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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Yep. First time I called Times...Hush it just led to him putting in his last words and proceeding to go to pm's and refuse to see his ignorance and irrelevance of his stupid lottery comparison to wanting a ruling party.So, as I also predicted, this means nothing. Don't bother trying it.
You wanted it to work as a way of saying what you wanted to say but not fulfill the other side of the bargan to yourself be involved in helping me to say things in a way that would still impart the information but in a way that did not upset you. I sent you pm's because that was part of the agreement.

If all you desire is to say what you want without me ever responding then just ban me again.

If instead you want to work together to find some peace that will require "work" from "both" of us.

Are you willing to work?
Oct 21, 2007
Hmmm, without a doubt, you have very little self-control, tj.

This from the shoutbox last week. Emkay and I were having a chat while this was happening as a kind of background noise.

Times : (15 September 2010 - 01:10 AM) I assume eddo that you um....gave a donation.... due to your saving yourself and all that.....lol

I'm okay with a hug, but Builder has to wash first, his coprophilia leaves a bad odor....

Because Builder would never waste a good dump when he can play with it instead, lol

You know Builder, even in Australia, there is treatments for your coprophilia

I bet you like it becuase you get really good turds to play with after eating it right Builder?

Has emkay joined you in that game?

Emaky seems like the coprophilia type too come to think of it.

Not a joke Builder, you have a serious problem that needs proper medical treatment

See how it has infected emkay?

Now even she is stuck on this infatuation.

You guys are messed up.

Why not try to be more normal?

coprophilia is nothign to joke about you two, why can't you take your problem seriously?

Joking it off will not make it go away.

So Builder, do you find playing with animal turds better than human waste?

How exactly does one advertise for partners of coprophilia while traveling?

Do you practice your coprophilia while you sleepwalk as well?

Is your gay lover into coprophilia or do you practice that outside your relationship?

Be careful with emkay, you won't be the first to get a gift that keeps on giving, lol.

Better to stay with your usual men and not be so desperate you need to be with someone like emkay.

So do you do the foot tapping think in bathrooms too Builder?

Or do you guys who love coprophilia have your own special signal?

Maybe a skid mark piece of paper tossed under the divider or something Builder?

Are there parts of your gay bars devoted to those who love coprophilia?

Times : (15 September 2010 - 01:32 AM) Well Builder, time for me to go make some money, have fun and remember, wash your hands before eating, feces is not considered an acceptable spice for food.


Now that's twenty-four shouts without either of us responding to you, Louis, and all because I asked you if Obama had to okay your nipple clamp purchase. You are aware that nipple clamps are used by heterosexuals, and they have nothing to do with your anus?

Now I don't particularly care what you dribble on about, because most of your lengthy tomes are the same dribble rehashed, but I do believe you owe Emkay a sincere apology.
Oct 21, 2007
Oh, and I didn't forget calling you and IWS "girls" due to your tag-teaming efforts in some threads, but it would appear that IWS has given you the "bum's rush" (pardon the pun)over your meaningless use of the coined phrases you glean off others, and your fixated denial of factual evidence.

I'm not at all withdrawing my concerned statements to wez that you are in fact a sufferer of the common narcissistic personality disorder, and I would propose that you confess to yourself, at the very least,that you have a major problem, and seek some guidance from your parish or priest or whatever subsitutes in your life as outside help.

And don't forget Emkay. She said nothing that wasn't in jest. ;)
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Hmmm, without a doubt, you have very little self-control, tj.

This from the shoutbox last week. Emkay and I were having a chat while this was happening as a kind of background noise.

Times : (15 September 2010 - 01:10 AM) I assume eddo that you um....gave a donation.... due to your saving yourself and all that.....lol

I'm okay with a hug, but Builder has to wash first, his coprophilia leaves a bad odor....

Because Builder would never waste a good dump when he can play with it instead, lol

You know Builder, even in Australia, there is treatments for your coprophilia

I bet you like it becuase you get really good turds to play with after eating it right Builder?

Has emkay joined you in that game?

Emaky seems like the coprophilia type too come to think of it.

Not a joke Builder, you have a serious problem that needs proper medical treatment

See how it has infected emkay?

Now even she is stuck on this infatuation.

You guys are messed up.

Why not try to be more normal?

coprophilia is nothign to joke about you two, why can't you take your problem seriously?

Joking it off will not make it go away.

So Builder, do you find playing with animal turds better than human waste?

How exactly does one advertise for partners of coprophilia while traveling?

Do you practice your coprophilia while you sleepwalk as well?

Is your gay lover into coprophilia or do you practice that outside your relationship?

Be careful with emkay, you won't be the first to get a gift that keeps on giving, lol.

Better to stay with your usual men and not be so desperate you need to be with someone like emkay.

So do you do the foot tapping think in bathrooms too Builder?

Or do you guys who love coprophilia have your own special signal?

Maybe a skid mark piece of paper tossed under the divider or something Builder?

Are there parts of your gay bars devoted to those who love coprophilia?

Times : (15 September 2010 - 01:32 AM) Well Builder, time for me to go make some money, have fun and remember, wash your hands before eating, feces is not considered an acceptable spice for food.


Now that's twenty-four shouts without either of us responding to you, Louis, and all because I asked you if Obama had to okay your nipple clamp purchase. You are aware that nipple clamps are used by heterosexuals, and they have nothing to do with your anus?

Now I don't particularly care what you dribble on about, because most of your lengthy tomes are the same dribble rehashed, but I do believe you owe Emkay a sincere apology.
What a weird and sick individual.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
TJ and I are beyond apologies lol. None required. I found his fascination there telling. Another chink in a very sick complicated chain. Poor TJ...we really should feel sorry for him.
Oct 21, 2007
TJ and I are beyond apologies lol. None required. I found his fascination there telling. Another chink in a very sick complicated chain. Poor TJ...we really should feel sorry for him.
Pretty sure it's NPD, and sympathy is not part of their "diet", Emkay. ;)

This from wiki.

Theodore Millon identified five subtypes of narcissist.[2][3] Any individual narcissist may exhibit none or one of the following:

* unprincipled narcissist - including antisocial features. A charlatan - is a fraudulent, exploitative, deceptive and unscrupulous individual.

* amorous narcissist - including histrionic features. The Don Juan of our times - is erotic, exhibitionist.

* compensatory narcissist - including negativistic (passive-aggressive), avoidant features.

* elitist narcissist - variant of pure pattern. Corresponds to Wilhelm Reich's "phallic narcissistic" personality type.

* fanatic type - including paranoid features. A severely narcissistically wounded individual, usually with major paranoid tendencies who holds onto an illusion of omnipotence.

Pathological narcissism occurs in a spectrum of severity. In its more extreme forms, it is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). NPD is considered to result from a person's belief that they are flawed in a way that makes them fundamentally unacceptable to others.[9] This belief is held below the person's conscious awareness; such a person would typically deny thinking such a thing, if questioned. In order to protect themselves against the intolerably painful rejection and isolation that (they imagine) would follow if others recognized their supposedly defective nature, such people make strong attempts to control others? view of them and behavior towards them.

Pathological narcissism can develop from an impairment in the quality of the person's relationship with their primary caregivers, usually their parents, in that the parents were unable to form a healthy, empathic attachment to them.[citation needed] This results in the child conceiving of themselves as unimportant and unconnected to others. The child typically comes to believe they have some personality defect that makes them unvalued and unwanted.[10]

Narcissistic personality disorder is isolating, disenfranchising, painful, and formidable for those living with it and often those who are in a relationship with them. Distinctions need to be made among those who have NPD because not each and every person with NPD is the same. Even with similar core issues, the way in which one's individual narcissism manifests itself in his or her relationships varies.[citation needed]

To the extent that people are pathologically narcissistic, they can be controlling, blaming, self-absorbed, intolerant of others? views, unaware of others' needs and of the effects of their behavior on others, and insistent that others see them as they wish to be seen.[7]

People who are overly narcissistic commonly feel rejected, humiliated and threatened when criticised. To protect themselves from these dangers, they often react with disdain, rage, and/or defiance to any slight criticism, real or imagined.[11] To avoid such situations, some narcissistic people withdraw socially and may feign modesty or humility. In the case of feeling the lack of admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation the person can also manifest wishes to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply).

Though individuals with NPD are often ambitious and capable, the inability to tolerate setbacks, disagreements or criticism, along with lack of empathy, make it difficult for such individuals to work cooperatively with others or to maintain long-term professional achievements.[12] With narcissistic personality disorder, the person's perceived fantastic grandiosity, often coupled with a hypomanic mood, is typically not commensurate with his or her real accomplishments.

The exploitativeness, sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, disregard for others, and constant need for attention inherent in NPD adversely affect interpersonal relationships.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Wow, I just noticed you got all worked up over me Builder, and of course emkay and chi had to join in, those two have been joining the gangbangs on anyone out of favor for most of their life on the internet, no surprise there.

I am surprised you came here crying about my treatment of you, you act like a child who loves to dish it out but you can't take it. Don't feel alone in that department, many people including the once great and mighty RO had to run away from me because he could not handle the right he started and I am sure your wimpy self will do the same thing, well, maybe not, at least RO had enough dignity to know he had embarrassed himself, you on the other don't.

Don't start sh!t, and there will be no sh!t my uninformed and childish friend, lol.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Wow, I just noticed you got all worked up over me Builder, and of course emkay and chi had to join in, those two have been joining the gangbangs on anyone out of favor for most of their life on the internet, no surprise there.

I am surprised you came here crying about my treatment of you, you act like a child who loves to dish it out but you can't take it. Don't feel alone in that department, many people including the once great and mighty RO had to run away from me because he could not handle the right he started and I am sure your wimpy self will do the same thing, well, maybe not, at least RO had enough dignity to know he had embarrassed himself, you on the other don't.

Don't start sh!t, and there will be no sh!t my uninformed and childish friend, lol.
LMAO @ even the notion that you think you ran RO out of here!!!!!!!! LMAO you are HILARIOUS!! My oh my, now I know for sure you are out of touch with reality. And now you accuse Builder of doing exactly what YOU do all of the time. Unbelievable! Your mindset and outlook is backwards and warped. *backs away slowly, must not look at crazy person directly in the eyes*
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I actually know what happened to RO...and trust me when I say..TJ was not the reason. For whatever reason this a weird feather in TJ's cap. Happy to have "supposedly" run someone off..not very christian, but also not surprising.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I actually know what happened to RO...and trust me when I say..TJ was not the reason. For whatever reason this a weird feather in TJ's cap. Happy to have "supposedly" run someone off..not very christian, but also not surprising.
Seems that the majority of the ones who tout being "Christian" the most are the ones who behave and demonstrate it the least.

And I hope RO is doing okay.. And not around here, for a bad reason.
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I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
RO pretty much ran himself off for being an idiot. Yeah TJ slammed him, but the undoing of RO was self inflicted.

and really TJ???? Talking about Chi and Emkay in a gangbang?????

Don't you know I'm at work?

Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
RO pretty much ran himself off for being an idiot. Yeah TJ slammed him, but the undoing of RO was self inflicted.

and really TJ???? Talking about Chi and Emkay in a gangbang?????

Don't you know I'm at work?

I hope you have your booty shielded this time and that LS and RaE are not around. You know what happened last time..
Oct 21, 2007
LMAO @ even the notion that you think you ran RO out of here!!!!!!!! LMAO you are HILARIOUS!! My oh my, now I know for sure you are out of touch with reality. And now you accuse Builder of doing exactly what YOU do all of the time. Unbelievable! Your mindset and outlook is backwards and warped. *backs away slowly, must not look at crazy person directly in the eyes*
He's still in denial, Chi. It's a long road back, but he seems to think that digging a hole will help him on his way.

Classic NPD. Seen it before.

Oh, and Louis, real christians wouldn't talk about playing with fresh turds. Unless you are part of some new weird sect, of course. Then, with the freedom of religion and all, I guess it's okay if you keep it behind closed doors. ;)
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Who was the chickensh!t that negative repped eddo for telling the truth? You guys seem more interested in rewriting history to protect your feelings instead of being honest about things. I countered the negative rep and I hope nobody else gives eddo negative rep when all he was doing is telling a truth the rest of you seem too scare to admit to.

LMAO @ even the notion that you think you ran RO out of here!!!!!!!! LMAO you are HILARIOUS!! My oh my, now I know for sure you are out of touch with reality. And now you accuse Builder of doing exactly what YOU do all of the time. Unbelievable! Your mindset and outlook is backwards and warped. *backs away slowly, must not look at crazy person directly in the eyes*
As usual, you are wrong again Chi, but that it nothing new now is it? You don't concern yourself with reality; everything for you is your emotional outbursts just like you claimed anyone who wanted the border secured was racist.

But eddo is right, to be completely honest RO ran himself off both times, I was simply the only guy to ever stand up to him on the internet, he was used to every altercation he had ever had with the other guy backing down and not being able to keep up with him. This was unacceptable so he went to greater and greater excesses trying to beat me, and each time he failed miserably. He ran himself off because he could not accept the fact he could not beat me.

I actually know what happened to RO...and trust me when I say..TJ was not the reason. For whatever reason this a weird feather in TJ's cap. Happy to have "supposedly" run someone off..not very christian, but also not surprising.
Believe it or not, RO told me a little bit of what was going on with him too and his mental issues, I became a target for him to feel better about himself, he thought bringing me down would make him feel better, and to be honest I almost let him, but at the end he had gone so far off the deep end I knew letting him play God over me was not going to help him with his deep seated psychological problems.

It is not really a feather in my cap other than my ability to weather the storm and keep up with anyone, stay on my feet, my point to Builder is his obsession with me that had him trying to play sex games had happened before and if he had to come here crying about my reply he most likely would end up the same way RO did.

And that is a pretty important point, Builder did start the sex flames and later started crying he got a reply he could not handle, he started it, and he cried about it, typical weak azz progressive.

He's still in denial, Chi. It's a long road back, but he seems to think that digging a hole will help him on his way.

Classic NPD. Seen it before.

Oh, and Louis, real christians wouldn't talk about playing with fresh turds. Unless you are part of some new weird sect, of course. Then, with the freedom of religion and all, I guess it's okay if you keep it behind closed doors. ;)
The only people in denial are you guys, you were not even here for the RO vs. Times battles and the resulting departure by an ashamed and pitiful RO. I agree that eddo is right, it is more accurate to say RO beat himself, I used his own out of control personality against him, I knew all O had to do is keep the pressure on him and his inability to accept someone was better than him would make him pop.

emkay, Chi, RO and many other people have always used the gangbang style to try and run people off, they have learned that everyone simply folded under the pressure even if their target was right and they wrong. Now you have joined the estrogen mafia and you have been set out to do battle against me in their hope you can succeed where they have failed. You have Chi and emkay egging you on and you feel brave with their support but you will not run me off or beat me in the insult wars because unlike all of you, I don't care what other people think about me.

My vision of 'self' does not require the shallow and conditional support people like Chi and emkay offer. One day they are your friend, the next day your their enemy just because you said something they did not like, or even you had words with someone who is higher on their 'friend' list so you get cut loose. The only friends I want in my life are those who stay friends even if they don't agree with me, and only two people here on this forum have that ability.

I am here for one reason, to debate. I have plenty of friends in my life in the real world, if I find one or two good peopel while I am here then great, the two I have met so far have enriched my life, but those of you who are only interested in being ugly don't and never will bother me.

The reason people like you, chi, emkay, RO, and the rest of the estrogen mafia turn to these personal attacks is because you can't keep up on an intellectual level.
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Who was the chickensh!t that negative repped eddo for telling the truth? You guys seem more interested in rewriting history to protect your feelings instead of being honest about things. I countered the negative rep and I hope nobody else gives eddo negative rep when all he was doing is telling a truth the rest of you seem too scare to admit to.

LMAO @ even the notion that you think you ran RO out of here!!!!!!!! LMAO you are HILARIOUS!! My oh my, now I know for sure you are out of touch with reality. And now you accuse Builder of doing exactly what YOU do all of the time. Unbelievable! Your mindset and outlook is backwards and warped. *backs away slowly, must not look at crazy person directly in the eyes*
As usual, you are wrong again Chi, but that it nothing new now is it? You don't concern yourself with reality; everything for you is your emotional outbursts just like you claimed anyone who wanted the border secured was racist.

But eddo is right, to be completely honest RO ran himself off both times, I was simply the only guy to ever stand up to him on the internet, he was used to every altercation he had ever had with the other guy backing down and not being able to keep up with him. This was unacceptable so he went to greater and greater excesses trying to beat me, and each time he failed miserably. He ran himself off because he could not accept the fact he could not beat me.

I actually know what happened to RO...and trust me when I say..TJ was not the reason. For whatever reason this a weird feather in TJ's cap. Happy to have "supposedly" run someone off..not very christian, but also not surprising.
Believe it or not, RO told me a little bit of what was going on with him too and his mental issues, I became a target for him to feel better about himself, he thought bringing me down would make him feel better, and to be honest I almost let him, but at the end he had gone so far off the deep end I knew letting him play God over me was not going to help him with his deep seated psychological problems.

It is not really a feather in my cap other than my ability to weather the storm and keep up with anyone, stay on my feet, my point to Builder is his obsession with me that had him trying to play sex games had happened before and if he had to come here crying about my reply he most likely would end up the same way RO did.

And that is a pretty important point, Builder did start the sex flames and later started crying he got a reply he could not handle, he started it, and he cried about it, typical weak azz progressive.

He's still in denial, Chi. It's a long road back, but he seems to think that digging a hole will help him on his way.

Classic NPD. Seen it before.

Oh, and Louis, real christians wouldn't talk about playing with fresh turds. Unless you are part of some new weird sect, of course. Then, with the freedom of religion and all, I guess it's okay if you keep it behind closed doors. ;)
The only people in denial are you guys, you were not even here for the RO vs. Times battles and the resulting departure by an ashamed and pitiful RO. I agree that eddo is right, it is more accurate to say RO beat himself, I used his own out of control personality against him, I knew all O had to do is keep the pressure on him and his inability to accept someone was better than him would make him pop.

emkay, Chi, RO and many other people have always used the gangbang style to try and run people off, they have learned that everyone simply folded under the pressure even if their target was right and they wrong. Now you have joined the estrogen mafia and you have been set out to do battle against me in their hope you can succeed where they have failed. You have Chi and emkay egging you on and you feel brave with their support but you will not run me off or beat me in the insult wars because unlike all of you, I don't care what other people think about me.

My vision of 'self' does not require the shallow and conditional support people like Chi and emkay offer. One day they are your friend, the next day your their enemy just because you said something they did not like, or even you had words with someone who is higher on their 'friend' list so you get cut loose. The only friends I want in my life are those who stay friends even if they don't agree with me, and only two people here on this forum have that ability.

I am here for one reason, to debate. I have plenty of friends in my life in the real world, if I find one or two good peopel while I am here then great, the two I have met so far have enriched my life, but those of you who are only interested in being ugly don't and never will bother me.

The reason people like you, chi, emkay, RO, and the rest of the estrogen mafia turn to these personal attacks is because you can't keep up on an intellectual level.
Zzzzzzz.......... Are you done, crazy person? Don't you have some houses to build and financing to obtain for the needy? LOL.......
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Zzzzzzz.......... Are you done, crazy person? Don't you have some houses to build and financing to obtain for the needy? LOL.......
Hey, did I force you to come here and go out of your way to flame me? Why is it you start crap them complain about that crap after you start it?
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Zzzzzzz.......... Are you done, crazy person? Don't you have some houses to build and financing to obtain for the needy? LOL.......
Hey, did I force you to come here and go out of your way to flame me? Why is it you start crap them complain about that crap after you start it?
You're annoying and way off as hell on almost every subject, that's what urges me to say something to you. Otherwise you are a waste of time to try and discuss anything with, it's not about complaining. You are also full of sh*t and no one believes a word you say.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Zzzzzzz.......... Are you done, crazy person? Don't you have some houses to build and financing to obtain for the needy? LOL.......
Hey, did I force you to come here and go out of your way to flame me? Why is it you start crap them complain about that crap after you start it?
You're annoying and way off as hell on almost every subject, that's what urges me to say something to you. Otherwise you are a waste of time to try and discuss anything with, it's not about complaining. You are also full of sh*t and no one believes a word you say.
Then why obsess about me so much? Why not just ignore me and never talk about me? It seems you love to stir up sh!t then cry like a baby when that sh!t is going. I only lay the game you start, stop messing with me and I will stop "RESPONDING" to your childish attacks.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Zzzzzzz.......... Are you done, crazy person? Don't you have some houses to build and financing to obtain for the needy? LOL.......
Hey, did I force you to come here and go out of your way to flame me? Why is it you start crap them complain about that crap after you start it?
You're annoying and way off as hell on almost every subject, that's what urges me to say something to you. Otherwise you are a waste of time to try and discuss anything with, it's not about complaining. You are also full of sh*t and no one believes a word you say.
Then why obsess about me so much? Why not just ignore me and never talk about me? It seems you love to stir up sh!t then cry like a baby when that sh!t is going. I only lay the game you start, stop messing with me and I will stop "RESPONDING" to your childish attacks.
Who's crying? I'm not a whiny girl like you who is always complaining woe is me, why is everyone always gaining up on me and joing the "bandwagon" and "gangbang" - boohoo. Gee, I wonder why... Can it just be that the problem lies with YOU. But oh no, you have all the answers, are always right and people are just jealous of you, can't handle debate with you and just desire you. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!