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Sound advice..
Well, she did have $18,000 in savings which is now $16,000 in credit card debt.. Now, with the new bankruptcy laws, she'll prolly be owing the banks a chunk of that deficit from mortgage owed to fire sale price. I would imagine it'll end up costing her $75,000 or so, not counting the interest on her debt, to live in her dads garage.. Plenty of blame to go around in a ponzi scheme..
The woman took home $2000 a month and buys a $400,000+ condo? Jackasses as far as the eye can see.. Unfortunately, I'm sure the taxpayers will clean up this mess again. Then she buys a few months on a credit card at 20%+... Good luck with that.. I'm not sure, but I think the banks can go after her for the difference in what's owed and what they'll get at the fire sale unless the mortgage states otherwise. “I feel burned,” she said. “I’ve always been one who paid the bills on time. I always did things the right way. If they had counseled me (correctly), I could’ve made my payments.” ~ poor victim who was forced to buy an overpriced home by "they". Go cry a river in the mirror, idiot ~ wez
Indeed... Good God. Gonna be a lot more of em before this crap is over.. Boooo Hooooo .. My realtor told me prices always go up. :( Wonder why.... Hahahahaha
Here's one heap of the wreckage.. How to lose your home in a few easy steps San Diego woman chased American dream, now lives in a garage http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21082646/
First Merril Lynch, now it sounds like Charles Lynch of Citibank is next to "resign".. 8 billion in subrime losses between the two, so far.. prolly more to come.. Wonder how many hundreds of millions these two geniuses will walk away with for their pathetic performance and instrumental moving and shaking in perpetuating the housing boom and bust for the millions of idiots who thought debt was wealth..... Don't let the door hit you in the ass boys.. Just look at the bright side, you can buy 4 more homes to add to your 7 at a cheaper price.. Yay America
Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Yeah, it was.. It said it was on the Inquirer site but I think one needs to register or pay?? I heard it on CNN.. I imagine if you watch Fox news or CNN long enough you'll hear it..
Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E It is... things aren't always what they seem.. but then again, TV tends to do that.
Hahahahahahaha.. Ain't that the TRUTH..
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Hey tough guy... Boo!! Hahahahaha.. Dude, I think it's gone far enough. I don't need you fearing me, then hating me, then thinking you need to kill me for the good of the world... you think whatever you want.. This is America.. Come say whatever you want, I'm done. I've said more than enough. Peace bro... No hard feelings.
I was watching the news tonight and it appears the guy is loving the publicity and is planning to continue.. What a lunitic.. God is punishing the USA for it's tolerance of homosexuals and is demonstrating and rejoicing over soldiers dying in Iraq and blames the war on this? I saw young teenage girls holding signs. Un fricken believable. How anyone could attend this church is beyond me..
Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E What I liked most about him, he treated all the people he arrested with respect and tried to give them good advice. I guess it could have been an act on the air but it didn't seem so. I have a hard time believing he hates someone because of the color of their skin. I did hear the tape and it wasn't good. He was talking about his sons girlfriend, to his son I think.. Then his son records it and sells it for like $15,000.. He musta been pissed. Gonna miss his show..
"Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Seems Dog pulled a "Kramer" and went on a n word laced tirade which was recorded by his son, Tucker, and sold to the Inquirer. A&E has cancelled his show. Here's the story I could find... Duane "Dog" Chapman's tape-recorded tirade has cost him his TV show. "Dog the Bounty Hunter" has been pulled off the air by A&E, the cable network announced Friday. The network stopped short of saying the show was canceled, apparently leaving open the possibility of a return with new episodes or reruns. "In evaluating the circumstances of the last few days, A&E has decided to take Dog The Bounty Hunter off the network's schedule for the foreseeable future," A&E said in prepared statement. "We hope that Mr. Chapman continues the healing process that he has begun." The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Yum Brands, which advertised Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut on "Dog the Bounty Hunter," had pulled all of its ads, calling Chapman's comments "despicable." Production of the Hawaii-based reality show was suspended earlier this week after it was reported that Chapman made repeated racial slurs in a tape-recorded phone conversation with his son, Tucker. "Dog the Bounty Hunter" went on the air in 2004 and was one of A&E's highest rated shows, averaging 1.2 million viewers in primetime. Chapman, who owns Da Kine Bail Bonds in downtown Honolulu, has apologized for repeatedly using a racial slur to refer to his son's girlfriend, who is African American. The Associated Press reported on Friday that Tucker Chapman taped the phone call with his father, and sold it to the National Inquirer which posted the tape on its Web site on Wednesday. Poor Doggie... I like the guy, I don't think he's a racist.
Some Iraqi veterans opposed to the war speak out. MIKE HOFFMAN would not be the guy his buddies would expect to see leading a protest movement. The son of a steelworker and a high school janitor from Allentown, Pennsylvania, he enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1999 as an artilleryman to “blow things up.” His transformation into an activist came the hard way—on the streets of Baghdad. When Hoffman arrived in Kuwait in February 2003, his unit’s highest-ranking enlisted man laid out the mission in stark terms. “You’re not going to make Iraq safe for democracy,” the sergeant said. “You are going for one reason alone: oil. But you’re still going to go, because you signed a contract. And you’re going to go to bring your friends home.” Hoffman, who had his own doubts about the war, was relieved—he’d never expected to hear such a candid assessment from a superior. But it was only when he had been in Iraq for several months that the full meaning of the sergeant’s words began to sink in. “The reasons for war were wrong,” he says. “They were lies. There were no WMDs. Al Qaeda was not there. And it was evident we couldn’t force democracy on people by force of arms.” When he returned home and got his honorable discharge in August 2003, Hoffman says, he knew what he had to do next. “After being in Iraq and seeing what this war is, I realized that the only way to support our troops is to demand the withdrawal of all occupying forces in Iraq.” He cofounded a group called Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and soon found himself emerging as one of the most visible members of a small but growing movement of soldiers who openly oppose the war in Iraq. Dissent on Iraq within the military is not entirely new. Even before the invasion, senior officers were questioning the optimistic projections of the Pentagon’s civilian leaders, and several retired generals have strongly criticized the war. But now, nearly two years after the first troops rolled across the desert, rank-and-file soldiers and their families are increasingly speaking up. Hoffman’s group was founded in July with 8 members and had grown to 40 by September. Another organization, Military Families Speak Out, began with 2 families two years ago and now represents more than 1,700 families. And soldier-advocacy groups are reporting a rising number of calls from military personnel who are upset about the war and are thinking about refusing to fight; a few soldiers have even fled to Canada rather than go to Iraq. In a 2003 Gallup Poll, nearly one-fifth of the soldiers surveyed said they felt the situation in Iraq had not been worth going to war over. In another poll, in Pennsylvania last August, 54 percent of households with a member in the military said the war was the “wrong thing to do”; in the population as a whole, only 48 percent felt that way. Doubts about the war have contributed to the decline of troop morale over the past year—and may, some experts say, be a factor in the 40 percent increase in Army suicide rates in Iraq in the past year. “That’s the most basic tool a soldier needs on the battlefield—a reason to be there,” says Paul Rieckhoff, a platoon leader in the New York National Guard and former JPMorgan banker who served in Iraq. Rieckhoff has founded a group called Operation Truth, which provides a freewheeling forum for soldiers’ views on the war. “When you can’t articulate that in one sentence, it starts to affect morale. You had an initial rationale for war that was a moving target. [but] it was a shell game from the beginning, and you can only bull**** people for so long.” With his baggy pants, red goatee, and moussed hair, Mike Hoffman looks more like a guy taking some time off after college than a 25-year-old combat veteran. But the urgency in his voice belies his relaxed appearance; he speaks rapidly, consumed with the desire to get his point across. As we talk at a coffee shop in Vermont after one of his many speaking engagements, he concedes, “A lot of what I’m doing is basically survivor’s guilt. It’s hard: I’m home. I’m fine. I came back in one piece. But there are a lot of people who haven’t.” More than a year after his return from Iraq, Hoffman is still battling depression, panic attacks, and nightmares. “I don’t know what I did,” he says, noting that errors and faulty targeting were common in the artillery. “I came home and read that six children were killed in an artillery strike near where I was. I don’t really know if that was my unit or a British unit. But I feel responsible for everything that happened when I was there.” When he first came home, Hoffman says, he tried to talk to friends and family about his experience. It was not a story most wanted to hear. “One of the hardest things when I came back was people who were slapping me on the back saying ‘Great job,’” he recalls. “Everyone wants this to be a good war so they can sleep at night. But guys like me know it’s not a good war. There’s no such thing as a good war.” Hoffman finally found some kindred spirits last fall when he discovered Veterans For Peace, the 19-year-old antiwar group. Older veterans encouraged him to speak at rallies, and steadily, he began to connect with other disillusioned Iraq vets. In July, at the Veterans For Peace annual meeting in Boston, Hoffman announced the creation of Iraq Veterans Against the War. The audience of silver-haired vets from wars in Vietnam, Korea, and World War II exploded into applause. Hoffman smiles wryly. “They tell us we’re the rock stars of the antiwar movement.” http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2004/11/10_400.html Vermont Marine leads protest of war By Lisa Rathke, Associated Press Writer | October 26, 2006 MONTPELIER, Vt. --If he'd known the United States was going to invade Iraq, U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Liam Madden says he probably wouldn't have enlisted a month before. Still, he has no regrets. The 22-year-old Bellows Falls man, who spent seven months in Iraq, is leading a group of service members who are protesting the nation's occupation of Iraq and calling on Congress to withdraw all American troops. "I'm concerned about the reasons we went to war, about the profiteering," he said Thursday from Quantico, Va. "I'm concerned about the human life that's being lost, every aspect of the war." At least 500 service members from different branches of the military have joined the appeal, under the whistle-blower protection act, Madden said. Soldiers can add their name to the movement on the Web site http://www.appealforredress.org. At 18, just out of high school, Madden decided the Marines was a better option than college, allowing him time to grow up and challenge himself, he said. But he had doubts before the 2003 start of the war "when the current administration started inundating us with fear." About two years later, he was sent to Iraq for seven months. "Iraq, I never approved of it, but I put my opinions kind of on hold," he said. "My feelings started to intensify and coalesce when I came back to the U.S. and started informing myself more." He felt comfortable expressing his opposition to the war to his family and friends but was nervous about going public about it on a broader scale, he said. Now, he's gone public in a big way. He appeared on CNN on Wednesday, and was profiled in his hometown newspaper Thursday. He said he's received mostly supportive e-mails from fellow service members. "Very few people are outright mad at me for expressing my opinions of war," he said. That includes his parents, who both say they are proud of him. His mother initially supported the war but now says her views are changing. "It seems like it's gone on longer than I thought and probably not executed as well as it could it have been," said Oona Madden, 53. Will Madden, who lives in Keene, N.H., said he had always opposed the war. "I think he's very courageous," he said of his son. "I'm very proud of him. I wish my heart was more fluent in English to express how I feel." Previous story from here.. http://www.boston.com/news/local/vermont/articles/2006/10/26/vermont_marine_leads_protest_of_war/
Iraqi war veterans still fighting for freedom of speech Liam Madden Marine War Resister Threatened with Dishonorable Charges by Michael Borkson 11 Jun 2007 Liam Madden,along with Adam Kokesh, members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, are facing downgrade of their honorable discharges from the marines. The reason-taking part in anti-war protests and wearing parts of their marine uniforms while protesting. Liam Madden gave a press conference on the steps of the State House in Boston on 6-7-07. Madden is facing punishment from the Marines that could result in his discharge status being changed from ?Honorable? to ?Other Than Honorable.? Liam was recently told by the Marine Corps that they are pursuing their case against him due to his taking part in activities critical of the U.S. role in Iraq. Madden?s case is very similar to that of Adam Kokesh, a fellow Marine veteran who received a recommendation for a change from his ?Honorable? discharge status to a ?General? discharge at a Marine Corps separation board hearing on Monday, June 4th. Both Madden and Kokesh were charged with violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice by wearing portions of their uniform at a political protest. Madden was additionally accused of ?making disloyal statements.? A third member of IVAW, Marine veteran, Cloy Richards of MO, has been threatened similarly. Madden served in the Marine Corps from January 2003 to January 2007 and did a tour in Iraq. He is co-founder of the Appeal for Redress (www.AppealforRedress.org), a campaign in which almost 2,000 active duty service members have called on their members of Congress to end the war. Madden also has become an outspoken public critic of the war as a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). http://boston.indymedia.org/feature/display/199934
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Who invaded Iraq? Panama? Vietnam? Ruby Ridge? Wako? Grenada? This land we now call the U.S.A. Why does it seem all the bad people we kill are sitting on resources we desire while genocide in Africa continues? Did black people choose to be slaves and live as second class citizens still to this day for the most part? Why did you kill Pat Tillman and Jesus? You are frozen in life to that which you fear. I'm not afraid to die. Nor will I be a killer, like you who condone it. No, I said the army trains soldiers to follow orders and be cold blooded killers so they may perform on the field of battle. Who was arrested for killing Pat Tillman and the thousands of innocent children in Iraq since we invaded their country? Why don't you tell me about boot camp. You mean foreign, invading, fighters murdering Native Americans made America possible? Dream world...... is right. Teach them from birth. Love rather than hate. Forgivness, rather than vengence. Why would anyone want to kill me, or anyone else? I don't live in fear. I love truth and would never serve my child up to death. Hahahahahaha.... I serve the truth, not evil men. How did Europeans come to inhabit this country, big tough guy? Then you are truly a moron. Bet you know how to keep your women in line too.. eh, tough guy?
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Individual human beings following orders. That would make me just like them, a killer. Every individual under the sun is my loved one. I lift my voice. My government allows people to die in the streets like dogs with no where to call home but an overpass because they are mentally ill and have no money or the proper clothing. They are condoning the actions. Yes, it does, that is why I speak against persons such as yourself who kill innocent people in the name of (insert any reason here you choose as it makes no difference.). In doing so in the manner you do it, you also kill the innocent, becoming that which you hate and deserving of death by your own hand according to your beliefs. What exactly does "Collateral damage" mean? You are not God and not capable of judging the guilty, or anyone but yourself. If you were, you would see that you're wrong. I will never intentionally kill another human being, you would/have/will. If that's a bad decision, I don't want to be right. Never said that, some soldiers say, "no", and "why" and go to the brig for doing the right thing. What does the army train people to do first and foremost and how do they accomplish that? I love all people and don't fear any man. I do like how you slipped in "way of life" as that is what you will lose regardless of how many people you kill. Our "way of life" will destroy us, itself. Here's how wrong you are.... If every human thought as I do, no man/woman/child would ever die at the hands of another. If everyone thought like you......... Your fear is misplaced. Check the mirror...
Some wonderful messages for the kids of America. Love, the adults..
wez replied to wez's topic in Off Topic BS
Hahahahaha... Good advice. Meth is poisen, run like hell. -
An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind. ~ Mahatma Gandhi All warfare is based on deception.~ Sun Tzu A lot of wonderful people love their country and hate the military. ~ Bill Clinton Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Either war is obsolete or men are.~ R. Buckminster Fuller I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. ~ Albert Einstein I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. ~ George McGovern Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. ~ Abraham Lincoln Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel . . . And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man" - with his mouth.~ Mark Twain Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.~ John F. Kennedy The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.~ Adolf Hitler Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. ~ Isaac Asimov "War is Peace" "Freedom is Slavery" "Ignorance is Strength." ~ George Orwell When people speak to you about a preventive war, you tell them to go and fight it. After my experience, I have come to hate war. War settles nothing. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty. ~ Arthur Ponsonby Come you masters of war You that build all the guns You that build the death planes You that build the big bombs You that hide behind walls You that hide behind desks I just want you to know I can see through your masks.~ Bob Dylan I ain't got no quarrel with the Vietcong. ~ Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves. ~ John Wayne I have seen enough of one war never to wish to see another. ~ Thomas Jefferson God bless every individual under the Sun. Always forgiven
"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” ~ Coretta Scott King “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.” ~ Johnathan Swift “You cannot hate other people without hating your self” ~ Oprah "Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.” ~ George Bernard Shaw “A true man hates no one.” ~ Napolean “If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us” ~ Hermann Hesse “A child understands fear and the hurt and hate it brings.” ~ Epictatus “You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” ~ Anne Lamott
The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law. ~ Aristotle As men, we are all equal in the presence of death. ~Publilius Syrus In America everybody is of opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards. ~Bertrand Russell An earthquake achieves what the law promises but does not in practice maintain - the equality of all men. ~Ignazio Silone Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~Italian Proverb We didn't all come over on the same ship, but we're all in the same boat. ~Bernard M. Baruch All the people like us are We, And everyone else is They.~Rudyard Kipling While there is a lower class I am in it, while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. ~Eugene V. Debs The tears of the red, yellow, black, brown and white man are all the same. ~Martin H. Fischer There is something wrong in a government where they who do the most have the least. There is something wrong when honesty wears a rag, and rascality a robe; when the loving, the tender, eat a crust, while the infamous sit at banquets. ~Robert Ingersoll Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear. ~Isa Upanishad
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? Seriously TJ, I'm not going to continue to go in circles with you to convince you that there is never a good cause to kill people. The world is only made up of individual human beings. Iraq is not capable of killing anyone, it's not a living being. Iran does not kill gays, it is not within it's power. Individual human beings, that's it. Remember Matthew Shepard? Does America kill homosexuals? Just remember, the life which you value least, is the value you put on your life, and everyone elses. It can be no other way. Love ya bro... It was fun. :)
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I do, and have. What you claim I said, is not what I said. It belongs to you, not me. Learn to make sense. Why don't you put it in pretty words for me like honor, disipline, and pride. What was boot camp like? Why the shaved heads and screaming in the face? Why the guns? What do they want to do that for? Almost criminal? The truth? How nazi german, pinko commie, un American of you... Guess I would be thrown in the brig/gulag/hung for saying it to my "superior".. Hahahahahahaha Criminal... keep repeating it, it'll become reality. It was men just like you that saw Jesus to His death... I guess I'd have to be or else your beliefs would crumble at your feet. Now I guess this will be credited to me too... If you don't want want me to paint an innaccurate pic of you and prove it by merely repeating it over and over and over, think before you speak. Let's talk about those things... Repeating something over and over is not proving it. You are not in the army anymore, and I never was or will be. Hahahahahaha... Hypocrites are funny... Go free the gays, you brought up. I believe gays are mistreated in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and America.. You brought it up, do something about it. Hahahahahaha.. Good God man. I'm not prone to confusion Hahahahahahahaha.. Still waiting for that one cut and pasted lie. Unreal. Post it/them rather than keep saying you already did from the first time I told you to prove it after your first accusation of lying. Won't work with me.. Sorry. I don't follow liars or accept their lies. Everyone who has a free will that haven't it given away has the opportunity to be perfect and Jesus. Hopefully you and your family wont ever be on the losing end of those statistics, eh?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ~ Jesus Hmmmmmmm.. Wonder what He meant and what context he meant that in? I better go back in time and have my parents take me to church before I'm old enough to speak so I don't misinterperate it.. It doesn't allow for me to mistreat others due to complex political reasons...
Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? No offense, but you'd make a crappy lawyer.. How about you post it again for me? One of the armies first main objective is to strip an individuals identity and teach them how to be a cold blooded killer, void of emotion so they may perform on the field of battle and follow orders. The army is all about orders. Unquestioned orders. No thanks, I cherish my free will and don't believe in killing people. I said you convinced me I was wrong and said we should leave oil out of it. I could provide you with links refuting every link you provided me. I have a brain and assume you do too. Hahahahaha... Has the U.S ever done anything wrong in your rose colored, tantrum throwing eyes? Hahahahahaha Prove it. I never said that and request you remove the attempt to once again put words in my mouth. What are you doing about the "gay issue" in Iran and Saudi Arabia? Saying it, and proving it are 2 seperate things. This isn't the army. Never said it was, but the truth is the truth is the truth... Do politicians lie? You can accept it.. I don't have to. I have my free will intact.