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Fullauto explains ALL ! !


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Fullauto said:
No... the fact that you're 39, and spend 90% of your awake time bullying digital personas from behind the protection of the net makes you gay... people crying to thier mothers is pretty natural :D THE ORACLE HAS SPOKEN ! ! !
No.. I bully, bullies in "real life" too.. with my mouth, not my fists..

What protection is that I "hide behind"? Do your arguments fall apart at your feet if you can't physically threaten someone to prove them?

Please explain..


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Anna Perenna said:
Is that Eddo?He looks like he's rocking out, homie-stylez, in your mouth. Hardly a punishment... ;)
I always assumed it meant wez' desire to eat eddo, in a sexual way. At least that's what my understanding of the ways of Sigmund Freud would tell me.

I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
I always assumed it meant wez' desire to eat eddo, in a sexual way. At least that's what my understanding of the ways of Sigmund Freud would tell me.:D
Pretty much how I take it too.

That and the constant pm's from him asking me to send him nudie pics of myself.

I'm flattered, but not interested.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
eddo said:
Pretty much how I take it too.That and the constant pm's from him asking me to send him nudie pics of myself.

I'm flattered, but not interested.
I'm not you... and you're not me. :P
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007

Peer deep within your crystal ball.

Please please tell me that TJ will never return. Can you cast a wicked spell or something ?
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2008
sheik-yerbouti said:
OraclePeer deep within your crystal ball.

Please please tell me that TJ will never return. Can you cast a wicked spell or something ?
The dark side is clouding my vision...


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Well holy sheep sh*t JAW... you were right.. my equation was lacking.. forgot an addition symbol.. ;)

Here it is in it's unadulterated, true, purified glory...


3 x [ 1/3 ( 3 + 3/3)] = 4
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
How come everybody has to tell you its a good morning when it's a pretty ****ty morning for me? If they're having a good morning why must the rub it in my nose?
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2008
snafu said:
How come everybody has to tell you its a good morning when it's a pretty ****ty morning for me? If they're having a good morning why must the rub it in my nose?

Play to set the tone...

No one else will say this, and they will ALL deny it till they die, but you are the star of a reality TV show called 'Snaf-View'... Your life as you know it, as well as your friends and loved ones are all engineered for you...

As a result of these circumstances, we are all acutely aware of the fact that your morning sucks because you flooded the 2nd floor bathroom with that HUGE shyt you took this morning, and it is generally the policy of the editors as well as the producers to egg you on with your disgust since you've become less witty and tend to fuss less with your advancing age!

I'm sorry to have to tell you that, and I'm sure you won't believe me as a result of everyone toeing the party line on that being a lie, but none the less, it is true...


(Crazy whoosh noise!)

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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I want to take some yoga classes, however there are many schools of yoga....Ashtanga and the like. I have no idea what they all mean...I just wanna be more bendy. What class do I choose?