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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

emkay64 said:
Are bitch boots Sorels?
EVERY respectable midwestern girl has a good pair of Sorels.

Absolute qualifier...hell yeah. I went there. :D


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
EVERY respectable midwestern girl has a good pair of Sorels.Absolute qualifier...hell yeah. I went there. :D
I know my mom and my sister do.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

ImWithStupid said:
I know my mom and my sister do.
yeah, WE all know your mom and sister do too....

Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I have Sorels too....and CAT boots....fuk...I am a hick!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Hack, trying to be the spelling police is childish, get a life.

MrsK said:
I can't be a jilted lover TJ, my tits are real.
I like all boobies MrsK ;)
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I don't have Sorels, never have :(

Do construction boots count? I have 2 pairs of those!
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Yes but mine are fine the way they are. I don't need any man to think he can perfect them with his credit card.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


I got the idiot tag again, I just love it ;)

Really, it does not bother me a bit but I ask a question, when so many of you cast so many nasty names in my direction, does that mean your setting the stage? Yes I know some of you will say that it is all I deserve......but is it really?

Really? All I deserve is name calling? Why exactly? Because you don't like me?

Is the failure to conform to your demands I change my way of looking at the world and change my opinions of things to make all of you happy really deserving of this kind of treatment?

What kind of people force other people to change before they will accept them as a human being? I may be a hard ass sometimes, but at the end of the day I would never treat any of you like this. I am sure my "third" removal from this site is looming closer and I wonder at how anyone can ever expect me to be anyone but me?

Why must I be forced to be someone I am not to stay/ be accepted here?


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
What kind of people force other people to change before they will accept them as a human being?
errrrrrr... people like you.. Mr. Or Else.

Big Time BS'er
Sep 21, 2009
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

so maybe I should join the truth police instead? or maybe the morality police... so many choices.

at least spelling and grammar are quantifiable
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Hack said:
so maybe I should join the truth police instead? or maybe the morality police... so many choices.at least spelling and grammar are quantifiable
Quit being an obnoxious Canadian!!
Big Time BS'er
Sep 21, 2009
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


I can't help it, it is nearly Hockey season
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Never have I seen the Idiot Box fit someone so perfectly.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
Never have I seen the Idiot Box fit someone so perfectly.
More nice comments about me eddo?


Hack, why do you want to police anyone? How about you just worry about yourself?


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Why not worry about himself? Pot - Meet Kettle!


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Sweet!!!!I got the idiot tag again, I just love it ;)
It's nice to know you enjoy being an idiot. Practice does make perfect. :rolleyes:

timesjoke said:
Really, it does not bother me a bit but I ask a question, when so many of you cast so many nasty names in my direction, does that mean your setting the stage? Yes I know some of you will say that it is all I deserve......but is it really?Really? All I deserve is name calling? Why exactly? Because you don't like me?

Is the failure to conform to your demands I change my way of looking at the world and change my opinions of things to make all of you happy really deserving of this kind of treatment?

What kind of people force other people to change before they will accept them as a human being? I may be a hard ass sometimes, but at the end of the day I would never treat any of you like this. I am sure my "third" removal from this site is looming closer and I wonder at how anyone can ever expect me to be anyone but me?

Why must I be forced to be someone I am not to stay/ be accepted here?
Oh boo fukking hoo.

You DO deserve any crap you get around here....completely. I don't pity you in the least, TJ. You've earned every last bit of it.

Ohhhh, your third removal from the site is looming? Good. So, this would be how many times you've been kicked off a site....and how many sites have you been ejected from for being AN OBNOXIOUS butt hole????? The common factor in EVERY situation where you have been forcibly removed from a site is YOU. That is one absolute qualifier that I am more than happy to stand behind.

You accuse me of being the meanest, most nastiest, most hateful and flaming poster on the net. Do you want to know how many sites I have been kicked off of?


Conform, don't conform...I don't give a fuk. What I do care about, however, is your inability to admit you throw flames as often and as hard as anyone else on this forum. You're no better than anyone else here, and the fact that you think you are is what makes you completely unrelatable and incredibly contentious.



Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Oh, and let's clear up the little "thread moving" misconception once and for all.

I did not ask, beg, or cry to anyone to have your comments removed from my thread. I don't know who did that. I appreciate it....but I don't know who did it or why they decided to move them.

So, to set the record straight:

I hereby give my expressed consent for Cloaked, Phreakwars, IWS, The Great Magical Thread Mover in the Sky, Are you there God?...it's me, Ali or anyone else who has administrative powers to publicly post any private requests I made for the removal of TJ's comments from my thread.

Thank you.