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Site for families of special needs children

Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
wez said:
Yes, youthful energy is now ADD and asking questions about f*ucked up sh*t is antisocial disorder... No need to worry, we got drugs to make em obediant..
Surprised they ain't started castrating yet.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
hugo said:
Surprised they ain't started castrating yet.
I think there's a pill for that too... Or we could just elect Bleachy president...Toss in a little sex ed ala eddo for the remaining 10% and we're good to go... Hahahahahahahahaha


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Now it comes out... wez. Your parents put you on some ADD drug? Ritalin maybe?


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
castrating seems to be a more humane answer than outright killing... It might help clear up the gene pool some.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
BrotherMan said:
Now it comes out... wez. Your parents put you on some ADD drug? Ritalin maybe?
Nope, I was allowed to be a kid... ritalin and ADD wasn't even invented when I was disrupting classes in school... I put myself on marijuana at 16 and contemplated the universe... I graduated H.S. in '87.. prolly about the time you were born and put on Ritilin, brotherboy... Hahahahaha

No one ever shot up schools when I was a kid... or mass drugged their children..


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
I was definitely never on ritalin. I never really got into drugs much either... I think I smoked pot 5 times in my life... I am a couple of years older than that. My parents graduated in 79' and 80'. It wasn't a personal attack, you just seem like you feel a need to attack everything that believes different than you with words. I just thought that you may have been treated poorly and therefor have a big grudge against everyone else.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
BrotherMan said:
I was definitely never on ritalin. I never really got into drugs much either... I think I smoked pot 5 times in my life... I am a couple of years older than that. My parents graduated in 79' and 80'. It wasn't a personal attack, you just seem like you feel a need to attack everything that believes different than you with words. I just thought that you may have been treated poorly and therefor have a big grudge against everyone else.
Hahahahaha.. no grudge.. Anyone can say anything they want to me. Someone could stab me and I'd forgive them before the knife is pulled out...

Sometimes people don't know what they believe til their words are given back to them in a new light... Take it as an attack, take it as advice, take it as it comes... I'm not responsible for anyone but me.. Although, if you find yourself getting pissed at something I say, take it to the mirror.

You'll soon notice bro man, with me, you'll get what you give.

On a side note, Hugo calling me a dumbass and challenging me my first day at TJ was the best thing that ever happened to me.. Attack? Hell no... I owe the guy my life. It's all in the perspective bro...

Were you born to resist or be abused? ~ Foo Fighters

If you can't defend your beliefs all by your lonesome even if every other human on the planet says otherwise and fail to resist everything but logic, your beliefs aint worth a damn... And if you resist logic because you're afraid of being wrong, you're a dumbass. ~ wez

You got a good saying on your profile about finding the truth there bro man... Can you resist the shut up tactics like anger, threats, and violence to find it like Jesus did or would you buckle like a lawn chair in a tornado like his buddy, Peter?

As Jesus hung on the cross, he begged forgivness for his murderers... All he had to do was lie to be set free... Apparently his beliefs and the truth were more important than His life itself.. All we have is the truth, without it, we have no life.

Here's some good truth bro.. whatever is ok for you to do to another human being, is ok for every other human being to do to you.

Here's some more truth bro... when you get be 38, don't go thinking you can eat a piece of cherry pie 1/2 hour before you fall asleep and not wake up at 3 am with wrenching gut pains...