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Nope, no racism in the Tea party

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Like I said before, how many isolated incidents does it take to make a pattern? You can point out some liberal holding up a sign saying shoot the officers, but can you point out a pattern of this like you could with the teabaggers?

And NAACP audience cheered at her talking about abuse of a white farmer? Where the hell are you seeing THAT version? Fox News?


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Like I said before, how many isolated incidents does it take to make a pattern? You can point out some liberal holding up a sign saying shoot the officers, but can you point out a pattern of this like you could with the teabaggers?
Yes I can, I found hundreds of examples of signs with everything from saying they wanted Bush dead to asking for troops to kill their officers, do you really want me to post them?

My point is "BOTH SIDES" have idiots who show up at their meetings. You refuse to apply your standard to both sides. Either the idiots holding signs represent 'everyone' at the meetings or they do not. You can't have it both ways.

And NAACP audience cheered at her talking about abuse of a white farmer? Where the hell are you seeing THAT version? Fox News?


Try watching the whole thing.

They very clearly loved the story about sticking it to whitie.

And what is your obsession with Fox news? Upset they are crushing the other pure sociailist Networks? Sour grapes?
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
I don't like Fox news for one reason only: their ticker runs so slow, it makes me think that it's designed for the slow minded of the world.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Like I said before, how many isolated incidents does it take to make a pattern? You can point out some liberal holding up a sign saying shoot the officers, but can you point out a pattern of this like you could with the teabaggers?
Yes I can, I found hundreds of examples of signs with everything from saying they wanted Bush dead to asking for troops to kill their officers, do you really want me to post them?

My point is "BOTH SIDES" have idiots who show up at their meetings. You refuse to apply your standard to both sides. Either the idiots holding signs represent 'everyone' at the meetings or they do not. You can't have it both ways.
And NAACP audience cheered at her talking about abuse of a white farmer? Where the hell are you seeing THAT version? Fox News?


Try watching the whole thing.

They very clearly loved the story about sticking it to whitie.
Nope, didn't see that, post the clip and give me the time frame
And what is your obsession with Fox news? Upset they are crushing the other pure sociailist Networks? Sour grapes?
All networks EXCEPT fox are liberal media, yet for some reason Fox always seems to be the one getting caught up in all the lies and scandals they create which inevitably get debunked... hmm..




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007