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Maddy McCann

Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
hugo said:
Newest evidence seems to point to the direction that Maddy's parents grilled and ate her.
Yep, I was shocked to see that. Apparently they found a book titled "101 ways to cook your child" in the McCanns kitchen.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
jhony5 said:
Yep, I was shocked to see that. Apparently they found a book titled "101 ways to cook your child" in the McCanns kitchen.
It is sad that such a book even exists.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
jhony5 said:
Yep, I was shocked to see that. Apparently they found a book titled "101 ways to cook your child" in the McCanns kitchen.
That makes me furious. My publisher told me that nobody bought any copies of that and they didn't need to pay me any royalties.:mad:
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
That makes me furious. My publisher told me that nobody bought any copies of that and they didn't need to pay me any royalties.:mad:
:This just in:

After further investigation; The forensics lab inspected the "cook book" and upon closer inspection they learned that the cover of the book had beef stew spilled on it several years ago. Once the dried beef stew was cleaned off it was discovered that the title of the book actually reads as "101 ways to cook for your child".

The McCanns slip away again. Drat!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
jhony5 said:
:This just in:After further investigation; The forensics lab inspected the "cook book" and upon closer inspection they learned that the cover of the book had beef stew spilled on it several years ago. Once the dried beef stew was cleaned off it was discovered that the title of the book actually reads as "101 ways to cook for your child".

The McCanns slip away again. Drat!
OK, I guess it wasn't my book, anyway. My publisher is off the hook. FOR NOW! :rolleyes:
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Oh that?s sad when your name gets censored. Ya know my dads name is Dick but he?s not one. :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
To get back on track. I'm starting to think this case may end up like the Jon Benet Ramsey case, and nobody will ever be held accountable. That case was a classic example of inept police work, mostly because the Boulder police were too proud to ask for assistance. It's sad when pride interferes with justice.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
BrotherMan said:
Didn't the person that killed Jon Benet just get caught.
If you are talking about John Mark Karr, the guy arrested in Thailand, his DNA didn't match the DNA found on her body, and wasn't charged.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Oh... I just heard vague things about him confessing or something... Didn't pay much attention to it at all. Sorry for the interruption, carry on.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
BrotherMan said:
Didn't the person that killed Jon Benet just get caught.
Not that I know of. There was a pedophile who claimed to be the one. He was in jail in Thailand when he made the claim. When he was extradited to the US he changed his story - it was proved he wasn't anywhere near Jon Bonet. But that was quite a while ago.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
jhony5 said:
Yep, I was shocked to see that. Apparently they found a book titled "101 ways to cook your child" in the McCanns kitchen.
It is sad a serious topic like this can get this kind of dark humor.

I was seriously dissapointed to see it take this turn.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
BrotherMan said:
Didn't the person that killed Jon Benet just get caught.
Yes, but they are only charging him with conspiracy to kidnap, kidnapping, robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, burglary, assault, and weapons related crimes for trying to steal some memorabilia in Nevada...
Big Time BS
Sep 7, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
To get back on track. I'm starting to think this case may end up like the Jon Benet Ramsey case, and nobody will ever be held accountable. That case was a classic example of inept police work, mostly because the Boulder police were too proud to ask for assistance. It's sad when pride interferes with justice.
Both cases suffer from the same phenomenon. Tunnel vision. From the start. The parallels are obvious. From a trampled crime scene and tunnel vision to the practice of the police lying to the media to use them as some sort of third party investigation outlet.

It is sad a serious topic like this can get this kind of dark humor.I was seriously disappointed to see it take this turn.
For someone with the word "joke" worked into their moniker, one would think you would be far more receptive toward dark humor.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
jhony5 said:
Both cases suffer from the same phenomenon. Tunnel vision. From the start. The parallels are obvious. From a trampled crime scene and tunnel vision to the practice of the police lying to the media to use them as some sort of third party investigation outlet..
Tunnel vision? You think they're focising on just the parents? The media reports any investigation on the parents because it sells. That dosn't mean they aren't looking into all the avenues. But I think your absolutly right about the trampled crimes scenes though.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
jhony5 said:
For someone with the word "joke" worked into their moniker, one would think you would be far more receptive toward dark humor.
What does my name have to do with anything?

Timesjoke is about how time gets the last laugh on everyone, hence my sig "no matter how hard you try, you can't beat time". I came up with the idea based on the song "time" by Pink Floyd.

My point was that this is a serious topic and why dirty it up with garbage like that. Why laugh at another person's real suffering, sure, mild suffering may be okay, but this is no laughing matter.

A young girl is dead and the pearnts who were supposed to keep her safe neglected that duty (at the least) and allowed her to become a victim. The parents had all the power to stop this from happening even if they did not kill her by simply showing reasonable care, nothing more.

As I keep saying, at the very least, both parents are guilty of child endangerment causing the death of a small child, they are horrible pieces of garbage, nothing more.