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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


Morning sunshine..

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Lewis.. relentlessly repeating and projecting your Own Private Idaho on others will never make it true.

Have a delusional day


Baby Jesus

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Hey Lewis...

Do not Judge

What part of that don't you understand?

ps.. shut the f*ck up and quit twisting my words.


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Hey Lewis...


Run and hide... tough guy... I'm sure you can find some women and children to take it out on..


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Does it really matter?
Actually, it did. But you refuse to listen to what I have to say, so...whatever. Keep assuming you know everything I feel. You will anyway.

timesjoke said:
Like you believing eddo was not capable of posting all bad things about me Ali?That was also the truth but you refuse to allow yourself to see that truth.
Rhetoric. Boring.

timesjoke said:
With MrsK, you gave her crap until you broke her, everyone knows it to be true, where do you think I learned about it? I was gone from the jungle when you guys stopped fighting, someone had to tell me, just like somone filled me in on many of your details and even the specifics on the husband you were so critical of with her.
That's the undisputed universal truth, huh? I wonder how MrsK views it? Hmmm.

"Someone had to tell me"...lol! That one always cracks me up. Funny how such an omnipotent being as yourself needs to bring up his "hundreds of supportive PMS" and extensive network of super secret informants to back his sh!t up.

Ehh...whatever it takes to make you feel justified, big guy. Knock yourself out.

timesjoke said:
I know more than you think I know.
Yes, yes. I'm sure you do. It's not like you don't shove your vast personal knowledge of anything and everything down our throats EVERY BLOODY DAY!

timesjoke said:
You don't Ali, even in your real world life there is not one person you will let be around you that is not dominated by you.
Now you assume to know my real life. Your arrogance really is boundless, isn't it? LOL! Okey dokey! :D

timesjoke said:
This entire thread is you projecting on me Ali.

timesjoke said:
I don't see a need for flame threads, you do. I don't attack peopls's families, you do. I don't attack people in personal ways just because I am angry, you do. Everything you have tried to paint me with is actually describing yourself.
You're easily one of the biggest flamers here, TJ. You just don't own up to it....excuse machine!!!!

timesjoke said:
You have not had a good day your entire life Ali.Sure you put on a good face but your a miserable person. You strike out at me and the many people before me because your a mess inside. I am just the flavor of the week with you, many other people have endured your wrath and many more in the furture will do so as well because you always need someone to be attacking to help you feel better about yourself.
Oh absolutely! I bend multitudes to my will by the hour! I'm one evil, rotten, miserable bitch.

You would know, right? I mean....you know everything. So I guess there's no point in us having a discussion ever again, since you already know everything there possibly is to know about me, therefore there's absolutely no room for growth. We've hit a dead end.

I see no need to continue with you here. Besides, you're boring and I've found a shiny new toy to play with.

See ya! :)

Oh, and have a GREAT fukking day.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Ali said:
Actually, it did. But you refuse to listen to what I have to say, so...whatever. Keep assuming you know everything I feel. You will anyway.
Your every post is your chance to say what you have to say Ali. Why is this other tidbit any different than anything else you have ever posted?

To me it does not matter why you act poorly, it is all just excuses for your bad bahavior, nothing else.

Ali said:
Rhetoric. Boring.
No, it is the truth, but you do not care about the truth.

Ali said:
That's the undisputed universal truth, huh? I wonder how MrsK views it? Hmmm.

"Someone had to tell me"...lol! That one always cracks me up. Funny how such an omnipotent being as yourself needs to bring up his "hundreds of supportive PMS" and extensive network of super secret informants to back his sh!t up.

Ehh...whatever it takes to make you feel justified, big guy. Knock yourself out.
Your the one trying to justify your acting poorly Ali, not me.

Ali said:
Yes, yes. I'm sure you do. It's not like you don't shove your vast personal knowledge of anything and everything down our throats EVERY BLOODY DAY!
Like you shoving these flame threads down people's throats Ali? You famous for flamming people, long before I ever showed up in your life.

Ali said:
Now you assume to know my real life. Your arrogance really is boundless, isn't it? LOL! Okey dokey! :D
Like the abuse you had as a child? People love to talk about you Ali.

Ali said:
You're easily one of the biggest flamers here, TJ. You just don't own up to it....excuse machine!!!!
I tell the truth above all other things, you feel I should lie to save feelings and if I do not lie, that is the same thing as a flame in your world.

I do not flame is reality though, put simply it is the desperate act of a child to always turn to flames as you always do.

Ali said:
Oh absolutely! I bend multitudes to my will by the hour! I'm one evil, rotten, miserable bitch.

You would know, right? I mean....you know everything. So I guess there's no point in us having a discussion ever again, since you already know everything there possibly is to know about me, therefore there's absolutely no room for growth. We've hit a dead end.

I see no need to continue with you here. Besides, you're boring and I've found a shiny new toy to play with.

See ya! :)
Your only a nasty person when you or one of your friends feel threatened or is embarrassed in some way, but your always miserable, that is why you try to over compensate your E-friendships and why you didn't have the ability to control your eating.

Ali said:
Oh, and have a GREAT fukking day.
Always do, thanks ;)
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
No, it is the truth, but you do not care about the truth.
please refer to this.

This time read it and try to understand it, ok?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
please refer to this.This time read it and try to understand it, ok?
Read it, understood it, responded to all of it already, please try to keep up.

You and Ali do this back and forth all the time, it is a practiced process you have rehersed with several other people long before you ever heard of me eddo. One is in trouble, the other steps in to run interference.


The point is how nasty you two can be to people, you both go on and on about how you feel justified to act so bad sure, but that is as far as the two of you ever go, you never try to look at yourself and ask why you look for excuses to flame people and lie about them to try and hurt them.

Why would you ever "want" to hurt me or anyone else eddo? That desire to harm is a failing inside yourself eddo, I can't force you to feel this way, I am not Mangiafuoco.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
Read it, understood it, responded to all of it already, please try to keep up.
I saw you reply, but yet again I think you fail to understand it.

in a nutshell:

Just because you think something is one way, or "truth," does not mean that it is that way to everyone else. Your version of "truth" is very subjective.

timesjoke said:
Why would you ever "want" to hurt me or anyone else eddo? That desire to harm is a failing inside yourself eddo, I can't force you to feel this way, I am not Mangiafuoco.
based solely on your last response to (read: attack on) Ali, you have this same internal failing. But somehow I doubt you will see it that way.

you haven't before...

I'd ask if you want to start a support group for us, but you gotta deal with step 1 first...
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
I saw you reply, but yet again I think you fail to understand it.

in a nutshell:

Just because you think something is one way, or "truth," does not mean that it is that way to everyone else. Your version of "truth" is very subjective.
As is yours.

Just because many do not agree with me, that does not make me wrong either, take those who believed the Earth was flat for example.

eddo said:
based solely on your last response to (read: attack on) Ali, you have this same internal failing. But somehow I doubt you will see it that way.

you haven't before...

I'd ask if you want to start a support group for us, but you gotta deal with step 1 first...
Interesting you see what I said as an attack, but it is perfectly fine in your mind to attack my family or even attack me on things that have nothing to do with the discussions we are having.

If I do "return" a flame made on me, then the solution is an easy one, don't jump in the mud and then complain when you get dirty eddo.

Seriously, you both attack me hundreds of ways but you have the balls to complain if I return one? That is not what I was doing anyway, but even if it was, why are you complaining?
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
those who believed the Earth was flat for example.
you. are. dense.

timesjoke said:
Seriously, you both attack me hundreds of ways but you have the balls to complain if I return one?
Who's complaining that you get involved in the attacks? Many, many of us are guilty of it- INCLUDING YOU. Part of the issue here is that you attack, and then pretend that you don't attack.

You, too, are a master of the flame. So quit acting like you're not.

You are also a master of the chicken-sh!t excuses:

"I'm not gonna post a pic, cause you will be mean."

"I've got lots of friends that pm me in secret, but I won't tell you who they are and they won't get involved in any way publicly."

"I have my own board that I want to give you the members to, but not if you aren't gonna do things my way."

"My friends, who aren't members here and won't come here to verify anything I say, say you need professional help."

timesjoke said:
That is not what I was doing anyway, but even if it was, why are you complaining?

you. are. dense.

own your sh!t man. own it. You just about had it there, claiming that you attacked, but then you pussed out and backpedaled faster than Joe Wilson. own it. admit you do it too.

Then maybe we can get that support group going. :)
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
you. are. dense.
Well your entitled to your opinion but it seems to me that your only making excuses for your own horrible and nasty behavior eddo, so I don't believe anything you say now can be truly objective.

eddo said:
Who's complaining that you get involved in the attacks? Many, many of us are guilty of it- INCLUDING YOU. Part of the issue here is that you attack, and then pretend that you don't attack.
I actually don't ever attack (the way you do) but you always lie and say I do so I was trying to offer a new direction for the discussion to get away from your broken record by asking why you complain about one from me when you toss hundreds at me first?

What I mean by "the way you do" is you post something with the intent to cause harm first, and the topic is just the tool to cause harm. I take the topic at hand first and I may say something that could be seen as negative to someone but that was not my intent. To offer an example let's look at Ali's weight problems. When she made the thread talking about her getting the belt to help her lose weight, I mentioned that the belt only forces her to eat less, a thing she could do herself without the belt. You called that a viscious flame, Ali lost her mind, but what I said was the truth and I did not say it for the purpose to hurt her but to instead offer a factual point.

eddo said:
You, too, are a master of the flame. So quit acting like you're not.
lol, that is truly funny eddo.

I always avoided the flame sections eddo, I still remember how Ali challenged me to meet her in the flame war section at the jungle over and over again and I asked her and the rest of you to avoid such childish behaviors but you all insisted.

In fact I remember all of you cheering Ali on, you sang her praises and told of her epic battles with other people she had ripped apart before me and you all dared me to face her.

There was this awe you all showed her because you all feared her flame skills.

And I agree, Ali knows no limits, everything is fair game with her, family, friends, nothing is off limits when Ali is angry. So that raw hostility was seen as insurmountable by any challenger who were to face Ali. The reason so many before me were destroyed by Ali is they tried to match her ferocious style, and in that area, Ali has no match.

I do okay against Ali because I don't try to play her game. I don't try to rip her apart, I instead concentrate on her bahaviors that are the result of her anger, and just like you there is nothing you guys can say to get around that fact.

Your trying to harm, I'm just standing my ground, and in that there is a world of difference.

eddo said:
You are also a master of the chicken-sh!t excuses:

"I'm not gonna post a pic, cause you will be mean."

"I've got lots of friends that pm me in secret, but I won't tell you who they are and they won't get involved in any way publicly."

"I have my own board that I want to give you the members to, but not if you aren't gonna do things my way."

"My friends, who aren't members here and won't come here to verify anything I say, say you need professional help."
Believe what you want, I had similar replies to Ali's fake issue with "motorboating". Most people do not believe Ali believes a motorboat is opressive to all women everywhere in the world or out of line, it is just a form of sexual play and if people both like their play, who is Ali to flame them? Ali only took that possition to attack me on a personal level.....period.

As far as sharing my personal information......well sharing just a little has ended up with thousands of distortions and personal attacks based on twisting what I say into things I never said so where is my positive reinforcement to share more eddo?

Start being friendly to me and maybe I will open up more to you, but all you have ever shoed me is your intent to lie about me and what I say so I really see no positive for me in giving you more to distort.

eddo said:

you. are. dense.

own your sh!t man. own it. You just about had it there, claiming that you attacked, but then you pussed out and backpedaled faster than Joe Wilson. own it. admit you do it too.

Then maybe we can get that support group going. :)
eddo, the difference is intent.

You, Ali, and Chi "WANT" to harm, I don't.
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Hey Lewis

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Don't you have some churches to build?

Or perhaps there's some children somewhere that need saving.. or beating..

Maybe some water balloons to suck on or sumpin'? At 5 grand a pop you should be rooting on em all the fukkin' time.. Doesn't that sound much better than trying to convince a handful of people online that you're not insane?

Don't want her gettin' bored and go off and find another man to suck on your wallet like your other wife.. .. do ya?

excuse me.. ex wife .. ;) lol.. :) .. lol..

Just judging you by your standards.. right killer ;)

have a great night


ps.. shut the f*ck up before I get real ugly..
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
eddo, the difference is intent.

You, Ali, and Chi "WANT" to harm, I don't.
Not sure why you are draggin' Chi into this now, but again, I refer you to this:

eddo said:
please refer to this.This time read it and try to understand it, ok?
In your mind- you know our intent every time. Now, I cannot speak for Ali, or Chi, but I do not attack you all the time. I even showed you where I was one of the first to welcome you back when you first showed back up here. In your mind- you are always right about us, so there is no way I could every be nice to you. Sure, there are times I slam you- but I do it to everyone. But you can't take a joke. You refuse to take the effort to learn us.

and for the record- I could care less whether or not we ever become friendly, or if you ever share proof with us of who you really are. I only ever point it out to show you that you aren't as high and mighty as you think you are. Co-habitation is doable, but it'd be a whole lot easier if we didn't all think you were just here to be a jackass.

Ya know, if you tool half the energy that you spend looking down your nose at us and apply it to trying to actually get to know and understand us (this includes understanding our humor- which you are very bad at)- and things would all smooth out on their own.

Your choice.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

eddo said:
Not sure why you are draggin' Chi into this now, but again, I refer you to this:
She follows the attack line you and Ali have set up pretty well, especially when you two are already in the motion. She also has been one of the few who say I am telling lies about every aspect of my life as you do.

eddo said:
In your mind- you know our intent every time. Now, I cannot speak for Ali, or Chi, but I do not attack you all the time. I even showed you where I was one of the first to welcome you back when you first showed back up here. In your mind- you are always right about us, so there is no way I could every be nice to you. Sure, there are times I slam you- but I do it to everyone. But you can't take a joke. You refuse to take the effort to learn us.
So you do as I asked Ali to do and look at all your posts, just go back 50 posts and tell me how many of those have been nice eddo.

Maybe one, if that so how do you expect me to respond? The last time this subject came up you offered a positive reputation entry as your only example of being nice to me eddo. Nothing has changed sense then.

You even went on a tirade against my spelling eddo......until you messed up yourself (such as your use of "every" instead of "ever" I marked above. You mess up spelling too but only "I" get flammed for it. Why would you flame me for spelling? Why go out of your way to try and call me obese and such? Because all you want to do is attack, sometimes it is for the same reasons Ali does, to defend her friends, other times there seems to be no reason at all for it, you just seem to get off on it.

eddo said:
and for the record- I could care less whether or not we ever become friendly, or if you ever share proof with us of who you really are. I only ever point it out to show you that you aren't as high and mighty as you think you are. Co-habitation is doable, but it'd be a whole lot easier if we didn't all think you were just here to be a jackass.
Well I don't believe you eddo, and you have not offered me one reason to believe you would handle new information about me any better than what you already have. I am slammed almost every day by you and Ali when you twist what you do know into lies to flame me with. If you were not doing that I would gladly share more of myself with you guys but at this point, where is the positive for me?

If "all" of you thought I was a jackass I might believe I had part of the problem with this situation but I get a lot of feedback from people from things like Ali's fake indignation about the "motorboating" from people to prove to me I am not the one pushing this mess but it is instead you two who are pushing it.

I know, I know your usual line that I am a complete liar.....you know that adds to it, if your going to claim everything I say is a lie...why should I ever try to share with you eddo? There is no way I can ever prove anything to you to get you to stop your attacks because you like to do them too much.

That was one of the reasons I offered Ali my riverhouse, I don't mind helping good people I know would not mess the place up but more than that I saw a chance to finally shut you up with all your claims that I lie about everything. You have been a broken record calling me a liar for over two years as well........so again, where do I see anything positive from you? Do you think calling me a liar all the time will make me want to warm up to you?

eddo said:
Ya know, if you tool half the energy that you spend looking down your nose at us and apply it to trying to actually get to know and understand us (this includes understanding our humor- which you are very bad at)- and things would all smooth out on their own.

Your choice.

Oh don't play that understand your humor crap eddo, I have seen several times where all of you seem to have your moments of not understand each other's humor so you can just forget that crap.

I have asked you many times why I would ever expect humor from you in my direction and you do not answer......because you know you have never given me any reason to believe you would ever be friendly with me eddo.....never.

You mistake my humor as well eddo. I guess you have never taken the time to get to know me either right?

We are humans, we will miss things sometimes but if I miss something you and Ali will try to grind my bones into flour as punnishment when you misunderstand something I have said.

************* respond to all of this if nothing else eddo ************

You think me stating facts is looking down my nose. Such as your being angry about me sticking up for MrsK where all this really started. You both said I was talking down to you because I did not understand the "history" with MrsK.

I didn't even know Ali and at that time I was at the Jungle because you invited me so I had a somewhat friendly relationship with you at that point.

I certainly did not know MrsK either so when you and Ali were ripping her apart, I had no dog in that fight eddo. There was no history of agression as we have now to motivate me to speak out against you so why do you think I defended MrsK?

Do you think I was trying to "start" a history of us being at each other's throats eddo? I saw how tenacious you were to flaming Wez and I was seeing how vicious Ali could be with what I saw her posting against MrsK so do you really believe I was motivated to get you mad at me eddo?

I really do not know what you think on this but all I do know is I saw two people (Ali and yourself) ripping apart another person and in my mind, no amount of history justified that leval of hatred and nasty actions so I spoke out against that kind of behavior........behaviors you and Ali have been subjecting me to ever sense. This "war" was started because I dared to question what you two were doing, you have been hostile to me in every way ever sense.

I know you two feel justified in what you do, otherwise you would not do it eddo, but I find it interesting you always fall back on excuses for your bad behaviors, you claim "history" justifies. Well I am sorry but I do not see it that way. Today you guys get along with MrsK, so I guess now she is a good person when before she was "bad" and deserved to be ripped apart? How do you make such swings in behaviors eddo? How can people be both completely bad and deserving of the worse treatment you can imagine and then transform into someone who is your friend? Was there a magic wand involved?

Did she "earn" to be considered a human being from you two in some way? What was it she did to change your opinion of her from evil beast that needed to be E-killed to a nice person who should be your friend?

Did she have to perform for you as your trying to make me perform for you eddo? Did she have to fulfill certain tasks and behave as you wanted her to behave to "purchase" decent trereatment from you two?


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

So... I've been following this but who is MrsK?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Unregistered said:
So... I've been following this but who is MrsK?
A person on another forum this has all boiled over from. I was invited from here to go there by eddo and the first thing I was involved in was watching Ali and eddo rip into MrsK over her choice of husband who was in prison. I agree with both Ali and eddo that I at that time had no idea what was in their past in dealing with MrsK but that past was irrelivant to me because my point was based on their behaviors, not hers.

I felt there was no justification to ever treat another human being that way but for some reason Ali and eddo felt their past dealings with MrsK justified their actions.

When I asked them to enlighten me about their past dealings with MrsK they spoke of her being ugly to them in other discussions and how she treated them poorly...........

So that is when I made an observation that seems to be true about them both with me from that day to today......they were not attacking MrsK because of that topic but instead saw a chance to take some "revenge" against MrsK for what they saw as past misdeeds against them in other discussions.

That is why they kept talking about the "history" they had with MrsK, that "history" justified their desire for REVENGE just like that is their driving force to go after me now, it is all about them feeding their revenge monster.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Hey Lewis said:
Don't you have some churches to build? Or perhaps there's some children somewhere that need saving.. or beating..

Maybe some water balloons to suck on or sumpin'? At 5 grand a pop you should be rooting on em all the fukkin' time.. Doesn't that sound much better than trying to convince a handful of people online that you're not insane?

Don't want her gettin' bored and go off and find another man to suck on your wallet like your other wife.. .. do ya?

excuse me.. ex wife .. ;) lol.. :) .. lol..

Just judging you by your standards.. right killer ;)

have a great night


ps.. shut the f*ck up before I get real ugly..
God Bless America


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I guess I don't really know enough about the situation to really respond... I just don't see why you are wasting your time with these people. You are obviously an intelligent man with a good head on your shoulders.

This "MrsK" seems very lucky to have you as a friend. I'm sure she thanks her lucky starts you are defending her honor.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Unregistered said:
I guess I don't really know enough about the situation to really respond... I just don't see why you are wasting your time with these people. You are obviously an intelligent man with a good head on your shoulders. This "MrsK" seems very lucky to have you as a friend. I'm sure she thanks her lucky starts you are defending her honor.
Thinking two can play at the "sign in as a guest" game there TJ?
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I'm guessing Hugo.

What are "lucky starts"?
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