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Dear timesjoke

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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Ali said:
Yep. Still a misogynist and shameless self-promoter. No big surprise there.
Don't talk about my friend TJ that way. You're nothing but a meth whore with an irresponsible vagina, anyway. :D


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Don't talk about my friend TJ that way. You're nothing but a meth whore with an irresponsible vagina, anyway. :D
You forgot lazy, stupid and disrespectful......
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
TJ...and more Canada, women and anyone else with an opposing opinion bashing. I am so fukking glad that jack hole has found a new home.

He belongs in the gawd damned boobyhatch!

....and still.....it appears....charm and intellect have been in TJ's family longer than syphilis.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Don't talk about my friend TJ that way. You're nothing but a meth whore with an irresponsible vagina, anyway. :D
You were way too left wing liberal leaning for TJ. :rolleyes: .



Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
emkay64 said:
TJ...and more Canada, women and anyone else with an opposing opinion bashing. I am so fukking glad that jack hole has found a new home.He belongs in the gawd damned boobyhatch!

....and still.....it appears....charm and intellect have been in TJ's family longer than syphilis.
I had to look up the definition of, "boobyhatch".

I might have to use that one.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
I had to look up the definition of, "boobyhatch".I might have to use that one.
Up until recently, I thought a "boobyhatch" was Canadian slang for a PT Cruiser (JD Power and Associates "Douchebag Car of the Year 2001, 2002, 2005, and 2008" - Usurped in 2003 by the Chevy SSR).


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Anna Perenna said:
SHUT UP, B1TCH! Go fix me a turkey pot pie....
I knew, knew, KNEW you would catch that, Anna!!!!!

I <3 you. :D
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Thanks eddo and Ali, my life is always so crazy and to know that there are people who have missed me from my time away just warms my heart.

I hope you are both well?
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
Thanks eddo and Ali, my life is always so crazy and to know that there are people who have missed me from my time away just warms my heart.I hope you are both well?
If they failed to call you a c*nt, then they have cut their message short.

Ehh... welcome back, 'joke.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
If they failed to call you a c*nt, then they have cut their message short. Ehh... welcome back, 'joke.
lol, now that was funny, good one, one thing I like about you is your wit. ;)

Believe it or not I missed a lot of you guys, sure there are good and bad in all things but if you only remember the bad your life will not be a fun one.

I instead choose to let the bad things in my life run off my back like water on a duck and hold onto the good things and good memories. This is one of my greatest abilities (in my opinion). My only lack on this is not doing it well in the short run.

There is not one person here that I cannot find something I really like about them, not one. Even the most obvious choice some of you might say I dislike is a guy who I believe is very smart and has great points on things but who has other issues that get in the way, at least for me if nobody else.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
timesjoke said:
Thanks eddo and Ali, my life is always so crazy and to know that there are people who have missed me from my time away just warms my heart.I hope you are both well?
I didn't say I missed you...
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
lol, now that was funny, good one, one thing I like about you is your wit. ;) Believe it or not I missed a lot of you guys, sure there are good and bad in all things but if you only remember the bad your life will not be a fun one.

I instead choose to let the bad things in my life run off my back like water on a duck and hold onto the good things and good memories. This is one of my greatest abilities (in my opinion). My only lack on this is not doing it well in the short run.

There is not one person here that I cannot find something I really like about them, not one. Even the most obvious choice some of you might say I dislike is a guy who I believe is very smart and has great points on things but who has other issues that get in the way, at least for me if nobody else.
You're preaching to the choir.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
You're preaching to the choir.
I know, but sometimes it is good to put it to words anyway ;)

eddo, sry buddy, I forgot the /sarcasm tag at the end of that. I did miss you though, even if you did not miss me.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
timesjoke said:
Thanks eddo and Ali, my life is always so crazy and to know that there are people who have missed me from my time away just warms my heart.I hope you are both well?
Oh, you know....I'm trying to strike that perfect balance of being an irresponsible vagina with my evil plot to take over the world. Both keep me pretty busy!

On top of that, I'm looking for a new state to hang my hat. I grow weary of the Frozen Tundra.

Hey TJ...can I come live with you?
Jun 7, 2009
oh - you have him back now, maybe he will stay and leave us alone, thta would be great.
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