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No, not John Stewart too....

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
The tax cut does not cost the Government any money at all, that is a myth.
The neo-conservative myth is that you can cut taxes without cutting spending. The liberal myth is that you can spend into prosperity. The Barry Goldwater classical conservative reality is that low taxes are only possible with small government.
I have never met a conservative who did not want to cut spending at the same time as cuts myself.

Where people like myself and Phreakwars are different, I can admit the Republicans of the past made mistakes, I did not like a lot of what the Republicans did and was vocal against those decisions. I have even pointed out that Bush was more to the left as he got closer to the end of his Presidency.

Phreakwars claims he and other Progressives stopped supporting Obama a year ago, but that is not the case, Phreakwars is here blindly defending everything Obama does almost every day, Phreakwars cannot bring himself to admit that the wreckless spending of the Democrats have drastically hurt America.

The Republicans of old were given power because they represented conservative values. Values most Americans want in their Government. When the Republicans got drunk with their own power the public punished them and let the Progressives take power but only as a punishment to the Republicans. The people will always be right of center on average and if the Republicans will learn from their mistakes and stay conservative, there will always be a conservative majority.

Americans don't believe in the socialist dream, they don't want their Government mandating how we live and what we can do. Americans created a system that was at it's core about personal freedoms, not Government power. Americans wanted the ability to live their own lives without a few "know it all" Elitist politicians trying to fix every aspect of their lives that the Elitist believe is broken.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I just saw a rolling stone set of quotes from Obama that really explained just how bad the progressives are out of touch with most Americans:

"People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up," "if people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place."
Really Mr President?

Did you ever stop to think that you are the guy who didn't take your promise of changing Washington seriously and that lie is what has your former supporters losing faith in you?

The day after taking office you waved every Republican in Washington to the side and told them to screw off because you did not need them. Your promises of bringing both sides together was forgotten in a power frenzy of pure partisan politics and the public watched.

The public watched as you Mr. President got ever bill you really wanted passed and still everything got worse. The public watched as you wasted a year on healthcare reform and your own party members were fighting among yourselves. The public screamed for jobs and after promising to make jobs your first priority, you again set job creation aside for another big push for healthcare changes you wanted.

Time and time again you lie to the American people and you act surprised when they start to turn away from you.

Almost two years in office and still jobs are in the tank and the "big accomplishments" you have done are so unpopular not one Democrat mentions them in their mid term elections unless they voted against your legislation. That should tell anyone your off track with the average American but no, you blame the people for turning away from your failures and lies.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Liberal blogger directly confronts David Axelrod, accuses White House of "hippie punching"Top Obama adviser David Axelrod got an earful of the liberal blogosphere's anger at the White House moments ago, when a blogger on a conference call directly called out Axelrod over White House criticism of the left, accusing the administration of "hippie punching."

"We're the girl you'll take under the bleachers but you won't be seen with in the light of day," the blogger, Susan Madrak of Crooks and Liars, pointedly told Axelrod on the call, which was organzied for liberal bloggers and progressive media.

The call seemed to perfectly capture the tense dynamic that exists between the White House and the online and organized left: Though White House advisers in the past have dumped on the left, anonymously and even on the record, Axelrod repeatedly pleaded with the bloggers on the call for help in pumping up the flagging enthusiasm of rank and file Dems.

"You play a great role in informing people about the stakes of elections," Axelrod told the bloggers. "One of the reasons I was eager to expend time was to enlist you."

But hovering over the call was the obvious disconnect between this plea for help and statements like those of Robert Gibbs, who recently pilloried the "professional left" for being overly critical of the White House.

That tension burst out into the open when Madrak directly asked Axelrod: "Have you ever heard of hippie punching?" That prompted a long silence from Axelrod.

"You want us to help you, the first thing I would suggest is enough of the hippie punching," Madrak added. "We're the girl you'll take under the bleachers but you won't be seen with in the light of day."

Axelrod didn't engage on "hippie punching," but he said he agreed with the blogger. "To the extent that we shouldn't get involved in intramural skirmishing, I couldn't agree more," Axelrod said. "We just can't afford that. There are big things at stake here."

Madrak replied that Axelrod was missing the point -- that the criticism of the left made it tougher for bloggers like herself to motivate the base. "Don't make our jobs harder," she said.

"Right back at'cha. Right back at'cha," Axelrod replied, a bit testily, an apparent reference to blogospheric criticism of the administration.

At any rate, for Axelrod to plead with liberal bloggers for their help turning out the base, only to get accused of "hippie punching," is an iconic moment in Campaign 2010.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I was reading some of the commentary on this woman's site and found a gem of a comment I have to share:

Fact, the GOP won with NORMAL turnout.

Fact, the Dems won with EXTRAORDINARY turnout, particularly in the Presidential election.

Fact, the new voters voted for a change from the status quo.

Fact, they didn't get it.

Fact, voting levels will return to historic norms.

Fact, the GOP will win with NORMAL turnout.
So even in the most radical left circles there are a few people who pay attention to reality, I was honestly surprised.

Hippie Punching, gotta love it, lol.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
Does your anus still hurt?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
Jon Stewart is the voice of those who choose to not think for themselves and take comedy out of context as political fact.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
Jon Stewart is the voice of those who choose to not think for themselves and take comedy out of context as political fact.
Colbert is at least funny.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
Jon Stewart is the voice of those who choose to not think for themselves and take comedy out of context as political fact.
*Shrug*. That may be. Doesn't mean he's small.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
Jon Stewart is the voice of those who choose to not think for themselves and take comedy out of context as political fact.
*Shrug*. That may be. Doesn't mean he's small.
You're right. He has a huge following. Unfortunately, most of them are very much uninformed, and only get their political information from him and his comedy skits. Much of which are taken out of context to enhance the comedy effect.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
What is it with your constant stream of personal flames on me lately kid?

John Stewart is small, compared to the office of the President of the United States kid. Stewart speaks and a bunch of children and brainwashed socialist idiots listen. The President of the United States speaks and the entire world listens. Many in the world may not like what he says, but they all listen. The distance from Stewart to the President should be light years on the respect chart..........SHOULD.

Obama has allowed himself to be taken out of his higher possition of importance and reduced to some irrelevant "dude" and diminished the office of President. I watched portions of that show and Stewart actually look the more important figure on the stage, in my opinion, that was a big mistake for Obama to allow to happen.

Seriously, Stewart called the President of the United States "dude" this guy has no respect for the office at all. Even if he thinks Obama is messing up, there is still a certain level of respect you should show the office Joker. I don't like about 99% of what Obama has done, but at the end of the day he is still my President and I would show him nothing but respect if I were to talk to him. Stewert basically waved off the office of President as irrelivent and spoke to Obama like he was a dead beat dad or something.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
So Obama decided to go on Stewart's show and I have to say, Stewart really ripped Obama apart and hit Obama with harder questions that I have ever seen a liberal leaning reporter/host ask of him.

Obama was stumbling and purely on the defensive and even tried to say when he promised "change" it was not "change right now", lol.

The situation was bleak for Obama then suddenly Stweart called Obama "dude". Dude, really? Talk about being reduced to nothing, Obama had lost his spark and he has lost the respect his office should represent. Say what you want about Bush, he was never just some "dude" to be waved off by someone as small as John Stewart.
You're quite ignorant/uninformed if you think John Stewart is "small".
What is it with your constant stream of personal flames on me lately kid?
It's not personal. You just aren't well informed if you think John Stewart is small. For instance, he interviewed the President. That's not small.

John Stewart is small, compared to the office of the President of the United States kid. Stewart speaks and a bunch of children and brainwashed socialist idiots listen. The President of the United States speaks and the entire world listens. Many in the world may not like what he says, but they all listen. The distance from Stewart to the President should be light years on the respect chart..........SHOULD.

Obama has allowed himself to be taken out of his higher possition of importance and reduced to some irrelevant "dude" and diminished the office of President. I watched portions of that show and Stewart actually look the more important figure on the stage, in my opinion, that was a big mistake for Obama to allow to happen.

Seriously, Stewart called the President of the United States "dude" this guy has no respect for the office at all. Even if he thinks Obama is messing up, there is still a certain level of respect you should show the office Joker. I don't like about 99% of what Obama has done, but at the end of the day he is still my President and I would show him nothing but respect if I were to talk to him. Stewert basically waved off the office of President as irrelivent and spoke to Obama like he was a dead beat dad or something.
I don't think Stewart has any disrespect for the office. It's his job to ask questions like he did, whether they be hard or not. And if they're hard and make Obama look like a dolt, sucks to be Obama. John did what he does well. Obama put himself in a place to receive such. Did he never watch the show? I find that a little hard to believe, assuming he ever claims this.

Again, he knew what he was getting into. I think Stewart did what he does, and that's what's expected of him. I'd find it more disrespectful if he gave him softball questions and didn't call him "dude".


Just rewatched the whole interview, and the context of "dude" was actually perfect. Obama said that Larry Summers has done a "heck of a job", which is the same way GW described Michael Brown (the FEMA director) post-Katrina. Stewart, immediately connecting the two, said "You don't wanna use those words, dude." It worked, and he wasn't trying to disrespect the President. The interview (including the "dude") was actually quite good, considering the line the two had to walk to do it.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
It's not personal.
Looks that way being you are always using nasty language in my direction, you could just ask me why I see him as small and I would gladly tell you why but instead you flame me and act like Stewart is your personal God or something.

You just aren't well informed if you think John Stewart is small. For instance, he interviewed the President. That's not small.
A few bloggers who nobody knows got to interview the President before Stewart so does that mean he was less important than the bloggers?

Get past your knee jerk attack mode and look at the context of my point. In comparison to who he was interviewing, Stewart is small. You can't possibly compare a comedian with a very narrow following limited to children and far left extremists to the President of the United States kid. The two compared, Stewart is small in reality but was seen as bigger than Obama in that setting, I already said Obama screwed up stooping down to such a low level.

I don't think Stewart has any disrespect for the office. It's his job to ask questions like he did, whether they be hard or not. And if they're hard and make Obama look like a dolt, sucks to be Obama. John did what he does well. Obama put himself in a place to receive such. Did he never watch the show? I find that a little hard to believe, assuming he ever claims this.
Everything Stewart did was disrespectful, from creating a similar stage to the inauguration to treating him in a disrespectful tone and such was purely wrong.

I think you are mistaking Stewart for a true journalist. He is a comedian who twists truth in a funny way to earn money, nothing more.

Again, he knew what he was getting into. I think Stewart did what he does, and that's what's expected of him. I'd find it more disrespectful if he gave him softball questions and didn't call him "dude".
It is a comedy show....hello.......... Stop giving Stewart more credit than he has earned. There are a lot of real reporters out there who do the job every day, Stewart takes the news, twists it enough to make it funny and dishes it out to a bunch of idiots who think he knows what he is talking about, nothing more.

Just rewatched the whole interview, and the context of "dude" was actually perfect. Obama said that Larry Summers has done a "heck of a job", which is the same way GW described Michael Brown (the FEMA director) post-Katrina. Stewart, immediately connecting the two, said "You don't wanna use those words, dude." It worked, and he wasn't trying to disrespect the President. The interview (including the "dude") was actually quite good, considering the line the two had to walk to do it.
Calling the President of the United States "dude" is never appropriate kid.

I watched only part of the show and I felt my IQ dropping rapidly. Nobody with self respect and a speck of independence could watch that show.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
repeatedly calling JAW "kid" isn't a personal flame?

insinuating that his age is somehow a determent to him and his intelligence/knowledge of topics is ok?

double standards suck TJ....
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
It's not personal.
Looks that way being you are always using nasty language in my direction, you could just ask me why I see him as small and I would gladly tell you why but instead you flame me and act like Stewart is your personal God or something.
No, I stated a fact. You took it as an insult. Boo hoo.

You just aren't well informed if you think John Stewart is small. For instance, he interviewed the President. That's not small.
A few bloggers who nobody knows got to interview the President before Stewart so does that mean he was less important than the bloggers?
I'm sure they have as many fans as Stewart too, right?

Get past your knee jerk attack mode and look at the context of my point. In comparison to who he was interviewing, Stewart is small. You can't possibly compare a comedian with a very narrow following limited to children and far left extremists to the President of the United States kid. The two compared, Stewart is small in reality but was seen as bigger than Obama in that setting, I already said Obama screwed up stooping down to such a low level.
Yes, John Stewart is less well known than the President of the US. Great point.

Did you SERIOUSLY expect him to OVERSHADOW the host of the show he was on? Really? Why would they let that happen? John Stewart is SUPPOSED to overshadow the person he's interviewing. He's the comedian, the host has to be a "straight man" so to speak, in order for jokes to be made. It's how it works. He wasn't disrespectful, he did what he does for a living every night. Suck it up.

I don't think Stewart has any disrespect for the office. It's his job to ask questions like he did, whether they be hard or not. And if they're hard and make Obama look like a dolt, sucks to be Obama. John did what he does well. Obama put himself in a place to receive such. Did he never watch the show? I find that a little hard to believe, assuming he ever claims this.
Everything Stewart did was disrespectful, from creating a similar stage to the inauguration to treating him in a disrespectful tone and such was purely wrong.
Disrespectful tone? You're so ridiculous sometimes. There was nothing about his tone that was disrespectful. Rewatch it. He wasn't disrespectful to him at all. He treated him like he would any other guest he had, and I don't know why Obama would expect to be treated any differently.

I think you are mistaking Stewart for a true journalist. He is a comedian who twists truth in a funny way to earn money, nothing more.
I know his show is purely for comedic purposes. I understand this. Then why the f*** would he spare the guy he makes fun of so frequently? That would be hypocritical and wrong. "I'll talk sh*t about you when you aren't near me, but I'll smile and be all nice to your face and not ask hard questions or try to call you out, because you're the President."

Again, he knew what he was getting into. I think Stewart did what he does, and that's what's expected of him. I'd find it more disrespectful if he gave him softball questions and didn't call him "dude".
It is a comedy show....hello.......... Stop giving Stewart more credit than he has earned. There are a lot of real reporters out there who do the job every day, Stewart takes the news, twists it enough to make it funny and dishes it out to a bunch of idiots who think he knows what he is talking about, nothing more.
I know it's a comedy show. YOU seem to have an issue with that. You act like The Daily Show is CNN and Stewart is a respected journalist, and it's an outrage that comedy happened.

Just rewatched the whole interview, and the context of "dude" was actually perfect. Obama said that Larry Summers has done a "heck of a job", which is the same way GW described Michael Brown (the FEMA director) post-Katrina. Stewart, immediately connecting the two, said "You don't wanna use those words, dude." It worked, and he wasn't trying to disrespect the President. The interview (including the "dude") was actually quite good, considering the line the two had to walk to do it.
Calling the President of the United States "dude" is never appropriate kid.

I watched only part of the show and I felt my IQ dropping rapidly. Nobody with self respect and a speck of independence could watch that show.

pissed off at the arrogance of Obama
Obama sees himself as a kind of "pope" of Government
Obama is the most arrogant man I have ever known
Obama seems to be as dumb as a rock
Obama has made our international "cred" worse, he is weak and everyone knows it
You hold only THE HIGHEST opinion and UTMOST RESPECT for him, right?

Yes, calling him weak, arrogant, and dumb as a rock is SO MUCH BETTER than "dude". ****ing hypocrite.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
repeatedly calling JAW "kid" isn't a personal flame?

insinuating that his age is somehow a determent to him and his intelligence/knowledge of topics is ok?
No eddo, the comment is about his behavior, not his knowledge, try to keep up.

double standards suck TJ....
Only a double standard if you try to insert something that is not there eddo, I have made it very clear my comment about him being a kid is only concerning his behavior, a 30+ year old person could still come here and behave like a child, Wez comes to mind as an example.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
No, I stated a fact. You took it as an insult. Boo hoo.
It is not a fact that Stewart is on the same level as the President just because you say it kid. You turned to personal attacks on me because you are still holding a massive grudge and carrying it all over the forum........acting like a......kid.

I'm sure they have as many fans as Stewart too, right?
Fans? I have no idea, only kids and brain washed idiots are concerned about either group and I don't fall into that category.

Stewart is not on the same level as a real news person though, he is a comedian, nothing more, no matter how many people like his act, that does not change who he is. Let me offer you an example:

Sandra Bullock is famous and has a huge following. In the last two movies it is estimated she earned $56 million dollars. Her name is known by almost everyone around the world, but if she commented on political issues or hard news her words would mean the same as Stewart as a comedian. Just being known and having a following does not automatically mean you are good kid.

Yes, John Stewart is less well known than the President of the US. Great point.
And less powerful, and not even on the playing field of American politics, and he is not a news reporter, Stewart is nothign compared to the President of the United States kid and that is my point about being small in comparison. Do you know what a comparison is kid?

Did you SERIOUSLY expect him to OVERSHADOW the host of the show he was on? Really? Why would they let that happen? John Stewart is SUPPOSED to overshadow the person he's interviewing. He's the comedian, the host has to be a "straight man" so to speak, in order for jokes to be made. It's how it works. He wasn't disrespectful, he did what he does for a living every night. Suck it up.

First of all it was stupid for Obama to enter into that arena, but if he had to he should have set the limits on how Stewart could behave. Obama is not doing the job of straight man, he is the President of the United States and Obama should respect that office more than to allow his office to be ridiculed by a nobody like Stewart. Presidents have been going to comedian shows like the late show for many years and each time the comedian shows the President enough respect to not do as Stewart just did. Why is it comedians like Lenno and Letterman could figure out how to be funny without being disrespectful but Stewart could not?

Disrespectful tone? You're so ridiculous sometimes. There was nothing about his tone that was disrespectful. Rewatch it. He wasn't disrespectful to him at all. He treated him like he would any other guest he had, and I don't know why Obama would expect to be treated any differently.
Obama is the President of the United States, he is not "any other guest" and there is a level of respect that should always be shown to the President of the United States even if you don't like him. Other Comedians have figued that out on their shows, why is it you think Stewart could not?

I know his show is purely for comedic purposes. I understand this. Then why the f*** would he spare the guy he makes fun of so frequently? That would be hypocritical and wrong. "I'll talk sh*t about you when you aren't near me, but I'll smile and be all nice to your face and not ask hard questions or try to call you out, because you're the President."
Most of the stuff Stewart calls him out on and calls other peopel out on is distorted for comedy kid. Stewart is a comedian, not a news reporter, you need to understand that part first. Other comedians in the past have been able to still be funny without being disrespectful.

I know it's a comedy show. YOU seem to have an issue with that. You act like The Daily Show is CNN and Stewart is a respected journalist, and it's an outrage that comedy happened.
You are the guy trying to prop up Stewart as an important figure kid, not me. I know he is nothing but a comedian and that is why I said in comparison to the Office of President of the United States, Stewart is small. You are the guy who kept trying to claim Stewart is as big as the President just because Stweart has a lot of fans, not me.

All I am pointing out is Obama made a big mistake going to such a small time venue and that Stewart was disrecpectful during the show.

You hold only THE HIGHEST opinion and UTMOST RESPECT for him, right?

Yes, calling him weak, arrogant, and dumb as a rock is SO MUCH BETTER than "dude". ****ing hypocrite.
Wow, now you show why I call you kid, this is childish garbage...this is the best you can come up with to defend your little mini 'god' Stewart for being disrespectful?

Let me ask you a question, did I say any of those things in front of Obama on television?

When we dissagree about these things there are proper ways of saying we dissagree and still maintaining a air of respect. If I were to speak with Obama about how I feel I would not be crass and disrespectful because I would show him the respect he deserves as President of the United States. I consider it a matter of self-respect to conduct myself in the proper way when around people who deserve that respect Joker. Obama is not the usual losers Stewart gets on his show and after the way he acted do you think anyone else who is respectable will want to go there?

It is a comedy show Joker, nothign more, and Stewart is nothing more than a comedian on that show.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I have made it very clear my comment about him being a kid is only concerning his behavior, a 30+ year old person could still come here and behave like a child, Wez comes to mind as an example.
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. ~ Jesus

Sweet.. I'm goin' to heaven.. yay me..
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
repeatedly calling JAW "kid" isn't a personal flame?

insinuating that his age is somehow a determent to him and his intelligence/knowledge of topics is ok?
No eddo, the comment is about his behavior, not his knowledge, try to keep up.
It's still a personal flame. If I think you act like a dipshit, and ended half of my sentences in my posts calling you a dipshit, would it be a personal flame? Yes. Yes it would.

Mind you, I think you're a smart guy. Most of the time ;)

double standards suck TJ....
Only a double standard if you try to insert something that is not there eddo, I have made it very clear my comment about him being a kid is only concerning his behavior, a 30+ year old person could still come here and behave like a child...
Like he said, TJ, double standards suck.