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Politics - Scanners and pat-downs upset airline passengers


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Yes, profile all of the brown people. I'm sure that will have no ill effects whatsoever. Then the brown people will recruit the white people. Then you have to profile the white people! But the white people won't stand for such things, since we're white and privelaged and the like.

Don't profile. Either do it completely randomly, or check everyone with the same throughness.
Because as ignorance lets the masses believe, profiling by race or color of skin is the only way to profile.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Yes, profile all of the brown people. I'm sure that will have no ill effects whatsoever. Then the brown people will recruit the white people. Then you have to profile the white people! But the white people won't stand for such things, since we're white and privelaged and the like.

Don't profile. Either do it completely randomly, or check everyone with the same throughness.
PC GONE MAD. Profiling is one tool. That is quite effective in identifyimg potential perpetrators. In our current era there is a civil war within Islam that we have stupidly decided to engage in this makes us a target of fundamentalist Muslims. Yes. we need to profile them and need to give them some extra attention. If they do not like it they need to combat the loons who are responsible for their plight, i.e. the terrorists themselves.

Edited to add TJ style insult:

So, junior, when you get out of you're diapers you might understand the importance of profiling.
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