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Verbal masturbation.. wez style..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Funny.. today mine said..

You will soon kick some poor fools ass in scrabble and verbally masturbate it all over the www to rub salt in the massive wounds you leave behind.

Wonder who it'll be?
Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
wez said:
Funny.. today mine said.. You will soon kick some poor fools ass in scrabble and verbally masturbate it all over the www to rub salt in the massive wounds you leave behind.

Wonder who it'll be?
Only one thing's for sure: it's not me. :D


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Anna Perenna said:
Only one thing's for sure: it's not me. :D

How can you be so cruel? :(


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Anna Perenna said:
Oddly enough, it's effortless.
Soul of a woman was created below ~ Robert Plant and RO in his best Robert Plant voice in some/any cunny that's under 300lbs
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
My lowly scrabble stats at Internet Scrabble Club (hint, hint) Which isn't so bad my life savior can't join and pummel me with her greatness now and again..

Win 2373

Lose 3525

rating 1025

best rating 1219

Average 321 in 13 turns
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
wez said:
Soul of a woman was created below ~ Robert Plant and RO in his best Robert Plant voice in some/any cunny that's under 300lbs
Try again, Retardo the Galant!

300 pounds? Only if they are like seven feet tall.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
Are you purposely trying to turn me off?
Hee hee! No, I just like to play a game called "best and worst case scenario".

For example:

Perhaps I'm a beautiful Swedish bikini model who smells like roses and money and enjoys working out 14 hours a day, auto body fellas and performing fellatio at every opportunity.

Or perhaps I'm a short, squat truck driver who smells like week old cabbage and enjoys cutting himself for attention, dressing up like a wood fairy and chanting ancient Gaelic majick spells during coitus.

Or possibly I'm just a silly midwest American girl who smells of Vanilla Lace perfume from Victoria's Secret and enjoys having fun, paranormal sh!t and searching for a man capable of taming her wild libido so she doesn't have to spend her evenings playing lesbian strip Scrabble on the internet.

Ya just never know!
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Ali said:
Hee hee! No, I just like to play a game called "best and worst case scenario".For example:

Perhaps I'm a beautiful Swedish bikini model who smells like roses and money and enjoys working out 14 hours a day, auto body fellas and performing fellatio at every opportunity.

Or perhaps I'm a short, squat truck driver who smells like week old cabbage and enjoys cutting himself for attention, dressing up like a wood fairy and chanting ancient Gaelic majick spells during coitus.

Or possibly I'm just a silly midwest American girl who smells of Vanilla Lace perfume from Victoria's Secret and enjoys having fun, paranormal sh!t and searching for a man capable of taming her wild libido so she doesn't have to spend her evenings playing lesbian strip Scrabble on the internet.

Ya just never know!
My name is Jesse and I'm on my way to Jerusalem to be an actor, singer, dancer. They say that the Agent Morris awaits.