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Boycott ikea

Jan 4, 2009
Re: Boycott ikea Follow-Up

To All, Shannon was OPEN to all that worked at Ikea that She was Gay! Her dept.has ONLY woman as managers,teamleaders,Flunkies all woman 5 to be exact!! She told me a long time She Did Not Like Men,something to do with her ex-husband,of course.........NOW THE BOMB The Unenployment office sent me a notice Today stating in sec.1:Notice of determation:"That NO information has been submitted which SUBTANTIATES Misconduct!" Sec 2 states " Benefits paid will be charged to the Employers Account"

Well Well Well looks like IKEA might have just made a BIG BIG MISTAKE!!

ANy Great Lawyers out there!?!?,,,,,TIA,Craig DEVescovi/aven11


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Re: Boycott ikea Follow-Up

aven11 said:
To All, Shannon was OPEN to all that worked at Ikea that She was Gay! Her dept.has ONLY woman as managers,teamleaders,Flunkies all woman 5 to be exact!! She told me a long time She Did Not Like Men,something to do with her ex-husband,of course.........NOW THE BOMB The Unenployment office sent me a notice Today stating in sec.1:Notice of determation:"That NO information has been submitted which SUBTANTIATES Misconduct!" Sec 2 states " Benefits paid will be charged to the Employers Account"Well Well Well looks like IKEA might have just made a BIG BIG MISTAKE!!

ANy Great Lawyers out there!?!?,,,,,TIA,Craig DEVescovi/aven11
You still haven't given any information on what happened or what the injustice against you was or the details of the wrongfull charges that Ikea made against you.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Boycott ikea Follow-Up

aven11 said:
To All, Shannon was OPEN to all that worked at Ikea that She was Gay! Her dept.has ONLY woman as managers,teamleaders,Flunkies all woman 5 to be exact!! She told me a long time She Did Not Like Men,something to do with her ex-husband,of course.........NOW THE BOMB The Unenployment office sent me a notice Today stating in sec.1:Notice of determation:"That NO information has been submitted which SUBTANTIATES Misconduct!" Sec 2 states " Benefits paid will be charged to the Employers Account"Well Well Well looks like IKEA might have just made a BIG BIG MISTAKE!!

ANy Great Lawyers out there!?!?,,,,,TIA,Craig DEVescovi/aven11
Not a lawyer, but you might want to read this:

Florida employment law is based on the general rule that any employee may be discharged by the employer, or may leave the job, for any reason whatsoever, or for no reason. In other words, an employer in Florida may hire and fire any employee at any time for any reason. It doesn?t matter if there is no reason, a bad reason, a good reason, or just the result of a whimsical decision. Likewise, the employee is free to quit a job at any time without any reason and without any notice. THERE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ANY REASON FOR FIRING OR FOR QUITTING. This is referred to in the law as the ?Employment at Will? doctrine.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Boycott ikea Follow-Up

aven11 said:
To All, Shannon was OPEN to all that worked at Ikea that She was Gay! Her dept.has ONLY woman as managers,teamleaders,Flunkies all woman 5 to be exact!! She told me a long time She Did Not Like Men,something to do with her ex-husband,of course.........NOW THE BOMB The Unenployment office sent me a notice Today stating in sec.1:Notice of determation:"That NO information has been submitted which SUBTANTIATES Misconduct!" Sec 2 states " Benefits paid will be charged to the Employers Account"Well Well Well looks like IKEA might have just made a BIG BIG MISTAKE!!

ANy Great Lawyers out there!?!?,,,,,TIA,Craig DEVescovi/aven11
you are obviously a pansy. Ikea is better off without you.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: Boycott ikea Follow-Up

ImWithStupid said:
You still haven't given any information on what happened or what the injustice against you was or the details of the wrongfull charges that Ikea made against you.
Conveniently, it sounds... :rolleyes:

Craig - I don't see you stopping anyone from shopping there from your mere whining. I also gotta agree it's not very smart of you to post your full name on all of that (if that's really your real name.) Like Hugo said, a lot of prospective employers DO Google you to find out stuff about you. My current boss mentioned to me that he did before hiring me.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
aven11 said:
To All, Shannon was OPEN to all that worked at Ikea that She was Gay! Her dept.has ONLY woman as managers,teamleaders,Flunkies all woman 5 to be exact!! She told me a long time She Did Not Like Men,something to do with her ex-husband,of course.........
We were f-cking with you. That is to be expected. Laugh and move on.

aven11 said:
NOW THE BOMB The Unenployment office sent me a notice Today stating in sec.1:Notice of determation:"That NO information has been submitted which SUBTANTIATES Misconduct!" Sec 2 states " Benefits paid will be charged to the Employers Account"Well Well Well looks like IKEA might have just made a BIG BIG MISTAKE!!

ANy Great Lawyers out there!?!?,,,,,TIA,Craig DEVescovi/aven11
Enjoy the unemployment, because that is all you are getting. The company will not be affected by this either, because those type of expenses are already budgeted.

I'm too lazy to repeat myself so here...

ToriAllen said:
At-will employment, my dear. You can be fired for any reason, or no reason at all.
...and what hugo said...

You're welcome to go seek out the advice of a Lawyer, though.
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Are you saying you're discriminated against because you aren't gay, or because you possess a pork sword? I'm confused. I hate it when pertinent details are left out......
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Leaving the employment at will doctrine aside; how much damages could be awarded for losing an entry level job at IKEA?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Boycott ikea Follow-Up

*Chi* said:
Conveniently, it sounds... :rolleyes: Like Hugo said, a lot of prospective employers DO Google you to find out stuff about you. My current boss mentioned to me that he did before hiring me.
Her new boss enjoyed the Chi/ donkey sex tape.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
hugo said:
Leaving the employment at will doctrine aside; how much damages could be awarded for losing an entry level job at IKEA?
A crappy desk lamp and a swift kick in the buttocks!
Feb 6, 2009
Hi Aven11- I worked with Shannon at Max's Beach Place about 10 years ago when she was a manager there. Guess what! She was all buddy-buddy with the girls there, and loved to give the guys a hard time. Surprise, she fired me too. At that time, there were rumors going around that she might be a lesbian (she'd always want to talk about how beautiful Angelina Jolie, or this or that actress was...), but she never admitted it. Sooo.... I know what you're talking about. I'm just sorry you had to work for her.

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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Daniel501 said:
Hi Aven11- I worked with Shannon at Max's Beach Place about 10 years ago when she was a manager there. Guess what! She was all buddy-buddy with the girls there, and loved to give the guys a hard time. Surprise, she fired me too. At that time, there were rumors going around that she might be a lesbian (she'd always want to talk about how beautiful Angelina Jolie, or this or that actress was...), but she never admitted it. Sooo.... I know what you're talking about. I'm just sorry you had to work for her. Daniel
Hey Aven and Daniel -

I too know of Shannon's wicked ways... She was my manager 15 yrs ago when I worked at McDonalds. I have a beard so she thought I was a guy, and she fired me, too...:'( Nevermind that I used to come in late all of the time, took long breaks, was lazy and used to frequently steal money out of the register. She's a damn discriminating lesbo!:mad:
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
I too have known Shannons discrtiminating ways.

When i was in High School, Shannon worked at Burger King and she would always give the cute girls 2 extra french fries. Hell, even the ugly girs would get 1 extra fry.

Us men? No extra's at all. What a biotch.

I filed a complaint and she paid off the court system to dismiss my case, and by paid off, I mean she slept with the female judge assigned to the case. No one would admit it, but I know it to be true.

4 years later (I would love to say after I graduated college, but the mental anguish I was in made it impossible to focus on my medical school,) I was in a car accident caused by Shannon. She was sneaky though, and the police didn't believe that she was the reason why I had 14 open beer cans in my truck. If fact, Shannon went so far as to doctor up some pictures to claim that she was meeting Ellen Degenerous at the time of my accidnet. Yeah, right. stupis ass lezbo...

then in 2001, Shannon flew 2 planes into the World Trade Center. I know she claims that she was in Ohio at the time, but come on- that had her signature ALL over it. This lady (and I use that term very loosely) is as cold hearted as they come. Someone needs to put her in her place...

What doc?


no, I am not going off about Shannon again...


I gotta run, gotta get back to work. Yeah, that's the ticket...


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Shannon killed my pa! And raped my dog!

Then that stupid ass lezbo fired me from my paper route because I tried to score some meth off of Mrs. Peterson and then ate her prized Begonias because I thought she was "holding", but I know the real reason is because I will only lez out with emkay and Chi...and not her.

Down with IKEA! Down with Shannon! Yay crystal meth!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
When I worked for Shannon at Chic-fil-a, we got along quite fine.

I do have to admit that was in my pre-op days when I was a lesbian.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I knew Shannon back in the day when we were mulling heroin across the Mexican boarder. She went by the name of Shari back then and had some good connections. I quit working with her when I found out she was skimming the best tar off the top and selling it to Roseanne Barr for half price. Dumb bitch. I knew something was up!
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