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Dear timesjoke

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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ali said:
Oh, you know....I'm trying to strike that perfect balance of being an irresponsible vagina with my evil plot to take over the world. Both keep me pretty busy!On top of that, I'm looking for a new state to hang my hat. I grow weary of the Frozen Tundra.

Hey TJ...can I come live with you?
When are you planning on moving?

We use the river house during the summer a lot but rarely stay there in the winter, if you pay the utilities that you create you can stay there for free and take time to find your own place.

Florida is great, short drives to just about any kind of experience you could ever want, there are even little pockets of Greeks here, just awsome, but it does get pretty hot.

I will take hot over snow any day. I was stationed in Colorado during my time in the military and after a couple winters in Colorado, I have a lifetime of snow experience as far as I am concerned, ;)


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
When are you planning on moving?We use the river house during the summer a lot but rarely stay there in the winter, if you pay the utilities that you create you can stay there for free and take time to find your own place.

Florida is great, short drives to just about any kind of experience you could ever want, there are even little pockets of Greeks here, just awsome, but it does get pretty hot.

I will take hot over snow any day. I was stationed in Colorado during my time in the military and after a couple winters in Colorado, I have a lifetime of snow experience as far as I am concerned, ;)
Ooooh, you know I would be hosting masquerade orgies and partaking of illegal herbs and substances at your river house, right? You may want to reconsider your generous offer. ;)

I'm guessing it will be next spring before I have all my little duckies in a row and so far my best schooling options are looking to be: Georgia, Oregon, Virginia, Utah and possibly Wisconsin. I'm in the process of narrowing it down now. I'm leaning strongly towards Oregon.

I'd melt in Florida. Plus the humidity would give me bad hair. But I would like to go to DisneyWorld....hmmm!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ali said:
Ooooh, you know I would be hosting masquerade orgies and partaking of illegal herbs and substances at your river house, right? You may want to reconsider your generous offer. ;)
Considering three of the people who you will be living near that would be normal to boring for them, lol.

As long as you don't trash the house I am sure everything would be fine. We can always do a simple leese agreement to cover any legal issues I might face if you get busted with drugs there on my property.

Ali said:
I'm guessing it will be next spring before I have all my little duckies in a row and so far my best schooling options are looking to be: Georgia, Oregon, Virginia, Utah and possibly Wisconsin. I'm in the process of narrowing it down now. I'm leaning strongly towards Oregon.
We have awsome universities here in Florida, what program are you interested in?

Ali said:
I'd melt in Florida. Plus the humidity would give me bad hair. But I would like to go to DisneyWorld....hmmm!
Well a trip to disney can be done from anywhere, but it is hard to go to the beaches from Oregon, lol.

I love Florida. The river house is off the Itchetuchnee River and it is a spring fed river, nice and cold :) On a blistering hot day running out to jump in that river is truly awsome. Traveling to either coast is easy and you can have a massive change in environment and the styles of the people in just a couple hours drive one way or the other.

My boss keeps a sailboat in Tampa and we take a few runs on that during the year as well, there is just so much to do and even better, no snow......no snow.

All those other places do have snow ******shiver****** No way for me :(


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
Considering three of the people who you will be living near that would be normal to boring for them, lol.As long as you don't trash the house I am sure everything would be fine. We can always do a simple leese agreement to cover any legal issues I might face if you get busted with drugs there on my property.
You may also want to consider adding exhibitionism, extortion, urinating in public, death threats towards public officials and human slave trafficking to that lease agreement.

timesjoke said:
We have awsome universities here in Florida, what program are you interested in?
I want to be a medical esthetician.....or an alligator wrestler! Both are good career options.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
timesjoke said:
Well a trip to disney can be done from anywhere, but it is hard to go to the beaches from Oregon, lol.
Doesn't Oregon have one whole side on the ocean?

Never been there, so I have no idea how the beaches are there, but seems a lot closer than Florida...
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ali said:
You may also want to consider adding exhibitionism, extortion, urinating in public, death threats towards public officials and human slave trafficking to that lease agreement.
Sounds reasonable to me ;)

I will draft up something along those lines should you decide to come down. My only main concern for you would be to not break anything during your wild parties, lol.

Ali said:
I want to be a medical esthetician.....or an alligator wrestler! Both are good career options.
Well I had to look that up, skin care, well that is a big deal here in Florida. Even if you train someone else a career here might be easier becuse we have lots and lots of big spas.

eddo said:
Doesn't Oregon have one whole side on the ocean?Never been there, so I have no idea how the beaches are there, but seems a lot closer than Florida...
Well they have some beaches but when the weather allows the trips, they are very crowded. I had a friend who is from there and he told me going to the beach was a major pain.

In Florida you can go to the beach almost year round.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Oh TJ...I appreciate the offer but you wouldn't want a mean, nasty person like me mucking up your great state, would you?

I'd hate to give Florida a bad rep.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Ali said:
Oh TJ...I appreciate the offer but you wouldn't want a mean, nasty person like me mucking up your great state, would you?I'd hate to give Florida a bad rep.
It's true. She'd be a bigger black eye on Florida, than Janet Reno and Ted Bundy, combined. :D
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ali said:
Oh TJ...I appreciate the offer but you wouldn't want a mean, nasty person like me mucking up your great state, would you?I'd hate to give Florida a bad rep.
Oh we have much worse than you here, and all those other places still get snow so will it really be much of an improvement?

You have a capacity for being mean, that is true, but your also very funny and bright so on the whole I believe we might get an overall improvement if you were to move here. Besides, your talking about working, we can certainly use more workers here.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
Oh we have much worse than you here, and all those other places still get snow so will it really be much of an improvement?
Much worse than me? That's unpossible!

timesjoke said:
You have a capacity for being mean, that is true, but your also very funny and bright so on the whole I believe we might get an overall improvement if you were to move here. Besides, your talking about working, we can certainly use more workers here.
With all the sexing, drugging, slave trading, and breaking of your things that I'd be doing, I don't know if I'd have time to work. Would that be a problem?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Yep, pretty sure we have worse, and as long as your working enough to pay your bills and not on welfare or something sure, your welcome here, lol.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
timesjoke said:
Yep, pretty sure we have worse, and as long as your working enough to pay your bills and not on welfare or something sure, your welcome here, lol.
Can you cover the bills if she performs monthly Dances of the 7 Dish Rags?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
One please!

Okay, this will be a limited engagement, only 100 shows in all and we will be offering premium passes that include one photo with our dancer Ali, unclothed of course in any possition requested by the pass holder.

As our first customer, IWS will receive a premium pass for free. Thank you for your support IWS.

We are considering souvenirs such as the Ali 'Budda' statue offered in both small and 1/2 scale sizes. An American flag with her photo on it so when you fly your flag, the wind makes it look like Ali is dancing over your home, this would be a nice gift for all the servicemen you know. And of course the coffee cup image that has Ali undressing as you slowly sip down your coffee. Any other ideas for souvenirs are welcome and a royalty for those ideas will be included on a per item sale basis.

Thanks for your your time, our lines are now open for reservations.........
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
eddo said:
no, but I hear Uzbekistan has plenty for ya....
I will only say that was funny, I will not add to it because that would be poor actions on my part, wez this is my only comment to you, I still have you on ignore and that is where you will stay, we are oil and water, no way we can mix so in the name of keeping the peace I will leave you on ignore forever.

Please do not take this as an insult, I simply do not have the capacity to fight the windmills anymore. Sometimes we have to accept it is better to avoid a situation that has no valuable outcome for either side.

God bless you and please accept my deepest apologies for anything you feel I have done wrong to you in the past, I cannot live in the past so I ask you to let it go as well and we move foward just leaving each other alone.

Thanks and have a great day.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
timesjoke said:
I will only say that was funny, I will not add to it because that would be poor actions on my part, wez this is my only comment to you, I still have you on ignore and that is where you will stay, we are oil and water, no way we can mix so in the name of keeping the peace I will leave you on ignore forever.Please do not take this as an insult, I simply do not have the capacity to fight the windmills anymore. Sometimes we have to accept it is better to avoid a situation that has no valuable outcome for either side.

God bless you and please accept my deepest apologies for anything you feel I have done wrong to you in the past, I cannot live in the past so I ask you to let it go as well and we move foward just leaving each other alone.

Thanks and have a great day.
Sorry for what? Providing me endless hours of side splitting free entertainment? hahahaha

Well... you're forgiven.. and.. thanks..

p.s... not oil and water.. you like to control.. I don't like to be controlled.. the end.
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