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Everything posted by wez

  1. Not to mention it's not really the truly guilty parties problem that an innocent man is thrown in jail for a crime they committed.. unless they framed them of course.
  2. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? No where.. we don't fight wars for oil. Let's drop the oil issue and discuss the war of Freedom instead... I don't have a problem with oil, period. I was mistaken, the convo should now shift to wars for freedom.. you've convinced me. Sorry... Are you saying the war is about oil? Please define "government working hard to secure oil." I see you double talking.. War is not about oil vs. Government working hard to secure oil. Your words.. please compare and contrast them for me.. And what do you think I'm saying others should do? Quote it for me please, I forget... Perhaps you shouldn't tell me what I'm saying, and what do you think I'm doing that is in contradiction to what I'm saying?
  3. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Hahahahaha... I'll take a pair of tennis shoes instead. :D
  4. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? How many times do I have to say it.. I didn't say that, and quit claiming I did. Are you saying war is the only way to keep the oil coming? And do you see me turning tail and running from anyone? BTW, where's pinky? I'm waiting for his autobiography.. Musta turned tail and ran back to Mother China.. hahahahaha Conquer me with logic, not your words in my mouth please... I'm a patient man.
  5. What else I found strange is that one branch of our government would keep this info from the other two.. We have 3 branches for a reason. Oversight.. If they were informed, he wouldn't have asked her what was going on... Strange times we be living in..
  6. Seems Israel bombed a supposed nuclear facility in Syria a few weeks back. Bits have been in the news, but apparently the White House staff has been ordered to take a "no comment" approach to the subject.. I was watching C span last night, interesting bit on the corruption in the Iraqi government and how they take our aid dollars and turn around and use them to fund attacks against our soldiers.. I really don't like my tax dollars being used to kill the American soldiers over there, but that's for another post.. Anyways, congressmen were grilling Condoleezza about that and one asked her about what happened in Syria and that's all she said was "I can't comment on that". Wonder what's going on there and why it's such a big secret here...
  7. I did see that Snaf.. the court even ordered they return it to him.. I can't imagine how bad he ****ed up his two kids.. Unbelievable.. How does he look them in the eye?
  8. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? What are you? What do you believe? I won't tell you, like you told me.. speak it. And I'm sure since you've earned the right to critisize me, you must have a long list of brave actions based on your beliefs to share... I'm giddy with excitment.. I may even follow your example..
  9. How long has it been since this happened?
  10. So sorry man... it'll be alright. Damn Smutt, thank God you weren't hurt..
  11. Lets dig her up and hold her accountable..
  12. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I don't have to prove dick to anyone, especially you, Pinky, and because my beliefs don't match TJ's, it's not critisizing.. exchange of ideas.. and I don't like organizations.. I believe people hide behind them so they don't have to stand up and speak for themselves, or be held accountable for their actions.. I speak for me, no one else, and no one speaks for me. I'm an individual and don't need one other person on this Earth to validate my beliefs for me.. if you didn't notice, the critisizing came from you and TJ.. I got no problem with TJ, his beliefs, his family, or his right to speak his mind... I don't mind, trust me, I know every shut up trick in the book..critisizing, anger, death threats, attempts at humiliation, guilt trips... hahahahaha.. Don't like it? Move to China, Pinky... I think TJ's capable of speaking for himself.. Although, I am a tremendous smartass so if you think I'll get self concious at insults and worry about what other people think, think again.. I can play the "I'll make you look like an idiot" game too, may the best man win.. and afterwards, I'll have no hard feelings.. By the way, You don't even qualify as typing your beliefs on a fledgling website let alone doing Jack Black/actions before you critisize, so you must be less than nothing.. How does that work? Please explain....Smells like hypocrisy, Pinky :cool:
  13. I am what I am ~ Popeye
  14. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? What do you suggest? Violence is out of the question...
  15. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Hey Pinky.. you wanna discuss anything with me on the topic at hand or just poke your head in and critisize me from time to time?
  16. Damn dude.. Hope this didn't happen to you.. accidents happen, life is fragile and it's no ones fault.. Peace bro..
  17. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I'm exercising my freedom of speech.. What other action do you suggest? That I shut up because you don't like what I have to say, Communist China? France.. Hmmm.. I am a lover.. I like it.. Use it :) Your new nickname shall be "Pinky"...
  18. Even so, the chances they'd have anything to sue for is slim most likely.. And collecting it is another story.. O.J.'s a rich man owing a lot of dough and has yet to pay a dime.. Cept the few things they took.. Sad. I've thought about that.. what a nightmare.. Think of the poor people that never made it out, or were put to death, all the while totally innocent.
  19. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Snaf, this has everything to do with "liberating" Burma.. and this horse is immortal.. been galloping since the dawn of time.. I aim to kill the mother ****er with words.. ;)
  20. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? The point is, freedom exists in the mind, and the time to do nothing but find it is crucial. Oil is not evil, people who kill people to get it are. Where do you think they got those weapons? Why did we support Saddam at the time they gassed the Kurds in the Iran/Iraq war, and why did Rummy have a photo op shaking Saddams hand in the 80's after this took place, and lastly, why did we all the sudden care 20 years after the fact? Fine, I'll grant you that. We kill for freedom, and you have a lot of killing to do around the world to back up your beliefs, so quit the barking, and start the biting. Got some evidence or does that help you sleep at night? Nope, I also live the life I preach, you sir, don't. Again.. oil is not evil, and I never said we should live without it. Stop trying to claim I did. See many previous statements counteracting your efforts to put words in my mouth. See above See 2 replies above See 3 replies above See 4 lines above.
  21. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Tell that to the wage slaves who have nothing to sell but their labor, I know what true freedom is, and am thankful everyday. Agree 110% I'm no more special than the lowest "untouchable" on the streets of India, and I back my words with action in the way i live and treat people, not violence. You really don't want me to come barking with a gun, do you? They hate freedom, they are making weapons of mass destruction, they are a threat to our freedom. I'm not an idiot. I said we shouldn't kill people to secure our oil, how about we work hard, and buy it with cash or goods that they need? Tell that to Jesus, they're his ideas, I just fully believe it. Hard work, fair trade, able to take no for an answer. I live by my words, and will die by my words. You too.. better get the guns ready.. lots of evil doers out there.. Go stop the genocide in Africa with violence, please. Freedom beckons... First off, polish your weapon and buy a plane ticket to Darfur... Oil is fine.. working hard, trading on the up and up, and purchasing it is a ok with me. If a merchant doesn't want to sell me their goods because I'm a pile of crap bully and he's sick of it, I won't ever kill him, or threaten to kill him.. I respect his freedom to secure mine. See statments on the correct way to do business..
  22. Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? I don't have a problem with what you teach or how you teach it eddo, and I think you're fine example.. Just allow everyone else to have that same right as you without judgment or condemnation. I can guarentee you that some of those kids have sex on a regular basis, and are too afraid to tell anyone, especially you, and their parents, increasing their risk of disease and unwanted pregnancies.. That's what fear based teaching does...
  23. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I don't think so, that it's completely false... easier to blend into the herd and regurgitate the dogma you swallow.. harder to stand on your own in the face of a mob.. and damn lonely. Ask Jesus when He comes back... But the rest of what you said after that is right on brother.. Although, it doesn't take a whole lot of guts to kill people by remote control.. try to stand toe to toe if you believe in the might makes right theory...
  24. Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? Hahahahaha.. for the billionth time, wez loves eddo, despite. Have I ever said otherwise? Have you? So, how do you approach the subject of contraception and disease prevention for those who will and do have sex?
  25. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Freedom is directly proportional to the size of your bank account, especially here in the land of the free. Takes more courage to stand up against the mob and say, this is wrong, I refuse to participate. I've heard and read all the reasons our president has given o'er the years. Should I follow the example and take action by killing people to prove my point? I have a saying to.. whatever is ok for me to do to another human being, is ok for every other human to do me. And I act accordingly People killed each other long before oil was a wet dream in the head of J. Paul Getty. I said no product is the problem, people are. I live in a mobile home, I just got rid of a P2 comp that I bought used 4 years ago. I don't participate in conspicuous consumerism. I do what I can. Why did those folks fly planes into the World trade center? They hate freedom? Again, ever owned a foreign car? I'm getting better the day, thanks for the advice.
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