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Dear timesjoke

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I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
wez said:
A hypocrite doesn't believe.. but with his lips for others to see.. ..and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24:51)

This tells you where their "belief" gets them for practicing hypocrisy.. If that were the case, and we're all hypocrites... and none of us is fit to stand against it cause if we do, we are one too, as eddo and Aery claim.. then this is all our fate.. according to the word of God. Right, eddo?
wow, you're pretty dense when you get riled up. Might I suggest slowing down, taking your meds, considering your thoughts, and putting them into one post? You jump around so much, it is very hard to follow you. and sticking to the actual topic may help too.

In the mean time, feel free to interpret this in any way you see fit, since your anger has apparently made it impossible for you to comprehend what has already been writen.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
eddo said:
wow, you're pretty dense when you get riled up. Might I suggest slowing down, taking your meds, considering your thoughts, and putting them into one post? You jump around so much, it is very hard to follow you. and sticking to the actual topic may help too.In the mean time, feel free to interpret this in any way you see fit, since your anger has apparently made it impossible for you to comprehend what has already been writen.
Hahahaha... lots of substance there eddo.. good answer.. Ooooohhh.. please don't personally insult me and avoid EVERYHING I've said.. I'm sooooo self conscious ....

Can't follow simple English, simpleton?

How can everyone be a hypocrite? No one will be saved..

Please explain
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Lets see... the convo started out on hypocrisy.. and I've talked about nothing but hypocrisy.. and I'm jumping all over the place and you're having trouble following me?

Please explain..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
So a place next to the hypocrites in pieces, with weeping and gnashing teeth is the promise land for all of us because all of us are hypocrites? Right, eddo?

God must provide some good cocaine for all that teeth gnashing to be happenin'.. Must be tears of joy.. yay us!
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
wez said:
Hahahaha... lots of substance there eddo.. good answer.. Ooooohhh.. please don't personally insult me and avoid EVERYHING I've said..
wow, hypocrisy at it's finest. Good example wez.

You twist everything I say into stuff I don't say, so why should I bother answering your questions? Especially ones I have already answered? Nah, I'm done. I pissed you off, and that was my goal. I got you to make yourself look like a freak, and that was just bonus.

When you actually want to discuss it- and not add all the extra drama and baggage, I will be more than glad to discuss it with you.


+1 for me


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
eddo said:
wow, hypocrisy at it's finest. Good example wez.You twist everything I say into stuff I don't say, so why should I bother answering your questions? Especially ones I have already answered? Nah, I'm done. I pissed you off, and that was my goal. I got you to make yourself look like a freak, and that was just bonus.

When you actually want to discuss it- and not add all the extra drama and baggage, I will be more than glad to discuss it with you.


+1 for me
Yeah.. like this isn't how you "discuss" it every time.. running away with your tail between your legs? You pissed me off? Hahahahaha

Wait! ... You forgot your head! Hahahahahaha

Answer this simple question..Should be a piece of cake for a fine, church going Christian such as yourself.. Spread the word according to your teachings..

How can everyone be a hypocrite, where no one will be saved? According to your interpertation of the bible?

Eddo? Maybe Aery can answer it.. She said we're all hypocrites too.. How can that be? It can't. Can it?
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I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
wez said:
Yeah.. like this isn't how you "discuss" it every time.. running away with your tail between your legs? You pissed me off? HahahahahaWait! ... You forgot your head! Hahahahahaha

Answer this simple question..Should be a piece of cake for a fine, church going Christian such as yourself.. Spread the word according to your teachings..

How can everyone be a hypocrite, and no one will be saved according to your interpertation of the bible?

Eddo? Maybe Aery can answer it.. She said we're all hypocrites too.. How can that be? It can't. Can it?
oh, did I interpret the Bible that way, or did you? and are you now saying I did it?

That's the baggage and crap I am talking about. Take that verse you quoted, and put it in context of the story of Jesus and you will have your answer. and Yes, it fits into what Aery and I have already said.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
eddo said:
oh, did I interpret the Bible that way, or did you? and are you now saying I did it?That's the baggage and crap I am talking about. Take that verse you quoted, and put it in context of the story of Jesus and you will have your answer. and Yes, it fits into what Aery and I have already said.
..and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24:51)
Please interperet and have it match your claim that we are all hypocrites?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Aery.. will you please answer it for me.. Eddo's having trouble.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
So, a religious hypocrite is, by definition, a non-believer, since he is only pretending to be an adherent of the faith. A hypocrite is not a person who commits some sins on occasion (sin all people commit sin occasionally), but someone who practices those sins on a routine basis. The truth of the matter is that hypocrisy has been a problem for those who claim to follow God for a very long time. In fact, God challenged Cain (the first son born of Adam and Eve) on his hypocrisy when he submitted an inferior offering to Him.2

What did Jesus say about hypocrisy and hypocrites?By far, of all preachers and prophets of the Bible, Jesus had the most to say about hypocrisy and hypocrites. Since He didn't mince any words on the subject, but directly confronted the religious hypocrites of His day (the scribes and Pharisees), they hated Him intensely - eventually having Him arrested on trumped up charges. Here is a list of some of the hypocrisy that Jesus spoke against:

Giving to the poor to be recognized by others

Praying in public to be recognized as "God's man"

Letting everybody know you are fasting to get recognition by others

Complaining about other's behavior when yours is even worse.

Pretending to honor God through lip service only

Testing other people to try to make yourself look superior

Deceiving people from knowing God

Repressing the poor and widows

Teaching proselytes to be hypocrites

Tithing (giving to the church), but neglecting justice and mercy

Doing everything for show, while really being self-indulgent and unrighteous

Treating stock animals better than fellow human beings

Being able to analyze the weather, but unable to distinguish between right and wrong

Jesus indicated that those who practiced hypocrisy would be sent to hell,16 indicating that they were really non-believers. In other books of the New Testament, the writers associate hypocrisy with such things as evil,17 lying,18 perverting the gospel,19 envy and slander,20 and jealousy and selfish ambition.21 James contrasts the evil of hypocrisy with the "wisdom from above," which is characterized as being "pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering."21

Modern day hypocrites: The news media loves to make a big deal when a "Christian" preacher commits some sort of sexual sin, with the most recent example being Ted Haggard, who rabidly preached against homosexual practice, while he himself was involved in it on a routine basis. Everybody loves to hate a hypocrite. It is not surprising that there are hypocrites today, as there were in Jesus' day. The Old Testament prophet Daniel even predicted that there would be more hypocrites in the end times, as the cost of faith could well be your life.22 Jesus also predicted that many would fall away23 although they would claim to be His disciple at the judgment:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " (Matthew 7:21-23)

Christianity should not be judged on the basis of those who claim to be its adherents, when, in reality, they practice the opposite of what it teaches.

Atheist hypocrites: Yes, hypocrisy is not just limited to those who believe in God. When I first started reviewing Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion I expected to find some pretty crazy atheists' arguments, but did not expect to find any intentional misquoting. However, like some of the creationists he detests for misquoting, Dawkins, in his defense of atheism, used the exact same tactic - not just once or twice, but a bunch of times.24 It's good to know that even atheists can be hypocrites.

Conclusion Christians are often accused of being hypocrites. However, the Bible clearly indicates that those who practice hypocrisy really aren't Christians at all, but will be judged to be non-believers and sent to hell. If you are a non-believer, this is a good reason to consider the Christian faith, since you don't want to end up in hell with all the hypocrites. Having attended many Christian churches, I can assure you that the pretenders are few and far between. One should judge Christianity not on the basis of what the fakers do, but on the basis of what Jesus taught and how He lived.


You must have missed this eddo.. with my jumping all over and all .. sorry about that.. I get a bit excited some times.. just like a little kid.. I noticed you didn't comment on that..

Is this guy a heratic liar or something? He's claiming the opposite of you.. who's the fraud?

Please explain..
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Big Time BS
Aug 27, 2008
wez said:
Aery.. will you please answer it for me.. Eddo's having trouble.
'I love you Wez, but, no. It's not productive and I don't want to get sucked into the long running hypocrite drama.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Phantom said:
'I love you Wez, but, no. It's not productive and I don't want to get sucked into the long running hypocrite drama.
I love you too.. ;)

But how can that be Aery? How can we all be hypocrites as you said? We can't, can we? Just please answer me that. Correct interpertation of the bible is always productive, wouldn't you agree?

And the word of God cannot contradict itself, or it is not the word of God.. Correct?

And the fact that Jesus spoke about hypocrisy so much, why is it a topic to avoid and not find a clear understanding? Isn't that what we're suppose to do?

Do you see the contradiction and that there is no way we can all be hypocrites? How do you explain that?
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Big Time BS
Aug 27, 2008
Let me put it this way. We are all hypocrites and guilty of acts of hypocrisy. Maybe not every single day but there is a little bit of hypocrisy in us all.

Saying we're not racist but then we can't help but walk a little bit faster when we see a black man walking a few paces behind us. Saying we would never hurt an animal but then have no problem eating meat. Little things like this are inside of us all if we really take the time to look.

I believe what Jesus is talking about is the pharisee-like behavior. Those who He described as being 'white washed tombs.' Those who are described as having an appearance of godliness but those who 'know not the Father nor I.' Those are the types of hypocrites Jesus despised. Those who were in desperate need of Jesus but who refused to acknowledge it. The self righteous who believed they needed no savior because they considered themselves holy when they were anything but in reality.

Hope that helps.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Phantom said:
Let me put it this way. We are all hypocrites and guilty of acts of hypocrisy. Maybe not every single day but there is a little bit of hypocrisy in us all.Saying we're not racist but then we can't help but walk a little bit faster when we see a black man walking a few paces behind us. Saying we would never hurt an animal but then have no problem eating meat. Little things like this are inside of us all if we really take the time to look.

I believe what Jesus is talking about is the pharisee-like behavior. Those who He described as being 'white washed tombs.' Those who are described as having an appearance of godliness but those who 'know not the Father nor I.' Those are the types of hypocrites Jesus despised. Those who were in desperate need of Jesus but who refused to acknowledge it. The self righteous who believed they needed no savior because they considered themselves holy when they were anything but in reality.

Hope that helps.
Not really Aery..

So you're saying Jesus/God will be judging degrees and types of hypocrites and only some will be doing the teeth gnashing and weeping whilst others are "good" little hypocrites, which include everyone who has ever existed except Jesus?

Why didn't Jesus come right out and tell everyone they are hypocrites and explain these degrees and levels of hypocrisy if that's the case? Because it's not the case.. It cannot be the case.. can it? Jesus was very specific and deliberate in his teachings, was he not?

What you are saying contradicts that.

Why would Jesus say "Don't be like the hypocrites", if everyone is a hypocrite?

What you are saying in accordance with other passages means Jesus is going to come back to judge and save.......only Himself?

You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time? And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right? (Luke 12:56-57)
He was talking to everybody, but Himself?

..and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 24:51)
Again, If we are all hypocrites as you say, then this is all our fate. Correct?

Where's the problem here?

We are not all hypocrites, are we Aery? That would conform without contradiction, would it not? We can not all be hypocrites as you say, can we?
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite. Job 17:8
According to what you guys are saying, the only possible interpertation for this is..

Jesus shall be astonied at this, and Jesus shall stir up himself against the hypocrite because everyone but Jesus, is a hypocrite.

Doesn't work that way, does it?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Jesus didn?t have a debate chat forum to break all of the idiosyncrasies of a hypocrite down to his listeners but think Aery explained which hypocrite Jesus was talking about.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
snafu said:
Jesus didn’t have a debate chat forum to break all of the idiosyncrasies of a hypocrite down to his listeners but think Aery explained which hypocrite Jesus was talking about.
Where did Jesus ever talk about different kinds of hypocrites? Good hypocrites and bad hypocrites? Could someone point out those passages to me?

Aery and eddo said we are all hypocrites. Yet, that contradicts many things said in the bible about hypocrites. So there is some flawed logic somewhere. Since Aery and eddo say the bible is the absolute word of God, that can't be. God does not contradict himself.

So where is the discrepency? I'd like to hear from Aery and eddo. It shouldn't be that difficult a question for a Christian, I wouldn't think. We cannot all be hypocrites as you say, can we?

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. (James 3:14-17)

Can this just be thrown out of the bible to make what you say truth? And all the others I've mentioned?
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Big Time BS
Aug 27, 2008
Here, Wez. This might help. Less than three minutes. The twist at the end gave me goose bumps:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrLzYw6ULYw]YouTube - The Good-O-Meter[/ame]


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I got dial up.. and I want to hear it from you, in your words.. Please. ;)

But I will watch it..

You understand what I am saying to you, yes?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Ok Aery.. I watched it.. Not sure how that pertains to what I am talking about here.. It didn't prove everyone is a hypocrite.. What was it suppose to help me with?
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