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Oilman's Plan on Energy


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
T. Boone Pickens' plan on energy that is possible soon to bridge the gap until we are financially and technologically able to become energy independent.

Television ad...

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=R2bOug1d20c&feature=related]YouTube - T. Boone Pickens TV Commercial[/ame]

10 minute explanation by T. Boone Pickens...

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=Avt8Yo2WE14]YouTube - T. Boone Pickens: Longer Explanation of His Plan[/ame]

Here is a link to the PickensPlan website...


We know that our energy problem won't be solved overnight, but here is a private citizen with a plan to start the process.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
This a commercial from our Meyer Mark Begich running for the Senate.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j_0nfn_c7A&feature=user]YouTube - Energy Leader[/ame]

Everybodies thinking smarter now that gas prices are so high.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
We know that our energy problem won't be solved overnight, but here is a private citizen with a plan to start the process.
The problem may not be solved overnight, but if we don't start somewhere it'll never be solved. :(
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Old Salt said:
The problem may not be solved overnight, but if we don't start somewhere it'll never be solved. :(
Thats the key right there. The Dem's keep crying that it will take 10 years. What they don't have kids? The fact is if they open shell and ANWAR we can start producing within two to three years.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007

The sooner the better.

It's a gradual, painstaking process, however we must do it. The naysayers think it should happen over night.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
Environmentalists in Kansas are protesting a wind farm. :eek: Because it's not esthetically pleasing. :confused:
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Old Salt said:
Environmentalists in Kansas are protesting a wind farm. :eek: Because it's not esthetically pleasing. :confused:
Yeah... I imagine it is an eye sore for all ten people that live there.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Old Salt said:
The problem may not be solved overnight, but if we don't start somewhere it'll never be solved. :(
Because we all know how delightful those coal burning and nuclear power plants look, that would be the alternative to the wind farms.




all of these are in Kansas. Man does that wind farm look terrible compared to those sexy coal and nuclear plants.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
I seem to remember from the interview I watched that the wind farm was operational within six months. My guess is that was from the time the parts arrived until the electricity was running through the cables - not from the time the parts were ordered. I don't see the manufacturers keeping a stock on hand.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p1suEWqdZw]YouTube - T. Boone Pickens Ask Boone: July 28, 2008[/ame]


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTIpvnSzxf4]YouTube - T. Boone Pickens Video Blog: July 21, 2008[/ame]


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Pickens Blog August 1st 2008

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvWbdfnYmEQ]YouTube - T. Boone Pickens Video Blog: August 1, 2008[/ame]


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Too Hot For NBCWe have four new ads which are either on the air, or ready to go on the air. The ads have been “cleared” by every network… except for NBC which has refused to clear a :15 second ad about Iran.

In the ad Boone talks about how the Iranians are moving quickly to vehicles powered by natural gas so they can free up their $120 a barrel oil to sell to us. Boone says: “Get this one. Iran is changing its cars to run on natural gas and we’re not doing a thing here…”
PickensPlan Blog Archive Too Hot For NBC

[ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vJFZtsHy-9w]YouTube - TV Ad: Too Hot For NBC[/ame]


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Never mind. It looks like we won't be able to use wind power after all...

Wind Turbines Give Bats the "Bends," Study FindsBrian Handwerk

for National Geographic News

August 25, 2008

Wind turbines can kill bats without touching them by causing a bends-like condition due to rapidly dropping air pressure, new research suggests.

Scientists aren't sure why, but bats are attracted to the turbines, which often stand 300 feet (90 meters) high and sport 200-foot (60-meter) blades.

The mammals' curiosity can result in lethal blows by the rotors, which spin at a rate of about 160 miles (260 kilometers) per hour.

But scientist Erin Baerwald and colleagues report that only about half of the bat corpses they found near Alberta, Canada, turbine bases showed any physical evidence of being hit by a blade.

A surprising 90 percent showed signs of internal hemorrhaging—evidence of a drop in air pressure near the blades that causes fatal damage to the bats' lungs with a condition called barotrauma.

In humans, the condition is related to the bends and can affect divers and airplane passengers during ascents and descents.

The "Bends"

"As a turbine blade goes around, it creates lift—like an airplane's wings—and there is a small zone of [dropping] pressure, maybe a meter or so in diameter, on the tips of the blades," explained Baerwald, a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary, in Alberta.

"Bats fly through this area, and their lungs expand, and the fine capillaries around the edges of the lungs burst."

The bats' lungs subsequently fill with fluid, and the animals essentially drown.

"We compare it to divers—they are pretty much dying of the bends," Baerwald said.
Wind Turbines Give Bats the "Bends," Study Finds
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
That's bats. ****'em! No really we don't have any bats up here (I don't think) and we have Fire Island which is right in the inlet they're talking about putting wind turbines on. Also they are talking about using the tides as a power source since we have the strongest tides in the world up here.

Tidal Power - How Tidal Power Plants Work

Now you inlander's might have a problem. I sugest you keep growing corn. ;)


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
snafu said:
Now you inlander's might have a problem. I sugest you keep growing corn. ;)
Only if the idiots quit trying to make fuel out of it and go back to using it to feed the world. Ethanol is a busted project that isn't viable using grain.

We do have plenty of wind though.