact is children are most often assaulted by someone they know. The parents are always suspect, until proven otherwise.
Motive is key. With any murder investigation the key element in either clearing or indicting a suspect is motive. There is NO MOTIVE for the parents. No psychological or psychiatric issues. No criminal history. No insurance motivation. Not so much as a whisper of sexual abuse charges. Nothing. No motive = not a suspect.
Parents do not leave their small children alone in a hotel room' date=' they just don't do that.[/quote']Did you type that as a joke or...........?

Parents do sh*t like this all the time. They leave their kids in the car while they pay for gas, only to realize their car and their child were stolen in a matter of minutes. Parents do things like this all the time thinking "Things like this don't happen to me". But they do.

As doctors, you can bet they know how to preserve a dead body, and yes, interesting they decided to vacation in a Country well known for not looking too harshly at rich vacationers for criminal acts.
Resort towns rarely treat their paying guests with disdain. Unless it's done as a means to encourage potential vacationers that there is no danger of a local person being an active child killer.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
One thing I was wondering about the rental car. Did the authorities check with the rental company to see if the car was rented out at the time of the disappearance? Wouldn't it be strange if they rented the same car that the perp rented?:eek:
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Old Salt said:
One thing I was wondering about the rental car. Did the authorities check with the rental company to see if the car was rented out at the time of the disappearance? Wouldn't it be strange if they rented the same car that the perp rented?:eek:
That whole line is bullsh*t. If they actually had tangible physical evidence, they would proceed with an indictment.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
jhony5 said:
That whole line is bullsh*t. If they actually had tangible physical evidence, they would proceed with an indictment.
I agree. But.... Never once did I hear that anyone had checked the history of the vehicle. Which means to me that it was a bluff.