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Young girls dancing like whores?


Big Time BS'er
Feb 24, 2010
Some people say it isn't bad? What about some of those lil girls dipping and gyrating their hips like a sex act. That is just obscene for a kid.

As for hitler. They didn't have videos like we do but he sure had his methamphetamine. And we all know that sh*t makes people crazy as hell. Hitler wasn't so much interested in females as far as I know as drugs and power.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Some people say it isn't bad? What about some of those lil girls dipping and gyrating their hips like a sex act. That is just obscene for a kid.
It is pretty obvious, ain't it. It is sad we have "conservatives" cheering on the slutilization of unaware seven year olds.

No way in hell would I let my daughter even dress like that, and it would be a very very cold day in hell before I would let her dance like that at home, much less, in front of an audience. What were the dance instructors and parents of these kids thinking?

What's next, Kindergärtners pole dancing to Nine Inch Nail's Closer?
The words of a responsible parent.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
It is whack off material for pedophiles. That is obvious no matter what mr "experience" says. Good parents do not allow their children to be fodder for pedophiles. We can have responsibility without law enforcement, TJ. That is what you , a big government conservative, cannot understand. I do not think there should be laws governing every behavior I find wrong, unlike you, TJ. If you encourage your young daughters to bump and grind in two piece outfits I would have to reconsider your custodial rights.

Jon Benet may well be dead because her parents thought dressing their daughter like a whore was cute.
Spoken from "YOUR" experience hugo? You think it looks good to wack off to?

Now your questioning my parenting skills because I don't go off the deep end over somethiong this small? hugo I have represented children who were made "stars" of home porn movies by their own parents and they were selling those movies to hundreds of other people. If a Pedo wants kiddie porn, he can easily get it, they do not need to look at this dance video to get their jollies. I never said this was "good" just not to the level of kiddie porn as your trying to make it seem.

Why do you need to make such nasty and personal attacks on people if they do not agree with you hugo?

Some people say it isn't bad? What about some of those lil girls dipping and gyrating there hips like a sex act. That is just obscene for a kid.
Never said it wasn't bad, just not "AS BAD" as hugo is trying to paint it all things considered.

Have you ever been to a real ballet Ren? I thought the costumes were worse than the dancing on a sexual level but yes, I agree that a couple of the moves were also too much, the entire display was not something I would have approved of if my child was in that dance troop, but my point was that is was not porn as hugo keeps trying to paint it. As usual these discussion with hugo tend to be about the radical side. Most of us agree this was not good, we just have the ability to see that no everything is a capital offence.

As for hitler. They didn't have videos like we do but he sure had his methamphetamine. And we all know that sh*t makes people crazy as hell. Hitler wasn't so much interested in females as far as I know as drugs and power.
I agree Ren, my point was that monsters have always existed, and a sane person is not going to turn a pedo just watching this dance video.....

I really do not understand hugo's reaction to this, unless he found himself thinking bad thoughts and is trying to blame the video for what he thought.......no way of knowing for sure.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
The only explanation I can find for TJ's acceptance of kiddie porn is he is a pedophile who molests his own children.

What a scumbag!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
The only explanation I can find for TJ's acceptance of kiddie porn is he is a pedophile who molests his own children.

What a scumbag!

What is the real justification for someone who would say such things? Hugo even attacked my mother right after he found out she had died.

I will steal from someone else for my reply to this horrible accusation from hugo.

"You are what you hate, that is why you hate it." You spend so much time accusing other people of being a pedophile and being all worked up over watching girls dance that there is a very high possibility that it is you who holds these beliefs and your trying to project your own sickness onto other people.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Yes...I am a lesbo pedo and I contribute to the "slutisization" of children...LMAO. I wonder if I can get those boots for my girls and a matching pair for me? Then we can practice our booty shaking together. Good times.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Yes...I am a lesbo pedo and I contribute to the "slutisization" of children...LMAO.
I know right?

I have no idea why hugo goes into these fits sometimes insulting anyone who does not completely agree with him, that has always been his way but this seems a little different for some reason.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I know right?

I have no idea why hugo goes into these fits sometimes insulting anyone who does not completely agree with him, that has always been his way but this seems a little different for some reason.
I learned from the master. Ya know the guy who is always getting banned and can't figure out why.
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I think Hugo is just jealous...because he wanted to be a beautiful ballerina, but the instructor said "Honey, maybe you could just do the lights instead". Now...all dancers are sluts :P

All he ever wanted was to wear a tight pair of spandex to show off his nano-package...but alas..it was not to be.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I think Hugo is just jealous...because he wanted to be a beautiful ballerina, but the instructor said "Honey, maybe you could just do the lights instead". Now...all dancers are sluts :P
People who paint tend to be weirdos.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Oh Hugo...get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay. I still love you.

Ohhh..and I paint...AND I am TOTALLY a weirdo! You completely understand me *sigh*.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I learned from the master. Ya know the guy who is always getting banned and can't figure out why.
lol, so now your back to not believing that taking responsibility is important hugo?

You started this mess by calling snaf a pedo, I can see why your always mad at me for pointing out your hypocracy on a regular basis but snaf? Snaf is one of the nicest members of this comunity and you called him a pedo just because he did not completely agree with you.

You do tend to always call people names who don't agree with you but you have been exceptionally nasty this time, there is something different.

You know Em, you may be closer to the truith than you know, maybe hugo had a family member who used to make him dance for their pleasure when hugo was a little boy?........
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
lol, so now your back to not believing that taking responsibility is important hugo?

You know Em, you may be closer to the truith than you know, maybe hugo had a family member who used to make him dance for their pleasure when hugo was a little boy?........
Maybe TJ's mother was a pedophile herself. Thus the bus driver job. Apple don't fall too far from the tree.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Did you just try to say snaf was a pedo because he did not condemn this the way you did?

I agree that the outfits were very bad and should have been different but the overall dance was not much different than what you would see in a ballet as Tori pointed out, I also agree with Tori where she pointed out the most likely pedo is one who hides behind loud and excessive outrage proclaiming various tortures and attacks they would like to perform on the parents showing that kind of "zero tolerance" face to the public while their private life is much, much different..........

Yes, it could have used some changes though, I remember the Maddona inspired shows kids did many years ago, they were much worse than this.
Oh he was trying to push my buttons Times.. It's all in fun.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Maybe TJ's mother was a pedophile herself. Thus the bus driver job. Apple don't fall too far from the tree.
lol, back to attacking my dead mother hugo?

I guess I hit you pretty close to the mark to get you to go there again, I'm sorry if you were a child victim hugo, it really is not a laughing matter, I have worked with abused children for over 20 years and I know how you can take that pain with you your entire life but just because you were abused that does not mean every parent is a pedo who does not agree with you against this dance video.

I'm inclined to believe that things just got a little off track. Most of these dance studios don't even have seperate areas so the older kids and the younger ones will see each other as they dance and the younger ones most likely wanted to emulate the dances they see from the older ones and from the dancing they see most often......music videos. Most dance instructors want their students to open up and express themselves through dance and they also see the older kids dancing all the time so this kind of thing could gain a certain level of acceptence overall.

Again, I have said all along that I don't think this is "good" just not as bad as the over reacting hugo is trying to make it sound.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Oh he was trying to push my buttons Times.. It's all in fun.
Ya a good man, snafu. I was just engaging in TJ type debate where you label peoples' arguments instead of addressing them. Have a good day.

Of course, TJ also likes to psychoanalyze your possible childhood while labeling any psychoanalysis of his as an attack on his dead mother. Sad, quite sad.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Oh he was trying to push my buttons Times.. It's all in fun.
lol, well he is even on my mother now so I guess there is no limit to how low hugo will go to feed his needs, now he is even trying to say it is my fault he is acting so poorly when we all know I have never done anything close to what he is doing.

Hugo your responsible for yourself, stop trying to blame me and take responsibility for your own actions. You turn to personal attacks like the one you just made on my mother because you feel weak and you should because you are weak, the only decent arguements you have ever offered are copy/pasted from other people, when your speaking on your own your nasty, and rude and generally always on the side of liberals.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Hay hugo don't let your daughter wear a bikini to the beach either. There might be a pedo jacking off near by. And don't let her hang on the monkey bars up side down and don't dress them up either. We should put them all in burka's I guess. Hell keep them in the house cause lord knows there's a pedo in the corner jacking off.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Ewww...now I'm thinking of guys jacking off in every corner...gross. Thanks Snaf!

Hugo could charm the pants back on a prostitute..it's why we love him so!
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