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Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
If I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder..depending where I was and the time..God may get kicked in the balls..dammit...maybe that's why I'm an atheist? I missed the call...*weeping*.
lol, I walked up behind one of the girls in my group last night and scared her by burping real loud in her ear and almost got kicked in the balls... Got my upper leg cause I dodged...
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
If I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder..depending where I was and the time..God may get kicked in the balls..dammit...maybe that's why I'm an atheist? I missed the call...*weeping*.
lol, I walked up behind one of the girls in my group last night and scared her by burping real loud in her ear and almost got kicked in the balls... Got my upper leg cause I dodged...
Awww...lmao..actually...once when I was in University it was night and I was heading to my car..this guy was walking a little close behind...I turned around and he shielded his nuts..he says "I'm sorry...it was really stupid to follow so closely at night"...it was pretty funny..but he came awfully close and he knew it:D
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Do you think worshiping God can only be done at the permission of a specific religion Emkay? Is that waht all this is all about? You trying to force all people of faith into a tidy definition to make you feel better about rejecting God? Well I am not going to sit here and let you tel lie after lie just to make yourself feel better.

I'm not rejecting God. I just believe that it's something else entirely than a man made notion. Look who is attacking..geeze.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Of course he is upset, every Atheist acts this hateful to religion because deep down inside, they know they are wrong.
I have no problem at all with Christianity. It's the Christians I don't like. And, I'm NOT an atheist.


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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Nope, I stand by my last statement. The more people educate themselves about religion, the more they know how full of sh*t it is.

Just ask former Catholic priest Ray Fontaine:



I find it quite confusing that you make this statement. Catholic priests know more about the other major religions than you, me or most people. It's part of their education.

You have stated in the past that some of your best conversations on religion were with a local priest. By your claim, he would have told you how full of sh*t religion was.

I find it hard to believe that was the case.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
By your claim, he would have told you how full of sh*t religion was.
The local guy is the Reverend... and let's just say, "praise the rev" for having a straight theology (which is what he taught) conversation with me, instead of a religious one involving "god's will".

It's too bad more followers of Christianity don't listen. They might learn something, and much like Catholic priest Ray Fontaine, decide enough of this religious sh*t already, time to keep it real.


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Oct 21, 2007
By your claim, he would have told you how full of sh*t religion was.
The local guy is the Reverend... and let's just say, "praise the rev" for having a straight theology (which is what he taught) conversation with me, instead of a religious one involving "god's will".

It's too bad more followers of Christianity don't listen. They might learn something, and much like Catholic priest Ray Fontaine, decide enough of this religious sh*t already, time to keep it real.


Love the concept, but that would leave all those wannabes grasping for straws.

How could they possibly maintain that facade, without the backing of some belief system?

What would be the point of their existence? If not to worship and obey?
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
I'm not sure who it is they are obeying, but it sure isn't the guy in the bible.


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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Or maybe there is no God, and humans just created religion to give credence to the laws they wished people to follow to keep society together and not raping/murdering each other. Then followed said laws up with "If you don't follow these, an Invisible Man who is Perfect will see that you're a 'sinner' (aka, someone who didn't follow the laws said humans laid down) and banish you to a place that will punish you in ways I determine (hellfire, brimstone, flayed skin, etc)." Then some people were a little too hardcore about it.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I'm not rejecting God. I just believe that it's something else entirely than a man made notion. Look who is attacking..geeze.
And that is what I am trying to tell you.....that God is found inside your soul, not from any book or other people. You keep trying to claim that faith is defined by knowledge of a set religion and my point is that a person can be filled with faith and a belief in God without ever seeing a Bible in their life and certainly do not need to know specific elements of an individual religion.

There is no command from God to form specific religions, religions are creations of man, not God.

This is why I keep saying that no matter how much an Atheist has studied various religions there is no way he can understand Faith, and faith is the required element of following a religion. Without faith, religion can never make sense to anyone.

My example of faith being like the 3-D glasses is the simplest. You have to look at religion using the glasses of faith to see what the religious follower sees, without the "faith glasses" you see things that are difficult to understand and look strange.


Let me give another example:

Let's say a guy spends his entire life as a virgin and goes to college to be a doctor. He spends years in school learning all about the body and how it works to include everything about the female anatomy. Not one time has he lived with a woman or even had sex with a woman but he has extensive knowledge of the way women are put together and their female functions on a scientific level.

The man knows more about a woman's body than 99% of women know about their bodies.........so based on his extensive scientific knowledge, is it reasonable to say that this man knows more about women than women do?

Is the surface and biology of a woman all that is required to "know" what it is to be a woman?
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Men have been deciding what women should do with their bodies for a long time now. Apparently they don't need to know anything in order to make said decisions. So to answer your question: at this time "yes" surface knowledge or none at all..is required.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Men have been deciding what women should do with their bodies for a long time now. Apparently they don't need to know anything in order to make said decisions. So to answer your question: at this time "yes" surface knowledge or none at all..is required.
If anything, your predictable, I knew you would rather punt than admit I was right and had finally produced an example you could not possibly refute.

Men have tried to control women, this much is true, but most of the time it is the men who are still controlled themselves because men cannot measure up to the guile of a woman. But my question was not about control emkay and you know it. Even if men did control women that does not mean they know everything there is to know about women and that is my point as it relates to this discussion about Atheists "supposedly knowing" more about Christianity than Christians.

The man in my example knows everything there is to know about the parts that make up a woman, so is that all a woman is? Is being a woman clearly defined by her parts or is she more than that?

Does it take more than a knowledge of her anatomy to understand a woman?

Do you think being a woman is easily defined in a book and shared/understood by any man who takes the time to read and memorize the book?
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
*sigh*...As a woman...living as a woman I understand how the body works as a woman and most of what it entails to be a woman. A man does NOT have to live as a woman therefore he doesn't need to understand it completely. If I was going to live my life as a "Christian", I would aim to know all I could about something I'm dedicating my life to. The people in the study didn't even know what the wine symbolized and were drinking it nonetheless. Geeze..if I was symbolically partaking in a ritual I would for damn sure understand what the hell it was I was doing. Anyways..we agree to disagree. I feel knowledge is understanding, and that some sort of unification or commonality was present in religion. Apparently for you it isn't..it's just a feeling that can be shaped to fit however you want it to. So whatever..guess we're done here.
Oct 21, 2007
I'm not sure who it is they are obeying, but it sure isn't the guy in the bible.


Who would you suggest it is that they are obeying, Phreakwars?

There ultra-egos? There inner yang, perhaps?

Genuflecting to the east?

Oh, but you gotta have faith, right?

Faith in something rather intangible.

Something that you can never get to feel, taste, smell, or even smack?

Unless, of course, you keep praying, believing, genuflecting, and postulating until the day you die. Then, of course, there is no way to go back and tell anyone what a marvelous reward your life of sacrifice has granted you.

Seventy odd virgins ring any bells?

I'd take the virgins over a life at the feet of some vengeance-besotted Lord.

Drowned the whole earth to get rid of everyone that wasn't "worthy". Managed to keep the cockroaches, mosquitos, spiders and snakes on board.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
*sigh*...As a woman...living as a woman I understand how the body works as a woman and most of what it entails to be a woman. A man does NOT have to live as a woman therefore he doesn't need to understand it completely. If I was going to live my life as a "Christian", I would aim to know all I could about something I'm dedicating my life to. The people in the study didn't even know what the wine symbolized and were drinking it nonetheless. Geeze..if I was symbolically partaking in a ritual I would for damn sure understand what the hell it was I was doing. Anyways..we agree to disagree. I feel knowledge is understanding, and that some sort of unification or commonality was present in religion. Apparently for you it isn't..it's just a feeling that can be shaped to fit however you want it to. So whatever..guess we're done here.
Again, your more interested in not wanting to admit I finally proved my point in a way you can't refute it then having a honest debate.

Either all the understanding of being a woman is based on the scientific breakdown of her body or it is not. It really is a simple concept and it offers a greater understanding of how difficult it is to explain faith to those who don't possess faith. An atheist trying to understand faith is like a man trying to understand a woman, it will never happen.

All I am saying is faith does not come frome religion, religion comes from man and there is no connection to salvation and any specific division of religion emkay.

What your trying to do is make faith a condition created from a book or specific religion, and that is why your wrong. Salvation has always been available to all men reguardless of their ability to read a Bible or attend a church. Stop confusing religion with faith, faith comes only from within and God, religion comes from man, not God.
Oct 21, 2007
Stop confusing religion with faith, faith comes only from within and God, religion comes from man, not God.
So god has nothing to do with faith? And faith has nothing to do with god?

Don't pass "go", don't collect two hundred monopoly dollars. Go straight to purgatory, and we'll visit you at our leisure. Just to poke sticks at you as an exhibit of what really happened to pre-renaissance Europe.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
So god has nothing to do with faith? And faith has nothing to do with god?

Apparently so? *scratches head in bewilderment*.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So god has nothing to do with faith? And faith has nothing to do with god?

Apparently so? *scratches head in bewilderment*.
Again, you guys have to lie to try and get out of the point. I never said God had nothing to do with faith, I said God had nothing to do with the creation of individual religions. Religions are a creation of man in his attempt to worship and understand God. There has never been a command from God to form any specific religion and most certainly has never created a name for it.

Faith comes directly from God and not from any book or church. It is a feeling inside you, a connection you feel through your soul, not from someone else or from any religious tool or textbook.

You do not need the ability to read or attend a church to be saved.
Oct 21, 2007
So god has nothing to do with faith? And faith has nothing to do with god?

Apparently so? *scratches head in bewilderment*.
Em, if he don't know by now where to put his commas, I'm not gonna show him.

Are you gonna? :blink: