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Really Bender?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So you were looking in the mirror today?
No, but it sure looks like you need to look in the mirror to see why things like this get started kid. How can I "reply" to something if you don't first make the coment I reply to? Everything staerts with something, and in this case, it started with you.

How about TJ calling me childish then continuing on bashing other people for the sake of a response?

Hey old man, I'd try to fight the Alzheimer's. Makes you look bad to contradict yourself.
People with Alzheimer's don't remember stuff; I remember very clearly how Phreakwars claimed the Republicans would not win hardly anything. I tried to get Phreakwars to make a bet with me but he did his usual Progressive 'bury his head' move and pretended to not notice as a self-protective measure.

But again I am only "responding" to a flame by Phreakwars, I can't "reply" to a flame from him if he does not first flame me now can I kid?

I rarely start any flames or mess like this, but I don't mind playing along and getting in the gutter with you childish idiots if that is what you insist on doing. I just get a kick out of how you guys get so emotional over stuff on the internet. I feed your illness because I love to see you lose your self-control and prove to me and even to yourself that you are incapable of accepting defeat so this kind of behavior is what you guys do to try and "get even" with me.

Funny as hell to be honest.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
So you were looking in the mirror today?
No, but it sure looks like you need to look in the mirror to see why things like this get started kid. How can I "reply" to something if you don't first make the coment I reply to? Everything staerts with something, and in this case, it started with you.

How about TJ calling me childish then continuing on bashing other people for the sake of a response?

Hey old man, I'd try to fight the Alzheimer's. Makes you look bad to contradict yourself.
People with Alzheimer's don't remember stuff; I remember very clearly how Phreakwars claimed the Republicans would not win hardly anything. I tried to get Phreakwars to make a bet with me but he did his usual Progressive 'bury his head' move and pretended to not notice as a self-protective measure.

But again I am only "responding" to a flame by Phreakwars, I can't "reply" to a flame from him if he does not first flame me now can I kid?

I rarely start any flames or mess like this, but I don't mind playing along and getting in the gutter with you childish idiots if that is what you insist on doing. I just get a kick out of how you guys get so emotional over stuff on the internet. I feed your illness because I love to see you lose your self-control and prove to me and even to yourself that you are incapable of accepting defeat so this kind of behavior is what you guys do to try and "get even" with me.

Funny as hell to be honest.
You still don't seem to understand that no matter how much you blame other people for the initial flaming, when you respond, two wrongs still don't make a right. Then you act as if you took the moral high road, and look down on us as if everything was our fault. You're really the funny one here, because through it all, you're the most delusional among us.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You still don't seem to understand that no matter how much you blame other people for the initial flaming, when you respond, two wrongs still don't make a right.
Neither is a "wrong" kid. The flame was just an action, not right or wrong in that sense. I responded with another action to reply.

Then you act as if you took the moral high road, and look down on us as if everything was our fault.
So who's fault was it you started the flames? Did I force you to behave this way kid? Am I Mangiafuoco and you one of my puppets ( I am sure you will have to look that one up to understand it, lol)?

You're really the funny one here, because through it all, you're the most delusional among us.
I am not the guy trying to blame my actions on someone else kid. Take responsibility for yourself, don't try to blame me for your mistakes.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Wasn't Mangiaifuoco the puppet master in Pinocchio? I think you may have kinda stepped into that one TJ. In the original stories not the Disney variety, he was intensely ugly and had a mouth so large and agape he stepped on it when he walked lol. Prolly not the best description to choose...if that is who Mangiafuoco is. Maybe you mean someone else?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Wasn't Mangiaifuoco the puppet master in Pinocchio? I think you may have kinda stepped into that one TJ. In the original stories not the Disney variety, he was intensely ugly and had a mouth so large and agape he stepped on it when he walked lol. Prolly not the best description to choose...if that is who Mangiafuoco is. Maybe you mean someone else?
You spoiled it emkay, I know you are well read, but I also know joker would have no idea who that was, lol.

Yes, the puppet master, meaning people like joker try to say they are not responsible for their own actions, they make excuses and pretend like their behavior is all my fault so does that make me Mangiaifuoco? Is Joker and everyone else just my puppets doing what I force them to do? Joker has no ability to behave on his own?

If some people can live witht heir hump, I can live with large lips I sometimes step on, lol.


Moron.. you're the one carrying on claiming someone else is responsible for your actions.. in this very post..

Derrrrrr.. duhhhhh.. I can't reply if you don't start it!!

Is Joker Mangiaifuoco? No? .. then shut the f*ck up and take responsibility for yourself..


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Yes, the puppet master, meaning people like joker try to say they are not responsible for their own actions, they make excuses and pretend like their behavior is all my fault so does that make me Mangiaifuoco? Is Joker and everyone else just my puppets doing what I force them to do? Joker has no ability to behave on his own?
No different than you saying that if someone else doesn't post something you wouldn't be compelled to reply, as if you have no self control and it's the other person's fault that you do so.

Just because "A" comes before "B", doesn't mean that "A" caused "B".
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
*sigh* I guess my new winter scarf did nothing to disguise it!!! A backpack maybe...perhaps a small toddler....I just don't know anymore. Stoopid hump!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
No different than you saying that if someone else doesn't post something you wouldn't be compelled to reply, as if you have no self control and it's the other person's fault that you do so.

Just because "A" comes before "B", doesn't mean that "A" caused "B".
Where did I ever say that Joe? I never said I was compelled to reply, you guys really need to stop making sh!t up and then flaming me for what you created from nothing.

My reply is my choice, nobody forced me to reply and there was no out of control element to my comment in the slightest. I do exactly what I want to do and nobody makes me do anything. My point is always I can't reply to what is not there. Some child like Joker must start the ball rolling first. I can play whatever game people want to play.

*sigh* I guess my new winter scarf did nothing to disguise it!!! A backpack maybe...perhaps a small toddler....I just don't know anymore. Stoopid hump!
But we love your hump emkay ;)


My point is always I can't reply to what is not there. Some child like Joker must start the ball rolling first. I can play whatever game people want to play.
So Joker rolls the ball and pulls your stings, Mangi****o?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Okay, I just have to say creating word filters to change my use of (BTW, did I mention I have an ugly grandson) to your new name of prhreakwas is brilliant.

To say you are obsessed would be an insult to the word (BTW, did I mention I have an ugly grandson).

To be honest, Phreakwad is just too out of the normal to be easy to write, what does it even mean? My name is about the realationship between man's belief he can beat time and the reality of how impossible it is to do that. What meaning does phreakness have other than to feed some kind of ego you feel like you need?

Considering all the things you have used in place of my name, I believe using (BTW, did I mention I have an ugly grandson) is actually very respectful.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Well, if you don't want to call me by the name I use, I'll be MORE THEN HAPPY to keep adding different filters until you do.

Annoy me enough (which is all your trying to do), I'll simply change YOUR name to Phreakwars.

The whole reason I used the Phreakwars moniker originally was for a fresh start on a different site in conjunction with Bob's change from WPYO to Cloaked, we originally hadn't intended to have old WPYO members here when the site was still in concept...but since we have re-established ourselves, I figured going back to the Phreakwars moniker would be more familiar for others who used to be part of WPYO and are looking for the old gang.


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well, if you don't want to call me by the name I use, I'll be MORE THEN HAPPY to keep adding different filters until you do.

Annoy me enough (which is all your trying to do), I'll simply change YOUR name to Phreakwars.

The whole reason I used the Phreakwars moniker originally was for a fresh start on a different site in conjunction with Bob's change from WPYO to Cloaked, we originally hadn't intended to have old WPYO members here when the site was still in concept...but since we have re-established ourselves, I figured going back to the Phreakwars moniker would be more familiar for others who used to be part of WPYO and are looking for the old gang.


My name is times now, and before you never called me timesjoke either. Not one time have you ever shown me the respect of using my name so why do you want me to use your new name?

Respect is earned, not taken by force, besides, phreakwars is a lot to type, Be nd er is much much easier and it is not like we have any new members to consider, everyone here knows who we are talking about so what is really your beef?

The truth is you just take any excuse to screw with me, and your obsession with me really does make my day, I love the fact I completely possess your mind on a daily basis, lol.

I am curious how you came up with that name though, we all know a phreak is a woman who will let a guy do anything he wants to do to her sexually and a war is a battle so are you saying you love to be sexually abused?

At least Be nd er was funny and light hearted, phreakwars is just weird to be honest.
Long Time Gone
Mar 13, 2010
Phreak is a well known term in the hacking community first coined in the late 70's or early 80's. Even hear of phone phreaking? It has since been used for various other nefarious underground activities. Phreakwars actually posted on WPYO how he got the nick. Maybe he should post that again.
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Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Is it REALLY asking too much to use the moniker I use on every ****ing website I visit? Hey, if you wanna persist on ****ing with me, don't go crying when I start ****ing with you.

As for possessing my mind on a daily basis.. get a life loser. I think about you when I have bowel movements, it's the only thing similar.
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Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
I am going to respond to a flame you made Phreakwars about me in another thread being as I can't post on the regular forum with my new restrictions:

TJ doesn't win debates, he bores people out of participating... hence, the reason why many members have left.
You banned me for over a year before and in that year people who were here dissapeared (like fullauto) and the same few people here now were all you had on my return. If I was the problem, why did you not gain a single regular member in the year I was gone?

The only person who has been here a lot before and is not now is Ali and her departure had nothing to do with me and was more about her finally finding a love interest in the real world so she did not need to immerse herself in this fake world for friendship and companionship anymore. I like Ali even if she did not like me but I was not the reason her, or even one person departed this forum.

Anyone who claimed I made them leave is instead saying they could not force me to accept their drivel and their own failures in debate was why they departed, not me.
Oh THAT'S what happened, huh? I see Mr. Know-it-all still loves to run his mouth about things he has no first hand knowledge about.


I am curious how you came up with that name though, we all know a phreak is a woman who will let a guy do anything he wants to do to her sexually and a war is a battle so are you saying you love to be sexually abused?
This is just.....it's so......

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
I am curious how you came up with that name though, we all know a phreak is a woman who will let a guy do anything he wants to do to her sexually and a war is a battle so are you saying you love to be sexually abused?
Phreak is a well known term in the hacking community first coined in the late 70's or early 80's. Even hear of phone phreaking? It has since been used for various other nefarious underground activities. Phreakwars actually posted on WPYO how he got the nick. Maybe he should post that again.
I'll be happy to.

It all started around 1996 or 97. I was an AOL member at the time and used a moniker based on my real name EClark5483. I used to hang out mainly in the Mac or PC chat rooms with all the other computer geeks, we'd give live consultations for computer problems and what have you, and every once in a while, I'd roam around to a few of the other AOL chat rooms. One in particular I'd check out every now and then was a social site where people would exchange images. Back then, that was about the easiest way to get your free porn other then using a BBS system. People would only send you images if you yourself had images to trade, which made sense back then because a majority of us (myself included) were dialup users. You'd signal to whomever in the room that you were willing to swap images by saying "I HAVE GIFS FOR TRADE" and then from there you would use AOL's system to transfer images to each other.

Well anyways, one day, I'm doing just that, and this dude sends me these 3 images and I send him mine... well when I opened up my images the first one was of some teens having sex, and the guy was like "so what do you think of that', then he sends another, which had a like 9 or 10 year old sitting on some guy being penetrated, and again the guy messages me "how bout this one", and I'm like " dude, that's nasty". So then he sends yet another, and that one completely pissed me off. It was an image of a baby being penetrated, obviously screaming in pain. And, I just couldn't handle it, I just... I don't know... stood up, took my monitor, and threw it to the ground. It didn't ruin the monitor, but it did yank the connector out of my video card that it plugged into and it fried my mother board.. So.. it took me a bit, but I got my composure back and rebuilt my PC with spare parts I had.

Once I got back online, I find this dude and at first I'm thinking of reporting it to AOL, but then I hesitate and go back to my buds in the Mac or PC chat room and talk with them. Showed them the sh*t he sent me and from there a bunch of us started a nice little vendetta.

The dude who sent me the pics was getting them from mIRC undernet, and so off to the undernet we went. The thing about mIRC is it uses basic unix commands so identifying people and I.P. 's on the system was pretty simple. At that time, most people were using Windows 95/98 which is probably the easiest OS in the world to hack.

Well, what we would do is plant viruses inside images and bait these guys into downloading our stuff. My bait image was this black and white one which wasn't really child porn, but an artistic type image that depicted a female holding a nude little girl about 4 years old or so. Espo had this one of a little boy bent over on a beach and I can't remember what Hacker had... but anyways, we'd use the then new method (which is still used to this day) of rar'ing an image with a virus payload.

I had a HUGE collection of viruses, probably over 500 of them that I kept on floppy disc, plus I'd write my own. I'd constantly implant viruses in these jerks PC's or if their security really stunk, I'd rewrite their autoexec.bat file with simple DOS commands like " deltree /y C:\*.* " and such so that when they shut off their computers and went to reboot it would delete their hard drives. Some of the times, you could even use a "remote procedure call" and do the honor of rebooting their machine for them. Ahh yes, reminds me of the old "KlOwNsHeRe" stack overflow trick we'd do on AOL to get people's PC's to freeze up or kick them offline. :woot: Good times, good times...

Well, anyways... I was a devoted hacker on a mission to take out every pedo-pusher I could find and lure in, and I think it was my buddy Espo who had made a comment to me about being at war with all these freaks and started referring to me as "The Phreak Of War" or something like that, in the Mac or PC chat room, because of my war on the freaks which soon turned into my moniker "Phreakwar" which is what I used on mIRC. Freaks are what we called the wierdos on AOL who would invade the service with their sh*t, and "Phreak" referred to using and hacking/exploiting people/computers on the communication system, which at that time, was the dialup system.

And ever since then, I have used my old mIRC moniker "phreakwar" except I added an s to the end because it sounded better. :D

And THAT is how I got the name "Phreakwars"


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