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Palin gets people killed


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Oh yeah, this makes PERFECT sense, what genious, you uncovered the whole motive.

This guy was a leftist extremist and was so far left he felt he needed to kill a Democrat congresswoman, yeah, makes perfect sense, obviously this obscure article from the daily Kos drove him to want to kill.


You missed my point.

First off. I never said he was far left. I said he was mentally deranged.

Secondly. Everything I showed from the Daily Kos is just as likely to be his trigger as Palin's map and tweet.

He is anti-Constitution (specifically the amendments/changes to), anti-immigration, anti-God.

She is a former Republican, who participated in the reading of the Constitution on the floor of Congress (1st Amendment) on Thursday for comprehensive immigration reform and is Jewish. (She is also pro-gun, pro-business, against excessive government spending, anti-amnesty/pro-border security, pro-military. Far from being a far left Democrat)

My point as I made from my first post is, trying to put blame on what makes a mentally ill person do crazy things, and especially when those crazy actions take innocent life, is either an act of a person spouting complete and utter stupidity because they are truly stupid, or an act of someone who is trying to profit, either personally or politically. If it is the former, I hope something is learned from such idiocy. If it's the latter, I hope that these people find themselves on some appropriate level of hell.

...and the Beatles are responsible for the Tate/LaBianca murders, the neighbors dog is responsible for the Son of Sam murders, pornography is responsible for Ted Bundy...
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Yes, OF COURSE one of the bigger offenders of the "COMMIE MARXIST SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER" rhetoric that creates such discourse, would OF COURSE and AS USUAL, find a way to NOT blame the right wing propaganda spin machine that would create such a discourse for elected officials in the first place.

So tell me, who else has the left wing biased liberal media told to kill on the left?

Is Palin directly responsible, NO, but she, YOU, and people like YOU are responsible.

Go ahead and google yourself another excuse and absolution from responsibility. It doesn't change that very simple truth.




Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Sarah Palin sucks.. yep.. real tough chick.. we should just give her and Alaska to China and call it even..

What a sickening display of humanity.. and it aint just the wacked gunman..
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon...
Ahhh exactly! Ain?t that right hugo? Your distain for Sarah is obviously clouding your sense of reason.
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon...
Ahhh exactly! Ain?t that right hugo? Your distain for Sarah is obviously clouding your sense of reason.
I'm pretty sure Hugo was saying that, whether she was responsible for it or not, she'll be seen as (at least) partially responsible. It'll ruin any chance she has at becoming POTUS, as it will definitely be brought up in the future, if she tries to run.

The fact that IWS can bring up the author of Catcher in the Rye as an example, proves the point. Whether Salinger was responsible or not, it's common knowledge what supposedly "inspired" the assassination. And if it becomes common knowledge that Palin was "responsible" for the death of Gifford, her political career is over.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon...
Ahhh exactly! Ain?t that right hugo? Your distain for Sarah is obviously clouding your sense of reason.
I'm pretty sure Hugo was saying that, whether she was responsible for it or not, she'll be seen as (at least) partially responsible. It'll ruin any chance she has at becoming POTUS, as it will definitely be brought up in the future, if she tries to run.

The fact that IWS can bring up the author of Catcher in the Rye as an example, proves the point. Whether Salinger was responsible or not, it's common knowledge what supposedly "inspired" the assassination. And if it becomes common knowledge that Palin was "responsible" for the death of Gifford, her political career is over.
Finally..someone who can read.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon...
Ahhh exactly! Ain?t that right hugo? Your distain for Sarah is obviously clouding your sense of reason.
I'm pretty sure Hugo was saying that, whether she was responsible for it or not, she'll be seen as (at least) partially responsible. It'll ruin any chance she has at becoming POTUS, as it will definitely be brought up in the future, if she tries to run.

The fact that IWS can bring up the author of Catcher in the Rye as an example, proves the point. Whether Salinger was responsible or not, it's common knowledge what supposedly "inspired" the assassination. And if it becomes common knowledge that Palin was "responsible" for the death of Gifford, her political career is over.
Only an idiot would place blame on a detached, trumped up, person or thing that supposedly or actually "inspired" a mentally deranged person to harm themselves or others.

As for ending Palin's political career. Won't happen. This will be just like all the past events that the left and the media try to pin on a conservative person or group, before learning the truth in the situation. this too will fade away as just another left wing witch hunt and as the rest of these attempts, going back at least half a century that I can think of off the top of my head, will only be heard again from idiots who ignore the truth,

As for if this keeps Palin from running for Pres in 2012, that would be a welcome outcome, of the left wing hate/smear machine.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon...
Ahhh exactly! Ain?t that right hugo? Your distain for Sarah is obviously clouding your sense of reason.
I'm pretty sure Hugo was saying that, whether she was responsible for it or not, she'll be seen as (at least) partially responsible. It'll ruin any chance she has at becoming POTUS, as it will definitely be brought up in the future, if she tries to run.

The fact that IWS can bring up the author of Catcher in the Rye as an example, proves the point. Whether Salinger was responsible or not, it's common knowledge what supposedly "inspired" the assassination. And if it becomes common knowledge that Palin was "responsible" for the death of Gifford, her political career is over.
Only an idiot would place blame on a detached, trumped up, person or thing that supposedly or actually "inspired" a mentally deranged person to harm themselves or others.
So...most of America?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Only an idiot would place blame on a detached, trumped up, person or thing that supposedly or actually "inspired" a mentally deranged person to harm themselves or others.
Ya know.. Charles Manson never killed anyone.. merely "inspired" them.. was no where near the murder scene when the mentally deranged "harmed"others. Innocent?

Why a gun sight target and inspiration to "reload" ? That's exactly what someone did to one of her "targets". Seems to me she has an ethical obligation to be responsible for the message she's putting out as a public figure.. some people are quite literal ya know.. What's with the physical violence wins elections message? What a ****ing idiot..
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Jim Jones never killed anyone either. He just inspired with words they wanted to believe. Don't know for sure that you could call his followers mentally deranged and get away with it. They just more or less believed what they wanted to believe.


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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Come to think of it.. who was that Osama Bin Laden killed on 9/11 that prompted a 10 year war? I forget..
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I read your response just fine hugo. I?m saying Sarah?s medafor of don?t retreat, reload and trying to connect that to this tragedy is absurd. It is nothing like Charles Manson or Jim Jones and you all know it. Your grasping at straws and even a smart man like you hugo should know that. To continue to try and find anything to dis Sarah shows your bias and blindness to facts.
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I read your response just fine hugo. I?m saying Sarah?s medafor of don?t retreat, reload and trying to connect that to this tragedy is absurd. It is nothing like Charles Manson or Jim Jones and you all know it. Your grasping at straws and even a smart man like you hugo should know that. To continue to try and find anything to dis Sarah shows your bias and blindness to facts.
Whether the connection is rational or not isn't necessarily the point. It's whether the connection is seen as rational. The problem is, the way our brain works, in a year or two, when someone says, "Remember how Palin got a Congresswoman shot?", that's the connection they'll make based on what the media is currently reporting. And if they're like us (who tend to research these things for our debates), then they'll say "Oh, she didn't get anyone killed." But the problem is with the rest of Americans who don't do research. They rely on memory, which can be (and often is) wrong. So, the connection will be made, and any sort of office Ms. Palin tries to get into that requires votes, will be shot down quicker than standing in front of Dick Cheney during hunting season.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007

from 2004.

Seems Sarah wasn't the first to put targets on the opposing political adversaries.

go figure...


and because of all this, I am no longer shopping at target. insensitive bastards....



Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
and because of all this, I am no longer shopping at target. insensitive bastards....
Well it is completely obvious that the store is only named Target and uses that symbol is to incite violence.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
and because of all this, I am no longer shopping at target. insensitive bastards....
Well it is completely obvious that the store is only named Target and uses that symbol is to incite violence.
People can throw bean bags at a target. There is a reason intelligent people do not impose gunsights on their political opponents. Obama is sad today. He was hoping for an easy opponent.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
People can throw bean bags at a target. There is a reason intelligent people do not impose gunsights on their political opponents. Obama is sad today. He was hoping for an easy opponent.
If you can find me a rifle scope where the crosshairs of the reticle extend past the body of the rifle scope, I'll accept that what was on Palin's pic was a "gunsight".

However, you can't argue that the image that Target used is a bullseye, obviously to draw some form of violence or force toward whatever it is on, whether it's hit by a beanbag, bullet, arrow or urine, force has been applied to the object.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
People can throw bean bags at a target. There is a reason intelligent people do not impose gunsights on their political opponents. Obama is sad today. He was hoping for an easy opponent.
If you can find me a rifle scope where the crosshairs of the reticle extend past the body of the rifle scope, I'll accept that what was on Palin's pic was a "gunsight".

However, you can't argue that the image that Target used is a bullseye, obviously to draw some form of violence or force toward whatever it is on, whether it's hit by a beanbag, bullet, arrow or urine, force has been applied to the object.
What was the tweet the great bimbo deleted? Do you think anyone who is referred to as "the great bimbo" could win a general election?
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