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Oilman's Plan on Energy

Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Only if the idiots quit trying to make fuel out of it and go back to using it to feed the world. Ethanol is a busted project that isn't viable using grain.We do have plenty of wind though.
So screw the bats right? ;)

Ethanol is not a bust. It is still a viable fuel energy. And if not from corn they can use many other things. Garbage I believe is being looked at. But the technology is still in it's infancy.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
NBC caved...

NBC, the Pickens Plan, and the ArmyOn Wednesday the Pickens Plan Army engaged in a battle against NBC.

The network had refused to run our 15-second ad talking about how Iran–IRAN–is moving quickly to CNG-powered vehicles so they can free up their oil to sell it to us at $120 per barrel.

Guess what: We won the battle!

By Wednesday evening, NBC had re-examined its position and told us they WOULD allow our ad to run in its original form.

Congratulations, Army! You did it! Here’s the ad you convinced NBC to run:
PickensPlan Blog Archive NBC, the Pickens Plan, and the Army

Still killing the bats though.