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Boycott ikea

Jan 4, 2009
To Any and All,

I have been treated Unjustly and UnFairly with a set of Different Standards apart from other Ikea Employees and was Discrimanated by my Managers! Especialy Shannon Ardo a well known for being openly out of the closet lesbian at the Sunrise,Florida Ikea Store that HATES MEN,period!! She is a selfesh,self-centered lil gay girl that has NO SHAME AT ALL!! She will do anything she has to to Progress up the Ikea Ladder,if your in her way OMG!!

Shannon Your TITANIC Is Sinking!!LOL

Manfred the manager is a lying greedy snake of a man!! You ACCUSED,Broke me Down and MADE ME CRY stating that i made a Political Racial Remark when YOU LIED ABOUT IT ALL HE TIME YOU WERE ACCUSING ME!! You call Your Self a Manager,I call you A LIER AND A MAN THAT HAS NO INTEGERITY!!


I have won Various awards,plaques and Pins im my 1 1/2 years of employment that include,Feb/08 Employee of the Month chosen from over 450 employees also Certificate of Excellent being "A Customer Service Ambassador for Outstanding Customer Service" And a Plaque for 1 Years of sevice to Ikea!


Ikea is Bad place to work for,they fire you to benifit themselves!!

Do not shop ikea at sunrise,florida boycott all ikeas please!!

Ikeas not fair!

Signed by an ex employee,Craig DeVescovi
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007

Getting fired was probably the best thing that could have happened to you. Look for a real job. Acquire some skills if needed.

In the future remember if they call you a wop that does not mean you can call them a fag or ******.

As you see you can get the w word by the censors but not the n word.

You can probably get big bucks for those plaques and pins at your local pawn shop. More than ya can get for a Minnesota Vikings jersey I am sure.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
What makes you so special that they would want to discriminate against you? Discrimination indicates something unique or threatening about you. Sounds like the opposite to me. You are just another replaceable employee. They don't care whether you made the comment or not. Better safe then sorry in this PC world. **** happens. Employees are replaceable.

I find it hard to believe you did nothing at all. Not even something that could be misconstrued...
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
ToriAllen said:
What makes you so special that they would want to discriminate against you? Discrimination indicates unique or threatening about you. Sounds like the opposite to me. You are just another replaceable employee. They don't care whether you made the comment or not. Better safe then sorry in this PC world. **** happens. Employees are replaceable.I find it hard to believe you did nothing at all. Not even something that could be misconstrued...
Wow! I'm the one who usually is called the arsehole when they throw the BS card on a claim like this.

I wanted to say it but you did.

Kudos, Tori.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
aven11 said:
To Any and All, I have been treated Unjustly and UnFairly with a set of Different Standards apart from other Ikea Employees and was Discrimanated by my Managers! Especialy Shannon Ardo a well known for being openly out of the closet lesbian at the Sunrise,Florida Ikea Store that HATES MEN,period!! She is a selfesh,self-centered lil gay girl that has NO SHAME AT ALL!! She will do anything she has to to Progress up the Ikea Ladder,if your in her way OMG!!

Shannon Your TITANIC Is Sinking!!LOL

Manfred the manager is a lying greedy snake of a man!! You ACCUSED,Broke me Down and MADE ME CRY stating that i made a Political Racial Remark when YOU LIED ABOUT IT ALL HE TIME YOU WERE ACCUSING ME!! You call Your Self a Manager,I call you A LIER AND A MAN THAT HAS NO INTEGERITY!!


I have won Various awards,plaques and Pins im my 1 1/2 years of employment that include,Feb/08 Employee of the Month chosen from over 450 employees also Certificate of Excellent being "A Customer Service Ambassador for Outstanding Customer Service" And a Plaque for 1 Years of sevice to Ikea!


Ikea is Bad place to work for,they fire you to benifit themselves!!

Do not shop ikea at sunrise,florida boycott all ikeas please!!

Ikeas not fair!

Signed by an ex employee,Craig DeVescovi
well now, this will certainly help get your job back...

I need a new set of plates.
Jan 4, 2009
Hello To All Pro and Con, Thank You all for Any and All!! Has any one heard the phrase "Victim of Circumstances" I AM!!


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
aven11 said:
Hello To All Pro and Con, Thank You all for Any and All!! Has any one heard the phrase "Victim of Circumstances" I AM!!
Hey.. welcome to the site..

Fukk being a "Victim of Circumstances"... losers game.. if it's the way you said, you don't wanna work there anywho.

Fukk being a victim of anything.. not wise to hand your free will over to someone else...


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
aven11 said:
Hello To All Pro and Con, Thank You all for Any and All!! Has any one heard the phrase "Victim of Circumstances" I AM!!
I think it would have helped people believe you were a victim of anything if you would have explained comments like these...

aven11 said:
I have been treated Unjustly and UnFairly with a set of Different Standards apart from other Ikea Employees and was Discrimanated by my Managers! Especialy Shannon Ardo
What did she do to treat you to a different standard?

aven11 said:
You ACCUSED,Broke me Down and MADE ME CRY stating that i made a Political Racial Remark when YOU LIED ABOUT IT ALL HE TIME YOU WERE ACCUSING ME!!
What were you accused of?

Without any details of the events, because I don't think any of us were there, you sound like a bitter ex-employee who as far as we know were a victim of your own actions and are claiming to be a victim of circumstance.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
You cried?



If you cried, while I was firing you, I'd lay my strong pimp hand across that jaw.


I'd lose my job, too, but I wouldn't cry over it.

Do not let them see you weak.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Without any details of the events, because I don't think any of us were there, you sound like a bitter ex-employee who as far as we know were a victim of your own actions and are claiming to be a victim of circumstance.
Exactly. However, I'm not a fan of the victim complex. At-will employment, my dear. You can be fired for any reason, or no reason at all.

RoyalOrleans said:
If you cried, while I was firing you, I'd lay my strong pimp hand across that jaw.
Really? 'Cause I'd just laugh.

Out of curiosity, is it possible to boycott a business you have never bought anything from.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
ToriAllen said:
Out of curiosity, is it possible to boycott a business you have never bought anything from.
or ever plan on buying from. If I wanted to buy something cheap that I have to put together myself, I'd buy some Legos.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
mercury said:
have you checked the prices on Legos lately?
Them things have always been spendy.. I still got a big ol' box from when I was a kid. Love legos..
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Daniel, I hope you realize that future prospective employers may google your name as part of the pre-employment process. Dissing your previous employer will not be looked upon as an asset.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
mercury said:
have you checked the prices on Legos lately?
It's freakin rediculous. I got my son some for Christmas. And, what happened to imagination? I couldn't find just plain legos anywhere. They are all in sets now with instruction on what can be built with that set. I just want a big tub of legos; is that too much to ask?

I don't think I've ever been in an Ikea store before.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
ToriAllen said:
Really? 'Cause I'd just laugh.
I seriously doubt I'd actually strike the snivelling little worm, but I would most definitely give him a stern talking to.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
ToriAllen said:
It's freakin rediculous. I got my son some for Christmas. And, what happened to imagination? I couldn't find just plain legos anywhere. They are all in sets now with instruction on what can be built with that set. I just want a big tub of legos; is that too much to ask?I don't think I've ever been in an Ikea store before.
wez said:
Them things have always been spendy.. I still got a big ol' box from when I was a kid. Love legos..
mercury said:
have you checked the prices on Legos lately?
ImWithStupid said:
or ever plan on buying from. If I wanted to buy something cheap that I have to put together myself, I'd buy some Legos.
ToriAllen said:
Out of curiosity, is it possible to boycott a business you have never bought anything from.
Just because this little punk has had his feelings hurt, I plan to festoon my basement in IKEA laminated particle board furniture.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
emkay64 said:
is Shannon a "lil gay girl" because she refused your sloppy advances? Just wondering....
Of course. Don't you know any time a guy gets turned down it has to be because she was a friggin' lesbian. :D
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Of course. Don't you know any time a guy gets turned down it has to be because she was a friggin' lesbian. :D
Aww.. man.

Despite the viewpoint of geopolitical maps of the world, Mytilene is not the Lesbian Captial.

Atlanta is.