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Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So emkay, is a woman clearly defined and understood completely based on an inspection of her scientific elements and written in a book or is a woman more than that? Can a person completely understand everything you are as a woman by reading and memorizing an anatomy book?

If you were to tell the truth you would have to admit that a woman is more, so why is it so difficult for you to understand that there is more to faith than what you can find in a religious book or ceremony?

These are human answers, not scientific answers.

Using pure science there is no way to prove love exists. Do you love anyone emkay? Cana book define your love and how that love can be a little different depending on who your talking about? Do we proclaim love as nonexistent because we can't prove it is real in a book?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Again I'm accused of lying..lying about what I don't know.
What I said was clear, you lied and tried to make it seem like I said God had nothing to do with faith, your doing that because you can't admit I proved my point that there is no way an Atheist can understand faith based on only what they can find in a book.

Several times in this thread you have tried to assign things to me that I have never said, why you constantly lie about my points I don't know but still you are doing it.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Hey TJ.. does your faith tell you that whatever is the cause of human existence, it is the same cause for every human that has or will ever exist regardless of what people think/say/do?
Oct 21, 2007
Hey TJ.. does your faith tell you that whatever is the cause of human existence, it is the same cause for every human that has or will ever exist regardless of what people think/say/do?
Wez, I thought you would have realised about fifteen episodes ago that you can't talk reason to one of the "chosen".
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007

your sentence structure made your comment confusing:

"Stop confusing religion with faith, faith comes only from within and God, religion comes from man, not God."

no one is lying about what you said. Some are poking fun at your grammar and lack of proper punctuation, and asking for clarification, but no one is lying. (yes, builder is just being a jerk. But Christians are the bane of society... go figure...)

simmer down now.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
back on topic, sort of:

To quote someone smarter than me (I dunno who originally said it, but it's part of a song I like)

Faith is evidence of things unseen. I can't see the wind. I can see the effects of the wind, but I can't see the wind.

Religion is man's attempt to be closer to God. Unfortunately, it is easily manipulated and can bring a lot of hurt, instead of the love that is is supposed to bring. Religion should be a tool to help you grow closer to God, but too often it ends up driving a wedge. the Bible and church are supposed to be helps for you in your search to find God and what He wants for your life. But sometimes fallible people get in the way of an infallible God (sometimes I'm one of those that gets in the way of God.)

Times is right- you don't have to read or even go to church to be saved. Another fun quote is

"going to church makes you a Christian just as much as standing in your garage makes you a car."

All religions are after the same thing: closeness with God (personally, I think they are all seeking the same God, then just don't always want to admit that.) Man has gotten his grubby little hands over that process, and jacked a lot of it up.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Emmy, you could never possibly understand what it's like to be human and contemplate your very existence.. only TJ has that capability.. quit lying!!!
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
A ventriloquist cowboy took a walk in the country and saw a rancher sitting on his porch with his dog.

Cowboy: "Hey, cool dog. Mind if I speak to him?"

Rancher: "This dog don't talk!"

Cowboy: "Hey dog, how's it goin'?"

Dog: "Doin' all right."

Rancher: (Look of extreme shock)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing at rancher)

Dog: "Yep."

Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"

Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me to the lake once a week to play."

Rancher: (Look of disbelief)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your horse?"

Rancher: "Horses don't talk!"

Cowboy: "Hey horse, how's it goin'?"

Horse: "Cool."

Rancher: (An even wilder look of shock)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing at rancher)

Horse: "Yep."

Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"

Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me down often, and keeps me in the barn to protect me from the elements."

Rancher: (Look of total amazement)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?"

Rancher: (Gesticulating wildly and hardly able to talk)......"Them sheep ain't nothin' but liars, every darned one of 'em!!!!
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
A ventriloquist cowboy took a walk in the country and saw a rancher sitting on his porch with his dog.

Cowboy: "Hey, cool dog. Mind if I speak to him?"

Rancher: "This dog don't talk!"

Cowboy: "Hey dog, how's it goin'?"

Dog: "Doin' all right."

Rancher: (Look of extreme shock)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing at rancher)

Dog: "Yep."

Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"

Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me to the lake once a week to play."

Rancher: (Look of disbelief)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your horse?"

Rancher: "Horses don't talk!"

Cowboy: "Hey horse, how's it goin'?"

Horse: "Cool."

Rancher: (An even wilder look of shock)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing at rancher)

Horse: "Yep."

Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"

Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me down often, and keeps me in the barn to protect me from the elements."

Rancher: (Look of total amazement)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?"

Rancher: (Gesticulating wildly and hardly able to talk)......"Them sheep ain't nothin' but liars, every darned one of 'em!!!!
Aww Hugo was that a true story?
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I don't go to church and I don't read the bible but I believe in God. I don't really even belive in the reserection of Jesus Christ but I do belive in Jesus Christ. I am a Christian.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
A ventriloquist cowboy took a walk in the country and saw a rancher sitting on his porch with his dog.

Cowboy: "Hey, cool dog. Mind if I speak to him?"

Rancher: "This dog don't talk!"

Cowboy: "Hey dog, how's it goin'?"

Dog: "Doin' all right."

Rancher: (Look of extreme shock)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing at rancher)

Dog: "Yep."

Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"

Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me to the lake once a week to play."

Rancher: (Look of disbelief)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your horse?"

Rancher: "Horses don't talk!"

Cowboy: "Hey horse, how's it goin'?"

Horse: "Cool."

Rancher: (An even wilder look of shock)

Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" (Pointing at rancher)

Horse: "Yep."

Cowboy: "How's he treat you?"

Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me down often, and keeps me in the barn to protect me from the elements."

Rancher: (Look of total amazement)

Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?"

Rancher: (Gesticulating wildly and hardly able to talk)......"Them sheep ain't nothin' but liars, every darned one of 'em!!!!
Aww Hugo was that a true story?
Loosely based on my life in my rancher days.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007

your sentence structure made your comment confusing:

"Stop confusing religion with faith, faith comes only from within and God, religion comes from man, not God."

no one is lying about what you said. Some are poking fun at your grammar and lack of proper punctuation, and asking for clarification, but no one is lying. (yes, builder is just being a jerk. But Christians are the bane of society... go figure...)

simmer down now.
I am not mad so no need to simmer down.

What is a lie eddo? Being dishonest is a lie and both of them were dishonest about what I said, so they told a lie. Emkay did it several times trying to insert words into my mouth I never said. What I meant was clear, all they both did was grasp at any excuse to take shots at me and lie instead of admitting I offered a great example of how impossible it is for an Atheist to understand Christianity without faith.

I don't really care about Builder, he has proven himself to be an uneducated idiot many times over, but emkay is actually a very smart person and even if she does not believe it I want to respect her very much and each time she tells a lie just because she can't come up with anything else to respond with against my points it really makes it difficult to give her that respect.

back on topic, sort of:

To quote someone smarter than me (I dunno who originally said it, but it's part of a song I like)

Faith is evidence of things unseen. I can't see the wind. I can see the effects of the wind, but I can't see the wind.
This is why I also offered the example of love, we can't prove love exists using science, but it exists all the same.

Religion is man's attempt to be closer to God. Unfortunately, it is easily manipulated and can bring a lot of hurt, instead of the love that is is supposed to bring. Religion should be a tool to help you grow closer to God, but too often it ends up driving a wedge. the Bible and church are supposed to be helps for you in your search to find God and what He wants for your life. But sometimes fallible people get in the way of an infallible God (sometimes I'm one of those that gets in the way of God.)
This need to create various religions I believe is caused by their need to define what they can't fully understand. Humans have this drive to explain everything in human terms but this feeling we have is something that we can't give human meaning to. This is why I say that while a Atheist can memorize a passage from the Bible or know all sorts of religious methods, there is no way they can know Christianity without faith.

Times is right- you don't have to read or even go to church to be saved. Another fun quote is

"going to church makes you a Christian just as much as standing in your garage makes you a car."
Or reading a Bible makes you a Christian just as much as reading a western makes you a cowboy.

All religions are after the same thing: closeness with God (personally, I think they are all seeking the same God, then just don't always want to admit that.) Man has gotten his grubby little hands over that process, and jacked a lot of it up.
I also believe that most of the time they are trying to get closer to the same God. Each of us are approached by God in a way we are able to receive his love. Depending on how we are raised or our cultural differences, we may need a slightly different approach and God is all things to all men. I don't try to force God into my vision of what God must be.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
I don't go to church and I don't read the bible but I believe in God. I don't really even belive in the reserection of Jesus Christ but I do belive in Jesus Christ. I am a Christian.
How can one be a Christian and not believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Snaf, what do you believe about Jesus?
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
How can one be a Christian and not believe in the resurrection of Jesus?
Christian: follower of the teachings of Christ.

One does not need to give Jesus supernatural powers and abilities to be a Christian. The whole belief in the resurrection makes you a Christian thing comes from the council of Constantinople


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I think Eddo just made my point.
How do you figure that? Your point was that religion comes from books or other people telling you what to believe.

eddo was asking a question and even if he does not agree with what snaff believes, how does that mean atheists know more about what it is to be a Christian then a Christian?

Do you even know what point your trying to make at this point?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I don't go to church and I don't read the bible but I believe in God. I don't really even belive in the reserection of Jesus Christ but I do belive in Jesus Christ. I am a Christian.
How can one be a Christian and not believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Snaf, what do you believe about Jesus?
I believe he is the son of god and was brought to earth to cleanse our souls and give us direction to god. I don?t see why he would need a material body in the after life and being that he was mortal then the body he was in also died and rotted away like all the rest of us.

I think the resurrection would be a metaphor for his retuning to god not literally.
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I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
I think Eddo just made my point.
ha, not so fast. :P

Jesus himself talked about the resurrection before it happened (John 2, Matthew 20, Mark 10.) This is one of his teachings- if you claim to be a follower of the teachings of Jesus, how do you pick and chose which ones to follow and which ones to not?

I don't go to church and I don't read the bible but I believe in God. I don't really even belive in the reserection of Jesus Christ but I do belive in Jesus Christ. I am a Christian.
How can one be a Christian and not believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Snaf, what do you believe about Jesus?
I believe he is the son of god and was brought to earth to cleanse our souls and give us direction to god. I don?t see why he would need a material body in the after life and being that he was mortal then the body he was in also died and rotted away like all the rest of us.

I think the resurrection would be a metaphor for his retuning to god not literally.
So the eye witness accounts of Jesus are metaphorical, but him being the son of God is not? How do you decide which parts of the Bible is real, and which is not?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Jesus himself talked about the resurrection before it happened (John 2, Matthew 20, Mark 10.) This is one of his teachings- if you claim to be a follower of the teachings of Jesus, how do you pick and chose which ones to follow and which ones to not?
How can you be a Christian and pick and choose which teachings from the Bible Old and New Testament, to follow and which ones to not?