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Schoolyard Taunting

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Do I need to break out my world's smallest violin picture again?
And that is the point, you see this level of severe umbrage your demonstrating to be reasonable but few things in life can be solved with anger and name calling.

Your actually part of the reason good people do not run for public office.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Thats right RO, make no allowance for self control or personal responsibility.

As I already pointed out, nothing is made better with rage or unreasonable disapprobation.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
And that is the point, you see this level of severe umbrage your demonstrating to be reasonable but few things in life can be solved with anger and name calling.

Your actually part of the reason good people do not run for public office.
If these "good people" continue to be your Palins and your McCains, then there is no hope in cooperation from me.

And "good people" don't get elected, because people like you choose to vote for the lesser evil.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Thats right RO, make no allowance for self control or personal responsibility.

As I already pointed out, nothing is made better with rage or unreasonable disapprobation.
Alright, the man spoke out of turn... so what? Does that mean he deserves to get pummeled, trounced, and dragged off? It's not enough to escort him off the premises?

If that were Obama up there speaking to a bunch of neocons, a stray remark from the crowd would've been applauded.






Yet, I digress. The incident was probably staged to show how the Libertarians are part of the lunatic fringe and they shouldn't be listened to.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
If these "good people" continue to be your Palins and your McCains, then there is no hope in cooperation from me.

And "good people" don't get elected, because people like you choose to vote for the lesser evil.
So because Palin and McCain are not 100% perfect, they are "BAD" to you? Do you even listen to yourself say this stuff?

I don't withold my vote from your version of "GOOD" out of spite or because I am angry at them RO, I do not vote for them because they are completely unknown and cannot gain any traction in a National election most of the time. In a case like Ron Paul, he is a pretty good man but he believes in complete isolation and would refuse to protect long standing friends. When he spouts stuff like that the voters turn the other way and run so he basically shot himself in the foot with that.

Now on local races I have cast my vote for many independent canidates that showed they were more conservative than the Republican as long as they were not a complete unknown. Voting just for the sake of most conservative and not paying attention to if they are too unknown and unpopular to win is not logical though.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Alright, the man spoke out of turn... so what? Does that mean he deserves to get pummeled, trounced, and dragged off? It's not enough to escort him off the premises?

If that were Obama up there speaking to a bunch of neocons, a stray remark from the crowd would've been applauded.
Stray remark? Again your making excuses for bad behaviors, there is a way to dissagree without being a complete azz and ruining an event for those who were there with a positive message. Why is it you do not believe people should first be respectful to each other? I say the first indicator on if a person is being reasonable is if they show mutual respect. This dumbazz showed no respect so why should anyone show him respect?

Yet, I digress. The incident was probably staged to show how the Libertarians are part of the lunatic fringe and they shouldn't be listened to.
Nobody has to go out of their way to prove that, they do it to themselves, all groups have their radical fringe, and what shows them as radical is their anger and hostility to people they should be calling friends.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
So because Palin and McCain are not 100% perfect, they are "BAD" to you? Do you even listen to yourself say this stuff?
How hard is it for you to understand it? Huh? Really?

To use your terminology, "no one is perfect", which is reason that I subscribe. I make no bones about the imperfections of every candidate ever put on a ballot. Human beings are fallible... I get that.

I did my homework before I stepped into the voting booth. Neither candidate agreed with me and I have rarely, if ever, voted for the benefit of a "team" in a national election. I am thinking about "what is right for America?" not what is good for the Republican party. So I made a decision to vote against the two national party's frontrunners.

I don't withold my vote from your version of "GOOD" out of spite or because I am angry at them RO, I do not vote for them because they are completely unknown and cannot gain any traction in a National election most of the time. In a case like Ron Paul, he is a pretty good man but he believes in complete isolation and would refuse to protect long standing friends. When he spouts stuff like that the voters turn the other way and run so he basically shot himself in the foot with that.
Just because I don't like a politician or agree with a politician, doesn't mean that I am angry at them. Nor does it mean that I hate them. It just means that I don't agree with them.

I simply don't like Palin or McCain based on varying degrees of their conservativeness. They were not good enough to receive my vote.

End of story.

Now on local races I have cast my vote for many independent canidates that showed they were more conservative than the Republican as long as they were not a complete unknown. Voting just for the sake of most conservative and not paying attention to if they are too unknown and unpopular to win is not logical though.
I've written in my dad's name several times for local elections.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007

I did my homework before I stepped into the voting booth. Neither candidate agreed with me and I have rarely, if ever, voted for the benefit of a "team" in a national election. I am thinking about "what is right for America?" not what is good for the Republican party. So I made a decision to vote against the two national party's frontrunners.

Around and around and around we go but we get back to the same thing. Even if Ron Paul had all or the better part of the qualities you were looking for in a president he wouldn’t have won. So by knowing that and we knew just by looking at the polls, why on earth wouldn’t you vote for the “team”? Now we have an even worse president ever imagined running our country in the ground and it’s because of people like you and hugo that helped them run it to the ground. Obama didn’t win by a land slide. It was a pretty close race. If you felt you and others felt so strong on the GOP pick why didn’t you stand up and fight for Ron? This is bullshit. You guys put Obama in office and now you won’t accept the fact that you helped him get there.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
And Ron Paul splintered the conservitive vote and helped Obama win by not backing the GOP candidate and switching to the libertarian party just to get on the ticket.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Around and around and around we go but we get back to the same thing. Even if Ron Paul had all or the better part of the qualities you were looking for in a president he wouldn’t have won. So by knowing that and we knew just by looking at the polls, why on earth wouldn’t you vote for the “team”? Now we have an even worse president ever imagined running our country in the ground and it’s because of people like you and hugo that helped them run it to the ground. Obama didn’t win by a land slide. It was a pretty close race. If you felt you and others felt so strong on the GOP pick why didn’t you stand up and fight for Ron? This is bullshit. You guys put Obama in office and now you won’t accept the fact that you helped him get there.
Yes, this circular debate is tiring.

I don't know how you vote, but I place my vote into the one that I believe will benefit America and Americans the most. Go ahead and vote for the team, vote for the stars, vote for the moderates, the quarter to half luke warm socialists, and I will vote for principles.

McCain lost the election, because Americans closely associated the "R" with Bush. If Bush were a better, more popular president, he would have been out on the campaign trail with McCain. Bush may have endorsed him privately, but coming off the cusp of the worst eight years of deficit spending that I can recall, the average American was not going to vote Republican.

I mean, how did that slack jawed socialist Jimmy Carter get elected? Off the cusps of the scandals of the centrist Nixon and Ford presidencies. Who pulled us out of Carter's nightmarish presidency? The far right leaning conservative Reagan.

We need more Reagans and less McCains.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
And Ron Paul splintered the conservitive vote and helped Obama win by not backing the GOP candidate and switching to the libertarian party just to get on the ticket.
Based on what, Snafu? Where's your proof? You're a smart guy... show me some proof.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
MERGED: Going Rogue and Off With Her Head based on the direction of the discussion.

My apologies to the original posters.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Around and around and around we go but we get back to the same thing. Even if Ron Paul had all or the better part of the qualities you were looking for in a president he wouldn’t have won. So by knowing that and we knew just by looking at the polls, why on earth wouldn’t you vote for the “team”? Now we have an even worse president ever imagined running our country in the ground and it’s because of people like you and hugo that helped them run it to the ground. Obama didn’t win by a land slide. It was a pretty close race. If you felt you and others felt so strong on the GOP pick why didn’t you stand up and fight for Ron? This is bullshit. You guys put Obama in office and now you won’t accept the fact that you helped him get there.
Well said snaf.

The only reason RO and hugo pretend to not understand this concept is because they would have to admit their own fault in helping Obama get elected.

They complain all the time about people like Obama but when offered a choice between him and one other guy no where near as bad, they choose to support Obama by witholding support for the guy who would not vote for things like this healthcare law.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
Based on what, Snafu? Where's your proof? You're a smart guy... show me some proof.
OK well I'm not that smart so I would have to google up stats. But even if the stats show that he would've won without the splinter It wouldn't show how Ron Paul and Barr could've gotten more votes campaining for McCain. This all comes down to the vetting prosses on both parties. You do vote for the lesser of two evils. If you vote for your dad each time it's throwing your vote away. I will always vote for the best canadiate that is closer to my ideals. I wanted someone like Condaliza Rice to run. Not that I agree with all of her policies but that she could've taken the country in the right direction. She could've been the "RIGHT" black man/women. We wouldn't be in this mess we're in right now.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
OK well I'm not that smart so I would have to google up stats. But even if the stats show that he would've won without the splinter It wouldn't show how Ron Paul and Barr could've gotten more votes campaining for McCain. This all comes down to the vetting prosses on both parties. You do vote for the lesser of two evils. If you vote for your dad each time it's throwing your vote away. I will always vote for the best canadiate that is closer to my ideals. I wanted someone like Condaliza Rice to run. Not that I agree with all of her policies but that she could've taken the country in the right direction. She could've been the "RIGHT" black man/women. We wouldn't be in this mess we're in right now.
There is no need snaf, RO can see the polling data and expert commentary just like anyone else, his possition is there is no way to know for sure and I agree, but we can make a reasonable decision based on what information we do have.

Every expert agrees it was the independents who gave Obama the election, your right, if Ron Paul and Barr had gotten behind McCain then McCain would have won because the contest was very close. Splintering pulling away votes is a real fact, even if RO does not want to admit that because he is part of the splintering.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Keep voting for the same politicians, you get the same results.

And that's all about that I have to say about this. You two can boo-hoo, bitch and moan, cry, kick and scream about the hand dealt to the conservative movement all you want. So just cry until your little heart's are content with pity and loathing. That does a lot of good.

If McCain had won the election, we'd have four more years like the last eight years. It would've forced complacency while treating with the quarter-half-full socialists on either side of the aisle. McCain could not bring about the changes needed with the fervor of a true conservative off the cusp of a horrible president.

This should be a time for the conservatives to trim the fat and move forward. This should be a golden opportunity to get back to the absolute basics of this movement by severing ties with luke warm politicians whose values are becoming more and more contrary to the movement.

This should be an opportunity to get back to the promotion of the free markets, laissez faire capitalism, adherence to the Constitution, and the promotion of the American ideal through our exceptionalism.

That cannot happen when you continue to return candidates who straddle the center aisle, thus we must cut loose the baggage and move forth.

The road will be difficult: wrought with wins and losses. We must fight forward or lose all that is dear to us by compromising and perverting the Constitution and the dilution of principles.

So, I say, again, go ahead and boo-hoo and cry, point your little finger, but I have drawn the line in the sand. Believe what you want, but you can't convince me to have sympathy for your plight.
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The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

Keep voting for the same politicians, you get the same results.

And that's all about that I have to say about this. You two can boo-hoo, bitch and moan, cry, kick and scream about the hand dealt to the conservative movement all you want. So just cry until your little heart's are content with pity and loathing. That does a lot of good.

If McCain had won the election, we'd have four more years like the last eight years. It would've forced complacency while treating with the quarter-half-full socialists on either side of the aisle. McCain could not bring about the changes needed with the fervor of a true conservative off the cusp of a horrible president.

This should be a time for the conservatives to trim the fat and move forward. This should be a golden opportunity to get back to the absolute basics of this movement by severing ties with luke warm politicians whose values are becoming more and more contrary to the movement.

This should be an opportunity to get back to the promotion of the free markets, laissez faire capitalism, adherence to the Constitution, and the promotion of the American ideal through our exceptionalism.

That cannot happen when you continue to return candidates who straddle the center aisle, thus we must cut loose the baggage and move forth.

The road will be difficult: wrought with wins and losses. We must fight forward or lose all that is dear to us by compromising and perverting the Constitution and the dilution of principles.

So, I say, again, go ahead and boo-hoo and cry, point your little finger, but I have drawn the line in the sand. Believe what you want, but you can't convince me to have sympathy for your plight.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti

Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Obama didn’t win by a land slide. It was a pretty close race. If you felt you and others felt so strong on the GOP pick why didn’t you stand up and fight for Ron? This is bullshit. You guys put Obama in office and now you won’t accept the fact that you helped him get there.
It was not a close race. You would have had to be an idiot when you went to the polls not to know that McCain would win Alaska. I would have had to been an idiot to not know McCain would win Texas. RO would have had to be an idiot not to know McCain would win Georgia. We would all have to be idiots not to know Obama would win the election. Basic statistics, folks. I guess salesmen and post office workers do not need to ubderstand statistics.

It was GW's expansion of Medicare that made Obamacare possible. At some point when you are heading down the plank you need to reverse course. One man's vote deciding a Presidential election only happens in a lunatic's fantasies.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
And Ron Paul splintered the conservitive vote and helped Obama win by not backing the GOP candidate and switching to the libertarian party just to get on the ticket.
Whatever you have been smoking must be good stuff. You realize that Obama did not win a single state by less than the total Libertarian vote do you not?