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Young girls dancing like whores?

Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
It is whack off material for pedophiles.
Sweetie, let's get real. A softball game is whack off material for pedophiles. Because the definition of pedophile is "sicko that likes little kids", making kids look or act 'like adults' is not what is going to get a pedo off. Them acting like kids does that. That is what makes pedos so sick.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Sweetie, let's get real. A softball game is whack off material for pedophiles. Because the definition of pedophile is "sicko that likes little kids", making kids look or act 'like adults' is not what is going to get a pedo off. Them acting like kids does that. That is what makes pedos so sick.
There is a difference in scale TA. Do you think Phreakwars and Ren would have had problems with a softball game video?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
While I think you people who allow your seven year olds to dance like whores are total scum, I defend your right to be total scum. If ya want your little girls to be pedo whack off material that is your right.
lol, nothing like a broken record, you know hugo, not one person here said they wanted their kids to be "wackk off" material, most of us even said that we would like to see certain things changed if our kids were in the show, as well all keep pointing out to you, the sicko people who want to get off on little kids can find all they want and more everywhere, this video is not even on their radar.

Your going off the deep end, as usual. You can't blame it on me because your the guy who started calling snaff a pedo before I was even posting, this was from inside of you hugo, you wanted to strike out at snaf, that is why you did it. You wanted to punnish him, me, even emkay for not bowing down to you and your possition, and here it is again, you post a flame on all people calling them "scum" just because everyone except you is a normal human being and can find possitions somewhere between not caring and out of control madman.

I save my severe concerns for severe issues and events, running around like a chicken with his head cut off on a very minor issue is just wasting time and energy that can be better spent working on real problems.

There is a difference in scale TA. Do you think Phreakwars and Ren would have had problems with a softball game video?
There you go, a difference of scale, your screaming about something way, way, way down on the scale while there are much higher things on the scale to be dealt with. Other people having a problem with or without a softball game is not really the issue you were trying to make hugo, you said you were against "wack off" material and what you don't seem to understand is that "EVERYTHING" is wackoff material on that level, they are sick, playing softball or dancing in bad outfits is the same thing to them. If they want to see kids in little clothing they just hang out at the beach, it is easy for them to get what they want hugo, your not seeing the bigger truth out of your need to attack with blind fury.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
It comes down to this, boys and girls, you either think providing little girls bumping and grinding in two piece outfits for the pleasure of pedos is good or bad. If I had a daughter she would never have appeared in such blatant pedo whack off material. It is all about a parents' responsibility to protect their children. Could be some pedo stalking one of the little gals right now. We have a greater responsibility now than ever before in this new media age to protect our kids from pervs. Obviously, some irresponsible people disagree.

I am sure y'all find edible panties for tots fine too.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
California Court Bans Self-Proclaimed Pedophile From Any Contact With Children Within State

Friday, August 03, 2007

By Tom Durante

PrintShareThisA self-proclaimed pedophile who posted pictures of little girls on his "how-to" Web site was barred by court order Friday from having any contact with a child within the entire state of California, FOXNews.com has learned.

At a morning hearing in Los Angeles County Superior Court, a judge ordered a temporary restraining order against 45-year-old Jack McClellan, a self-proclaimed pedophile who earlier this week appeared on Fox News to defend his actions and declare that he would have sexual relations with a child — as young as 3 — if it was legal.

Click here to watch McClellan on Fox News.

The three-page restraining order, which prevents McClellan from having contact with a child under 18, was sought by Valencia attorneys Richard Patterson and Anthony Zinnanti, who also are fathers of young children.

Specific conditions of the order state that McClellan must keep 10 yards away from any minor at all times. In addition, he may not contact children by phone, mail or e-mail.

"We're firmly convinced that he creates a clear and present danger and a risk to our daughters and to the children in this community, and he stated that he's coming back," Patterson earlier told ABC7.com.

McClellan did not show up for Friday's hearing and must be served with the order if he is in California, a court official told FOXNews.com.

McClellan maintains that he's done nothing wrong.

"All I can say is I've done nothing illegal since I've been here in California, the whole state. My conscience is clear. I'm just going to keep on keeping on what I'm doing, obeying the law," he said.

McClellan has insisted he never was sexually abused as a child and said he created the Web site to promote association, friendship and legal, consensual cuddling between men and pre-pubescent girls, he said.

Related Stories•Lawyers, Fathers Seek to Ban Self-Proclaimed Pedophile From Community

•Seattle-Area Pedophile Has 'How-to' Web Site for Men Seeking Little Girl Activities

Video•Pedophile Talks to FOX

•Can Pedophile Be Stopped?

•Tips for Pedophiles

Earlier this week McClellan defended his right to post pictures of little girls, telling FOX News he was considering a lawsuit against the Santa Monica, Calif., police department for posting his picture on their Web site after he recently surfaced there.

Santa Monica police "questioned me last week in a restaurant, and right before they left one of the officers asked if they could take my picture," he said.

"I figured this might be beneficial if a child is sexually assaulted in Santa Monica — they could just pull that out and immediately eliminate me as a suspect," he said.

"I had previously explained to him my concerns about all the threats and everything and it didn't even enter my mind that they would immediately turn around and put this out as some kind of a sex offender notification. ... It was on the Internet the very next day."

Warnings that McClellan had surfaced in Santa Monica spread like wildfire, with several posting his mug shot along with descriptions of his car — a Blue 1993 Ford Escort two-door with Washington license plate — and even hourly postings of sightings throughout Santa Monica.

But Capt. Joe Gutierrez, commanding officer of the Special Victims Bureau of the L.A. County Sheriff's Office, told FOX News that complaints against McClellan were evaluated and he has not committed any crimes.

"Several citizens contacted us about his Web site," Gutierrez said. "There's no current criminal investigation."

McClellan ran the Web site “Seattle-Tacoma-Everett Girl Love” from where he lived in Washington state, until it was shut down by its hosting company after widespread public outrage, which grew so great McClellan felt forced to flee the state.

Wearing his trademark dark sunglasses during his interview with FOX News, McClellan faced Ron Tebo, a father who created the Web site www.jackmcclellan.com to counter the self-proclaimed pedophile's actions and "take traffic away."

In a dramatic on-air confrontation, Tebo pressed McClellan to respond to allegations that he was still taking pictures of children.

"I don't do it anymore," McClellan said, adding that his latest Web site no longer was available online.

Appearing earlier in the day on "The Morning Show With Mike & Juliet," McClellan made this startling admission:

"I got to be honest with you — if it was legal and if it was a completely consensual thing, I could see myself taking it all the way to a sexual" level.

Click here to see the interview on "The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet."

McClellan has never been convicted of a sex crime, and police say they have had no legal grounds on which to shut down any of his Web sites because the content and photos posted on them haven't been pornographic.

“My primary physical and emotional attraction is to pre-pubescent girls,” he said on the FOX morning show on Tuesday.

FOX News first interviewed McClellan in March, when he still was in Washington.

“I guess the main thing is I just think they’re cute, a lot cuter than women,” he said then. “I admit there is kind of an erotic arousal there.”

"I really think a lot of this pedophilia hysteria is overblown. I think there are a lot of people like me,” McClellan told FOX News in March. “They have the attraction but they're not going to do anything physical because of the laws. It just makes me happy to attend these events."

Said lawyer-dad Zinnanti: “It's not OK to go out and put those images on the Internet. It's a blatant violation of the law.”
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
It comes down to this, boys and girls, you either think providing little girls bumping and grinding in two piece outfits for the pleasure of pedos is good or bad. If I had a daughter she would never have appeared in such blatant pedo whack off material. It is all about a parents' responsibility to protect their children. Could be some pedo stalking one of the little gals right now. We have a greater responsibility now than ever before in this new media age to protect our kids from pervs. Obviously, some irresponsible people disagree.

I am sure y'all find edible panties for tots fine too.
No, it comes down to this, your making a mountain out of a molehill and attacking everyone who does not also want to over react to this.

Yes, kiddie porn is bad, but this is not kiddie porn, bad taste...sure, not a good thing to be sure, but it's importance in the overall fight against sick piles of sh!t out there who target children for their sexual illness, something liek this does not even show up on the radar of that problem hugo.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
It comes down to this, boys and girls, you either think providing little girls bumping and grinding in two piece outfits for the pleasure of pedos is good or bad. If I had a daughter she would never have appeared in such blatant pedo whack off material. It is all about a parents' responsibility to protect their children. Could be some pedo stalking one of the little gals right now. We have a greater responsibility now than ever before in this new media age to protect our kids from pervs. Obviously, some irresponsible people disagree.

I am sure y'all find edible panties for tots fine too.
That sums it up. Brilliant post.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
That sums it up. Brilliant post.
Yep, to you and all Liberals everywhere your posts are brilliant, lol, of course they give you all your beliefs, but no point in splitting hairs, lol.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
First dozen comments from Momania:

Momania: A Blog for Busy Moms Babies in bikinis; sexy 7-year-olds dancing to ‘Single Ladies’: Which of these is age-appropriate or neither?6:10 am May 13, 2010, by Theresa Walsh Giarrusso

Yesterday morning I ran across a blog asking if babies in bikinis were cute or icky? Strollerderby found the original conversation on Café Mom where the moms were pretty evenly divided on the topic. Here’s a sample of the conversation.

From Strollerderby:

“What’s interesting to me is how the debate is framed from such vastly different perspectives. For some moms, it’s an issue of modesty and for others, it’s a question of the sexualization of girls. A few moms expressed concern about sexual predators, and others said that bikinis should be reserved for grown-up women.”

“The majority of moms who weighed in seemed to think it was “no big deal,” but several voiced strong opposition.

“ ‘The point of the bikini being created was to show off as much body as possible including boobs and butt, hips, etc… the parts men find sexy. Bikinis are lingerie that have been accepted to be worn in public. Why would anyone put publicly accepted sex attire on a child?’ wrote one mom.”

I sort of chuckled at the discussion. I don’t really have a problem with a baby in a bikini as long it isn’t a thong or have padded cups – a la the bikini marketed to tweens with padded cups.

I usually get my girls tankinis – which cover a little bit more than a true bikini – because it’s just so much easier to go to the bathroom (or change a swim diaper) in a two-piece suit.

But I digress.

Later in the day I ran across another blog with something a bit more shocking than the babies in bikinis.

The Huffington Post picked up a You Tube video of girls identified as 7-year-olds not only dressed scantily but dancing fairly suggestively to Beyonce’s “All The Single Ladies.”

Now they are good dancers. I am amazed by their dancing.

However, I don’t think that some of the moves they are doing (some of the straight legs bends or should/chest shaking) were really appropriate dance moves for their age. Especially not in red and black “bikini” tops and hot pants.

So what do you think about the video? Is there a line crossed here? Could this be made right if they weren’t dancing as suggestively or they had on more clothes?

What do you think about the babies in bikinis? Anything wrong going on there?

An AJC reporter is seeking parents who own a drop-sided crib for a story. See this blog for more details.


..230 comments Add your commentolivia

May 13th, 2010

7:03 am

I’m French and I do my first year in university, so excuse my English. I think Beyonce and other French singers have a very bad impact on young girls and unfortunately they corrupt even the French. Now when I take the bus and I passed my college, I see little girls dressed in small jeans with a string that exceeds or a mini skirt and these girls are model Rihanna and Beyonce. anyway I find it very unhealthy for these people to idolize these artists as gods. it is imperative that Americans react because there youth is doomed. ppourquoi they have all these singers need to be vulgar, so they know that their fans are pertinant children.

LinkReport this comment.fred

May 13th, 2010

7:06 am

Babies in bikinis, no issue for me, My girls, both under 7 wear them and have worn them since they were babies. But the dancing video just did not feel right to me. As a parent I would not feel comfortable seeing my daughter perform some of those moves. I think it is a combination of SOME of the dance moves, the costumes and the song. Now I would like to say that it is obvious that these girls are very talented and I hope they continue doing what they do, I do however think that the fault lies with the choreographer of the routine.

LinkReport this comment.Christina

May 13th, 2010

7:15 am

I am a mother of 2 girls, 11, and 13. I am not religious, and I consider myself to be very liberal and open minded. That said, this video makes me want to hurl. What the heck are these moms thinking? I LOVE the actual Beyonce video, the moves, the song, all of it. But these girls are dressed up like little hookers, and flaunting their sexuality with these grown-up dance moves. At the very least, this is going to distort these girls images of themselves and cause them to behave more sexually at an earlier age. GROSS GROSS GROSS!

LinkReport this comment.motherjanegoose

May 13th, 2010

7:15 am

To me, it just depends on what your want your daughter to portray. If it is all about her body, be prepared to deal with it later. Parents send these messages to their kids.

Honestly, my daughter has a great figure ( better than mine ever was) and she would look cute in a bikini but she has never been interested in one. She is modest an not at all about attracting anyone with her body. We have never had the ” you are NOT walking out of my house in that” episode.

LinkReport this comment.Jeff

May 13th, 2010

7:15 am

My sister framed this issue very well:

If she wears a bikini @ 7, what is she going to want to wear when she hits puberty? If we have her in a one-piece and she gets to “look forward” to wearing bikini at a pre-determined age, then we’ve controlled the issue.

Then again, when some of these moms dress the way they do, what do you expect?

LinkReport this comment.Christina

May 13th, 2010

7:16 am

OH – and little girls and/or babies in bikinis is CUTE! Little girls in red and black ruffled hot pants is NOT!

LinkReport this comment.Cogitatus of Borg

May 13th, 2010

7:19 am

The dance routine and music was grossly in appropriate for 7th graders let alone 7 year olds.

@Fred – not only was the choreographer wrong, but most of the blame lies with the parents who allowed them to perform this routine. They need to be parents and not cheerleaders who just want to make sure their darlings participate.

LinkReport this comment.Belle

May 13th, 2010

7:24 am

I have no problem with bikinis on babies. When I was a child most babies ran around in just a diaper anyway. Even the Coppertone baby was in just a bikini bottom and that ad was from the 1950’s..so bikinis are no big deal.

The dancing was amazing but the costumes were pretty bad. I would not have been comfortable with my daughter performing those moves at that age.

LinkReport this comment.Patrick

May 13th, 2010

7:24 am

Bikinis at the beach are OK, most of them at least. But if your kid isn’t swimming, you need to have them covered.

As far as this video, this is disgusting, those parents should have their children taken away, do they want their daughters to grow up to be strippers? Or have eating disorders as a teenager because they are too body focused?

Best case scenario, those girls grow up to be hapless floozies. You know the ones I’m talking about, they still call their father “daaadiiieee” when they are 30 years old, have never had a real job, no skills, float from one boyfriend to the next, before marrying some jerk just because he has a good job.

LinkReport this comment.Mattie

May 13th, 2010

7:25 am

What is shocking is that adults think encouraging young girls to dress and act sexy is OK and will somehow be healthy for them. This is not an isolated dance school, I have seen it in my comunity too. When will parents wake up and be the parents? NO is still a word in our English language.

LinkReport this comment.This is Mrs. Norman Maine

May 13th, 2010

7:29 am

Babies in bikinis=no big deal. But it’s hard to believe that any parent, anywhere thinks the above video is okay.

LinkReport this comment.Jeff

May 13th, 2010

7:31 am

I’m going to take what some would consider a cheap shot but it doesn’t mean it’s not true. Anyone want to guess how many of these girls have active, participating fathers involved in deciding whether to do this dance thing?

My father’s generation would have NEVER allowed their 7 year old daughters to do this.
Wrong, last commenter, there are piss poor fathers, like TJ, who think this dancing is akin to playing softball. Yes, they are a small % of the population that accepts sexually suggestive dancing by 7 year olds.

When will parents wake up and be the parents? NO is still a word in our English language.
It is all about responsibility. Be responsible. Responsibility is good. Be responsible. Teach your children responsibility. Responsibility is a good thing.

What is shocking is that adults think encouraging young girls to dress and act sexy is OK
Yes, what is even more shocking is some of these adults claim to be conservative.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Her father's generation also would not let women wear dresses above the knee hugo, want to go back to that time too?

Again, your going overboard on a nothing issue, this will not help the pedo problem so why go off the deep end about it?

You do know children were targeted for sex by adults a long time ago don't you hugo?

Let me educat you a tad my friend, America has molded it's political system very similar to the Roman system and here in America we have a possition called a "page". In modern times our politicians like to chase these young people around but really that is accurate because during Roman times a "page" was a young boy homosexual lover kept by powerful political figures as a kind of status symbol. No hugo, this problem is not caused by dancers on a stage, I wish it were, we could possibly stop some of the bad things if this were true, but the monster is inside their own heads, not created by external forces.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Another comment from Momania

May 13th, 20108:39 am

This is wrong on so many levels!

Where are the fathers!?!???
They are liberal scum who think parading their seven year old daughters around is cute. They tend to vote for Sarah Palin because they think she is hot.


May 13th, 20109:31 am

Absolutely DISGUSTING!!!! Sluts in Training.

But what do you expect? Look at what we are constantly bombarded with that is now mainstream. Look at any music video. It’s all about sex. Always has been, always will be.

It’s up to us as parents to guide our kids into adulthood. To guide them to make reasonable decisions, and to realize those decisions have consequences.

I don’t know one single father in my vast diverse group of friends who would allow their 7 year old to dance like this. But then again, I run with a moral crowd who actually parent their kids..
Sadly, I know of a father who thinks this is OK. It is immoral, TJ.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Interesting you selected this one comment to quote hugo:

But what do you expect? Look at what we are constantly bombarded with that is now mainstream. Look at any music video. It’s all about sex. Always has been, always will be.
So you are wanting the government to start controlling what kids see right hugo?

As I keep pointing out, you copy/paste a lot of great conservative commentary, but when your using your own words, your almost always very liberal, liberals want Censorship too hugo, your fitting right in with your masters plan, lol.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
stephen ball May 13th, 2010

12:11 pm

I am a 63 year old dance teacher and have b een teaching for 40 years…I say “No” to all two piece costumes and suggestive moves of any kind…my students consistently win national dance competitions and even my l8 years olds never dance in such suggestive manners. It is time that national dance competitions take a stand and disqualify any number that has children dancing in such a way.
Thank you, stephen. Yes, it is actually possible to have dance routines that are not fodder for pedos. Thank you for being a responsible teacher. I support your position on disqualifying slutty routines. God bless you, keep teaching responsibility.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Thank you, stephen. Yes, it is actually possible to have dance routines that are not fodder for pedos. Thank you for being a responsible teacher. I support your position on disqualifying slutty routines. God bless you, keep teaching responsibility.
And I agree, for once your starting to see the real problem, the dance instructors, the parents don't know what dance is good or not compared to what the teacher is teaching. We need more teachers like this guy, not the kind who instructed the kids in the video. Most kids are in broken homes anyway, there is only a mother no father in their life and the only other adult figures the children have is people like these dance coaches, the football coach, baseball, martial arts, soccer. These adults who are spending more time with the kids than the parents do, they are helping to raise the children too, and without their help, the parents are fighting an uphill battle.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
I will bet Al-Queda is already using this video as a recruiting tool. Not only are these people allowing their daughters to be pedo whack off material they are allowing their daughters to be tools in Al-Quedas' war on the West. No god-fearing American can not watch this without feelings of horror and disgust. When a nuclear weapon is set off in an American city this video may well be what inspired the bomber.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
OMG, what a crazy and truly typical over the top comment typical of hugo and all liberals.