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Party zone!


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
emkay64 said:
I travel with you guys...cause you're both class acts...and also because I only have to FEED the donkeys.
*Chi* said:
Hey, hey, hey... I just lead & position the donkey how Ali instructs to. I'm retired! :P
I'm just a donkey whisperer. Why do we have a traveling donkey show again?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
We'd recognize those legs and that butt anywhere...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wtZX1i6OYc]YouTube - Clerks 2 Donkey Scene[/ame]

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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
We'd recognize those legs and that butt anywhere...
Awwwww sh*t.. Didn't think anyone would recognize me if I cut off the flowing blond locks.. :o

btw.. you pervs are sh*tty tippers.. I can't keep paying the help with sexual favors forever...

well.. yeah.. I prolly could.. but still..


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
wez said:
Awwwww sh*t.. Didn't think anyone would recognize me if I cut off the flowing blond locks.. :o btw.. you pervs are sh*tty tippers.. I can't keep paying the help with sexual favors forever...

well.. yeah.. I prolly could.. but still..
Hell. I'll send ya another twenty spot if it'll help. :D
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Well we had a pretty good get together last night. It wasn't even planned but went well. I think the alcohol did most of the talking even though Ali still claims she was sober the whole time. (She got a contact high) :rolleyes:

merc your a sweetheart and don't ever forget that.

So whens the next big bash?

We need to have a time table established to fit the majority. I know it's hard when most of us want to party when your laid back with a bottle but we need to set something up so that we can get that big bash I so desire. I want everybody from JustBS to make it to that one. It's probably a pipe dream but I'm sure we can do better than we have. Not saying the last few haven't been fun.

So whens a good time to plan a crazy ChatBox get together?
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Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
snafu said:
Well we had a pretty good get together last night. It wasn't even planned but went well. I think the alcohol did most of the talking even though Ali still claims she was sober the whole time. (She got a contact hight) :rolleyes: merc your a sweetheart and don't ever forget that.

So whens the next big bash?

We need to have a time table established to fit the majority. I know it's hard when most of us want to party when your laid back with a bottle but we need to set something up so that we can get that big bash I so desire. I want everybody from JustBS to make it to that one. It's probably a pipe dream but I'm sure we can do better than we have. Not saying the last few haven't been fun.

So whens a good time to plan a crazy ChatBox get together?
I was totally sober!!!! I'm just naturally horny and obnoxious....sorry!
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
I think I jinxed myself in saying I don't get hangovers. I had a horrible one on Saturday... but Friday night was fun, so who cares?? :)
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007

OK I can't make it to the one in town. I'm working for the one but there is one in Wasilla, it's from 2 to 4. I have to pick my son up from a carer center at 5 so I just might make a quick bike ride out there.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
summer time.. sum sum summer time.. summer time sum sum summer time.. summer time!!!
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
OK I'm gonna be out playing this weekend but I will drop by if I'm not out camping.

Any big plans for this summer?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
So where the **** is everybody? I know in my neck of the woods spring time means getting out. So I've been doing just that. To top it off I've had to buckle down at work. Even though I was a hard working cuss before :rolleyes: , I've rolled up my sleeves and have taken the entire task on by my self. Thank you, thank you... no need to applaud.

So my time is valuable.


If some friends of mine decided to throw a party and get us all together I would pencil in an appointment to participate.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Hey Snaffie - Didn't see your latest postings until now. Nope, no summer plans as of yet. Glad you are able to hold down the fort on your own at work.

More parties? Wife still outta town or just a hard habit to break? ;)