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Schoolyard Taunting


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Right there is why decent conservatives will not run for office very often. You completely distort and lie about their possitions. Palin is as much a socialist as you are. Just because someone supports the laws of the land that does not make them a socialist. Taking the oil away from the people who own it without compensation would have been comminust though, is that the system you want
Show me where Palin is a conservative. I'll concede that she is a social conservative, but her record does not reflect that of a small government, fiscal or economic conservative.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I have no intention of sticking together with any one party. I choose based on principles, because the smallest minority in the world is MYSELF. I will not vote party lines just to get an old RINO (Did you know that RINO means "Republican In Name Only"?)in office and I don't latch on, march lock-step with the status quo.
First off, I like Mark Steyn's DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only) over RINO, but that said, TJ still won't address the fact that since the reality of conservative candidates winning anything, as we all know that 2006 and 2008 were going to happen know matter what, that it's people like him that lost New York 23, by voting for Skozzavava over Hoffman because the RNC said that she was most likely to win, but when presented with a real conservative, and if he were backed from the beginning the real conservatives would have elected him, but the TJ's (sellouts) of the world put a Democrat in that seat for the first time in over a quarter century.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
He has said several times he did not vote for McCain and the way he attacks Palin like Cujo, you can tell he would never vote for the conservative ticket.
Ok... well... maybe he did. I could care less.

Right there is why decent conservatives will not run for office very often. You completely distort and lie about their possitions. Palin is as much a socialist as you are. Just because someone supports the laws of the land that does not make them a socialist. Taking the oil away from the people who own it without compensation would have been comminust though, is that the system you want?
Enlighten me, TJ. Tell me what you deem a decent conservative.

When a decent conservative rears his ugly head, I'll give him a nod and do some homework on him or her. Right now, as it stands, the best the "conservatives" can give us is John McCain. They've got a lot of work to do if they're going to get any respect back.

As far as Palin is concerned; if communism is her game, then she is free to practice it in her state when she was governor. I don't want that system, but the state reserves the right to be as capitalist or as communist as the they want. If you don't like either system, move to a different state.

Again, nobody was talking about party but who can "WIN" an election in that party. If you vote for Ron Paul when the only conservative running for office against the liberal is McCain then you in reality helped the liberal to win. Why you feel turning your back on conservative values is served by helping Obama get elected I have no idea.
And I will continue turning my back on this so-called conservative movement if they keep throwing John McCain types up to the forefront.

Even if McCain had won the presidency, he'd have to deal with a leftist Senate and Congress. McCain would've been a lame duck by March of '09... if not sooner. Then what? Blame the lefties for penis-blocking McCain here and there? No... McCain would bend like a pine sapling against a rising storm.

He is weak. He is not a conservative that reflects the values of the GOP of old. McCain is the epitome of RINO.

Vote for anyone during the run off, but once the game is narrowed down to the final two people, one conservative and one liberal, then it is time to make your mark, either you support conservatives or you don't. Voting for anyone but McCain was a vote for liberals. Again, this is about splintering when the liberals do not splinter, we are at a disadvantage when a large number of people like you refuse to stick together to at least limit some of the things like this healthcare bill.
You're a broken record.

Your posts are all about shifting blame and making excuses. Blah blah blah goes the excuse machine.

I remember many people giving Chi a hard time for voting for Obama but you know what, Chi is very liberal so she voted the way she has always vocally believed, but you guys, you cry and cry about how you want the Nation to return to conservative values but when the game is on the line, you vote to support Obama, I just have to say that your more responsible for Obama getting elected than Chi was, so back at you...Thanks RO for Obamacare.
I don't remember you coming in to referee the Chi-bashing parties and call "foul" on the others. Why would you bring her up unless you are trying to divert attention off your gross inequities as a man? Then you insult her and then sort of take up for her here and then make her sound like her vote didn't matter towards the candidate she chose. That's kind of throwing a non-participant in this discussion under the bus. I don't think Chi would like to be a party to your whining, brat-like post.

So just keep churning out them tired old excuses, TJ.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
First off, I like Mark Steyn's DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only) over RINO, but that said, TJ still won't address the fact that since the reality of conservative candidates winning anything, as we all know that 2006 and 2008 were going to happen know matter what, that it's people like him that lost New York 23, by voting for Skozzavava over Hoffman because the RNC said that she was most likely to win, but when presented with a real conservative, and if he were backed from the beginning the real conservatives would have elected him, but the TJ's (sellouts) of the world put a Democrat in that seat for the first time in over a quarter century.
DIABLO is good, Ill have to inject that somewhere, sometime soon. Yet... potatoes... pah-tah-toes... they are all statists.

The excuse machine has a prepared statement... I'm sure.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ok... well... maybe he did. I could care less.
If you didn't care why bring it up? I only replied to your question.

Enlighten me, TJ. Tell me what you deem a decent conservative.

When a decent conservative rears his ugly head, I'll give him a nod and do some homework on him or her. Right now, as it stands, the best the "conservatives" can give us is John McCain. They've got a lot of work to do if they're going to get any respect back.
Decent conservatives and even middle of the road liberals are those who are still connected to the people, listening to the people and (here comes the important part) who are representing the people. When you run people into the dirt without good reason that sends a message out to all those good people that there is no decency to be had even from fellow conservatives so where is the motivation to run for office RO?

My point is if we encourage good people to run for office, then more good people will see that and also want to run for office but right now who are mainly the only people who are willing to run for office? Lawyers, and what are lawyers? Trained liars.

As far as Palin is concerned; if communism is her game, then she is free to practice it in her state when she was governor. I don't want that system, but the state reserves the right to be as capitalist or as communist as the they want. If you don't like either system, move to a different state.
No, I asked you why you want her to be communist?

The laws of the State says the oil belongs to the people. Palin did not write that law but as Governor has to enforce that law of the land. She is not a socialist just because she is following the laws and representing the people of Alaska in that capacity. She does not have to agree with the laws to enforce the laws. I remember a bunch of women's groups tried to say Sarah Palin would be a huge step backward for all women because she did not believe in the right to have an abortion. There was a successful woman, with a husband who was also the father of her children. She successfully competed against the men and beat them. She was good looking and people liked her as a person, but even though she was a real success story of how you can win and stay a woman, these women's groups only saw that one thing and lost their minds. When asked about abortion Palin said she did not agree with it but would support the laws of the land she served........I think that says it best.

And I will continue turning my back on this so-called conservative movement if they keep throwing John McCain types up to the forefront.
And you will be helping people like Obama get elected at the same time, cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Even if McCain had won the presidency, he'd have to deal with a leftist Senate and Congress. McCain would've been a lame duck by March of '09... if not sooner. Then what? Blame the lefties for penis-blocking McCain here and there? No... McCain would bend like a pine sapling against a rising storm.

He is weak. He is not a conservative that reflects the values of the GOP of old. McCain is the epitome of RINO.
Now who is stuck on the excuses?

It was okay not to support the conservative because you believe he was weak and there would have been no difference? Well I do not agree, at the very least he would have blocked things like this healthcare bill, ever hear of prevention? While nobody including your precious isolationist Ron Paul would have gotten much done with a liberal congress, there is something to be said about prevention as well. An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, if nothing else McCain would have been a form of prevention to block the worse things the liberals could do to the fablic of America.

This healthcare entitltment will not go away, this is what happens when good people like you (yes your a good person, I don't think your bad) gets disheartened.

You're a broken record.

Your posts are all about shifting blame and making excuses. Blah blah blah goes the excuse machine.
Back at you, your posts are all about how your refusing to support conservatives didn't really matter, your state carried McCain anyway and how McCain was weak so he would have made no difference but we both know that no matter how weak you think he was, things like this healthcare bill would naver have passed, and now we have it, not there is a new entitlement for America, all because many people took their eye off the ball and either directly, or indirectly supported Obama as President.

I don't remember you coming in to referee the Chi-bashing parties and call "foul" on the others. Why would you bring her up unless you are trying to divert attention off your gross inequities as a man? Then you insult her and then sort of take up for her here and then make her sound like her vote didn't matter towards the candidate she chose. That's kind of throwing a non-participant in this discussion under the bus. I don't think Chi would like to be a party to your whining, brat-like post.

So just keep churning out them tired old excuses, TJ.
That was a good dodge of the point, I did not say a single bad thing about Chi, not one. I was showing her respect for supporting those who believe what she believes and I see no real fault for a liberal to help a fellow liberal get elected. My point was that while a liberal helping a liberal is expected, it is not expected for a vocal conservative like you and hugo to support the liberal as well.

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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
First off, I like Mark Steyn's DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only) over RINO, but that said, TJ still won't address the fact that since the reality of conservative candidates winning anything, as we all know that 2006 and 2008 were going to happen know matter what, that it's people like him that lost New York 23, by voting for Skozzavava over Hoffman because the RNC said that she was most likely to win, but when presented with a real conservative, and if he were backed from the beginning the real conservatives would have elected him, but the TJ's (sellouts) of the world put a Democrat in that seat for the first time in over a quarter century.
You guys spend a lot of time talking about stalin and new york but you can't live in the past, the future is formed by today and if you refuse to support what few conservative values we have access to then it will only get worse. You guys have the all or nothing attitude, and your getting nothing.

RO, I did not read your post, I saw where you resoreted to flames calling me a chind and simply tuned you out, if you want to be a reasonable man and leave your flames out of the conversation I will gladly debate any topic with you but your taking everything as personal like I am hurting you or something. It is only a discussion, people are not good or evil just because they agree or do not agree on a specific point. In this we do not agree, I believe any conservative values are better than no conservative values, you IWS and hugo believe in an all or nothing attitude, and you have been rewarded with nothing.

I voted for the conservative who could win, I have nothing to be ashamed of, but anyone who did not vote for McCain but is vocally conservative should be ashamed because this healthcare bill was made possible by people like you. Being as this one is pure flames I will again be the bigger man and leave this conversation as well, I see no point in getting mad while talking about things, it does not solve anything.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Why did you edit out my reply to your flame of me RO?

your gross inequities as a man
Why do you feel it necessary to flame someone in the process of a debate your losing? I just do not understand why you act this way but I will be the bigger man and not return your flames, I point them out though to show how it is not me who is starting stuff.

Funny as hell that you have to censor out my reply though, lol.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
I'm starting to become of the opinion that the RINO choice we had on the losing ticket the last election was the best thing that could have happened. Losing the last election, and then electing a 41st RINO afterward, to retain some type of control in the senate, was almost perfect for true conservatives.

Losing the election, but retaining some control, showed the people how power hungry the democrats and liberals are. The American people will mandate that healthcare be repealed, and the more they vote for true reform in Washington, the more we can do to get back to a constitutional republic and independent states. We will be able to get all the crap entitlements repealed and a fair tax implemented. We will be able to pay down the national debt and return to a truly powerful people.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
If it weren't for the horrors and utter failures of a Jimmy Carter, it's unlikely the American people would have ever elected a Ronald Reagan.
barka hussein bam bam will bring about the next Ronny Reagan.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
First off, I like Mark Steyn's DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only) over RINO, but that said, TJ still won't address the fact that since the reality of conservative candidates winning anything, as we all know that 2006 and 2008 were going to happen know matter what, that it's people like him that lost New York 23, by voting for Skozzavava over Hoffman because the RNC said that she was most likely to win, but when presented with a real conservative, and if he were backed from the beginning the real conservatives would have elected him, but the TJ's (sellouts) of the world put a Democrat in that seat for the first time in over a quarter century.
You're exactly right. Sellouts lost the election in NY and they cost Ron Paul the election when barka was elected. Letting barka get elected was probably a good thing though.

DIABLO... that is good.

You guys spend a lot of time talking about stalin and new york but you can't live in the past, the future is formed by today and if you refuse to support what few conservative values we have access to then it will only get worse. You guys have the all or nothing attitude, and your getting nothing.

RO, I did not read your post, I saw where you resoreted to flames calling me a chind and simply tuned you out, if you want to be a reasonable man and leave your flames out of the conversation I will gladly debate any topic with you but your taking everything as personal like I am hurting you or something. It is only a discussion, people are not good or evil just because they agree or do not agree on a specific point. In this we do not agree, I believe any conservative values are better than no conservative values, you IWS and hugo believe in an all or nothing attitude, and you have been rewarded with nothing.

I voted for the conservative who could win, I have nothing to be ashamed of, but anyone who did not vote for McCain but is vocally conservative should be ashamed because this healthcare bill was made possible by people like you. Being as this one is pure flames I will again be the bigger man and leave this conversation as well, I see no point in getting mad while talking about things, it does not solve anything.
You are talking in circles again. You're refusing to see it from another viewpoint. You really sounds like a broken record. You are actually the one that caused the health bill to be passed. The 'sellout' crowd that will vote for the "most likely to win" instead of sticking to your guns. Vote for McCain (Dubya's last 2 year clone) instead of voting for a conservative candidate. I like Palin's social policies, I haven't made a determination on her fiscal policies as I don't have enough information thus far, but even voting for her would have been a vote for McCain, who I did not want in office. I would have rather had him than barka, but... I think that barka getting in may have been the best thing, as now the people realize how screwed up he and his party are.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Why did you edit out my reply to your flame of me RO?

Why do you feel it necessary to flame someone in the process of a debate your losing? I just do not understand why you act this way but I will be the bigger man and not return your flames, I point them out though to show how it is not me who is starting stuff.

Funny as hell that you have to censor out my reply though, lol.
I apologized for accidentally deleting your response. What more do you want? A kidney?

Now can you try to stay on topic, TJ?


At any rate...
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
I'm starting to become of the opinion that the RINO choice we had on the losing ticket the last election was the best thing that could have happened. Losing the last election, and then electing a 41st RINO afterward, to retain some type of control in the senate, was almost perfect for true conservatives.

Losing the election, but retaining some control, showed the people how power hungry the democrats and liberals are. The American people will mandate that healthcare be repealed, and the more they vote for true reform in Washington, the more we can do to get back to a constitutional republic and independent states. We will be able to get all the crap entitlements repealed and a fair tax implemented. We will be able to pay down the national debt and return to a truly powerful people.
I don't doubt that this could be a great move for the real "conservatives" out there (the Goldwaters and the Reagans). Socialism in this country needed to be exposed for the insane evil that it really is and voted to a minority at best.

There is not a doubt in my mind that the GOP will gain control of Congress and the Senate. The nation will be watching and they better not screw it up again!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You are talking in circles again. You're refusing to see it from another viewpoint. You really sounds like a broken record. You are actually the one that caused the health bill to be passed. The 'sellout' crowd that will vote for the "most likely to win" instead of sticking to your guns. Vote for McCain (Dubya's last 2 year clone) instead of voting for a conservative candidate. I like Palin's social policies, I haven't made a determination on her fiscal policies as I don't have enough information thus far, but even voting for her would have been a vote for McCain, who I did not want in office. I would have rather had him than barka, but... I think that barka getting in may have been the best thing, as now the people realize how screwed up he and his party are.
But the "best thing" as you call it is a new entitlement program that cannot be removed now.

That is my point, by refusing to support the only conservative who could win an election, your simply helping the liberals who do not splinter off.

Trying to say I caused this is silly, there was nobody else to vote for. There was not one "more conservative" canidate who was well known enough to win on a National ticket. I have voted for many independent canidates who were more conservative then the running Republican on local elections because they can get enough exposure to let the people know who they are. They have a chance to get elected so I support them. But, on a National election, if they are unknown, they have no possible way to get elected. Ron Paul was basically running "like" an independent where he was vocally against his own party but even he was relatively unknown and only showed around a 10% recognition rate for likely voters, you can't win an election when 90% of the voters don't know what your possitions are.

What I am talking about is reality, I can accept reality and vote based on my understand of that cold, hard, truth. I will not bury my head in the sand and pretend there is another reality.

The fact is, only one of two people can win (right now). Maybe one day there will be other possibilities but unless the liberals splinter off like the conservatives are doing now, I don't see the payoff to stop supporting the only conservative who can win. Division makes us weak and them strong, it is like we are falling for their game, I know they are happy as hell we are divided, too bad so many normally conservative minded people are so stuck on their "purity" that they are forgetting the real threat to America....the liberals like Obama who are mad stronger by our division.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
The Republicans will win a majority but I doubt they will gain enough power to change anything with a hard liberal President there tossing the veto around.

If we did not just get a new entitlement passed because of the last election I might agree with you guys that it was good but this is something we cannot eliminate, this is like social security and welfare, and Obama gets to go down in history as the guy who put this new entitlement into place, that is all he wanted to do. With all the attempts by liberals in the past who tried to get something similar passed, Obama actually made it happen, I cannot call this a good thing no matter how I look at it.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
The Republicans will win a majority but I doubt they will gain enough power to change anything with a hard liberal President there tossing the veto around.

If we did not just get a new entitlement passed because of the last election I might agree with you guys that it was good but this is something we cannot eliminate, this is like social security and welfare, and Obama gets to go down in history as the guy who put this new entitlement into place, that is all he wanted to do. With all the attempts by liberals in the past who tried to get something similar passed, Obama actually made it happen, I cannot call this a good thing no matter how I look at it.
This is where you're wrong. This CAN be eliminated. I have no doubt that it WILL be eliminated. If not in the Legislative branch, then in the Judicial. I'm guessing that it will be repealed as well, and all traces will be destroyed.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
This is where you're wrong. This CAN be eliminated. I have no doubt that it WILL be eliminated. If not in the Legislative branch, then in the Judicial. I'm guessing that it will be repealed as well, and all traces will be destroyed.
Once an entitlement gets rooted, it will not be removed. Social security is doomed to failure but nobody is willing to lay a hand on it from fear of the political backlash.

Who do you think will remove it? Do you think Obama will sign anything that will remove it? No, so that means we need enough power in congress to act without the President, and we will not gain that many seats. The only chance I see for stopping this is in the courts.

If you see another possibility please teach me with some specifics because I just don't see it.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
That was a good dodge of the point, I did not say a single bad thing about Chi, not one. I was showing her respect for supporting those who believe what she believes and I see no real fault for a liberal to help a fellow liberal get elected. My point was that while a liberal helping a liberal is expected, it is not expected for a vocal conservative like you and hugo to support the liberal as well.

For the billionth time, I'm not an f-ing liberal! Nor a Democrat nor any of those boxes some of you like putting yourselves in when it comes to politics!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
For the billionth time, I'm not an f-ing liberal! Nor a Democrat nor any of those boxes some of you like putting yourselves in when it comes to politics!
I am not trying to be insulting, we all tend to lean one way or ther other, what I do remember is your being very supportive of Obama before the election and supporting most of his possitions so based on your own words you were 'mostly' liberal anyway.

My point was that you were simply supporting what you believed in, nothing wrong with that, you made your choice and truly believed you were doing the right thing. The other guys who talk about being conservative but not support a conservative who can win the election seems to be a contradiction in my mind.