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Boycott ikea

Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
ImWithStupid said:
What kind of cuisine do they serve at Ikea?Ikea. Mmmm. Sounds exotic.
Chef? At Ikea? Isn't all that stuff premade, if not, very simple food you can make at home? It's all standard and the same at all the Ikeas I've been to. But we better shut up or KRAMA will get us!!!
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
*Chi* said:
Chef? At Ikea? Isn't all that stuff premade, if not, very simple food you can make at home? It's all standard and the same at all the Ikeas I've been to. But we better shut up or KRAMA will get us!!!
Nothing worse than food and furniture delivered on the same truck.

I had a breakfast down at the Atlanta IKEA store and had to drown everything in ketchup to mask the horrible taste of the eggs. Blah!


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
I was in an IKEA once, for like three minutes. All I know is they have Swedish meatballs.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Old Salt said:
Did you know that Swedish for Swedish Meatballs is:Svenska Sh!tzenballen?
Hahaha! It's Svenska kottbullar....I used to date a guy from Sweden. And "jag alskar dig" means "I love you". He gave me a necklace that had that written on it and I never said it back to him. Then I broke up with him.

Man....I'm a real bitch! :(
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Old Salt said:
Did you know that Swedish for Swedish Meatballs is:Svenska Sh!tzenballen?
Ali said:
Hahaha! It's Svenska kottbullar....I used to date a guy from Sweden. And "jag alskar dig" means "I love you". He gave me a necklace that had that written on it and I never said it back to him. Then I broke up with him.Man....I'm a real bitch! :(
I don't speak Swedish but Kottbullar sounds more editable than Sh!tzenballs. :rolleyes:
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Ya know, I gotta admit-

I haven't been to Ikea since this thread was posted.