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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


MixedAnd Proud

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

You are the biggest peice of **** racist motherfuker I have ever met on a board. Seriously, just eat **** and die.

You holier than thou pompous windbag butt hole! You're a true racist and you can't even admit that because it would tarnish you're image.

OMG! What a ****bag you are!
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
So you do as I asked Ali to do and look at all your posts,
timesjoke said:
because you know you have never given me any reason to believe you would ever be friendly with me eddo.....never.


timesjoke said:
I didn't even know Ali and at that time I was at the Jungle because you invited me so I had a somewhat friendly relationship with you at that point.
never huh???
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

You are the biggest peice of **** racist motherfuker I have ever met on a board. Seriously, just eat **** and die.

You holier than thou pompous windbag butt hole! You're a true racist and you can't even admit that because it would tarnish you're image.

OMG! What a ****bag you are!


Holy Doodly Bugs!
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
To a certain extent I already do, but not in such ways to close her mind and make her do it as a kind of rebellion.Instead I expose her to things like my son's friend. Chris is at the House very regular and we discuss his difficulties openly so my daughter will see hard facts and results for her to learn from.

We have even discussed her seeing the same thing with two of the other kids in her school. I never broke the subject, she has, and we talked about how difficult it is on the kids. Maybe society will move past this some day, I certainly hope so, but until then we have to face facts.
And what would Papa TJ say to his little white angel who just told him that she got knocked up by her brother's mixed friend?


Rufus T. the abominable Abyssinian, blacker than pitch, with a preference for white women knocked up your little girl?


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Sorry Emkay64 - but that guy is a fuking douche.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I have no idea who moved the posts from my other thread to this one, but I sure would like to thank them for doing so. Good thinking!

Thanks, Magical Thread Mover! :)


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

mercury said:
you mean you didn't beg anyone to do it?
That would be a negative.

Hell...I don't have that kind of clout! :confused:
Big Time BS'er
Sep 21, 2009
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

of course you do... we all cower in your presence
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo, my context was your last several posts, if you have to go that far back in time to when I first joined the jungle to find an example of you being nice to me I believe your making my point for me.

But it is a good example, my going against you and Ali on the Jungle was the day you stopped being nice to me, in all ways.

How about this, from the time I have returned from my last banning from JustBS, post all of your nice and positive posts about me, it will not take long because you don't post much.

RoyalOrleans said:
And what would Papa TJ say to his little white angel who just told him that she got knocked up by her brother's mixed friend?


Rufus T. the abominable Abyssinian, blacker than pitch, with a preference for white women knocked up your little girl?
Wow, your sounding pretty racist there RO.

Even on a forum setting I would never say things like that, it is not funny in my opinion.

I love my daughter, that will never be in question or doubt for her or me. Are you trying to say I should disown her or something? What would that solve?
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
blah blah blah
how bout no. I already proved you were lying.

my work is done here.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
how bout no. I already proved you were lying. my work is done here.
Want me to teach you how to get TGhey to ignore you? Call me.. :D
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
how bout no. I already proved you were lying. my work is done here.
What lie eddo?

All you proved was you invited me to the jungle, from the way you exploded on me once I got there is was just as reasonable to believe you had bad intentions even at that point.

Well you did prove one thing, you have not posted anything nice about me on this forum or you would have produced it by now and not desperately grasping on something from the Jungle so very, very long ago.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
What lie eddo?All you proved was you invited me to the jungle, from the way you exploded on me once I got there is was just as reasonable to believe you had bad intentions even at that point.

Well you did prove one thing, you have not posted anything nice about me on this forum or you would have produced it by now and not desperately grasping on something from the Jungle so very, very long ago.
Shut the f*ck up.. idiot..

run and hide.. tough guy..
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Wow, your sounding pretty racist there RO.
Which part?

Everyone knows the brothers love white women.

timesjoke said:
Even on a forum setting I would never say things like that, it is not funny in my opinion.
Ohh... now you are all of a sudden politically correct? You are the first person to call out the media, et. al. in their abuse of political correctness, but now you have gone the way of the mainstream media?

OR.... do you save all of your best racist remarks for behind closed doors?

timesjoke said:
I love my daughter, that will never be in question or doubt for her or me. Are you trying to say I should disown her or something? What would that solve?
You tell me, hotshot. I asked you the question.


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

That's just it, he can't answer it. "He's not a racist" at least not in public. I can only immagine what brand of treachory he whispers into that poor little girls innocent ears about the immaginary dangers of mixed breed kids.

That is if he even has kids. I can't immagine anyone mixing breeds with a neanderthal.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
Which part?

Everyone knows the brothers love white women.
All of them?

No exceptions?

RoyalOrleans said:
Ohh... now you are all of a sudden politically correct? You are the first person to call out the media, et. al. in their abuse of political correctness, but now you have gone the way of the mainstream media?
Rudeness and moral corruption is not a pc issue.

RoyalOrleans said:
OR.... do you save all of your best racist remarks for behind closed doors?
You don't have to watch what you say anywhere if your honestly not a racist.

Your reminding me of Carter now, accusing me of being a racist, I thought only radical liberals did that.

RoyalOrleans said:
You tell me, hotshot. I asked you the question.
No, your trying to paint me into a racist using an imaginary (loaded) situation.

If my daighter is already pregnant there is nothing I can say is there RO? All I can do is help her through the situation as best as I can. As a parent I want to try and help my children avoid making these mistakes.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

TJ... you say this...

timesjoke said:
All of them?No exceptions?

Rudeness and moral corruption is not a pc issue.

You don't have to watch what you say anywhere if your honestly not a racist.

Your reminding me of Carter now, accusing me of being a racist, I thought only radical liberals did that.

No, your trying to paint me into a racist using an imaginary (loaded) situation.

If my daighter is already pregnant there is nothing I can say is there RO? All I can do is help her through the situation as best as I can. As a parent I want to try and help my children avoid making these mistakes.
But I hear...

Ich lernte dabei schon fr?hzeitig verstehen, da? die richtige Verwendung der Propaganda eine wirkliche Kunst darstellt, die den b?rgerlichen Parteien fast so gut wie unbekannt war und blieb. Nur die christlich-soziale Bewegung, besonders zu Luegers Zeit, brachte es auch auf diesem Instrument zu einer gewissen Virtuosit?t und verdankte dem auch sehr viele ihrer Erfolge. Jede Propaganda hat volkst?mlich zu sein und ihr geistiges Niveau einzustellen nach der Aufnahmef?higkeit des Beschr?nktesten unter denen, an die sie sich zu richten gedenkt. Aber alle Genialit?t der Aufmachung der Propaganda wird zu keinem Erfolg f?hren, wenn nicht ein fundamentaler Grundsatz immer gleich scharf ber?cksichtigt wird. Sie hat sich auf wenig zu beschr?nken und dieses ewig zu wiederholen. Die Beharrlichkeit ist hier wie bei so vielem auf der Welt die erste und wichtigste Voraussetzung zum Erfolg. Propaganda ist jedoch nicht dazu da, blasierten Herrchen laufend interessante Abwechslung zu verschaffen, sondern zu ?berzeugen, und zwar die Masse zu ?berzeugen. Diese aber braucht in ihrer Schwerf?lligkeit immer eine bestimmte Zeit, ehe sie auch nur von einer Sache Kenntnis zu nehmen bereit ist, und nur einer tausendfachen Wiederholung einfachster Begriffe wird sie endlich ihr Ged?chtnis schenken.

Fukken trippy, man.


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
TJ... you say this...But I hear...

Ich lernte dabei schon fr?hzeitig verstehen, da? die richtige Verwendung der Propaganda eine wirkliche Kunst darstellt, die den b?rgerlichen Parteien fast so gut wie unbekannt war und blieb. Nur die christlich-soziale Bewegung, besonders zu Luegers Zeit, brachte es auch auf diesem Instrument zu einer gewissen Virtuosit?t und verdankte dem auch sehr viele ihrer Erfolge. Jede Propaganda hat volkst?mlich zu sein und ihr geistiges Niveau einzustellen nach der Aufnahmef?higkeit des Beschr?nktesten unter denen, an die sie sich zu richten gedenkt. Aber alle Genialit?t der Aufmachung der Propaganda wird zu keinem Erfolg f?hren, wenn nicht ein fundamentaler Grundsatz immer gleich scharf ber?cksichtigt wird. Sie hat sich auf wenig zu beschr?nken und dieses ewig zu wiederholen. Die Beharrlichkeit ist hier wie bei so vielem auf der Welt die erste und wichtigste Voraussetzung zum Erfolg. Propaganda ist jedoch nicht dazu da, blasierten Herrchen laufend interessante Abwechslung zu verschaffen, sondern zu ?berzeugen, und zwar die Masse zu ?berzeugen. Diese aber braucht in ihrer Schwerf?lligkeit immer eine bestimmte Zeit, ehe sie auch nur von einer Sache Kenntnis zu nehmen bereit ist, und nur einer tausendfachen Wiederholung einfachster Begriffe wird sie endlich ihr Ged?chtnis schenken.

Fukken trippy, man.
Dude, that was ****ing beautiful man.