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The real progressive mind revealed.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So clearly there was no lie from Bush.

Bush said exactly what Bill Clinton and the rest of the progressive leadership said before Bush took office, there was no lie unless that lie was planted by Bill Clinton and company.


You don't understand the term IWS?
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Hey TJ.. Are you now an expert on nursing scopes and standards of practice?

And.. do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?

Either way.. you lose.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So Bush never told a lie and now your busy trying to cover up your failure to prove he did with your usual personal attacks and such, can't say I did not expect it.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
So Bush never told a lie and now your busy trying to cover up your failure to prove he did with your usual personal attacks and such, can't say I did not expect it.
Problem with the questions?

Do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?

Either way.. you lose.

Are you now an expert on nursing scopes and standards of practice?
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Oct 21, 2007
Hey TJ.. Are you now an expert on nursing scopes and standards of practice?

And.. do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?

Either way.. you lose.
You gotta realise that with NPD sufferers, you have to give them "nice" options, Wez.

Like, either way, you're still a fixated loser tyke, but if you're not, you're a loser tyke.

It's all in the presentations, Wez. :lol:
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You refused to answer the questions first Wez, lol.

So you admit with all this crap that you were wrong and being as you can't prove that Bush ever lied about anything, now you want to redirect attention away from the fact you once again shot your mouth off about something you knew nothing about just to be hateful and support the progressive agenda.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
You refused to answer the questions first Wez, lol.

So you admit with all this crap that you were wrong and being as you can't prove that Bush ever lied about anything, now you want to redirect attention away from the fact you once again shot your mouth off about something you knew nothing about just to be hateful and support the progressive agenda.
I answered them.. you just didn't like the answer..

Are you now an expert on nursing scopes and standards of practice?

Do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?

What is the progressive agenda? Telling the truth? Not closing ones eyes to reality? Holding ones own country responsible for it's actions?
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
No you inserted lies and dodged the direct question.

How did Bush tell a lie if Clinton and all the progressives said the exact same thing based on the exact same intel long before Bush ever took office?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
No you inserted lies and dodged the direct question.
Really? What lies would those be Louis? Then it should be easy for you to cut and paste and show me the error of my ways..

How did Bush tell a lie if Clinton and all the progressives said the exact same thing based on the exact same intel long before Bush ever took office?
He said God talks to him and commanded him to wage war.. Lie or truth?

Either way.. you know the score.. so quit dodging and answer, Louis.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You don't understand the term IWS?
I do, but not sure you do.

Being anti-colonialism, is a good thing.
Just like the word "liberal" can have many meanings depending on where your standing in the world and what time period your discussing using that term (liberal in America was something very different not that long ago) being anti-colonialism in the modern world in the majority of European and American circles is a description of how these people view those who operate the majority of the wealth. The original concept was one against military might but it has evolved in modern times to consider economic might to be seen as the exact same things as military might.

Several new books have come out recently to explain that most of the modern movements that some consider to be socialist in design are actually more closely related to anti-colonialism in their execution and attitudes.

Of course the original usage fits how the progressives saw our involvement in places like Iraq as well.

Put short, the modern concept of economic might being seen as the same as military might allows those who hold these beliefs to see any success by those with the economic might as actually stealing their success from the masses. That is why they seem to be socialist in many ways when they are out to punish the "rich".


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Gonna answer those question or keep dodging and changing the subject, Louis?

Do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Gonna answer those question or keep dodging and changing the subject, Louis?

Do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?
no but the 14 resolutions and 9/ll told him to.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Gonna answer those question or keep dodging and changing the subject, Louis?

Do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?
no but the 14 resolutions and 9/ll told him to.
How many resolutions were there against Israel? Since when do we take orders from the United Nations?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
You don't understand the term IWS?
I do, but not sure you do.

Being anti-colonialism, is a good thing.
Just like the word "liberal" can have many meanings depending on where your standing in the world and what time period your discussing using that term (liberal in America was something very different not that long ago) being anti-colonialism in the modern world in the majority of European and American circles is a description of how these people view those who operate the majority of the wealth. The original concept was one against military might but it has evolved in modern times to consider economic might to be seen as the exact same things as military might.

Several new books have come out recently to explain that most of the modern movements that some consider to be socialist in design are actually more closely related to anti-colonialism in their execution and attitudes.

Of course the original usage fits how the progressives saw our involvement in places like Iraq as well.

Put short, the modern concept of economic might being seen as the same as military might allows those who hold these beliefs to see any success by those with the economic might as actually stealing their success from the masses. That is why they seem to be socialist in many ways when they are out to punish the "rich".
Oh BS. I'm calling a big time BS flag on this.

It is so obvious that you so hooked onto the stories in the new about Newt Gingrich about his description of President Obama when he said, "What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?" and didn't have a clue what that meant. You just assumed it was a bash on Obama and liberal/progressives.

Now you're back peddling terribly.

It's quite obvious what happened here.

Just like your verbage suddenly changed from, liberal to progressive. You heard the catch phrase anti-colonial and jumped on it.


The truth. The United States was never meant to be involved in colonialism, and wasn't for the most part other than after the Spanish American war when Progressives pushed for it with Teddy Roosevelt pushing to take Cuba, the Phillipines, etc...

It's obvious you didn't know what you were saying and parroted Newt's words.

It's quite comical.
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Bush only repeated what she and Bill Clinton said, he was saying what they said based on the same intel, if there was a lie created and intel that was falsed to create the impression there were WMD's in Iraq then that had to be planted by Clinton and the progressives, not Bush, Bush only said what he saw based on the intel, intel already there long before he took office.
Was part of the intel spoken commandments from God to declare war?

God sure gave GW some lousy advice.
hahahaha.. indeed

Bush's God is a dumbass.
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
no but the 14 resolutions and 9/ll told him to.
Why ain't we "resolution'd" for our WMD program and where are the weapons inspectors turning our country upside down looking for nukes? Think they'd find anything like they were looking for in Iraq?

Who's the threat to who?

I dunno snaf.. ya think there's a country on Earth with more WMD's than us? I doubt it.. Kinda hypocritical, wouldn't ya say?


Go tell your neighbors they can't own so much as a single bb gun but you can have a basement full of M16's, AK 47's and 44 Magnums.. or else..

Now.. How ya gonna justify it? Point your finger in their face in judgment with your hand on your sidearm?
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Gonna answer those question or keep dodging and changing the subject, Louis?

Do you really believe God talks to Bush and commanded him to wage war or do ya think he was lying?
no but the 14 resolutions and 9/ll told him to.
How many resolutions were there against Israel? Since when do we take orders from the United Nations?
Yeah, last time I checked, the UN is more our b!tch than we are theirs.