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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
May 4th?I knew you would chicken out, 99% of those who have such big mouths as you have on the internet are cowards in person, glad to know your falling into the normal percentages.

I never doubted it for a second though, your predictable, just like your now trying to "safe face" by spamming flames on me even in the chat box,

Let me know when you grow some balls.
You "knew" he would chicken out?

It's a future date. The day hasn't even happened yet, still you "knew" he would chicken out?

God you're dumb.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
You "knew" he would chicken out?It's a future date. The day hasn't even happened yet, still you "knew" he would chicken out?

God you're dumb.
If it happened on May 4th 2009, we'd all be talking about how I showed up and TJ didn't show.

In fact, I wonder how in the hell he will get there? Will he be carried in on the shoulders of teenage boys wearing his kingly gay garb?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
Yeah...It will be a birthday gift to myself.

You fathead mush-mouthed c*nt.
Why wait RO?

Too scared? You figure if you set a date that far into the future you can just let everyone forget so you can save face?

I can meet you there tomorrow, it is a short drive or we have an airport you can fly in as you offered, don't back out now chickensh!t.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I don't like where this is going.

not at all.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
I don't like where this is going.not at all.
So am I.

TJ makes idle threats and I reciprocate. It's a viscous cycle.

So I will be the bigger adult here and step away from where this is going.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
So am I.TJ makes idle threats and I reciprocate. It's a viscous cycle.

So I will be the bigger adult here and step away from where this is going.
"I" make idle threats?

I never made a single threat to you RO.

You asked for my home address to come after me RO, I never in my life said anything liek that to anyone on the internet RO but you did and the question is.....why?

Why do you think making threats like that is okay?

I bet you will never take ownership of that action either.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Why wait RO?Too scared? You figure if you set a date that far into the future you can just let everyone forget so you can save face?

I can meet you there tomorrow, it is a short drive or we have an airport you can fly in as you offered, don't back out now chickensh!t.
This is so stupid, TJ.


Jesus Christ.

I am so much above you, but you bring out the worst in me and I sink to your level.

There are so many factors, elements, and this and that and fukken everything else to be added to this equation?

Such as....

Will I show up?

Will you show up?

Will you send someone the size of a house in your stead?

Will we meet and laugh about the bullsh!t?

Will we meet and decide to make out?

Will I wear a blue shirt or a red shirt?

Will you shave or go scruffy?

I mean, there are thousands of possibilities to factor in here. Is it at all possible that you and I agree on the belief that the other is full of sh!t?
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
"I" make idle threats?I never made a single threat to you RO.

You asked for my home address to come after me RO, I never in my life said anything liek that to anyone on the internet RO but you did and the question is.....why?

Why do you think making threats like that is okay?

I bet you will never take ownership of that action either.
You're not worth it, TJ.

If I go to jail it would be for a far greater cause than proving you wrong.

TJ's a douche

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
I bet you will never take ownership of that action either.
This coming from the one who never takes ownership of anything....
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
"I" make idle threats?I never made a single threat to you RO.

You asked for my home address to come after me RO, I never in my life said anything liek that to anyone on the internet RO but you did and the question is.....why?

Why do you think making threats like that is okay?

I bet you will never take ownership of that action either.
And #2, I asked you if you'd rather me tell it to your face. And then I asked your address. If I was actually going through with this, and not laughing about the situation, I'd press you further for information on how I can find you.

What you look like or what you will be driving for instance?

Threats are subjective.

What I deem as a fukken joke, you might get offended.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
You're not worth it, TJ.If I go to jail it would be for a far greater cause than proving you wrong.
Run awayyyyyyyy...........

Your the one who shot off your mouth, I have never made a threat like that to you RO. You need to grow up my friend. Start taking responsibility for your actions and try to learn that what you did here today is wrong.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Run awayyyyyyyy...........Your the one who shot off your mouth, I have never made a threat like that to you RO. You need to grow up my friend. Start taking responsibility for your actions and try to learn that what you did here today is wrong.
I ain't your friend, palooka.

And the only thing I will admit was my error was acknowledging you to begin with.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
I ain't your friend, palooka.And the only thing I will admit was my error was acknowledging you to begin with.
So making the threat was okay?
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
So making the threat was okay?
Aren't we in the Free For All section?

If I had made it elsewhere, some one would've accused me of derailment.

And how is that threat? I mean, I didn't propose to do you any physical harm. And if I did come to do mental harm, who would you go tell? Your wife? The police?

Again, threats are subjective.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
Aren't we in the Free For All section? If I had made it elsewhere, some one would've accused me of derailment.

And how is that threat? I mean, I didn't propose to do you any physical harm. And if I did come to do mental harm, who would you go tell? Your wife? The police?

Again, threats are subjective.
No sane person would travel that far to chase their anger just to spout insults like a child RO. The threat was there, play games if you like but even that is more evidence of how you refuse to take responsibility for your actions.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Good Grief!!! I'll fight you both with both arms tied behind my back. Do either of you challenge my ninja skills? Give me your addresses...I'll prove it. HIYA!!!! I scare myself sometimes *does impressive set of high kicks and clocks self in the cooter with nunchuks*
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
No sane person would travel that far to chase their anger just to spout insults like a child RO. The threat was there, play games if you like but even that is more evidence of how you refuse to take responsibility for your actions.
Prove there was a threat of physical harm! You can't! Maybe I'd show up and treat you to a fukken Orange Julius. Perhaps I'd show up in the effort to sale you some oceanfront property in Arizona.

No judge in the land would argue that there was a threat. And if there is one judge to argue that, he's probably in your pocket or a limp-wristed bedwetting statist.

It's all subjective, ya big whiner. Your feelings got hurt and now you have to go on a holier than thou tear to prove your balls are normal sized.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

emkay64 said:
Good Grief!!! I'll fight you both with both arms tied behind my back. Do either of you challenge my ninja skills? Give me your addresses...I'll prove it. HIYA!!!! I scare myself sometimes *does impressive set of high kicks and clocks self in the cooter with nunchuks*
I can't speak for my adversary, but I would never threaten a woman with physical or emotional harm.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

RoyalOrleans said:
And if I did come to do mental harm, who would you go tell? Your wife? The police?
Or the bigger question. How would anyone tell the difference? :D
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
No sane person would travel that far to chase their anger just to spout insults like a child RO.
did RO actually make the trip?