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What the Mega-Mosque at Ground Zero Means to Worldwide Islam

Oct 21, 2007
Well thats the whole thing. There are so many people involved a conspiracy would be ludicrus.
Did you even take the time to read about operation Northwoods, snaff? Doesn't sound like it. Did you have any idea about the US torture operations?

Were you aware that the propaganda machine started by Edgar J Hoover criminalised a formerly productive and profitable crop?

Lots of information is hidden from the mainstream reader, and anyone who chooses to blab about it loses their pension entitlements because they signed a waiver when gaining employment.

That, and the fact that they would probably meet with an unfortunate "accident" anyways, should they decide to "out" the people they work for. Valerie Plame ring any bells? Hmmm?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well thats the whole thing. There are so many people involved a conspiracy would be ludicrus.
Did you even take the time to read about operation Northwoods, snaff? Doesn't sound like it. Did you have any idea about the US torture operations?

Were you aware that the propaganda machine started by Edgar J Hoover criminalised a formerly productive and profitable crop?

Lots of information is hidden from the mainstream reader, and anyone who chooses to blab about it loses their pension entitlements because they signed a waiver when gaining employment.

That, and the fact that they would probably meet with an unfortunate "accident" anyways, should they decide to "out" the people they work for. Valerie Plame ring any bells? Hmmm?
Just because this was one idea among hundreds of other ideas that does not mean it was ever used then or now.

You keep dodging the biggest point of why any conspiracy like this must fail, there must be thousands of 'regular people' must be in on the conspiracy, none of these 'regular people' have any reason to hide this cospiracy or hold the blood on their hands for these higher ups who would come up with something like this.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
That was a very informative video...

I don't see how anyone could argue against the points that the guy talking made. I would surely like to hear some.
And that is the one thing you will never see anyone ever try to do because they can't argue against it, at least not honestly.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Well, one could say that some Muslims realize that some of the later passages are pretty intolerant and choose to ignore them, but they wouldn't be "true Muslims", and strict Islam would dictate they were evil or something. *shrug*
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well, one could say that some Muslims realize that some of the later passages are pretty intolerant and choose to ignore them, but they wouldn't be "true Muslims", and strict Islam would dictate they were evil or something. *shrug*
One of the few things I have seen you say that shows your paying attention Joker.

Jan 17, 2010
It has nothing to do with bigotry but the fact that this is hollowed ground.
Are you kidding me...hollowed ground? Are you from NYC? You have people right outside the WTC selling T-Shirts, cutlery sets, snow globes, swimwear, and various other items to all the sightseers from out of town, with the images of the WTC being demolished (and they buy them by the truckload). And you claim a Mosque will tarnish the "hallowed grounds" of the WTC. LMFAO!
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Angelica, this is a dead topic. We'd already argued it into the ground. While I agree with you, I've no desire to argue it again, and I'm sure Times also is of the same opinion.