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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
did RO actually make the trip?
Ehhh, don't worry about him. I'm sure he's hip and face deep in a bedfull of busty women by now. ;)
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
I'm waiting.
Sheesh RO, don't you know TJ wanted(double entendre intended) you to fly and come over to his house. He wanted to show you first hand all of the sexy, gay maneuvers he's been bragging about here. Trust me, I know my gay men.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

ImWithStupid said:
Or the bigger question. How would anyone tell the difference? :D

I would get a big sash that read "Master of the Obvious" for going through with that.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
Ehhh, don't worry about him. I'm sure he's hip and face deep in a bedfull of busty women by now. ;)

Did you say something?

I had a boob in my ear.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

*Chi* said:
Sheesh RO, don't you know TJ wanted(double entendre intended) you to fly and come over to his house. He wanted to show you first hand all of the sexy, gay maneuvers he's been bragging about here. Trust me, I know my gay men.
I would think, TJ would much rather come up here and critique the decorating in my house.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
I would think, TJ would much rather come up here and critique the decorating in my house.
Well, as the newly crowned "Lord of the Queers", such a task would be within his jurisdiction.

Funny how he berated me about "needing to win" in a debate yet he coveted being victorious in the GAY SEX GAME so, so, SO much that he claimed himself the winner! Several times! :rolleyes:

You were right to cede victory to a "flamming" opponent who is clearly well versed and knowledgeable in the practice of the homo-erotic arts. TJ obviously knows a great deal more than you do about being queer. Finally, he speaks upon that which he actually comprehends!!!!!
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I think you all are just being mean now.

I heard now that Tami's boobs are all healed up, her penis removal operation is moving into high gear!

Next up: New teeth!
Big Time BS'er
Sep 21, 2009
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
I think you all are just being mean now.I heard now that Tami's boobs are all healed up, her penis removal operation is moving into high gear!

Next up: New teeth!
to be eventually thrown into the river
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
Well, as the newly crowned "Lord of the Queers", such a task would be within his jurisdiction.
Ohhh... imagine the duties to be fulfilled! I'm sure he'll be the MC on Big Gay Rosie's Big Gay Boat Ride.


Funny how he berated me about "needing to win" in a debate yet he coveted being victorious in the GAY SEX GAME [/b']so, so, SO much that he claimed himself the winner! Several times! :rolleyes:
Ohh... yeah! I shoud add that to my sig!

Ali said:
You were right to cede victory to a "flamming" opponent who is clearly well versed and knowledgeable in the practice of the homo-erotic arts. TJ obviously knows a great deal more than you do about being queer. Finally, he speaks upon that which he actually comprehends!!!!!
It takes a big man to admit when he has erred. And I have ceded to a far greater power than me.

Al Hail, King TJ! Lord of the Queers!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
Prove there was a threat of physical harm! You can't! Maybe I'd show up and treat you to a fukken Orange Julius. Perhaps I'd show up in the effort to sale you some oceanfront property in Arizona.No judge in the land would argue that there was a threat. And if there is one judge to argue that, he's probably in your pocket or a limp-wristed bedwetting statist.

It's all subjective, ya big whiner. Your feelings got hurt and now you have to go on a holier than thou tear to prove your balls are normal sized.
You shot off your mouth and made the threat and now you and the estrogen mafia are doing the standard gang bang to once again try and shrug off your own wrong deeds.

I see you guys are even attacking Tami again in your attempts to try and hurt me. Why is it you all see your bad behaviors as my fault?

RO, if your ever man enough to back up that big mouth of yours, just let me know, because you might have everyone else fooled, but I got your number, your only a "big man" on the internet behind your computer screen, if I ever walked up to you in real life you would piss yourself on the spot.

Your a coward, 'nuff said.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
blah, blah, blah. gang bang, blah. I'm waiting.
Dude, he's not into you! And no, the other guys don't want to gang bang you either.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

*Chi* said:
Dude, he's not into you! And no, the other guys don't want to gang bang you either.
The way he goes on and on about me, even you have to jump on the bandwagon every time anything negative is said about me shows the truth.......people do not devote this much time and energy into things they are not obsessed over Chi.

If I was really as bad as you guys claim, you would never say a single word to me and ignore everything i said.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
The way he goes on and on about me, even you have to jump on the bandwagon every time anything negative is said about me shows the truth.......people do not devote this much time and energy into things they are not obsessed over Chi.If I was really as bad as you guys claim, you would never say a single word to me and ignore everything i said.
You're here. You're responding. The time and energy you put into these online exchanges is easily equal to or greater than anyone else's.

Seems you're "obsessed" too, dumbass.

And yes....you really ARE a bad person. My eyes have seen the light, the truth has been revealed to me, and I am now convinced you are not worth a single positive word, thought or gesture from me ever again. From this point on, I will offer you nothing but ridicule and contempt......because I now know you fully deserve it.

So you may as well add me to your ignore list today, TJ, because it isn't going to get any better from here....I guarantee it.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
The way he goes on and on about me, even you have to jump on the bandwagon every time anything negative is said about me shows the truth.......people do not devote this much time and energy into things they are not obsessed over Chi.If I was really as bad as you guys claim, you would never say a single word to me and ignore everything i said.
Obsessed? More like bored. As Ali pointed out, you are the most "obsessed" out of everyone, if we're going to compare.

And because you ARE the biggest tool here, it is more of a reason to point it out to you. Doesn't the fact that you've managed to unite pretty much everyone against you, say something to you and about you?
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
The way he goes on and on about me, even you have to jump on the bandwagon every time anything negative is said about me shows the truth.......people do not devote this much time and energy into things they are not obsessed over Chi.If I was really as bad as you guys claim, you would never say a single word to me and ignore everything i said.
Don't you fukken work, TJ?

Concentrate on keeping your job rather than sexual daydreams about me.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
You're here. You're responding. The time and energy you put into these online exchanges is easily equal to or greater than anyone else's. Seems you're "obsessed" too, dumbass.

And yes....you really ARE a bad person. My eyes have seen the light, the truth has been revealed to me, and I am now convinced you are not worth a single positive word, thought or gesture from me ever again. From this point on, I will offer you nothing but ridicule and contempt......because I now know you fully deserve it.

So you may as well add me to your ignore list today, TJ, because it isn't going to get any better from here....I guarantee it.
I am one person comming in after a weekend being away seeing how you guys have used up a lot of your time talking about me.

Add up all your time together as a group obsessing about me and compare that to by 30 second post to reply to you, You might start to see my point.....but I doubt you will admit to it.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
Don't you fukken work, TJ? Concentrate on keeping your job rather than sexual daydreams about me.
As I keep point out RO, "YOU" started this gay stuff, not me. I tried to warn you I like women, don't get mad at me for rejecting your advances RO.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
You're here. You're responding. The time and energy you put into these online exchanges is easily equal to or greater than anyone else's. Seems you're "obsessed" too, dumbass.
His employers must be so proud of the time he wastes posting all over the X-amount of forums he's a part.

Ali said:
And yes....you really ARE a bad person. My eyes have seen the light, the truth has been revealed to me, and I am now convinced you are not worth a single positive word, thought or gesture from me ever again. From this point on, I will offer you nothing but ridicule and contempt......because I now know you fully deserve it.
That is all he will get from me, too.

Ali said:
So you may as well add me to your ignore list today, TJ, because it isn't going to get any better from here....I guarantee it.

TJ has become a special little project of mine.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
As I keep point out RO, "YOU" started this gay stuff, not me. I tried to warn you I like women, don't get mad at me for rejecting your advances RO.
I did start the game.

I read your stupid fukken PM.

I did not heed the words.

I should have known that you'd best me with your great girth of homoerotic innuendos and alliterations.

So, I ceded victory. And I have told you that over and over and over again! So accept the fact that you won the gay game!

Get over it and move on! You won! All hail, King TJ! Lord of the Queers!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
I did start the game.I read your stupid fukken PM.

I did not heed the words.

I should have known that you'd best me with your great girth of homoerotic innuendos and alliterations.

So, I ceded victory. And I have told you that over and over and over again! So accept the fact that you won the gay game!

Get over it and move on! You won! All hail, King TJ! Lord of the Queers!
So, why did you desire to play gay sex games with me so badly RO?

What is it about yourself or me that drove you to this desire?

While your at it, wwhy are you mad at me for not accepting your sexual advances? You knew I was in a committed relationship before you started this game with me so you were never going to get gay sex from me, I know it is hard to take rejection, but you need to pick your targets for your sexual advances better........I hear one member here can't get women to liek him and he loves burritos, maybe that love is because it reminds him of cokk, it would certainly explain why he is such a b!tch.
