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Young Turk Cenk's rants

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
So lets see. A tax on cigarettes and tanning booths... hmm, yeah... real economy destroyers there huh?

Why, that's TYRANNY

Well, I ain't paying those taxes, are you paying these extra taxes TJ?

Come on, tell me, now be HONEST.


Do you smoke? Do you tan?

So Obama didn't keep his promises.

BIG ****ING DEAL (he's no messiah, ya know).

You didn't vote for him, so who gives a f***?

He never taxed me. Did you get taxed more TJ?

If not, then don't tell me you give a f*** about someone else, namely a smoker, or a person who tans, getting a tax.


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So lets see. A tax on cigarettes and tanning booths... hmm, yeah... real economy destroyers there huh?

Why, that's TYRANNY
Wow, you took your blinders off for a few seconds and are letting yourself read what was already posted, that is a very big step for a progressive Phreakwars, I am proud of you.

Now we have to deal with you're excuse machine reaction to hard facts that prove your wrong, I hope you don't retreat back to the blinders, you might just learn something if you let yourself see some reality for a change:

Economy destroyers? By themselves no, but this is how Progressives do things. One huge tax is easily beaten but you guys create thousands of tiny tax increases and increase fees and permits, and any other kind of code word for higher taxes you can find all to give the impression that what your doing is insignificant but in reality, when you add it all up the damage to America is massive and out of control.

Well, I ain't paying those taxes, are you paying these extra taxes TJ?
I notice you ignored the new taxes on medical devces, it is easy for you progressives to pretend you are only beating up on people nobody wants to defend but why should someone needing a hip replacement have to pay higher taxes? What did they do wrong they need to be punished with higher taxes?

But to answer your question, yes, I do pay these taxes, not directly but indirectly. Any higher tax must trickle down to every consumer on the planet one way or the other.

But wait a second Phreakwars, does it matter if I personally pay them or not? The concept of new taxes are universl and unfair taxes are too. I don't believe something is good just because it is not happeneing to me.

Come on, tell me, now be HONEST.

Yes, in many ways I am, the many things Obama has done to destroy the private sector is directly hurting me. Take the oil drilling ban, Obama has killed over a hundred thousand jobs and he does not care how much it hurts Americans as long as he can play tree hugger. People out of work means they have no money to spend, money not being spent and no jobs means very little new construction jobs for me to earn my living building.

Do you smoke? Do you tan?
Irrelivent to a discussion of unfair taxes. Either Obama raised taxes against his promise or he did not. Just because you love him punishing smokers with new taxes, that does not change the fact he lied.

So Obama didn't keep his promises.

BIG ****ING DEAL (he's no messiah, ya know).
Goes to character and honesty, either progressives tell the truth or they don't.

And you treat him like a messiah or a king the way your an automatic excuse machine for his many failures. You have never admitted he has severely screwed up, you can't even admit he lied to get his stimulus package (special interest payoff) passed.

You didn't vote for him, so who gives a f***?
He is the President of the United States, not the President of the Progressives only. The President is supposed to listen to and represent everyone in America, not just the most radical Progressives who want to transform America into a daycare center.

I give a f*** because I care about the damage done to Aemrica in general and the people I love and care about specifically. My children are going to grow up in America, I want them to still have a few freedoms for their life, and I want their kids to have freedoms too.

He never taxed me. Did you get taxed more TJ?
He has caused my insurance policy to increase by 31% to cover the new mandates, my employer is considering dropping our company coverage because it will be cheaper to just pay the fine, so yes, I do care about the new taxes, new taxes that increased the cost of medical devices my health insurance must now pay for.

I also have a seperate medical policy most know as "gap" insurance. This policy will pay my deductables and 10% of any hospital stay. The policy also went up 18%. So yes, my costs went up because of new taxes imposed by Obama.

If not, then don't tell me you give a f*** about someone else, namely a smoker, or a person who tans, getting a tax.
So using your point, you also should not care about people who don't have insurance because you have insurance right? We can't care about people and things that don't directly involve us Phreakwars?

I'm not like you Phreakwars, I care about ending unfair taxes no matter who is paying them. And it is not so much because I am that warm hearted but it is more to the point that I don't want the Federal Government to have any new taxes from any source. All the Federal Government is going to do with it is waste it.


Here is an interesting concept for you to think about:

Why is it America is making less money, is out of work, is having to learn to live on less money from day to day but you Progressives think the Government should not also learn to cut back, to learn to survive on less, to even eliminate things that it cannot afford?

That is why we saw in the news recently how California completed a school costing $578 million dollars where most of the money was spent on lavish decorations and not just rooms to teach and administer education.


This is what you get with Progressives, they don't respect money, it is always someone else paying for their ideas, not them.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Take the oil drilling ban, Obama has killed over a hundred thousand jobs and he does not care how much it hurts Americans as long as he can play tree hugger. People out of work means they have no money to spend, money not being spent and no jobs means very little new construction jobs for me to earn my living building.
So your saying "f*** THE ENVIRONMENT" as long as it keeps someone employed?I love how you tossed in the bit about how YOU YOURSELF are being affected personally, and it's of course, all Obama's fault.


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So your saying "f*** THE ENVIRONMENT" as long as it keeps someone employed?
A tad over the top don't you think?

So to you Progressives there is no middle ground, no way to offer better protections for the environnment than to kill hundreds of thousands of jobs and send those jobs overseas? You Progressives have sent almost all our industry overseas because of heavy regulations and helping Unions plunder them at the same time.

I love how you tossed in the bit about how YOU YOURSELF are being affected personally, and it's of course, all Obama's fault.


And I love how you said you don't care about the broken promises and higher taxes because "YOU" are not having to pay higher taxes.

And yes, it is all Obama's fault, the oil ban was not put into place without the okay of the President, the entire healthcare law was designed by Obama, all of this is by his design.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Oh I see, OBAMA sent the jobs over seas. Guess your short term memory loss forgot whom it was that voted AGAINST ending tax breaks for people who ship jobs overseas.

Let me refresh your memory..



Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Oh I see, OBAMA sent the jobs over seas. Guess your short term memory loss forgot whom it was that voted AGAINST ending tax breaks for people who ship jobs overseas.

Let me refresh your memory..



People only send jobs overseas because it was the Democrats who forced them to either move their operations overseas or go out of business Phreakwars.

How can we compete when an American business has to spend millions in conforming to regulations other Countries do not impose? How do we compete when our business must spend ten times more for employees than the competition? Did you know retired UAW workers make way more money than a full time Nissan worker?

American business can have a slightly higher cost because other companies must pay for shipping to America, but the difference is so huge there is no way to compete.


But the oil thing is not about competing, we can compete and produce our own oil domestically, those are thriving, very high paying jobs for Americans and what does Obama do?

Obama kills them so he can make tree hugging Progressives happy.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
People only send jobs overseas because it was the Democrats who forced them to either move their operations overseas
So all the jobs that went overseas in the last 10 years (mostly in 2001-2007) were the Democrats doing? Refresh my memory... who was the President, and who controlled congress back then.


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
People only send jobs overseas because it was the Democrats who forced them to either move their operations overseas
So all the jobs that went overseas in the last 10 years (mostly in 2001-2007) were the Democrats doing? Refresh my memory... who was the President, and who controlled congress back then.


10 years? No buddy, over the last 40 years it has been all powerful Unions and heavy handed Government buracrats that have plundered and over regulated the jobs out of America.

Sure, other things like NAFTA helped to kill American jobs, but I also was very vocal against Bush for signing it.

But nothing can compare to the destruction of jobs on a recent scale against the harms done by this Administration and it's new agenda through the EPA. Ending oil production was just the beginning.

Give this a little read:

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
blah blah and more denial and blah...

Give this a little read:

Sorry, I don't read things that have the word "OPINION" in the URL.


It appears you never read anything that does not prop up your own belief structure Phreakwars.

You even tried to claim Obama never promised not to raise taxes, you seem to be the lest informed person on this forum next to Builder, I find it interesting you share the same political views, it seems being uninformed is the most common connection with Progressives.


One insidious force keeping unemployment high is regulatory uncertainty: Companies that could hire (or re-hire), don't -- because they're worried about what new restrictions will be coming down from Washington.

Congress bears much of the blame -- especially for the new "financial reform" law, which leaves so many details to be filled in later. But a major contributor to businesses' worries is the Obama Environmental Protection Agency, which is issuing a daily barrage of rules and regulations threatening jobs in American industry.

So concludes "EPA's Anti-Industrial Policy: Threatening Jobs and America's Manufacturing Base" -- a new report from the minority staff of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (on which I serve as ranking member).

The report focuses on four of the EPA's most egregiously anti-business proposals and explains how they threaten American jobs and global competitiveness.

One example: the EPA's proposed rules for industrial boilers -- which the consulting firm IHS-Global Insight found could cost 800,000 jobs.

The United Steel Workers union says the proposal "will be sufficient to imperil the operating status of many industrial plants . . . Tens of thousands of these jobs will be imperiled . . . many more tens of thousands of jobs in the supply chains and in the communities where these plants are located also will be at risk."

Communities should also be bracing for new regulatory burdens from EPA's pending ozone decision. The Obama EPA is now expected to demand, in some areas, ozone levels lower than what occur naturally in the ambient air.

The economic impacts are sure to be disastrous. Nearly 600 counties across the nation could be in "non-attainment," which entails, among other things, draconian new regulations to lower emissions; loss of industry and economic development, including plant closures, and increased fuel and energy costs.

Several New York counties -- Monroe, Seneca, Fulton and Essex, among others -- are at risk of "non-attainment" status, meaning more job losses.

Unions for Jobs and the Environment, an organization of 12 national and international labor unions (including the United Mine Workers, the Teamsters and the Sheet Metal Workers) warns that the ozone rules "would lead to significant job losses across the country during a period of high unemployment."

The Obama administration clearly knows these numbers won't sell with the American public -- it has delayed announcement of the ozone rules from August to the end of this month, too late (it hopes) to register before Election Day.

The EPA adds insult to injury with its endangerment finding for greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. This finding (issued after the Senate refused to pass a cap-and-trade bill for the fourth time in seven years) will lead to onerous new regulations potentially covering over 6 million sources in the economy.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, the finding may "force" the EPA to regulate 260,000 office buildings, 150,000 warehouses, 92,000 health-care facilities, 71,000 hotels and motels, 51,000 food-service facilities, 37,000 churches and other places of worship and 17,000 farms. The regulations will pinch a vast range of industries -- including aluminum production, ammonia production, cement, iron, steel, lime, petrochemical, phosphoric acid production and pulp and paper manufacturing.

Yet, by EPA estimates, the net effect of these regulations would be to cut global mean temperature by about one-hun dredth of a degree by 2100.

Of course, reducing global warming is not the point. As the report shows, the EPA's proposals have negligible environmental benefits. Instead, they are the vanguard of President Obama's anti-industrial policy agenda -- pushing America's manufacturing base overseas.

As Americans continue to feel the economic pain of the recession and fear for their jobs, it's time for Congress to do its job: This agenda must be stopped.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
You even tried to claim Obama never promised not to raise taxes
He didn't. He said "UNDER HIS PLAN"Obviously, Republicans wouldn't go for his plan and his plan was never implemented.

The smoke tax is a non issue (unless you wanna cry about smokers paying too much), and the tan tax was part of the healthcare plan by congress, not Obama.


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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
It appears you never read anything that does not prop up your own belief structure Phreakwars.
No, I don't read anything with the word "OPINION" in it.You know what they say about opinions being like assholes don't ya?

As for the rest of your post, I have no idea what you typed and never read it because it's quite simply... TOO ****ING LONG DIDN'T READ.

Like I'm gonna read 26 paragraphs of your long drawn out bullshit? Hell no. Your lucky if I get through 2 paragraphs without clicking on another link or switch tabs & play farmville.

I tend to skip over ANYBODY who does that, so don't think your special.


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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
You even tried to claim Obama never promised not to raise taxes
He didn't. He said "UNDER HIS PLAN"Obviously, Republicans wouldn't go for his plan and his plan was never implemented.

The smoke tax is a non issue (unless you wanna cry about smokers paying too much), and the tan tax was part of the healthcare plan by congress, not Obama.


What Republicans?

For one year, Obama didn't need a single Republican vote to pass anything he wanted. If the Obama/progressive agenda is to save the world, why isn't the US a utopia yet?

Answer. Just like with every other time the Progressives came to power and people actually saw what they wanted to do, not what they promised/lied about, they rejected it.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Answer. Just like with every other time the Progressives came to power and Republicans in bed with insurance lobbyists actually saw what they wanted to do, not what they promised/lied about, they filibustered it.


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You even tried to claim Obama never promised not to raise taxes
He didn't. He said "UNDER HIS PLAN"Obviously, Republicans wouldn't go for his plan and his plan was never implemented.

The smoke tax is a non issue (unless you wanna cry about smokers paying too much), and the tan tax was part of the healthcare plan by congress, not Obama.


BS, he was still making that claim about his plan after it was passed.

And Obama made the same promise all during his campaign about not raising taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Answer. Just like with every other time the Progressives came to power and Republicans in bed with insurance lobbyists actually saw what they wanted to do, not what they promised/lied about, they filibustered it.


More like, completely false.

For one year, the Republicans couldn't block anything if the Dems wanted to pass it. Filibuster proof Senate, 60 seat majority. Remember?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
His plan was NEVER implemented, how many ****ing times do I have to say it?


I don't care how many times you tell that lie, it is not true.

It was his plan 100%. Republicans were completely shut out of the creation of this bill/law and all of the back room deals and special gifts to Unions were ordered specifically by Obama.

Even after promising to make jobs his first priority, Obama broke that promise, set job creation aside, and dive back into creating his healthcare bill that was later passed into law. This is all Obama, there is nothing in this bill that was not approved and signed off on by Obama.

Obama did sign it, don't forget that fact Phreakwars. If this bill was not what he promised to give Americans, why did he sign it? Obama made the promises and by signing this law he broke his promises so he did this with his eyes wide open.