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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I have a neighbor from South Africa. He's in the process of bringing the family over. None of my business. He's a nice guy and works really hard. However he brought his brother in law back and he's been staying there too. I can't stand him. He's useless, lazy and smokes like a chimney. I've actually watched him sit on the step smoking while his wife cuts the grass. He sits out on the deck 24/7 and peers into my yard, or stands looking over my fence while I'm in the yard WTF! I can't go outside without him peering back at me. Not to mention he looks like John Wayne Gacey. What do I do? :D
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
emkay64 said:
I have a neighbor from South Africa. He's in the process of bringing the family over. None of my business. He's a nice guy and works really hard. However he brought his brother in law back and he's been staying there too. I can't stand him. He's useless, lazy and smokes like a chimney. I've actually watched him sit on the step smoking while his wife cuts the grass. He sits out on the deck 24/7 and peers into my yard, or stands looking over my fence while I'm in the yard WTF! I can't go outside without him peering back at me. Not to mention he looks like John Wayne Gacey. What do I do? :D
Show him your penis. He'll quit staring at you...
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
emkay64 said:
I have a neighbor from South Africa. He's in the process of bringing the family over. None of my business. He's a nice guy and works really hard. However he brought his brother in law back and he's been staying there too. I can't stand him. He's useless, lazy and smokes like a chimney. I've actually watched him sit on the step smoking while his wife cuts the grass. He sits out on the deck 24/7 and peers into my yard, or stands looking over my fence while I'm in the yard WTF! I can't go outside without him peering back at me. Not to mention he looks like John Wayne Gacey. What do I do? :D
That's creepy. This dude reminds me of Mr. Bus-Stop. Don't ever let this guy in your house. Do you have any guns? A real crazy won't be intimated by your husband either. Just be very aware of your surroundings at all times. Carry a weapon in your car too.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
atlantic said:
That's creepy. This dude reminds me of Mr. Bus-Stop. Don't ever let this guy in your house. Do you have any guns? A real crazy won't be intimated by your husband either. Just be very aware of your surroundings at all times. Carry a weapon in your car too.
I have a butter knife.. :rolleyes:


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
atlantic said:
You do own some golf clubs do you not? :rolleyes:
That's right! I'm set... little nine iron on the knee?

wez in mirror with a 9 iron....

you takin' to me?.... I said are you talkin' to me? ... You must be talkin' to me cause I don't see anyone else here... you talkin' to me?
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
wez said:
that's right! I'm set... Little nine iron on the knee?Wez in mirror with a 9 iron....

you takin' to me?.... I said are you talkin' to me? ... You must be talkin' to me cause i don't see anyone else here... You talkin' to me?
omg, lol :D
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
emkay64 said:
I have a neighbor from South Africa. He's in the process of bringing the family over. None of my business. He's a nice guy and works really hard. However he brought his brother in law back and he's been staying there too. I can't stand him. He's useless, lazy and smokes like a chimney. I've actually watched him sit on the step smoking while his wife cuts the grass. He sits out on the deck 24/7 and peers into my yard, or stands looking over my fence while I'm in the yard WTF! I can't go outside without him peering back at me. Not to mention he looks like John Wayne Gacey. What do I do? :D
Get him some Optrex and some fresh spectacles.

Now theres some bitchy payback for the micro jab lol
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
atlantic said:
Do you have any guns? A real crazy won't be intimated by your husband either. Just be very aware of your surroundings at all times. Carry a weapon in your car too.
Here is a lady not to be messed with, lol
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
sheik-yerbouti said:
Here is a lady not to be messed with, lol
I just like to be prepared ;) Emkay, and all ladies out there a good read for self-protection is The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker.
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
atlantic said:
I just like to be prepared ;) Emkay, and all ladies out there a good read for self-protection is The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker.
Plain good sense Caron. You can teach me to shoot anytime !

Did OK in Thailand when I last had a go though. 92% at 15 yards with a 0.38 S&W.

What a boom that thing made !

I want to try a Beretta next, Maybe a Glock..

The book sounds good. Take the psychological discomfort to the purp..
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I read that book Atlantic! This guy doesn't really scare me, he just pervs me out a little. Thanks Sheik, I guess I totally deserved that :D
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
emkay64 said:
I read that book Atlantic! This guy doesn't really scare me, he just pervs me out a little. Thanks Sheik, I guess I totally deserved that :D
No you didn't. You're a Goddess alright !

Keep an eye on the weirdo though.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I'd kill him. Of course, I currently reside on deathrow for killing the paperboy after he threw my paper in a mud puddle two days in a row.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
hugo said:
I'd kill him. Of course, I currently reside on deathrow for killing the paperboy after he threw my paper in a mud puddle two days in a row.
I figured in Texas, that would be legal under the whole, killing for criminal mischief law, you have. :D
Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007

I wake every morning to find the bed faerie has left more fluff in my belly button yet again. I'm so tired of cleaning it all up each day.

What can I do ?