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Everything posted by wez

  1. Sounds of Silence Simon and Garfunkel Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone 'Neath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence "Fools", said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words, like silent raindrops fell And echoed In the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls" And whispered in the sounds of silence May the lawyers in Pakistan, the students in China, and American veterans who risked their lives for freedom find their voice one day without fear of retribution.. Peace
  2. Put your lights on Santana (featuring Everlast) Hey now, all you sinners Put your lights on, put your lights on Hey now, all you lovers Put your lights on, put your lights on Hey now, all you killers Put your lights on, put your lights on Hey now, all you children Leave your lights on, you better leave your lights on Cause there's a monster living under my bed Whispering in my ear There's an angel, with a hand on my head She say I've got nothing to fear There's a darkness living deep in my soul I still got a purpose to serve So let your light shine, deep into my home God, don't let me lose my nerve Lose my nerve Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now Wo oh hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now Hey now, all you sinners Put your lights on, put your lights on Hey now, all you children Leave your lights on, you better leave your lights on Because there's a monster living under my bed Whispering in my ear There's an angel, with a hand on my head She say's I've got nothing to fear La illaha illa Allah We all shine like stars La illaha illa Allah We all shine like stars Then we fade away
  3. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E I saw that.. good God Doggie.. Now he says he's negotiating to be buried in a nameless grave amongst George Washingtons slaves on a hill at his Mt. Vernon estate.. Begging for the country to forgive him. Forgive yourself doggie, that's all that matters. Does look like he tangled with a bees nest and lost.. what the hell?
  4. That was a good game.. Looking forward to the likely rematch in the playoffs. Despite the shenanigans, the Pats are a damn good team... maybe the best ever. Colts aint nothing to sneeze at either... Who ever goes to the Superbowl is gonna beat the hell out of anyone in the NFC..
  5. Oils inching on $100.. people are cut off from the credit well.. the dollar continues to nose dive... China is threatening to diversify their dollar holdings, aka dumping them on the open market and shoving our big stick up our ass, and Brittney Spears is topping the charts. It's a sad day to be an American.... Think I'll wear a paper bag in public today.
  6. Shut the hell up... My avatar has a spare tooth for the smiley hat pic.. Hahahahahahaha
  7. What a display Adrian Peterson put on for the beloved Vikes last week.. In his 8th game as a pro he sets the single game rushing record with 296 yards, unreal. Did it against a pretty good San Diego defense and the fact that we have no passing game, allowing other teams to stack the line scrimmage with 8 guys makes it all that much more impressive. Guys gonna be a huge star.. Think of all the great backs in the history of the game.. and the record goes to a rookie... Congrats to him..
  8. Screw you, Rusty ~ Anna Nicole Smith
  9. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Her implants were helium balloons instead of silicon..
  10. That's why I will continue to be pissed when the government steps in to help anyone on either side. Let em take their medicine.. all of em, then maybe things can get back to a semi normal. If you can't afford to pay for something, you sure as hell can't afford it on credit.
  11. I'd tell him simply because if that was me, I'd hope someone cared enough about me to tell me.. Good luck if you do :) Least she's moving away from you so you don't get the red faced "WHY DID YOU TELL HIM blah, blah, blah...
  12. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E I don't either.. No need..I love swearing.. Phuck yeah.. But honestly, what he did and said to his son and the way he went about it reeks of racism.. Who knows.
  13. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Like I said, I don't think he's racist, but the way he was talking about his sons GF to his son woulda pissed me off too.. Perhaps he could have sat her down and said, this is the way we talk and why we talk this way, and here's $5000 to keep a lid on it instead of trying to force her out.. Hahahaha.. Price you pay for being a celeb..
  14. There was no more buying time for these idiots.. there has also been a ton of legal charges against people for false appraisals, just a local story yesterday of some charges against a 30 some year homebuilder f*cking around. Him, his wife and son all charged.. It was all a ponzi scheme at every turn.. Hahahaha Check out the tulip bulb bubble of centuries gone by.. And Ponzi.. borrow from one to pay another til it all blows up. Upside down pyramid.. Smooth Plus, they already are watching who they borrow to now. I heard about people such as doctors being denied with 35% down payments... Those rate cuts wont do crap cept trash the dollar and make oil more expensive and give a boost to multinational corps..
  15. Citi took 6.5 bil. already in Q3.. another 8 - 11 bil. to come for citi alone to write down assets to reflect some type of reality.... Expected to be 250 billion over the industry for the next 5 years.. I'd like to have 1/2 of 1% of that.. damn.
  16. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? It was not our oil well to defend.. The other countries of the region should have handled it themselves. We aren't hired thugs.. Perhaps aid and support, but sending our military in was a big mistake. Course, hindsight is always 20/20.
  17. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? The "20th" hijacker..Zacarous Mousoui??? How ever the hell it's spelled, was found out and discovered at a county jail not 25 miles from my lifelong home.. He cheered when he got the news in jail, forget the minor charge, and people started asking questions... He was taking the flight lessons here in MN.. Hits a bit close to home.
  18. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Prolly right, woulda happened anyways but it was GB1 who originally pissed off those Saudi's when we "freed" Kuwait.. They, specifically Osama, did not want us there interfering with the regions affairs. He wanted Saudi Arabia and the other arab nations to deal with it. We weren't on good terms with Saddam after the Iran/Iraq war.. But Rummy was shaking his hand a half a decade before that.. idiots.
  19. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Truly.. does anyone like a stinkin' bully? Flexing their muscles in your face? I suppose any of you tough guys would... (might + fear = right + respect) = (2+2=5)
  20. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I contend 9/11 would never have most likely happened had we elected ANYONE but GB... They didn't care much for GB1 and I think he was avenging daddy more than anything.. You know, Saddam did threaten to kill him 10 years before.. God help us.
  21. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Appears so.. the fake image and hypocrisy prolly pissed him off.. Good for him I say. If you gotta hide something or lie, it's wrong and it will bite you in the ass. Karma....
  22. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Awsome post, teach, very well articulated by Pat.. Looks like "we" voted for the wrong guy in 2000... "We" get what we deserve for electing a chickenhawk.. You know, I wonder if GB would sacrifice himself for the good of the country.. I bet turning him over as a war criminal to the Arab world, and saying "we're sorry", would calm a lot of waters. Would he take one for the team to save hundreds of thousands of innocent lives? Yeah, right...
  23. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Well, he obviously didn't do it for the money.. he coulda blackmailed his dad for at least 3 times that amount.. Hahahahahaha Sometimes kids can teach their parents lessons too... :D
  24. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Hahahahaha... how ironic, that is what he was ranting about, wasn't it?
  25. Ronald Reagan was a dumbass who increased the size of government ~ wez
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