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Verbal masturbation.. wez style..


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
wez said:
Well.. Been awhile since I've delighted you all with tales of verbal masturbation.. schools a bitch this semester.. but tonight I got inducted in this international nursing honor society. The top 3rd of my graduating class were eligible.. so.. yay me! Just hope I pass med/surge this semester.. :D

The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International
Congratulations, wezley!!!! Way to go. :D


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Thanks you guys.. I appreciate it. :)

Hard to believe I'm almost done.. and that I've known most of ya now since before I even thought about going back to school.. my how time flies..


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
wez said:
Thanks you guys.. I appreciate it. :) Hard to believe I'm almost done.. and that I've known most of ya now since before I even thought about going back to school.. my how time flies..
...And how we've all grown. ;)


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Well.. another semester gone by.. thank god.. twas a biatch.. managed 2 A's .. 2 A- .. B+, and a B.. one more to go..

I hear the last semester isn't too bad.. I'll be basically working at the hospital here in my home town for 6 weeks of it in the ER and med/surge for 40 hours a week.. for free.. :rolleyes: ..

Then I'll take the NCLEX this summer and get my nursey license.. yay me. :)

Hope ya'all had a good Christmas and thanksgiving.. and have a happy new year!

2010.. wtf? My how time flies..
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
wez said:
Well.. another semester gone by.. thank god.. twas a biatch.. managed 2 A's .. 2 A- .. B+, and a B.. one more to go.. I hear the last semester isn't too bad.. I'll be basically working at the hospital here in my home town for 6 weeks of it in the ER and med/surge for 40 hours a week.. for free.. :rolleyes: ..

Then I'll take the NCLEX this summer and get my nursey license.. yay me. :)

Hope ya'all had a good Christmas and thanksgiving.. and have a happy new year!

2010.. wtf? My how time flies..
Great job, Wezzie! Good luck with the internship!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Congrats on the grades and it seems like your happy at how your doing so that is what counts.

What kind of nurse are you aspiring to be? A friend of mine has completed his nurse practitioner and is working hand in hand with a doctor. He loves it, but he had run the full spectrum of nursing from EMT to this with every stop inbetween and was never really happy.

Although he spent more time with the new babies than any other step.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
*Chi* said:
Great job, Wezzie! Good luck with the internship!
Thanks Chi! :) .. Looking forward to it.. I loved my day in ER last semester..

timesjoke said:
Congrats on the grades and it seems like your happy at how your doing so that is what counts.What kind of nurse are you aspiring to be? A friend of mine has completed his nurse practitioner and is working hand in hand with a doctor. He loves it, but he had run the full spectrum of nursing from EMT to this with every stop inbetween and was never really happy.

Although he spent more time with the new babies than any other step.
Thanks TJ.. as of right now.. just aspiring to graduate, get my RN license and get a job.

I'd like to work in med surge for a year or two just for the variety of experience I'd get.. I liked the ER .. Peds.. Telemetry..

OB was cool but not typically a place for male nurses.. Not one male nurse in OB at the hospital I did my clinicals.. might have to look at long term care in the beginning. Economy ain't so hot for anyone, including nurses. Could prolly always find a job there though.. Huge need and getting bigger..

Nurse practitioner would be awsome.. and more school.. if I ever did that I'd go for a nursing anesthetist..

But.. like I said.. as for now.. plan is .. graduate.. get my license.. get a job..
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ya, getting a job would be top on the list I imagine, the process took my buddy about 12 years I think between stages and going back to school. He never found anything that really kept his interest with a passion so he kept looking for more.

The medical profession has so many splinters of directions you can go into that you can do a lot of different things even at the RN level. Good luck.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
timesjoke said:
Ya, getting a job would be top on the list I imagine, the process took my buddy about 12 years I think between stages and going back to school. He never found anything that really kept his interest with a passion so he kept looking for more.The medical profession has so many splinters of directions you can go into that you can do a lot of different things even at the RN level. Good luck.
All those splinters is what I love I best.. I love the variety of options.. I could live anywhere I want too and always have a good chance of finding a great job..

After graduation I can get a public nurse license from the state.. Could be a school nurse.. work in a local/state public health dept.. etc.. My BSN will qualify me.. I'm going to whether I ever use it or not.. I kinda liked public health clinical.. I actually like research and crunching numbers too.. never know.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Good job, wez. Keep it up and I hope you enjoy your new career choice.
Thanks bud.. I'm sure I will.. I love school, but it'll be nice to be done and actually get paid for all the hard work..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Re: Verbal masturbation..

So, throughout school we periodically take these Hesi tests in all the areas we cover.. med/surge, peds, nutrition, mental health, etc.. they're basically prep tests for the NCLEX I'll need to take to get my license after graduation, not counted for my grades or anything. Just to monitor my progress.

I've done good on all of them, but nothing spectacular. But today we took one for pathophysiology and I scored in the 98.5 percentile among nursing students nationwide. Only 1% scored better.. :)

Had patho 2 years ago too.. yay me..

Can't wait to be done.. very soon.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Awesome, wezley!!!

You've grown up right before our very eyes...lol. ;)