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Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Old Salt said:
I agree. But.... Never once did I hear that anyone had checked the history of the vehicle. Which means to me that it was a bluff.
The police are allowed to lie. They do this all the time in the States. They will sit down in front of an innocent man and tell him straight up, "We have your prints at the scene and on the murder weapon. We have your DNA all over the victim". As a rouse meant to get them to confess or contradict a previous statement.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
jhony5 said:
BULL****!. These are animals that eat vomit and garbage and lick their own balls and assholes. I once had a drug dog run on my vehicle and show no hit. Despite the fact that all of the three occupants had in excess of a quarter ounce of marijuana on them, each, and we had not 3 minutes prior extinguished a joint that we had smoked to the nub. I would be willing to swear this on my child. Its true as true can be true.I have witnessed their inadequacy first hand.

None of this evidence has been publicly presented. It is not to be trusted. There are a number of reasonable explanations for this.

It would take approximately 200 pounds of attached weight to hold down a 50 pound corpse in water. The bacterial breakdown creates an excessive release of gas approximately 2-3 days after being dumped in ocean water. The gas will lift the body unless it has 3 times the bodies weight attached to it.

Remember this if your wife ever crosses that line and needs a killin. A couple of cement blocks will do the trick not.

Tidal movements and currents would have to be accounted for, unless they got real f*cking lucky and just happened to choose a spot in a completely unfamiliar foreign land that was suitable to dump a body in the water and not have it come ashore, despite the weight attached to it.

Motive is key. With any murder investigation the key element in either clearing or indicting a suspect is motive. There is NO MOTIVE for the parents. No psychological or psychiatric issues. No criminal history. No insurance motivation. Not so much as a whisper of sexual abuse charges. Nothing. No motive = not a suspect.

Did you type that as a joke or...........?

Parents do sh*t like this all the time. They leave their kids in the car while they pay for gas, only to realize their car and their child were stolen in a matter of minutes. Parents do things like this all the time thinking "Things like this don't happen to me". But they do.

Resort towns rarely treat their paying guests with disdain. Unless it's done as a means to encourage potential vacationers that there is no danger of a local person being an active child killer.
OK first a pot sniffing dog that ****s up is totally different than a cadaver dog that gets a hit. Your pot dog must not have been trained right. When a cadaver dog gets a hit its usually 100% accurate. Second I would venture to say 100 pounds could sink a 50 pound body. Third They rented this car after the abduction. Why did they need one now but not before? The motive is simple. They wanted a night of fun without the kids and they ****ed up. I believe they did find that the mom had the drugs they believed that killed the child. I don't wanna google it up so take my word or google it yourself. Lastly the authorities did believe the parents had something to do with the missing child but had nothing tangible so the parents were finally allowed to leave the country.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Oh and a little bit of money and they could've hired a local to find the perfect drop of point for the body.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
They had a different rental and turned it back in. I believe they went back home for a while. When they returned, they got a different rental. As for the rest, I only know what I saw on BBC World. I really could care less but the car thing did bother me a bit.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
snafu said:
Oh and a little bit of money and they could've hired a local to find the perfect drop of point for the body.
And that same local could have done the job and got rid of the body for them while they were creating an alibi. But that makes it premeditated.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Snafu said:
OK first a pot sniffing dog that f*cks up is totally different than a cadaver dog that gets a hit. Your pot dog must not have been trained right. When a cadaver dog gets a hit its usually 100% accurate.
The two are the same. A dog trained to hit on a particular scent. They make mistakes. Most states even hold annual police dog competitions. With winners and losers.

And BTW....."usally 100%" is a nonsensical statement. Akin to "kinda pregnant" and "sorta dead".

Police dogs are just that, dogs. They screw up all the time. ALL THE TIME. They even attack innocent bystanders and their own masters.

Strange in San Antonio: "Police dog bites officer instead of suspects during chase"

LAPD Blog: Dog Attacks Officers

ScanGwinnett - Police dog bites two officers

Second I would venture to say 100 pounds could sink a 50 pound body.
For about 2-3 days, yes. Then the bacteria will eat away at the corpse and fill it with gases.

Corpses actually have more air in them that living bodies. That is why they look so bloated and unpleasant.

This is a natural process caused by the bacteria that are still living in the body, and breaking it down. One of the byproducts of this process is a number of waste gases.

Even if a dead body is heavily weighted down on the bottom of a lake or river, it will eventually float to the surface because of the large buoyant forces provided by these gases.

Third They rented this car after the abduction. Why did they need one now but not before?
They were in a resort town. I suppose they didn't need one. When their daughter went missing, they had to stay in town. Thusly, they needed a rental car.
The motive is simple. They wanted a night of fun without the kids and they ****ed up.
Thats not a motive for murder. Thats irresponsible and negligent parenting. But not motive for murder. What you're saying is that the parents thought "Hey, I really wanna go out and have fun tonight. Let's murder our daughter and not our son". You see how that's not making sense?

Oh and a little bit of money and they could've hired a local to find the perfect drop of point for the body.
Ahh, yes. Most resort towns have a "Body disposal expert" shop, aye?WTF? How do you suppose they would go about securing this "local man"? Just walking around and asking "Hey local man, I'll pay you to tell me where the best place is to dump a body"?

Honestly. You guys are starting to sound like those talking heads on FOX news. Just trying to make something out of nothing.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Yep, we all transport our bloody child in the trunk of a car...they are guilty as hell. A disembowled weighted down body ain't rising to the surface.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Yep, we all transport our bloody child in the trunk of a car...they are guilty as hell.
You have no reason to say that. Other than maybe it's more entertaining to think that. This evidence doesn't even exist. If it did, there would be an indictment by now. Think about it.
A disembowled weighted down body ain't rising to the surface.
It is not the internal organs that cause the bloating. Or the visceral cavity. Even a severed limb/torso will bloat with gas and float to the surface.Some background;

Why are bodies in the water always facedown? - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine

As a general rule, yes. A cadaver in the water starts to sink as soon as the air in its lungs is replaced with water. Once submerged, the body stays underwater until the bacteria in the gut and chest cavity produce enough gas—methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide—to float it to the surface like a balloon. (The buildup of methane, hydrogen sulfide, and other gases can take days or weeks, depending on a number of factors.) At first, not all parts of the body inflate the same amount: The torso, which contains the most bacteria, bloats more than the head and limbs. The most buoyant body parts rise first, leaving the head and limbs to drag behind the chest and abdomen. Since arms, legs, and the head can only drape forward from the body, corpses tend to rotate such that the torso floats face down, with arms and legs hanging beneath it.
I can't find exact weight/density specifications, but I'll keep looking just for the morbid fun of it. I know they've found bodies floating with several cinder blocks anchored to them. All I remember for sure is that I was shocked by the amount of pull and buoyancy the gases create.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
jhony5 said:
BULL****!. These are animals that eat vomit and garbage and lick their own balls and assholes. I once had a drug dog run on my vehicle and show no hit. Despite the fact that all of the three occupants had in excess of a quarter ounce of marijuana on them, each, and we had not 3 minutes prior extinguished a joint that we had smoked to the nub. I would be willing to swear this on my child. Its true as true can be true.
Was it a French Poodle ? Maybe you got pulled over in Hickstown by a bunch of inbreeds who wouldn't of thought to trial the dog periodically. What you report is hard to believe, but I'll go for it. I think it did happen, but it is pretty unusual.

There is a breed of dog in the UK called a blood hound. I saw a programme on TV where several of them were given a vest to sniff. The vest was then given to a long distance runner who ran 20 miles with it. The vest never once touched the ground. The dogs finally ran the guy down. They had followed a scent in the air, not on the ground. Winds and breezes could not hide the trail from these dogs. Amazing. Dogs who can perform as these are selected for duty here by the police. My money on those dogs being right.

jhony5 said:
None of this evidence has been publicly presented. It is not to be trusted. There are a number of reasonable explanations for this.
I don't have to await public presentation. If these are the facts, then they are the facts, leaked/presented or otherwise.

jhony5 said:
It would take approximately 200 pounds of attached weight to hold down a 50 pound corpse in water. The bacterial breakdown creates an excessive release of gas approximately 2-3 days after being dumped in ocean water. The gas will lift the body unless it has 3 times the bodies weight attached to it.
Probably correct. It's not difficult to do either is it ? You need time/money/a hire boat/darkness/motivation ie lets hide this corpse before the cops find it. hey certainly had all these.

jhony5 said:
Tidal movements and currents would have to be accounted for, unless they got real f*cking lucky and just happened to choose a spot in a completely unfamiliar foreign land that was suitable to dump a body in the water and not have it come ashore, despite the weight attached to it.
I think just about most deep water several miles from land would do here. Or maybe they did bury the kid in the churchyard at the chapel where these good Christians were wont to pray every day. he police are still searching the site.

jhony5 said:
Motive is key. With any murder investigation the key element in either clearing or indicting a suspect is motive. There is NO MOTIVE for the parents. No psychological or psychiatric issues. No criminal history. No insurance motivation. Not so much as a whisper of sexual abuse charges. Nothing. No motive = not a suspect.
Motives are not always immediately apparent.

But here are a few. Assuming they did unintentionally poison the toddler, they do not want this fact to become public knowledge, hence the body must not be found.

If they did intentionally kill the child, they do not want to go to jail.

There are also other potential motives, some of which you have listed above.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Was it a French Poodle ? Maybe you got pulled over in Hickstown by a bunch of inbreeds who wouldn't of thought to trial the dog periodically. What you report is hard to believe' date=' but I'll go for it. I think it did happen, but it is pretty unusual.[/quote']German Shepard. Johnson County sheriffs pulled me and two friends over as we were smoking a few joints on our lunch hour several years ago.

I swear this on anything, it was the weirdest run in with the cops I ever had. We all had pot. I was looking at the red and blue lights on the cop car through a haze of pot smoke in my mirror. We rolled the windows down and lit cigarettes. The officer asked me if I consent to a search. "OH sh*t I'm f*cked". I said yes and started to exit my Jeep. He said "No, just stay inside the vehicle and place your hands on the steering wheel and be quite". He walks around to the front of my car with a dog and start saying something inaudible to it while bouncing a red rubber ball, getting the dog all worked up. He barks to the dog "Lets go" and walks the animal around my Jeep twice, all the while sniffing the exterior of my Jeep. He approaches me, hands my license back and gives me the ONLY F*CKING ticket for a moving violation that I've ever gotten. A warning ticket for going 35 in a 30. :mad: WTF? I had a black guy with me, so I suppose that was the reason for the ordeal.

This is a true story I swear it on anything.

I don't have to await public presentation. If these are the facts, then they are the facts, leaked/presented or otherwise
They aren't facts. Its a rouse. If it was a fact, then we would know. If it was a rouse, then we would be clueless, as we are now.
But here are a few. Assuming they did unintentionally poison the toddler, they do not want this fact to become public knowledge, hence the body must not be found.If they did intentionally kill the child, they do not want to go to jail.

There are also other potential motives, some of which you have listed above.
It is not a motive until it is shown to be present. Until then it is just a theory.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Just to let you know, we are not talking about a dog failing to hit on pot, we are talking about dogs that "did" hit on both the appartment and vehicle, that is as close to 100% as you can get that a dead body was at these two places.

Now, that does not meak it was this girl, but it does mean there was a dead body in both places, a thing that looks very bad for these people.

As I said before, these are two very well educated people and as doctors, they would know all about body boyancy for disposal, the best way to be sure is to simple vent the body, cut every large section and muscle group, that is assuming a water disposal, there are many ways of disposing a body, again something two well trained doctors would understand.

To reply to Jhony about my leaving kids alone comment:

Would you leave your small kids all alone in a motel room in a strange Country?

I do not know even one parent that would do such a thing. I have three kids and am a school volunteer who helps at field trips and such. I do headcounts every few minutes and am working my eyes over the kids at all times and almost have a cow if there is even a second I cannot account for every child.

Good parents would never do what these parents did, that is why they should face child endangerment charges at the least in my view.

And yes, it is possible they killed this girl by accident, I even believe that is what happened but they had lives, careers and social status to protect, if it was discovered that they medicated their children so they could go out and have fun unhindered by their kids and caused one of their deaths, that would ruin them.

I call that a powerful motive for hiding the body.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
jhony5 said:
German Shepard. Johnson County sheriffs pulled me and two friends over as we were smoking a few joints on our lunch hour several years ago. ]
Never seen a German Sheppard used for sniffing out drugs here. That's a strong arm dog for setting on people resisting arrest. Drug/gun sniffing dogs here tend to be smaller types- mongrels who can cut the mustard.

jhony5 said:
I swear this on anything, it was the weirdest run in with the cops I ever had. We all had pot. I was looking at the red and blue lights on the cop car through a haze of pot smoke in my mirror. We rolled the windows down and lit cigarettes. The officer asked me if I consent to a search. "OH sh*t I'm f*cked". I said yes and started to exit my Jeep. He said "No, just stay inside the vehicle and place your hands on the steering wheel and be quite". He walks around to the front of my car with a dog and start saying something inaudible to it while bouncing a red rubber ball, getting the dog all worked up. He barks to the dog "Lets go" and walks the animal around my Jeep twice, all the while sniffing the exterior of my Jeep. He approaches me, hands my license back and gives me the ONLY F*CKING ticket for a moving violation that I've ever gotten. A warning ticket for going 35 in a 30. :mad: WTF? I had a black guy with me, so I suppose that was the reason for the ordeal.This is a true story I swear it on anything.]
Well, I believe you johny I swear. but it sounds like a scene from a Cheech and Chong film, but anyhow , I believe you..

Next time you'd better leave Mr Tibbs behind. No point pressing your luck..

jhony5 said:
They aren't facts. Its a rouse. If it was a fact, then we would know. If it was a rouse, then we would be clueless, as we are now.]
Well it would be grossly stupid to not try the dogs here. So I'm guessing it actually happened. Maybe the dogs reported nothing, but the police pretended that they did. Perhaps this is what happened. But if dogs reported a stiff at the apartment and the car boot, I'm with the dogs on this.

jhony5 said:
It is not a motive until it is shown to be present. Until then it is just a theory.
Put it anyway you like johny, but like I said earlier, motives are not always apparent. Just because you/we cant see it, does not mean there is not one. If they are guilty then they are as motivated as hell to avoid loss of their jobs/ societies scorn/ jail/ and of course his/her inability to estimate a correct dose for a toddler- they are supposed to be doctors for **** sake. Bungling amateurs more like.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Never seen a German Sheppard used for sniffing out drugs here. That's a strong arm dog for setting on people resisting arrest. Drug/gun sniffing dogs here tend to be smaller types- mongrels who can cut the mustard.
The dogs name was "Kilo". So my assumption is that he is a trained drug sniffer. And recreational as*hole sniffer.
Well' date=' I believe you johny I swear. but it sounds like a scene from a Cheech and Chong film, but anyhow , I believe you.. [/quote'] About 6 years of my life was a scene from a Cheech and Chong movie. I've got much more interesting true stories from my days as a druggy. But this is not the time, place or thread for such tales 'O' debauchery.
Next time you'd better leave Mr Tibbs behind. No point pressing your luck..
His name was Titus.
Just to let you know' date=' we are not talking about a dog failing to hit on pot, we are talking about dogs that "did" hit on both the apartment and vehicle, that is as close to 100% as you can get that a dead body was at these two places.[/quote']Sure it did *wink wink;). "No reason to fear, prospective tourists, we have the kidnappers right here. It's safe to visit us and bring your wife and kids..........OH oh and your credit card.

As I said before, these are two very well educated people and as doctors, they would know all about body boyancy for disposal, the best way to be sure is to simple vent the body, cut every large section and muscle group, that is assuming a water disposal, there are many ways of disposing a body, again something two well trained doctors would understand.
Very good point TJ.It would seem to me however that at least one of these doctors would have to be a f*cking psychopath to dismember that beautiful little girl like a Thanksgiving turkey. Even in a time of panic, it takes hefty man cans and a twisted mind to beset upon such a journey into morbidity.

To reply to Jhony about my leaving kids alone comment:Would you leave your small kids all alone in a motel room in a strange Country?
NEVER! An unequivocal NEVER! I am a paranoid parent. Overprotective to the point whereas my ex-wife hated it. She's 8 years old and I won't let her out of my sight unless she's with a trusted adult.
I do not know even one parent that would do such a thing.
I have met many that do much worse. From the trailer park to the suburbs.
Good parents would never do what these parents did' date=' that is why they should face child endangerment charges at the least in my view.[/quote']Agreed. Even if the kidnapper is caught. Book 'em Dano.

And yes, it is possible they killed this girl by accident, I even believe that is what happened but they had lives, careers and social status to protect, if it was discovered that they medicated their children so they could go out and have fun unhindered by their kids and caused one of their deaths, that would ruin them.I call that a powerful motive for hiding the body.
But that's just conjecture. A fast patched together scenario. One of thousands a person could dream up. The absence of evidence and the egregious nature of the dubious investigation have soiled my ability to accuse the parents.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
jhony5 said:
The dogs name was "Kilo". So my assumption is that he is a trained drug sniffer. And recreational as*hole sniffer..
Are you sure this dog was sniffing and not snorting ? I think I know why Kilo is such a waste of space

jhony5 said:
About 6 years of my life was a scene from a Cheech and Chong movie. I've got much more interesting true stories from my days as a druggy. But this is not the time, place or thread for such tales.
I can't wait to read the unexpurgated chronicles of Jony5
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
Are you sure this dog was sniffing and not snorting ? I think I know why Kilo is such a waste of space
I don't know what the dog was doing. ME? I was sh*tting my pants, listening to this cop say "Find, kilo, find". Just waiting for it. "It" never happened. I remember thinking "Why does this cop think I have a "kilo". Until it was over and I overheard him patting the dog aggressively saying "Good boy kilo, good boy".

I can't wait to read the unexpurgated chronicles of Jhony5
Lets just say this was the third time I thwarted a k-9. Twice by the Johnson County Sheriffs Department. Once at a Metallica concert.

Ahhhhhhh........good times!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
In most situations where trained dogs missed something, in review, it was handler error not the dog. The handler missed the indication of the dog.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Dogs missing a sent or being thrown off is not the same as when they get a hit. When they find something there usually 100% accurate.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
And with the evidence present I'm sure they could've used several dogs coming up with the same conclusion. There was a cadaver in the trunk of that car.
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
snafu said:
Dogs missing a sent or being thrown off is not the same as when they get a hit. When they find something there usually 100% accurate.
Excellent point. Diligent as always, Snaffy.

There was a cadaver in the trunk of that car.
Is it possible that the dog hit on a false scent? If I remember right, they smell a specific compound that is created by the decomposition of specifically, rotting human flesh. Also, I heard this compound is present in other less dubious matter. I'll research it later. No time now. I have porn 'O' plenty to consume.