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Too Hot to be a Banker?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well you will be missed, you know, I have always wondered at how many people that are so stuck on their own beliefs that they cannot accept ideas that do not conform to their own as even worthy of viewing or considering. I take acception to a lot of what other people say and do not agree with them but you don't see me get emotional about it.
Really? Did you really post that?
Yes I did post that Joe.

There is a huge difference between not agreeing with someone and being hostile with someone just because they do not share your view point. I don't do the hostile part. Look how emkay constantly makes these discussions all about attacking me and completely ignores what is said.

Take my point about how the images shown were offered by the woman and her lawyer and even one of them was completely irresponsible to wear to a work environment (unless you worked at a strip club). It is very reasonable to believe that she wore a lot more stuff that was just as bad as the one.

Then there is also the point the woman refused a direct order from her bosses.

Point after point ignored, but personal attacks still made.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Well you will be missed, you know, I have always wondered at how many people that are so stuck on their own beliefs that they cannot accept ideas that do not conform to their own as even worthy of viewing or considering. I take acception to a lot of what other people say and do not agree with them but you don't see me get emotional about it.
Really? Did you really post that?

Exact same thing I thought - hipocresia...!
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Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
My link


Now that's just BS! I like how turtle necks and pencil skirts were "banned" office wear. I guess some women really do need to wear a burka. Stupid! Although...I can't speak from experience but I'm guessing it's difficult to work with a hard on?
Hehe, forget the story, all I want to know is where she got that dress. It's gorgeous!!!