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Dear timesjoke

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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Ali said:
I would expect you to pay for at least the first three beers....lol.And yes, outside of debating certain topics we could get along famously. Then again, our meeting of the minds could make the Clash of the Titans look like romper room play. It's difficult to say!

I will say this: There is a very good possibility that I will be moving to Savannah, GA which is not too terribly far from you. If I do make it that way, I would indeed be willing to meet you for said beer. I think you would be quite surprised that I'm actually a pleasant person to visit with and as much as you sometimes drive me crazy in particular debates, I fail believe there isn't at least a miniscule shred of humanity lurking behind that crazy, long white haired, bearded mug of yours.

A new thread will be posted. One that you might find to be a pleasant surprise. :)
Yeah, who knows (although I doubt it, but who knows..) I used to dislike Wez very much and now we get along and I like him now. I don't know if it's just a different personality of his now and he really is TJ, but yeah... :P


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
*Chi* said:
Yeah, who knows (although I doubt it, but who knows..) I used to dislike Wez very much and now we get along and I like him now. I don't know if it's just a different personality of his now and he really is TJ, but yeah... :P
I've had some push down, hair pulling, shirt ripping, breasts exposing, nail scratching, heavy breathing......uh, where was I going with this????

Oh yeah, I've been involved in some pretty heated disputes with folks in my day but there are only about 2 of them who I failed to find resolution with down the road.

So exactly, Chi...."who knows?".
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I would gladly buy you some beer Ali, what is your preferd brand?

I don't drink very often these days but when I do it is usually something like amber bock. I love the outback, if I go there you have to be sure there is an outback nearby for dinner.

I do believe we could do well outside of certain topics, I agree with you on many other things I see you post and your very funny most of the time.

So the looser at pool buys the rounds?

Best out of 21 buys dinner?
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
I would gladly buy you some beer Ali, what is your preferd brand?I don't drink very often these days but when I do it is usually something like amber bock. I love the outback, if I go there you have to be sure there is an outback nearby for dinner.

I do believe we could do well outside of certain topics, I agree with you on many other things I see you post and your very funny most of the time.

So the looser at pool buys the rounds?

Best out of 21 buys dinner?
The Outback?

That's the Taco Bell of steakhouses.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
RoyalOrleans said:
The Outback?That's the Taco Bell of steakhouses.
Never been to Outback, but the best steak that I've probably had was from Wild Fire or believe it or not, this one Pepe's near my job - haha. Both places the steak was perfectly tender, with no fat or grizzle, perfectly cooked and seasoned, just right!


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
I would gladly buy you some beer Ali, what is your preferd brand?I don't drink very often these days but when I do it is usually something like amber bock. I love the outback, if I go there you have to be sure there is an outback nearby for dinner.

I do believe we could do well outside of certain topics, I agree with you on many other things I see you post and your very funny most of the time.

So the looser at pool buys the rounds?

Best out of 21 buys dinner?
Actually I don't drink beer anymore, but my preferred brand was Leinenkuegel's honeyweiss with a slice of lemon.

Now I'm more prone to order a glass of wine...or two...or, well...heh.

Pool? Sh!t. How about darts? A nice game of Cricket, perhaps?


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
The Outback?That's the Taco Bell of steakhouses.
We have a run down little bar out in the middle of nowhere up here that serves the BEST prime rib and cheezy hashbrowns evah!!!! And they have an awesome jukebox with great old country tunes. Drinks are cheap, the food is good and a lot of nights the rough necks get into some kind of a fight with the locals.

If you ever come visit me in the frozen tundra, that's where I'll take you for supper.

And it won't be a date, so I'll buy! haha.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
eddo said:
anonymous posters are wussies, right wez?
He knows I can't see what he posts because I have him blocked. The only way he can directly post something for me to read is to post this way.

Just goes to show that all his ranting against me on the forum was not really to talk to me.

Energizer bunny of hate

eddo said:
anonymous posters are wussies, right wez?
No.. morons who put never ending hate/attack machines on ignore then cry when they see a quote making fun of them are wussies.. Right TJ?

Anonymous posters are dipsh*ts..

who's wez? Sounds like a dumbass to me..
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Wez, I will reply to you here and drop it so do not expect another direct reply to you, at least not for awile.

I blocked you because you are not interested in discussion. Even as much as I believe Phreakwars is blinded, he is still making conversation. You are only interested in attention, nothing else. The more heated or angry the responses get, the happier you are because there is something in your life that makes you feel needy for attention so you become this out of control madman on the internet saying whatever you have to say to get attention.

You can't make me angry, nothing you say can have any effect, but I know beyond all other things that the best way to irritate you is to ignore you, because that attention from me or anyone else is all your ever after.

So rant and rave, pound against the bars I have placed between us, I do not care because I laugh every time I see your name with the 'on your blocked list' where your post would normally be..........because I know it eats you up inside.

Have a nice day :)

Out of control madman

timesjoke said:
Wez, I will reply to you here and drop it so do not expect another direct reply to you, at least not for awile.I blocked you because you are not interested in discussion. Even as much as I believe Phreakwars is blinded, he is still making conversation. You are only interested in attention, nothing else. The more heated or angry the responses get, the happier you are because there is something in your life that makes you feel needy for attention so you become this out of control madman on the internet saying whatever you have to say to get attention.

You can't make me angry, nothing you say can have any effect, but I know beyond all other things that the best way to irritate you is to ignore you, because that attention from me or anyone else is all your ever after.

So rant and rave, pound against the bars I have placed between us, I do not care because I laugh every time I see your name with the 'on your blocked list' where your post would normally be..........because I know it eats you up inside.

Have a nice day :)
Yeah.. right you are as always.. I care.. eats me up.. k.. see ya..

Out of control madman

Hmmmm.. so.. you accuse me of trying to make you angry and upset you.. and then say this.. "but I know beyond all other things that the best way to irritate you is to ignore you... I laugh every time I see your name with the 'on your blocked list' where your post would normally be..........because I know it eats you up inside."

Also.. you seem to enjoy upsetting all kinds of people by calling them them liars..accusing them of being YOU.. blah, blah, blah.. same ol' sh*t.. hell ya even took the opportunity to take a shot at Phreakwars up there.. the second you see someone getting pissed at you... you ramp up your bullsh*t x's 10... hmmmmm..

"You can't make me angry, nothing you say can have any effect.." Really? Then why do you have to block me? Can't just ignore? :rolleyes: .. makes me feel.. special.. yay me..

Funny thing bout that is.. I know you can see my posts.. unless you never look without logging in.. I love being able to say what I want about you with no response.. from you.. thanks for the free ticket..

But.. you were right.. I don't wanna talk to you.. my posts concerning you are for my enjoyment.. and everyone elses.. except you.. not to make conversation with you.. tried that.. not interested..

I'm not you..

carry on my wayward son.. hahahaha

Smelly Finger of Doom

As I see it, I see two hopeless romantics vying for love and affection.



The smelly finger of doom harkens, yet you clinch your ugly ol' hiney hole.


We should all just let go of our hate and live in peace and love with each other. Stressing the negative accomplishes nothing but more negative.

'Yes we can' get along ;)
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Chi said:
I like penis.
Hey babe, what're you doing here? How'd you find me? Are you stalking me??? Don't you trust me?! I trust you, and leave you alone with strange men hours on end. Why can't you do the same for me?:mad:

Chi's real boyfriend

Hay who is this gal I mean guy claiming to be me? Why, I oughta..!
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