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so where are the jobs?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Back on the topic.

I know how the Obama administration are going to claim they added jobs.

IRS Inflates Employment Numbers Using Poll WorkersSeptember 16, 2010

The Internal Revenue Service, for the first time in history is ordering temporary election poll workers to file income tax withholding forms. In breaking news from New York, the New York City Board of Elections which uses over 34,000 temporary elections workers, was ordered by the IRS to make employees out of all temporary election workers.

The IRS denies giving any order but the Elections Board in New York received a memo dated Aug 2 signed by Rosanna Kostamoulas Rahmouni, Election Day Operations Coordinator. In the memo, Rahmouni directs election officials to have every poll worker complete a tax form W-4 and IT-2104 as needed.

Furthermore, election officials in New York were warned that if this was not completed promptly, they would not be paid for any training classes or for work performed on election day. Most poll workers are retirees and receive

$100 for training and $200 per each day they work.

The taxes for such a short period, normally one days work are so small, leaving many officials to wonder what is the real reason for filing the forms. Well, if you add up all of the election workers in all 50 states, you begin to see the reason for the IRS request. Hundreds of thousands of workers man polling booths and work counting ballots throughout the country during and election.

Much like the Census, if these temporary poll workers are used by the federal government, these numbers would affect the unemployment figures put out by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics each month, thus giving a misleading unemployment count for August ? November 2010.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Even if they did create a "new" job through the IRS, that is again not a private sector job, only private sector jobs help the economy and help create new tax dollars to pay for things the Government does.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Here are a few of the jobs created.

Report: Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobsA new piece of evidence has emerged in the debate over the effectiveness of President Obama's 2009 stimulus package, and it's not good for Democrats. According to two newly released audits performed by the Los Angeles controller, L.A. spent enormous portions of the $594 million in stimulus funds it received on projects that created or saved just a handful of jobs. All told, the audits ? available here and here [pdf] ? examined $111 million in stimulus spending by the city's Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works, and found that the money went to projects that created or retained just 54 jobs. That works out to roughly $2 million per job.

The $71 million that went to the Department of Public Works, which funded 15 road-surfacing and similar projects, was projected to save or create 238 jobs. But according to the audit, the money created just 7.76 jobs — or slightly more than $10 million per new job — and saved 37.7 (the fractions are a result of calculating the number of jobs by hours worked). The Department of Transportation's $40 million created or retained just nine jobs, the audit found.

In a press release accompanying the audits [pdf], L.A. Controller Wendy Greuel said the job numbers were underwhelming. "I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million in [stimulus] funds," Greuel said. "With our local unemployment rate over 12 percent, we need to do a better job cutting the red tape and putting Angelenos back to work."

The audit didn't find any misspent funds or waste. But the breakdown of how some of the money was spent seems to indicate efficiency was not exactly the order of the day for project managers. The Department of Transportation, for instance, spent $9 million to install new LED lightbulbs in traffic lights at 1,800 intersections. Less the $228,000 in labor costs associated with the project, that's nearly $5,000 per location to change lightbulbs. Another project spent $4 million to install 65 new left-turn arrows, averaging more than $61,500 per arrow.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I loved this guy, and he is dead on, the people whispering in Obama's ear are all living in their own private fantacy world where even if stuff is severely damaged, they are insulated from that damage so why should they care?

The last bit was the best and what I am always talking about, while these "evil rich" guys are making their money, they are at the same time employing a lot of people. While some will complain giving these "evil rich" guys a tax break could cost some money I also point out that the masses they employ also pay taxes and while they are employed your not paying tax money to support them either, and thoat employed masses are out there spending money, and money circulating is something else that the Government gets tax money from.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Oct 21, 2007

You like that tag, Chief?

Delusional is believing that God is talking directly to you.

Desperate is declaring war on everybody, thinking that while we are at war, no new elections can proceed.

Divisive is giving tax cuts to your buddies, while telling everyone else to tighten their belts because times are tough.

Disconnected is believing your own propaganda, and pretending everyone else believes it too.

Done is what happened at the last election, when the people didn't believe your delusional, desperate, divisive, and disconnected speech supporting a candidate who didn't want you anywhere near his campaign.

Thanks for the slogan. Another delusion that smacks you in the face every time you look at it.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Why do you keep posing that Phreakwars?

All it shows is less job loss, and that is only because Obama already killed the majority of the wavering jobs, the jobs not being lost now are because of stronger companies who planned ahead, not because of anything Obama has done.

Where is that 8% unemployment Obama promised us Phreakwars?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Where is that 8% unemployment Obama promised us Phreakwars?
Held up by congressional red tape by Republicans who want to see the country fail..

Can't make that claim Phreakwars, stop dodging the question.

Obama promised us 8% or lower unemployment if he got his stimulus package without even taking the time to read it. Obama got exactly what he wanted so 100% of the failure is on the backs of the progressives, Republicans did not stop that package.

Republicans are holding up "new" legislation that will also fail to do as the progressives predict. That is a good thing, so far Obama and company has failed at everything they have attempted to do, that is why not one Democrat is mentioning their actual record in their campaigns unless they voted against Obama bills.

The Democrats had 100% of the power, and all the failures so far are theirs, and they will pay for those failures in the comming election, just like the Rinos paid for their failures and lost power, now we have the Republicans back on track with what Americans want, conservative values and less spending of money we don't have.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
So while the Democrats help a super majority and could pass anything they wamted without a single Republican vote, why did it take so long to get anything done Phreakwars?

This story is cute and offers opinion abotu how Republicans are blocking things but they do not mention that it was fellow Democrats more than Republicans who have slowed down the Obama Administration and their laws that are passed. Even the debate on the Bush tax cuts had fellow Democrats fighting against the class warfare Obama is trying to create.

So again, where are the jobs Phreakwars?

Obama promised us 8% or lower unemployment if he got his stimulus package without even taking the time to read it. Obama got exactly what he wanted so 100% of the failure is on the backs of the progressives, Republicans did not stop that package. You can't pass that buck, can you admit the progressives were wrong even one time?
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Obama promised us 8% or lower unemployment
Show me the video where he says so.


So where's that alternative Republican plan for creating a gazillion jobs all at once?


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Still squirming on that hook Phreakwars?

Can't bring yourself to admit the Progressives were 100% wrong?


This is the chart Obama and his advisors used to justify passing the stimulus package without reading it. Obama said it was needed to keep employment below 8%. The red dots show actual numbers against the Obama predictions.

Democrats had a super majority, they could pass anything they wanted no matter what the Republicans said, the democrats even passed the healthcare mess that not one Democrat running for office will even mention unless they voted against it. You Progressives had 100% of the power and what we have now in the result of your complete failure.

I like your chart, while you toss attacks on Bush, I see Obama's numbers are much, much worse.

Bush had 9/11, floods, forest fires, hurricains and two wars to pay for and still ended up with a positive on job creation to end his presidency. Obama will go down in history as the biggest destroyer of private sector jobs to ever hold office.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
THE place for all your right wing opinions.
Keep running away from the facts Phreakwars, it is all a progressive can ever do, not one time have you ever admitted that progressives have made mistakes while all conservative openly took issue against Republicans when they messed up. Why is it a progressive must be a blind follower?