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Self Defense or Reckless Endagerment?

Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Yes TJ...you are welcome to post whatever you please. You are able to formulate any opinion you like. I don't know why, but whenever TJ says "azz" I imagine a white gangster wannabe and it makes me laugh "yo"....but that is just my opinion...and if I choose not to engage in pointless conversations with close minded narcissists on a chat forum, then that that is also my perogative.

Yo yo yo have a nice day fo shizzle!

OOOOh and for the record.....my vote is that he's a dumbazz (haha) and he should have stayed inside...like he is now...where he belongs.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
All that is very sweet and I really do thank you for your permission to say what I want on this foum, but you still have not answered the question as to why you jumped to the conclusion that this man was telling lies?

You certainly dance around the ability to try and redirect attention away from your need to assume this man was telling lies, but trying to paint me with insults does not change the fact that you did this emkay, and I wonder at why people like you feel so good about your ability to put down other people without even a basic excuse as to why you paint this man a liar.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.

You know I did find her choice to be pretty telling, I wonder if she really imagined dragging the business end of a grater accross her labia and clitoris hood when she was responding to me and if so does that really mean she is more sexually drawn to me than she tries to show? Most women who are infatuated with a man they know they can't have to get very hostile to them as a way of compensating. It is certainly a possibility, lol.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Are you slow? Stop accosting her. She already made it clear she is not about to waste her time arguing with crazy people who think they are always right and always have others figured out when they are totally WRONG!
Accosting her?

She decided to make a claim of lies about another person based on what Chi?

Emkay decided to show her azz and make a nasty assumption about a complete stranger on a public forum Chi. If she keeps her assumption of lies from this man to herself then fine, nobody can comment, but if she shares her insane accusation against this man on this public forum then she invites comment.

You both have your closed society forum where you can post whatever you want without anyone objecting to it at the jungle, if anyone does object you can simply have them removed so you can both go there if you desire the ability to post without other people responding to what you say.

But you all know by now that I respond to posts on this forum and just the act of submitting your comments means you invite me to be a part of it. It is actually pretty silly to complain that I did reply to be honest.
Zzzzzzz..... I didn't bother reading any of that btw.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
All that is very sweet and I really do thank you for your permission to say what I want on this foum, but you still have not answered the question as to why you jumped to the conclusion that this man was telling lies?

You certainly dance around the ability to try and redirect attention away from your need to assume this man was telling lies, but trying to paint me with insults does not change the fact that you did this emkay, and I wonder at why people like you feel so good about your ability to put down other people without even a basic excuse as to why you paint this man a liar.
You are slow...
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.

You know I did find her choice to be pretty telling, I wonder if she really imagined dragging the business end of a grater accross her labia and clitoris hood when she was responding to me and if so does that really mean she is more sexually drawn to me than she tries to show? Most women who are infatuated with a man they know they can't have to get very hostile to them as a way of compensating. It is certainly a possibility, lol.
:sick: Delusional.... It's a possibility just like Osama Bin Laden and Rosie O'Donnell falling in love and getting married.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So why was her first thought of her most intimate parts Chi?

Seems she sees a direct connection to her sexuality with me, and you seem desperate to try and prop up her mistakes, she is capable of defending herself Chi, you don;t need to play momie for her, but then again you always seem obsessed with me too so I guess both of you are just expressing your sexual frustration, lol.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
So why was her first thought of her most intimate parts Chi?

Seems she sees a direct connection to her sexuality with me, and you seem desperate to try and prop up her mistakes, she is capable of defending herself Chi, you don;t need to play momie for her, but then again you always seem obsessed with me too so I guess both of you are just expressing your sexual frustration, lol.
I know she can defend herself. I just choose to stick up for her because I consider her a friend and have a considerable amount of irk towards you.

Also, you need to quash all of your delusions that people argue with you because they have a sexual frustration towards you. Eww, yuck!:yucky: I guess all the men that dislike you here also have a sexual attraction to your irresistibility, in your mind, right?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So why was her first thought of her most intimate parts Chi?

Seems she sees a direct connection to her sexuality with me, and you seem desperate to try and prop up her mistakes, she is capable of defending herself Chi, you don;t need to play momie for her, but then again you always seem obsessed with me too so I guess both of you are just expressing your sexual frustration, lol.
I know she can defend herself. I just choose to stick up for her because I consider her a friend and have a considerable amount of irk towards you.

Also, you need to quash all of your delusions that people argue with you because they have a sexual frustration towards you. Eww, yuck!:yucky: I guess all the men that dislike you here also have a sexual attraction to your irresistibility, in your mind, right?
Of course that is exactly what a woman with a sexual frustration with me would say so your hardly helping your point.

Any woman who did not have that problem would simply laugh it off as silly, but you went that extra mile to go over the top and excessively deny it and that tells us your over compensating Chi.

Look, I don't think your a bad person, I can dissagree with people without going off the deep end emotionally but you ladies don't seem to be capable of that with me and that seriously points to unfulfilled sexual tension.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
So why was her first thought of her most intimate parts Chi?

Seems she sees a direct connection to her sexuality with me, and you seem desperate to try and prop up her mistakes, she is capable of defending herself Chi, you don;t need to play momie for her, but then again you always seem obsessed with me too so I guess both of you are just expressing your sexual frustration, lol.
I know she can defend herself. I just choose to stick up for her because I consider her a friend and have a considerable amount of irk towards you.

Also, you need to quash all of your delusions that people argue with you because they have a sexual frustration towards you. Eww, yuck!:yucky: I guess all the men that dislike you here also have a sexual attraction to your irresistibility, in your mind, right?
Of course that is exactly what a woman with a sexual frustration with me would say so your hardly helping your point.

Any woman who did not have that problem would simply laugh it off as silly, but you went that extra mile to go over the top and excessively deny it and that tells us your over compensating Chi.

Look, I don't think your a bad person, I can dissagree with people without going off the deep end emotionally but you ladies don't seem to be capable of that with me and that seriously points to unfulfilled sexual tension.
Riight...that MUST be it. You have everyone so figured out and have all of the answers.... I MUST be sexually frustrated even though my husband and I pretty much get it on every day (sorry about the TMI to everyone else lol) Yes, me pointing out how wrong you are clearly proves what you are saying... :rolleyes:
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
A girl goes out for a quick 10k...and all hell shakes loose HAHAHA. I think my narcissism critique has just been proven in spades there TJ lol. You've spent a great deal imagining intimate parts of me today. It may be something you should bring up at your next therapy session. I think obsession with a womans vagina stems back to Mommy issues. It's apparently a common issue with sociopaths.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
A girl goes out for a quick 10k...and all hell shakes loose HAHAHA. I think my narcissism critique has just been proven in spades there TJ lol. You've spent a great deal imagining intimate parts of me today. It may be something you should bring up at your next therapy session. I think obsession with a womans vagina stems back to Mommy issues. It's apparently a common issue with sociopaths.
A quick 10k, really? Is that all? :P I'm jealous. You'll be one of my role models for when after I have this bebe.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
"Is laying down and allowing yourself to be a victim somehow considered the only way a person can be honest in your world?"

Yes TJ...this is exactly what I meant. :wacko:
Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay?

I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you tell me?
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.
I would rather see you masturbate with a cheese grater than debate with him as well. Pix please ;)
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
"Is laying down and allowing yourself to be a victim somehow considered the only way a person can be honest in your world?"

Yes TJ...this is exactly what I meant. :wacko:
Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay?

I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you tell me?
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.
I would rather see you masturbate with a cheese grater than debate with him as well. Pix please ;)
I'll put you on the list.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
"Is laying down and allowing yourself to be a victim somehow considered the only way a person can be honest in your world?"

Yes TJ...this is exactly what I meant. :wacko:
Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay?

I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you tell me?
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.
I would rather see you masturbate with a cheese grater than debate with him as well. Pix please ;)
I'll put you on the list.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
"Is laying down and allowing yourself to be a victim somehow considered the only way a person can be honest in your world?"

Yes TJ...this is exactly what I meant. :wacko:
Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay?

I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you tell me?
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.
I would rather see you masturbate with a cheese grater than debate with him as well. Pix please ;)
I'll put you on the list.
don't get too excited...

I've been on "the list" for 4 years now...
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
"Is laying down and allowing yourself to be a victim somehow considered the only way a person can be honest in your world?"

Yes TJ...this is exactly what I meant. :wacko:
Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay?

I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you tell me?
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.
teeehee.... Oh lmao! I love your humor!
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
"Is laying down and allowing yourself to be a victim somehow considered the only way a person can be honest in your world?"

Yes TJ...this is exactly what I meant. :wacko:
Then why did you add in that last part saying you believed he lied emkay?

I agree with the first part of your comment where he does not seem to bright, but then you turned to attacking the idea of guns in America and then ended with your assumption he was telling lies so why was that emkay, you tell me?
TJ...I would rather masturbate with a cheese grater than get into another debate or discussion with you.
I would rather see you masturbate with a cheese grater than debate with him as well. Pix please ;)
I'll put you on the list.
don't get too excited...

I've been on "the list" for 4 years now...
That is a very long list, lol