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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
You nailed it!And through it all, my friendships with eddo and RO remain intact.

I, Ali, am a morally corrupt bitch.

You win again, TJ! :)
They remain intact because they do not cross you, if they ever did you would explode on them too. They know better than to ever dissagree with you on anything you hold dear, you have been ripping people apart for many, many years Ali, I am nothing more than the flavor of the month, this same exact routine has been played by you with many, many people before me.

Their reward for letting you dominate them is anything they say or do is blindly supported by you, that is why I call it the estrogen mafia, you offer protection, they pay with obedience.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
They remain intact because they do not cross you, if they ever did you would explode on them too. They know better than to ever dissagree with you on anything you hold dear, you have been ripping people apart for many, many years Ali, I am nothing more than the flavor of the month, this same exact routine has been played by you with many, many people before me.Their reward for letting you dominate them is anything they say or do is blindly supported by you, that is why I call it the estrogen mafia, you offer protection, they pay with obedience.
You're full of ****, TJ. I disagree with folks here and everywhere all of the time and I'm still cool with them (including Ali.) Difference is, I agree to disagree with them. I'm not adamant that what I think and believe is the only truth and that I am 1000% right on absolutely everything. I also know when to admit defeat and/or when I'm wrong.

Wake up, learn to do the same and maybe then you won't be so annoying and disliked.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

*Chi* said:
You're full of ****, TJ. I disagree with folks here and everywhere all of the time and I'm still cool with them (including Ali.) Difference is, I agree to disagree with them. I'm not adamant that what I think and believe is the only truth and that I am 1000% right on absolutely everything. I also know when to admit defeat and/or when I'm wrong. Wake up, learn to do the same and maybe then you won't be so annoying and disliked.
Bull, you have jumped on the bandwagon every time one has appeared.....just like now.

I have never seen you dissagree on an important issue or a gangbang in the couple years I have known you.

Remember when all this started? eddo was actually friendly with me and I didn't even know Ali when I saw the two of them ripping into MrsK at the jungle. They both have hated me from that day foward without giving me a single chance for acceptance after that. To them I committed the ultimate sin, and until I do like MrsK did and bow down to them, they will never forgive me for that.

Sure, you and other people can dissagree on small things, but do not dare to get in the way of one of their gangbangs, that is unforgivable.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I just think you all suck!!
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Bull, you have jumped on the bandwagon every time one has appeared.....just like now.I have never seen you dissagree on an important issue or a gangbang in the couple years I have known you.

Remember when all this started? eddo was actually friendly with me and I didn't even know Ali when I saw the two of them ripping into MrsK at the jungle. They both have hated me from that day foward without giving me a single chance for acceptance after that. To them I committed the ultimate sin, and until I do like MrsK did and bow down to them, they will never forgive me for that.

Sure, you and other people can dissagree on small things, but do not dare to get in the way of one of their gangbangs, that is unforgivable.
You're a retard. Does Obama ring a bell? I've also had major disagreements with both Ali and Eddo in the past, several times. But we've always managed to get over it, move on and be cool again. Like normal people. I've disagreed with pretty much everyone at one time or another about something. Including MrsK and I've also stuck up for her in the past. So again, you are completely full of crap!!

People don't like you because of all the reasons stated to you a million times over. Yet you still choose and are convinced that it's because of no fault of your own and because you are so independent and benevolent. Bull ****! Get it through your head. As with a lot of other things, YOU ARE WRONG and seriously in denial. Seriously, think about it and process it in your head. Take it into consideration, you are not always right, nor do you know people more than they know themselves.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

*Chi* said:
You're a retard. Does Obama ring a bell? I've also had major disagreements with both Ali and Eddo in the past, several times. But we've always managed to get over it, move on and be cool again. Like normal people. I've disagreed with pretty much everyone at one time or another about something. Including MrsK and I've also stuck up for her in the past. So again, you are completely full of crap!!People don't like you because of all the reasons stated to you a million times over. Yet you still choose and are convinced that it's because of no fault of your own and because you are so independent and benevolent. Bull ****! Get it through your head. As with a lot of other things, YOU ARE WRONG and seriously in denial. Seriously, think about it and process it in your head. Take it into consideration, you are not always right, nor do you know people more than they know themselves.
You have "NEVER" gone against the gangbangs, not once, so stop trying to paint yourself as outside of the estrogen mafia, even when your not here for long streaches, you always seem to show up to when a big deal is happeneing so you can join in on the "fun"......coincidence? I think not.

Take RO and Ali jumping on my back for not giving RO credit for commentary RO stole himself from Boortz. Every time a claim is made about me doing something 'wrong', it in fact is not what anyone has claimed.

It is always a lie, you can't point out a single thing I have actually done wrong, it seems instead that your all just pissed off that I make you "feel" inferior, and that is not my fault. If you do not have good morals, that is your fault, not mine for describing what good moral values are.

You ignore the message and shoot the messenger.

The real point should be that you know I am right because otherwise all this smokescreen would not be needed to cover your actions. Ali says herself that all her followers cannot do anything wrong as long as they are attacking me.

eddo attacked Tami again, as usual, do you feel that is "good" morals? You can never stand outside their actions and call what they do as wrong, consider this:


Several people spoke to me in private and even posted as a "guest" when Ali and RO tried to say I was plagiarizing when it was RO who has been plagiarizing most of what he posts here.

Why do you think people are too scared to post this in their own name or on the open forum instead of hiding from Ali and her estrogen Mafia?


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Several people spoke to me in private and even posted as a "guest" when Ali and RO tried to say I was plagiarizing when it was RO who has been plagiarizing most of what he posts here.
Ummmmm.. I was those several people that posted as a guest and stuck up for you TJ.. and made it quite clear it was me.. and let eddo know it was me after he accused you of talking to yourself..

who did you think weez was?

Time to let it go TJ.. no matter how "immoral" or otherwise you think someone is.. it does nothing to make you a better person.. nor does it make your plagiarism any less plagiarizing.. nor does someone else's hypocrisy make your hypocrisy any less hypocritical.. you're the messenger of nothing but that of someone who relentlessly tries to build himself up on the pain of others.. f*ckin' enough..

Everything you accuse others of doing/being.. you do and are yourself..and then some.. not saying you're the only one.. cuz ya aint.. just the most extreme. No one but you claims utter innocence..

Why don't you tell me the difference between "the estrogen mafia" and the TJ express + 15?

The difference? The "estrogen mafia" didn't spend months trying to manipulate the staff here to do their bidding to ban someone because they didn't personally like them.. like you did.

Start comparing and judging yourself against Jesus instead of a handful of people online.. you go to church.. you ought to know better than acting the opposite of what you worship..

Go judge your f*cking selves.. all ya'all..
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

weez, or whoever you are, there is no way of me knowing who you are but I do know some members here have told me privately they see Ali and company becomming more and more agressive.

It is easy to claim I did something wrong but each time I ask for an example, nobody seems to be able to actually produce one.......it is all unfounded claims, nothing more.

As far as someone trying to get a group to get someone removed, that was eddo more than anything else, sure I joind in from my own point of view that playing the endless loop of "I'm not you" was too childish for serious discussions but at the end of the day I was just brought into the mafia myself, until I saw how eddo and Ali were ripping MrsK apart with personal attacks that were too ruthless and hurtful to ignore so I spoke against that kind of behavior, and have been the target ever sense.

In truth I even said I can see how Wez's redicliously childish behaviors may have been prompted by him being subjected to this estrogen mafia himself but not having the maturity to understand/cope with it so it drove him to become the wacko he is now.

I made a point to several people yesterday that has been met with mostly silence, Ali did not become who she is overnight. Many, many years ago she had her first exposure to being angry with someone online and being able to act like a bully to run them off. Many years later, and many victims later she has turned the internet gangbang into an artform, but she is not the only one to blame.

It is the communities who have stayed silent, stood back and let her behave this way without comment who are just as much to blame for her excessively brutal behavior as she is. Ali is working from the idea her actions are liked and accepted because nobody dares to speak against what she does.

That is why I and anyone else who stands up to her is such a threat to her, her perfect world where she dictates what people are allowed to say....And make no mistake, that is exactly what is happeneing. She feels my comments are bad, so I need to be attacked, punnished, silenced. My opinions are not acceptable to her, so that means they are not acceptable to anywhere she frequents.

I keep comming back to the same point, if I was completely stupid and out of this world crazy with what I had to say then they would just ignore me, but their need to attack me at all costs proves they know I am right, and everyone knows the truth hurts. This is why I have wez and nor eddo on ignore, I feel their comments are unintelligent and uninformed while at the dsame time they only want to try and take shots at those they have issues with and completely ignore topics and instead derail things. I see no point in wasting my time with someone who is obviously not interested in reasonable discussion in any way.
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Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
weez, or whoever you are, there is no way of me knowing who you are but I do know some members here have told me privately they see Ali and company becomming more and more agressive.
Tis me.. wez.. same ol' wacko I always was/is/forever will be..

timesjoke said:
It is easy to claim I did something wrong but each time I ask for an example, nobody seems to be able to actually produce one.......it is all unfounded claims, nothing more.As far as someone trying to get a group to get someone removed, that was eddo more than anything else, sure I joind in from my own point of view that playing the endless loop of "I'm not you" was too childish for serious discussions but at the end of the day I was just brought into the mafia myself, until I saw how eddo and Ali were ripping MrsK apart with personal attacks that were too ruthless and hurtful to ignore so I spoke against that kind of behavior, and have been the target ever sense.
No TJ.. you were the ringleader.. searching for members for your "gay mafia" to have me banned.. not eddo..

timesjoke said:
In truth I even said I can see who Wez's redicliously childish behaviors may have been prompted by him being subjected to this estrogen mafia himself but not having the maturity to understand/cope with it so it drove him to become the wacko he is now.
No TJ.. I spent 20 years with someone just like you learning how to handle it.. what else would you suggest I offer in the face of hypocritical accusations? I'm not you says it all.. not my problem I didn't respond like you expected and bow down to you and the "gay mafia" like you desired. Any 5 year old knows a hypocrite when they see one. And have a saying to prove it..

timesjoke said:
I made a point to several people yesterday that has been met with mostly silence, Ali did not become who she is overnight. Many, many years ago she had her first exposure to being angry with someone online and being able to act like a bully to run them off. Many years later, and many victims later she has turned the internet gangbang into an artform, but she is not the only one to blame.It is the communities who have stayed silent, stood back and let her behave this way without comment who are just as much to blame for her excessively brutal behavior as she is. Ali is working from the idea her actions are liked and accepted because nobody dares to speak against what she does.
What, ya don't like bullies, bully? How odd..

timesjoke said:
That is why I and anyone else who stands up to her is such a threat to her, her perfect world where she dictates what people are allowed to say....And make no mistake, that is exactly what is happeneing. She feels my comments are bad, so I need to be attacked, punnished, silenced. My opinions are not acceptable to her, so that means they are not acceptable to anywhere she frequents.I keep comming back to the same point, if was was completely stupid and out of this world crazy with what I had to say then they would just ignore me, but their need to attack me at all costs proves they know I am right, and everyone knows the truth hurts.
Sounds like someone else I know who tried to do that to me.. and then some.. you.

Truth does hurt.. go lick your wounds.. liar.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

If "I" was the ringleader, why were you already banned from other fourms because of eddo before I ever met you?

In truth my issue was never with you, it was with the lack of enforcing the rules on the forum just becasue they liked the way you kept sh!t stirred up. Then of course I was removed without ever breaking a rule. Even now there is a rule about no flaming on the main forum but it is not enforced.

I admit, your an idiot, I think you sometimes have good thoughts but you ruin those rare moments with a constant stream of childish outbursts like "I'm not you". You called me defending myself from four men as murder but when you killed your own defenseless child, that was self defence........your crazy, but I don't believe it is necessarily all your fault.

So I put you on ignore, I don't chase you around the forum like a dumbazz, I am trying to leave you alone, but at the same time you and eddo are constantly talking sh!t to me even thought you know I have you on ignore.

You and eddo are now acting exactly alike, interesting how that happens ain't it? The same things eddo used to condemn you for is exactly what he is doing now, I think that is very funny.

Why not just leave me alone like I am trying to do with you?


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
If "I" was the ringleader, why were you already banned from other fourms because of eddo before I ever met you?In truth my issue was never with you, it was with the lack of enforcing the rules on the forum just becasue they liked the way you kept sh!t stirred up. Then of course I was removed without ever breaking a rule. Even now there is a rule about no flaming on the main forum but it is not enforced.

I admit, your an idiot, I think you sometimes have good thoughts but you ruin those rare moments with a constant stream of childish outbursts like "I'm not you". You called me defending myself from four men as murder but when you killed your own defenseless child, that was self defence........your crazy, but I don't believe it is necessarily all your fault.

So I put you on ignore, I don't chase you around the forum like a dumbazz, I am trying to leave you alone, but at the same time you and eddo are constantly talking sh!t to me even thought you know I have you on ignore.

You and eddo are now acting exactly alike, interesting how that happens ain't it? The same things eddo used to condemn you for is exactly what he is doing now, I think that is very funny.

Why not just leave me alone like I am trying to do with you?
hahahaha... I'm not eddo... or you..

You were removed because you were relentlessly trying to manipulate the staff here to do your bidding.. they had enough.. the end.

I've always acted like me.. and will continue to do so.. nothings changed with me..

You only wanted the rules to apply to everyone else .. cept you.. like any typical bully/narcissistic control freak who will use anything he can to try to stand on top of someone.. There were no rules til you whined/cried/demanded and got them.. You need rules .. I don't..

Me and my ex girlfriend deciding to terminate a pregnancy does nothing for you.. what.. I couldn't return your favor and call you a murderer, killer?

I seem to recall you as of late claiming how you "only played the games others started".. over and over and over.. and seem to think it justification? Why not for me? I think that is very funny.. hypocrites make me laugh..

Run and hide tough guy..
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
You have "NEVER" gone against the gangbangs, not once, so stop trying to paint yourself as outside of the estrogen mafia, even when your not here for long streaches, you always seem to show up to when a big deal is happeneing so you can join in on the "fun"......coincidence? I think not.Take RO and Ali jumping on my back for not giving RO credit for commentary RO stole himself from Boortz. Every time a claim is made about me doing something 'wrong', it in fact is not what anyone has claimed.

It is always a lie, you can't point out a single thing I have actually done wrong, it seems instead that your all just pissed off that I make you "feel" inferior, and that is not my fault. If you do not have good morals, that is your fault, not mine for describing what good moral values are.

You ignore the message and shoot the messenger.

The real point should be that you know I am right because otherwise all this smokescreen would not be needed to cover your actions. Ali says herself that all her followers cannot do anything wrong as long as they are attacking me.

eddo attacked Tami again, as usual, do you feel that is "good" morals? You can never stand outside their actions and call what they do as wrong, consider this:


Several people spoke to me in private and even posted as a "guest" when Ali and RO tried to say I was plagiarizing when it was RO who has been plagiarizing most of what he posts here.

Why do you think people are too scared to post this in their own name or on the open forum instead of hiding from Ali and her estrogen Mafia?
You are aggravating... Ok, first off, I have gone against "gangbangs." On these boards and in real life. I'll take being unpopular/not liked over going against what I think is right.

Second, you don't make anyone feel inferior. Get real. You think that you do, THAT is one of the things that pisses people off. The fact that you think you have a handle on everything and everyone, but that you don't.

Regarding Eddo, I can honestly say I don't give a rat's ass about what anyone says about you or "Tami" because of the **** that you have said and brought upon yourself. Otherwise, I would have definitely spoken up in your defense. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have, until you showed how unlikeable and annoying you are, time and time again.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

*Chi* said:
You are aggravating... Ok, first off, I have gone against "gangbangs." On these boards and in real life. I'll take being unpopular/not liked over going against what I think is right.Second, you don't make anyone feel inferior. Get real. You think that you do, THAT is one of the things that pisses people off. The fact that you think you have a handle on everything and everyone, but that you don't.

Regarding Eddo, I can honestly say I don't give a rat's ass about what anyone says about you or "Tami" because of the **** that you have said and brought upon yourself. Otherwise, I would have definitely spoken up in your defense. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have, until you showed how unlikeable and annoying you are, time and time again.
Post one example of you telling ali and eddo they were wrong to do one of their usual gangbangs, a link to the post will be needed of course.

To the best of my knowledge, you never have and never have when it comes to me definately not one time. Your a part of Ali's estrogen mafia up to your eyes.

As far as the rst of that as usual no specifics, just a general "I brought it on myself" but you can't ever give a specific example where I was ever wrong. The point is you can't, and that is what irritates you guys to the point of e-violence.

I don't believe I am superior to anyone, but I believe you guys "think" I am and that is one of the reasons you try to be so hurtful. Your issues are inside your own heads, not me.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Post one example of you telling ali and eddo they were wrong to do one of their usual gangbangs, a link to the post will be needed of course.To the best of my knowledge, you never have and never have when it comes to me definately not one time. Your a part of Ali's estrogen mafia up to your eyes.

As far as the rst of that as usual no specifics, just a general "I brought it on myself" but you can't ever give a specific example where I was ever wrong. The point is you can't, and that is what irritates you guys to the point of e-violence.

I don't believe I am superior to anyone, but I believe you guys "think" I am and that is one of the reasons you try to be so hurtful. Your issues are inside your own heads, not me.
lol! You're nuts if you think I'm going to go looking and hunting for posts and links for you! That's rich. I've stuck up for people being ganged up on when I found it prudent to, whether they were my friends at the time or not. Whether you believe me or not, I don't give a ****! I'm letting you have it because you deserve it. The fact that Ali, RO and whoever else is/was too is just a bonus.

You deserve it because you talk a lot of ****. You are misogynistic, you think you are always right and about everything. You put words into people's mouths, you assume things, you twist things, you are a hypocrite. You are hardheaded, you yabber on and on and have no concept of being concise or to the point. You are quick to judge others and see them in a negative light (even if it's only your twisted and perceived view.) Yet you never take even part of the blame for anything and are always blameless and faultless in your opinion.

And again, you are so delusional you even think you know others better than they know themselves (ex. "I don't believe I am superior to anyone, but I believe you guys "think" I am".) Even when people tell you point blank of the contrary. Although I think you may just do this to be annoying (which you've succeeded in being as pointed out before), you can't be that delusional. Are you?

Specific enough? If you want more specific than that, just take any random post where you've gotten into it with someone. You will see evidence of the above in there.
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Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
I don't believe I am superior to anyone, but I believe you guys "think" I am and that is one of the reasons you try to be so hurtful. Your issues are inside your own heads, not me.
hahahaha.. TJ.. you act like you're superior to everyone whether you believe it or not.. especially to women.. and you are constantly trying to be hurtful to anyone and everyone you deem "crosses you".. you will and have use/used anything you can to seek your revenge..

The only thing inside your head is that you are some moral messenger fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.. and judge of everyone.. cept yourself of course..

You're just like every bully/control freak/hypocrite trying to dominate someone to feel better about themselves.. then you cry like a school girl when it's you being fed your own medicine.. boodily f*ckin' hoo..

Go control and stand on top of your own gawwdamned family through their emotional pain like any other "normal" narcissist.. and leave the strangers on the internet alone..

In other words.. shut the hell up..
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

weez said:
Ummmmm.. I was those several people that posted as a guest and stuck up for you TJ.. and made it quite clear it was me.. and let eddo know it was me after he accused you of talking to yourself.. who did you think weez was?
yeah, I screwed the hell up outta that quote. The weez one wasn't supposed to be there and another one was supposed to be linked. Sorry bout that. :)
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

*Chi* said:
lol! You're nuts if you think I'm going to go looking and hunting for posts and links for you! That's rich. I've stuck up for people being ganged up on when I found it prudent to, whether they were my friends at the time or not. Whether you believe me or not, I don't give a ****! I'm letting you have it because you deserve it. The fact that Ali, RO and whoever else is/was too is just a bonus. You deserve it because you talk a lot of ****. You are misogynistic, you think you are always right and about everything. You put words into people's mouths, you assume things, you twist things, you are a hypocrite. You are hardheaded, you yabber on and on and have no concept of being concise or to the point. You are quick to judge others and see them in a negative light (even if it's only your twisted and perceived view.) Yet you never take even part of the blame for anything and are always blameless and faultless in your opinion.

And again, you are so delusional you even think you know others better than they know themselves (ex. "I don't believe I am superior to anyone, but I believe you guys "think" I am".) Even when people tell you point blank of the contrary. Although I think you may just do this to be annoying (which you've succeeded in being as pointed out before), you can't be that delusional. Are you?

Specific enough? If you want more specific than that, just take any random post where you've gotten into it with someone. You will see evidence of the above in there.
Completely vague and all opinion based on emotional reactions to how I make you feel, not what I have done.

I ask for specific examples and you offer more unsubstantiated allegations. That is all any of you have, noting but what you have made up in your own minds created by your feelings, not by facts or real actions by me.

You make a lot of claims, and not one example to support them. You said you have spoke out against the gangbangs on this forum, well prove it Chi, because I know you have not ever spoke out against them here ever, not one time.

You lied.

Again, I am me, I can't be anyone I am not, you guys feel it is wrong for me to express my own values because for some reason it makes you feel bad, well I can't help your feelings, you have to take responsibility for yourself. But I do know one thing, the people getting mad are almost always the ones at fault.

TJ's a douche

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Again, I am me, I can't be anyone I am not, you guys feel it is wrong for me to express my own values because for some reason it makes you feel bad, well I can't help your feelings, you have to take responsibility for yourself. But I do know one thing, the people getting mad are almost always the ones at fault.
and thank jeebus that you are constantly reminding just how at "fault" we always are!

Can you imagine where would we be without you???
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Completely vague and all opinion based on emotional reactions to how I make you feel, not what I have done.I ask for specific examples and you offer more unsubstantiated allegations. That is all any of you have, noting but what you have made up in your own minds created by your feelings, not by facts or real actions by me.

You make a lot of claims, and not one example to support them. You said you have spoke out against the gangbangs on this forum, well prove it Chi, because I know you have not ever spoke out against them here ever, not one time.

You lied.

Again, I am me, I can't be anyone I am not, you guys feel it is wrong for me to express my own values because for some reason it makes you feel bad, well I can't help your feelings, you have to take responsibility for yourself. But I do know one thing, the people getting mad are almost always the ones at fault.
I give up. Continue being annoying and disliked.