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so where are the jobs?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
So where is that free lunch?

I mean you wanna post an image of a lunch box as a claim that everyones getting all these great free things, so where is this free lunch all the unemployed people are supposedly getting that's keeping them from getting/wanting a job?


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Giving away a free lunch would be like extending unemployment benefits, the Government will give away tax money, but the Progressives have no idea how to help the ecomony because they hate business and private enterprise.

The solutions are in the hands of those they hate and attack.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
And what would YOU do with the millions of unemployed? Tell them to "GET A JOB" even though there are none? I see IWS has no problem calling them lazy.


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
And what would YOU do with the millions of unemployed? Tell them to "GET A JOB" even though there are none? I see IWS has no problem calling them lazy.


I don't think you make a problem better by creating more problems. Giving away "free money" sounds like a good short term solution to those who restrict their view to the hear and now, but the logical thing to do is consider how many harms are being done in the long run by spending money we don't have for "feel good" programs.

If any money should be spent by big Government, it is better to help the job creaters and settle the markets, not treat the job creaters like the enemy and keep markets unbalanced the way Progressives do.

The people out of work are not all "lazy" but I fail to see how their being lazy or not means the Government must take responsibility for them.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Denmark has long held the title of the best place on earth to be laid off. With an expensive, generous welfare state, and the world?s most lavish unemployment insurance scheme, virtually no one falls through the cracks upon losing a job.

But the government unveiled an unpleasant surprise in June, when it halved the country?s whopping four-year unemployment benefits period to help mend its finances after the financial crisis.

The reason: Danish studies show that the longer a person goes without a job, the harder it is to find work. Many people get a job within the first three months of entering the system, but many more wait until just before benefits expire to take anything available.

?So you need to have a period of unemployment that is as short as possible,? Claus Hjort Frederiksen, the finance minister, told me recently in Copenhagen.

Consider this 2009 chart from Denmark?s Labor Market Commission:


It shows that between 2005-7, the number of people who got jobs during their four years of benefits ? the green line ? rose at the beginning before dropping sharply, then spiked as benefits were about to run out, only to plummet after. The red line shows similar behavior in 1998, when Denmark?s benefit period was five years.

?It shows that people are not seeking all the jobs they could get, but just the jobs they would like to have,? said Steen Bocian, chief economist at Danske Bank.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Why do we still have millions of illegals here if there are no jobs?

Obviously there are jobs available, but some people would rather suck on the Government tit instead of working a job that is available but is undesirable.

And guess what, if we can get Americans to work these jobs, sudenly the illegal problem is mostly fixed because there are no jobs here to draw them to America illegally.

Oh, and instead of paying out massive amounts og free Government money, suddenly we are instead getting taxes from their income.....talk about a perfect solution....
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Neither of you wants to answer the question, of course. I'll ask it again.

And what would YOU do with the millions of unemployed?


Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Yeah, illegals are hired ONLY because other people don't want their jobs. Not because they're cheaper in pretty much every way.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Yeah, illegals are hired ONLY because other people don't want their jobs. Not because they're cheaper in pretty much every way.
"ONLY"? Who said that? Certainly not me. But answer me this question:

If you had no welfare or other "free money" to live on, would you pick vegtables to earn some money? No matter what it pays, it is still better than zero.

And what would YOU do with the millions of unemployed? Tell them to "GET A JOB" even though there are none? I see IWS has no problem calling them lazy.


Would you let your parents, siblings or best friend go hungry or homeless? I would not.
And that is my point as well and it is also the Christian answer. Charity begins with your own circles.

All the Federal Government can do is make things worse, get out of the way of American business and we will get new jobs, people want to make money, they just need the freedom to do so.