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Fullauto explains ALL ! !

Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2008
atlantic said:
Fullauto, why do I keep finding red buttons in my washing machine when I don't own a damn thing that is red, nor does my son.
Chances are you've stumbled upon a laundry 'white hole'... Wherever you lose a sock, it actually enters into someone else's dryer via said white holes...

I wouldn't bee concerned... it's a common problem..

Just last week, the Oracle found Jimm Hoffa in his Dryer!

Go Figure...

Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
Well done soothsayer, now riddle me this is you can !

Round as an apple,

Yellow as gold

With more things in it

Than you're years old.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
Fullauto said:
Chances are you've stumbled upon a laundry 'white hole'... Wherever you lose a sock, it actually enters into someone else's dryer via said white holes... I wouldn't bee concerned... it's a common problem..

Just last week, the Oracle found Jimm Hoffa in his Dryer!

Go Figure...

LOL, thank you Oracle ;)
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Why am I having the most horrible year of my life with Karma dumping on my head at every opportunity? What the heck did I do in a previous life to deserve this garbage and....most importantly...did I enjoy it?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Feckless Wench said:
Why am I having the most horrible year of my life with Karma dumping on my head at every opportunity? What the heck did I do in a previous life to deserve this garbage and....most importantly...did I enjoy it?
It's bad karma for being an admin for a tyrannical egomaniac in this life.
Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
Feckless Wench said:
Why am I having the most horrible year of my life with Karma dumping on my head at every opportunity? What the heck did I do in a previous life to deserve this garbage and....most importantly...did I enjoy it?
It's not you, Feckless. There is something going on with the planets, I swear. Everyone I know is having a messed up, hard time this year.

Hope you're ok.....
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Anna Perenna said:
It's not you, Feckless. There is something going on with the planets, I swear. Everyone I know is having a messed up, hard time this year. Hope you're ok.....
Been a bad year for humans.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Anna Perenna said:
It's not you, Feckless. There is something going on with the planets, I swear. Everyone I know is having a messed up, hard time this year. Hope you're ok.....
hugo said:
Been a bad year for humans.



Bite me! :rolleyes:


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Dear Orahole,

If the world is ready to seperate into utopian societies based upon skin pigmentation to be admired by aliens, why did we just elect the first African American president in the history of the United States in a landslide when only approximately 10% of our population is black?

Appears most white folk aren't skinheads and could give a rats ass about "the 14 words"..
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Big Time BS'er
Sep 4, 2007
wez said:
Dear Orahole, If the world is ready to seperate into utopian societies based upon skin pigmentation to be admired by aliens, why did we just elect the first African American president in the history of the United States in a landslide when only approximately 10% of our population is black?

Appears most white folk aren't skinheads and could give a rats ass about "the 14 words"..
Why is the world and her husband calling OB an African American? He has a white parent as well as a black one. Each has donatd 50% of his DNA.

No one calls him a European American. Please explain.....
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
sheik-yerbouti said:
Why is the world and her husband calling OB an African American? He has a white parent as well as a black one. Each has donatd 50% of his DNA.No one calls him a European American. Please explain.....
OK, he's a Euro/African American.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Old Salt said:
OK, he's a Euro/African American.
I have no problem with him being called an African American, or black, or whatever, President. I can't believe that we already have people who are still feeding the race issue by claiming that he doesn't count as being a black man, elected as President, because his father was from Kenya and he doesn't have any blood from a former slave in America.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
I have no problem with him being called an African American, or black, or whatever, President. I can't believe that we already have people who are still feeding the race issue by claiming that he doesn't count as being a black man, elected as President, because his father was from Kenya and he doesn't have any blood from a former slave in America.
You mean to say he ain't black enough?:eek:
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
I have no problem with him being called an African American, or black, or whatever, President. I can't believe that we already have people who are still feeding the race issue by claiming that he doesn't count as being a black man, elected as President, because his father was from Kenya and he doesn't have any blood from a former slave in America.
Old Salt said:
You mean to say he ain't black enough?:eek:
I say we just call him a mut.