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One Year Ago Today...

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Good one..

Well.. appears there's more than one thief here.. well done boys... ya mamma's would be proud..


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
I just posted something I thought was interesting, there is nothing bad or corrupt about that, you will see I did offer credit for the graphs and such too later in the same thread. I have said I find a lot of what people post to be very good, and I use the good I find all over the place because I like to learn about things from several sources, including all of you.
What other comments/writings/personal musings of ours have you swiped and posted elsewhere, TJ?

timesjoke said:
Many before you have used this comparison including myself, you had spoke so close to my own words and put so many things together I used it clean without modifying it or anything RO, that should show you how much I respected what you had to say.Take it as a compliment, that is actually what it was from me to use what someone else says without editing it.
You're one hell of a compliment giver. You should write a book about the fine art of complimenting.....authored by someone else, of course.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I give you credit Ali, you stick to it even when it blows up in your faces.

I already proved that RO posted that from Neal Boortz:

Neal Boortz having some fun with the numbers | SmallGovTimes.com

He copy/pasted it here without giving credit to Neal Boortz or where he got it from, just like RO claimed "I" did.

I see why you guys are so mad, everything you try to stick me with ends up sticking to you guys instead. It must be frustrating to constantly fail so badly ;)
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Hey RO.. said:
I think an apology to TJ is in order.. and One to Mr. Boortz.. Appears you like his work and posted several of them without giving credit..


Like that will ever happen, lol.

RO has been plagiarizing other commentators for a long time, but then again, we all do. We see things that spark our interest and we spread them around. As a conservative I love to share what I see as inspirational or profound, RO was doing the same thing when he repeatedly posted commentary from Neal Boortz without giving him credit.

Sometimes I remember to give credit, sometimes I don't but there is no evil intent behind it and I am sure there is no evil intent behind what RO was doing.

In this case RO was just trying to play "gotcha" and it backfired on him because he does this ten times more than I do so he should not have been tossing rocks while he lived in the biggest glass house.


timesjoke said:
I give you credit Ali, you stick to it even when it blows up in your faces.I already proved that RO posted that from Neal Boortz:

Neal Boortz having some fun with the numbers | SmallGovTimes.com

He copy/pasted it here without giving credit to Neal Boortz or where he got it from, just like RO claimed "I" did.

I see why you guys are so mad, everything you try to stick me with ends up sticking to you guys instead. It must be frustrating to constantly fail so badly ;)
TJ makes a good point.. what's up?

prolly time for ya'all to.. shut the hell up..


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
I give you credit Ali, you stick to it even when it blows up in your faces.I already proved that RO posted that from Neal Boortz:

Neal Boortz having some fun with the numbers | SmallGovTimes.com

He copy/pasted it here without giving credit to Neal Boortz or where he got it from, just like RO claimed "I" did.

I see why you guys are so mad, everything you try to stick me with ends up sticking to you guys instead. It must be frustrating to constantly fail so badly ;)
I'm like glue. :)

weez said:
TJ makes a good point.. what's up? prolly time for ya'all to.. shut the hell up..
Well, I think the lesson here is we all have glass houses we should be tending to. I'll be calling the window repair guy over to tend to my chips today. ;)

Another lesson is - always reference any works taken from another source!!! It will save a lot of trouble in the long run.

Third, a wise man once told me that "No one is above a good ass whoopin'." He's right. I know I'm not.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Good one.. said:
Well.. appears there's more than one thief here.. well done boys... ya mamma's would be proud..
Hey RO.. said:
I think an apology to TJ is in order.. and One to Mr. Boortz.. Appears you like his work and posted several of them without giving credit..
Like that will ever happen' date=' lol.[/quote']

weez said:
TJ makes a good point.. what's up? prolly time for ya'all to.. shut the hell up..
LMAO @ TJ talking to himself!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So make a big deal, scream to the high heavens, and when your proven wrong, play it down and pretend like it didn't happen, that seems like a good motto for a bully Ali, good to see you have your routine down pat, shows many years of practice doing this same thing over and over with different "victims".

So wrap up the tents, move to the next town and open up the circus again the next time your angry?

Do you really believe the people of this forum like your show? Just because they are intimidated by you and do not want the circus aimed at them that is not the same thing as enjoying what you do.

Do you think "I" was the guy who posted those other links to the commentary RO plagiarized? Nope.

I am not the instigator, sure I admit to adding to it once it is started, I have never tried to say I don't, but this stems from you and a couple other members of the Estrogen Mafia who love confrontation, I just happen to be the target, the need to attack comes from you guys.


I was told today I should back off because you guys were getting too agressive.........

too agressive?

Is that not the point? Might making right? Get hostile enough and the opposition runs away? Win by virtue of nobody being strong enough to stand up to you?


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Today is a day of honor and gratitude, so I won't sully the board with a petty feud...

I'll save it tomorrow instead. :D

God Bless America.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
wez said:
Errrrrr.. I'm not TJ.. :D
yeah, I screwed the crap outta that quote. I knew that one was you Wezmiester.

Sorry about that. :)


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Here's the situation as I see it.

Was I wrong to jump TJ's ass the way I did before I had all the facts? - Yes. I'll admit, I enjoy seeing an egomaniac take a tumble and I willingly added an extra large dose of fuel to this particular fire. I went overboard in my enthusiasm to verbally smack TJ around, and that was a poor decision on my part considering how events played out. I still think he's a world class douchebag and have no desire whatsoever to "kiss and make up", but I shouldn't have been so gung ho to take shots at him in this particular instance before knowing more facts. For that I do apologize.

Was RO wrong to not give credit to the original author in all of his postings? - Yes, and my guess is he would say the same. I will continue to support him 100%. He is my friend.

Was TJ wrong to not give credit to the original author in all of his postings? - Yes....you are not the completely "innocent" victim here, TJ, so don't bother playing the part.

(Believe me when I say that not a single person involved is coming out of this smelling like a rose, including myself. I am not too proud to acknowledge that, either!)

Was eddo wrong to make a comment about Tami? - Not at all. eddo can say whatever he wants to say....

....everyone here can.

I have zero control over what people do or say here, TJ. I don't know what happened to make you think I have every member here and at the Jungle by the short and curlies, but I assure you I do not. The estrogen mafia is a figment of your bruised ego's imagination, just like the GAY SEX GAME that no one else was actually playing but you. What you consistently fail to understand is that the people on these boards are intelligent, they are genuine, they are observant, and they are more than capable of making a comment based on their own perceptions without another member bullying or pressuring them into saying it. I influence no one! I have no followers! For the love of God....get that through your thick skull!

Now, what's really funny is that you complain that I have complete control over the other members and bully them to attack/gangbang you (that is all in your head, btw....narcissists often suffer from persecution complex). Yet when anyone says something that you don't like, you cry because I'm not jumping to your aid to defend you and admonishing them for their supposed misdeeds.

I mean, what the fuk do you want????? You're upset that I have any degree of (alleged) control over members, but also upset because I don't personally take action to control them to your specifications?

I've said it before - There's no pleasing you, and I'm not even going to bother to try ever again....it's a complete waste of my time and energy. No one can meet your demands! God Himself would be challenged to do so!

And yes, I will always defend my friends, TJ. Blindly? Perhaps...perhaps not. This group has shared so much with one another over the years! Joys, sorrows, heartache, pictures, life victories and so much more. I feel as bonded with them as I can to persons who I've never actually met and there isn't much I wouldn't do for them if asked....because I know they would do the same for me. But there's one person here who I've never made that connection with. One person for whom, after 3+ years of interactions on various sites, I still can't muster up any genuine affinity. That one person would be you....

Because you are a forum troll and have no desire to be anything but.

As I said, I feel no obligation to you in any way, shape or form. Fight your own battles. Support your own causes. Revenge your own butthurt.

I just don't care.

As chi mentioned, she and I have gone toe to toe in the past. I also have with eddo, IWS, MrsK, snaf, mercury, atlantic, RO, Phreakwars and wez.....yet I still consider all of them friends! For the most part, I don't even recall what specific misunderstanding brought most of us to blows in the first place because we don't dwell on it. We don't throw the butthurts of the past into one another's faces on a daily basis because, unlike you, we aren't involved in a drawn out tit for tat ego match royale that goes on for infinity. Every last one of us managed to get past the problem just fine and today are able to interact with one another in a civil and even enjoyable manner.

It amazes me that you still bring up the battle between MrsK and I as if it were your own....as if it had anything whatsoever to do with you. Do you want to know how we resolved it? We both admitted we contributed to the problem, apologies were exchanged, and we agreed not to bring up the topic that brought us to that anger point with one another again....and we haven't for a very long time.


That's where you fail miserably in truces. Rather than using a disagreement as a stepping stone to grow and then let go, you cling to it with an iron fist and beat your opponent over the head with it relentlessly and indefinitely in order to deflate them and bend them to your will. You refuse to let anything go!

Also you refuse to take any personal responsibility in any problem that you are a part of.....ever.

So what would be the point in trying to befriend you?

There wouldn't be.

You say the members here don't "give you a chance". That is a huge pile of steaming bullsh!t. I, myself, have attempted no less than THREE times to keep the peace since you've been back here and every single time it fails because at the slightest provocation you immediately dig into your bottemless arsenal of past hurts and begin hurling previous accusations and old complaints like hand grenades. How can anyone feel comfortable enough to chat you up when you continuously keep them on the defensive? Perhaps other members may hold the key to the success in dealing with the likes of you....God bless them if they do, but I do not. And I'm beyond caring to try.

You cry because you aren't being treated fairly, yet you would be the first to shout that "life isn't fair" if the tables were turned.

Did you notice that wez was the first to come to your defense here? I can't help but wonder....would you EVER do the same for him if you felt he had been wronged unnecessarily?

I sincerely doubt it. You only want to see fairness enforced when it benefits you.

Now, I'm not asking anyone to pretend this didn't happen. If any member has a problem with how I handled this exchange, they are more than capable of voicing their displeasure with me in open comments or PMs. I certainly won't ask for nor expect special treatment from anybody and I definitely am not going to attempt to play the victim. I take full ownership for my contributions in this flame fest.

If anyone wants to give me hell for my participation in this, or any feud, they know they are more than welcome to. I think it's safe to say that I realize I need a good kick in the britches once in awhile, and I appreciate constructive criticism when it is offered up with sincerity. Not one person here fears me, TJ. That is simply a fabrication you made up and hide behind when people choose to disagree with you and you need someone/something else to blame for it other than yourself.

And with that being said, let the chips now fall where they may.
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Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
I keep comming back to the same point, if I was completely stupid and out of this world crazy with what I had to say then they would just ignore me, but their need to attack me at all costs proves they know I am right, and everyone knows the truth hurts. This is why I have wez and nor eddo on ignore, I feel their comments are unintelligent and uninformed while at the dsame time they only want to try and take shots at those they have issues with and completely ignore topics and instead derail things. I see no point in wasting my time with someone who is obviously not interested in reasonable discussion in any way.
Goddamn....this actually is a good point, TJ. It makes a lot of sense.

So much sense, that as of next week I am putting you on ignore.

Ohhh, I've been considering doing it for awhile now and I guess I've finally come to realize that I'm tired of you. It's been 3+ years and you are STILL stuck on the MrsK issue and refuse to budge past it even a millimeter....even though every single other person who was involved in the feud has long since moved on. It's so annoying watching your rehash your same comments and accusations over, and over and over. I see zero effort for growth, I'm sick of your ability to drag me into negative circular arguments with you and you've brought nothing new to the table but the same old bait followed by the same old flames for years.

You bring out the worst in me.

If this were a marriage, I would have left you ages ago.

You have four whole days (well, two really because we ALL know you are too important to spend even a fleeting moment online during the weekends!) to "break me" before I turn you off for good. Bring on the bully accusations! Remind me...AGAIN...of how I ripped into MrsK for no reason and how you were her knight in shining armor protecting her from my evil tongue. Call me mean, nasty and abusive....oh, and call me fat, too! Please don't forget that I have to buy my friends, I demand that every member kiss my "azz", I'm lying when I say motorboats are fukking stupid and then of course there's that extra special taunt....I was abused as a child. And to really strike the insults home, be sure that you let me know that you have received hundreds of PM's and emails from countless members agreeing with you about what a raging, rotten bitch I am because people "love to talk about you, Ali".

So get your shots in while you can, TJ. The clock's a' ticken! Enjoy!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well as usual you say you did something wrong with a couple words then spend a thousand words trying to justify what you did.

Until you can spend less time with your justifications fo your bad behaviors you will never "truly" see why you were wrong. The only reason your half-heartedly doing it now is it blew up in your face, the real question is why you feel such need to chase revenge?

I ask you to do this, look back to before RO and eddo jumped me and see how the two of us were actually doing pretty good, you even gave me positive feedback saying how fun it was when I join in..........then suddenly one of your friends had issue with me and their issue became "YOUR" issue on the spot. Overnight we go from getting along to you at my throat.

That is the estrogen mafia I speak of, I can't have an issue with one person, I can't get past a situation with one person, because at the same time I am trying to do that, I have four or five other people all e-screaming at me at the same time.

In fact, almost every issue we have had has been because of someone else, not me and you directly.

I only talk about the past to prove none of this is me, you have behaved this same exact way for many years, long before I ever even met you, eddo too. You can't blame this trend of yours on me, I am only the most recent target, you always seem to have someone in your crosshairs.


Concerning this specific occasion, neither me or RO were "wrong". I already posted on this but as usual you never actually read what I post. There was no evil intent from either one of us, we were simply posting things we thought were good. I never tried to offer any of this for credit, and let's take this a step further.

When have I ever made a large post without screwing up several words? Anyone who knows me knows I type too fast for my skill level and mess up all the time. If I was ever actually trying to pass something liek this as my own I would have to insert several missspelled words and such just to give it plausable appearance as it being mine.

I was sharing something I thoght was good, nothing more, nothing less. There was no desire on my part to do anything other then that. Just as I am sure there was never any intention from RO to do anything other then that.

The only reason this was started was reaching desperately for a "gotcha".

And why were you guys so desperate?..................
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Ali said:
Please don't forget that I have to buy my friends
Thanks for the opening... I didn't quite know how to bring it up: My check for this month's friendship is late. 3 more days and I'm going to have to add interest and penalties.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
timesjoke said:
I only talk about the past to prove none of this is me,
you're an idiot.

mercury said:
Thanks for the opening... I didn't quite know how to bring it up: My check for this month's friendship is late. 3 more days and I'm going to have to add interest and penalties.
I've got direct deposit. You should look into it. I got my $$ every month on the 1st.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ali said:
So get your shots in while you can, TJ. The clock's a' ticken! Enjoy!
Why wait, do it now.

I have no desire to get revenge from you, I would prefer to get along with you but at the end of the day you can only do what you feel is right.

Question, if I bring out the worse in you, does that not mean it was there all along?

Anyway, as I said, it seems impossible for me to get past any specific incident with someone because 5 people all want to jump into the fight and keep any chance of resolution from happening.

In my opinion it would make more sense to let each of us handle our own issues without the gangbangs, but I know it is easier moving through life following the mob than to step out on your own.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
mercury said:
Thanks for the opening... I didn't quite know how to bring it up: My check for this month's friendship is late. 3 more days and I'm going to have to add interest and penalties.
eddo said:
I've got direct deposit. You should look into it. I got my $$ every month on the 1st.
Direct deposit really is the way to go, Merc. ;)
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