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Everything posted by wez
"I'm only interested in the truth" ~ wez "For every force acting on an object, the object will exert an equal, yet opposite, force on its cause." ~ Newton's third law of motion
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Saying it is not proving it, I am not a private and you are not my drill instructer. You gave yours away to liars and the army. Bindly following without questioning is un American. Who's unAmerican? You said it has nothing to with oil, it may way down the list have something to do with oil, and keep bringing up me living a life void of oil to prove something to you before you'll listen to me. Sup with that? My personal truth is the same for every person that will ever have existed in the world whether I know it or not, but I will search til death. Look at my inactivity.. Hahahahahaha.. Yes, complex when weaving a web of deception.. not truth. Where?
Hahahahaha... I said it, it is a direct quote. And if you don't like it, start your own quote post with the rules you desire.. Off topic bs is the catagory, quotes are the name of the game, I can make up, say and credit myself with anything I damn well please. Did I misquote you? I cut and pasted it...
Better? Quit putting words in my mouth if you don't like it.. Now it is...
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Show me Who did you give your free will away to? Mine is not for sale. One lie, quote it, prove it. I feel sorry for you, truth is always the only choice. Yes, when it's twisted to fit a group of individual human beings agenda like a glove, then it is no longer truth. Prove it.
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I'm not perfect eddo... And stick around, the more the merrier. I'm always in the court of truth.. if I'm wrong, great, show me, I love to improve myself.
Judge them by their fruit ~ Jesus "Where was America when Russia was trying to take over the world? Did we mind our own business and let them do what they wanted or did we take action and stop it with all the world benefitting from our actions?" ~ TJ "How dare the world not appreciate our "good works" ~ Wez being sarcastic
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Hahahahahahaha... I'm not tainted by anyones "training", I think I have the ability to understand the truth. How about we choose good, instead of any evil? I thought oil was out of this discussion? Is that why we lie, cheat, and kill around the world? No more back and forth or your new nickname will be "waffle". Bad choice, eh? Never said anything of the sort.. I told you to decide, and the truth is never complex, only lies and deception. Apparently, we had some business in Panama to take care of first... Trying to take over the world? Hahahahahahahahaha.. That's a good one.
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? What I should have said eddo, was, I usually already know the answer the person I'm asking will give me... quite empowering. Ask Tori if that would help her as a lawyer...
Like father, like son. ~ Who the hell knows
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Hey TJ.. Why did the militaries top leaders, who are individual human beings, lie about Pat Tillman's death in that canyon in Afghanistan? Hey TJ, when we invaded Panama in the late 80's, why were the American media kept away by the American government? Hey TJ, why did G.B. senior have Manuel Noriega on the payroll of the CIA when he was the director in the 70's, then, as President of the U.S., invade his country in the original "shock and awe" campaign to arrest him because he was a drug dealer in the late 80's? Hey TJ, why after Jimmy Carter signed a treaty to turn the canal over to Panama in 2000 do we still have military personel stationed there? Hey TJ, why did the puppet government we set up in Panama after Noriaga was sent to prison in Florida declare Panama cannot have a military, thus, "forcing" us to secure the canal after we "honored" our treaty and turned the canal over in 2000? Hey TJ, how many Americans even know we invaded Panama in the late 80's? Slick....
Don't you eyeball me boy! You think what the army tells you to think without question! You are not an individual anymore! ~ Some angry, red faced, screaming drill sargent I'm an individual human being and that's all there is in the world, I'll do my own thinking and questioning, thank you. ~ wez A country, army, company, organization is not an individual human being and there is no safety in numbers, unless you are a prairie dog. ~ wez
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Everyone is their own worst enemy.. the world is made up of individual human beings, period. "Iraq" is not a human being. "America" is not a human being. "General motors" is not a human being. Although we do like to speak of them in that context, don't we? Good place for individuals to hide.. Precisely, check the mirror. You refuse to look at the intention and the truth, that is why you will always be right, in your mind. I'm not sure what moveon.org has said or done, nor do I care. I think for myself. Who are they? I listen to individual human beings. Is this a persons name? Quotes of mine please, one lie. You and your leaders lie about the war in Iraq and twist bible verses to fit your agenda like a glove. Not cool.. Once and for all, you name the reason for war and we'll go from there. Freedom haters? Terrorists? Oil? Gay rights? Avenging rape? You decide...
Question everything, always ~ who knows but someone said it...
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I'm an American, I'll worry about America. The enemy is in the mirror. Not the first time some pseudo christain has twisted the teachings to fit their life like a glove. I implore you to see how under the leadership of Ghandi, India drove the brits home following the teachings of Christ. Good point, contexts change and people like to bend the teachings to fit their context like a glove. Jesus's words and intentions are a constant, they don't bend to fit mans agenda like a glove. You judge every country, but your own country. Why? Are we above critisim? Are we perfect? I understand, a soldier/follower is taught with fear of consequences to obey without question. I'm not that way.. I question everything to death, and will continue to do so til I die, just like a child.. Only now, I already know the answer most of the time before I ask the question. :) All I expect is the truth, now and forever and refuse to be silent. Sorry.
Rate cut yesterday only lasted a day on wall st. Bloodbath so far this morn. Perhaps if they pay 5% to borrow money they can boost it for month...
Where is the love? Black Eyed Peas What's wrong with the world mama? People living like aint got no mamas I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK But if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate And if you hatin you're bound to get irate Yeah madness is what you demonstrate And that's exactly how anger works and operates You gotta have love just to set it straight Take control of your mind and meditate Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them crying Can you practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek? Father Father Father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the love2x) It just ain't the same all ways have changed New days are strange is the world the insane? If love and peace so strong Why are there pieces of love that don't belong Nations dropping bombs Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones With ongoing suffering As the youth die young So ask yourself is the loving really strong? So I can ask myself really what is going wrong With this world that we living in People keep on giving in Makin wrong decisions Only visions of them livin and Not respecting each other Deny thy brother The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover The truth is kept secret Swept under the rug If you never know truth Then you never know love Where's the love y'all?(I don't know) Where's the truth y'all?(I don't know) Where's the love y'all? People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them crying Can practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek? Father father father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the lovex2) I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder As I'm getting older y'all people get colder Most of us only care about money makin Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction Wrong information always shown by the media Negative images is the main criteria Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema Whatever happened to the values of humanity Whatever happened to the fairness and equality Instead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found People killing people dying Children hurtin you hear them crying Can you practice what you preach Would you turn the other cheek? Father Father Father help us Send some guidance from above Cause people got me got me questioning Where is the love?(fade)
Sheik-yerbouti :D KC and the Sunshine band AahEverybody, get on the floor, let's dance! Don't fight your feelings, give yourself a chance! Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, Shake your booty! Shake your booty! Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake, Shake your booty! Shake your booty. Aah, You can, you can do it very well. You're the best in the world, I can tell. Oh, Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, Shake your booty! Shake your booty! Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake, Shake your booty! Shake your booty. (WoWohoo,Yeah!) Shake shake, shake shake!
Totally agree Jhony... That poor mother. A double tragedy. The last place she should be is in jail.
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gay rights are not recognized in Saudi Arabia and homosexuality is a serious crime punishable by death. However, there is some evidence that there exists an underground gay community [1]. The treatment of homosexuals has prompted criticism from international human rights organizations, but the government defends its actions as being mandated by Islam and not by a secular institution. You got your work cut out for you TJ... better get moving. You know, if you want to champion gay rights, the gays in your country could use your help too.. and you wont have to kill anyone.
Horrible when this happens. So sad.. Reminds me of a story I saw the other day on CNN. A soldier put his baby in a microwave but his lawyer wouldn't discuss it on CNN because he had requested info from the military and is going to go the PTSD route in court to get him off.. nice.
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? A 5 year old can understand those verses, a hypocrite cannot. You sir, are a Hypocrite. So you are saying oil is the reason? Make up your mind already.. this is getting old. I love America, and don't want hypocrites such as yourself to destroy it. She never said Iran was utopia, she said the government was miles less involved in her day to day life. Being that I'm American, it's the only country I'm fit to judge. Polish the gun, get busy. What about Timmy (terrorist) McVie? Pat (Collateral damage) Tillman? Go try to convince an idiot to believe your bull**** if you can't handle some words on a screen from a wacko... Better yet, stick a gun in his face and tell them what to think. I can only be conquered by logic.
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? It makes me feel better to know not one innocent person has been killed by my country. No children, no women, no old folks just trying to survive. No good men that just want to take care of their families. Good thing we killed that terrorist, Pat Tillman. You going to call him collateral damage? Course not, you'd lie to make him into a hero rather than tell the truth. Collateral damage is for "them". Double speak and lies from your "leaders". I don't follow liars and twisters of the truth. Perhaps we should worry about the next Tim McVie, your brother in arms, Gulf War veteran, All American boy. We don't like to talk about him, do we? Did Saddam ever blow up a Federal building in the heartland? He was 100% American, a registered republican, and a Gulf war veteran. According to our new homeland security methods, we should start profiling angry, white, American Republicans who served in the armed forces. Right? Let's define murder.. here's my offering: The intentional killing of a person/s by another person/s. Because we became friends and she had no motivation to lie to me. We talked about a lot of things. She taught chemistry, we talked about these things outside of class. Why don't you look at our history going back to the American Indians, and judge us instead. Another thing, she has lived in both countries. have you? She never said they didn't have their problems and pretend they were perfect, like you do. Never said we should be, you keep trying to say I did though.. I said, we should stop being hypocrites, stop lying, take a hard look at ourselves, and stop killing people. So would a human being in Iraq. I would call the proper authorities, not shoot them in the head. What I'm saying is, our presidents come and go, yet the same people have been running the show since JFK was assassinated. Do you see the danger in someone like us to the rest of the world? How about we worry about our own rapists and intimidaters. Why has the UN not demanded we get rid of our WMD's, and placed economic sanctions on us? Hypocrite You're living a fantasy if you think we only perform "good works". There's another good saying... You only get what you give. "The vile are ever prone to detect the faults of others, though they be as small as mustard seeds, and persistently shut their eyes against their own, though they be as large as Vilva fruit. ~ Hinduism. Garuda Purana 112 Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment that you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. ~ Christianity. Matthew 7.1-5 Easily seen are others' faults, hard indeed to see are one's own. Like chaff one winnows others' faults, but one's own one hides, as a crafty fowler conceals himself by camouflage. He who sees others' faults is ever irritable--his corruptions grow. He is far from the destruction of the corruptions. ~ Buddhism. Dhammapada 252-53 Happy is the person who finds fault with himself instead of finding fault with others. ~ Islam. Hadith If you want to criticize someone, first criticize yourself more than three times. ~ Unification Church. Sun Myung Moon, 9-30-69 Confucius said, "The gentleman calls attention to the good points in others; he does not call attention to their defects. The small man does just the reverse of this." ~ Confucianism. Analects 12.16 Confucius said, "The good man does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs." ~ Confucianism. Analects 1.16 Do not judge thy comrade until thou hast stood in his place. ~ Judaism. Mishnah, Abot 2.5 Early in the morning [Jesus] came again to the temple; all the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such. What do you say about her?" This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." And once more he bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the eldest, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus looked up and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and do not sin again." ~ Christianity. John 8.2-11 Love your enemy ~ Jesus Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God; as it is written. As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God.
Awsome sweetie. :) As a society, as a world, we're spiraling out of control it seems. I see so many miserable people. So many people suffering needlessly. It makes me sad.. We've lost our way, or perhaps we still have yet to find it for the first time..
Imagine John Lennon Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one Anybody seen my good friend John?