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Obama gives progressives the finger and switches political parties

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
The facts of the issue make it a non-right wing think tank.
First off it was a committee established in May of 2009.
A right wing comitee
Tell me who was in charge of the Executive and Legislative branches of the government in May of 2009?
Tell me, is it, whoever is in charge, are the ones who get to choose comitees? Uh.. NO. IRRELEVANT INFO and digression.
Second. It is the report from the 4 out of 10 members of the committee
All right wingers
who even made a report as Congress required.
So it MUST be the truth?
I would love to hear the opinion of the Democrats on the committee, but as the Democrats didn't even bother to release a report as required BY LAW,
So since they didn't release an "official" type report, we must ONLY take the word of the "official right wing" version?
kind of like it wasn't necessary for this Democratic Congress to do the basic requirements of their job and come up with a budget in 2010.
This is called changing the topic because you have nothing more relevant to offer about the original one, it is a diversionary tactic meant to spur commentary on an unrelated incident..



Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
The facts of the issue make it a non-right wing think tank.
First off it was a committee established in May of 2009.
A right wing comitee
Tell me who was in charge of the Executive and Legislative branches of the government in May of 2009?
Tell me, is it, whoever is in charge, are the ones who get to choose comitees? Uh.. NO. IRRELEVANT INFO and digression..

I see you still have no IDEA how government works. Yes. In Congress, whoever is in charge does get to decide the makeup of committees.

They decide who is the head of the committee. They have the majority on every committee. They decide what gets introduced and who gets to testify in the committee.

I know I said in another post that I could tolerate the stupid more than the ignorant, but I swear I can only handle one TJ at a time.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
So, the minority party doesn't get to make their own committees? But that's unfair!! Are you sure?




Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007